• Published 31st Jan 2018
  • 547 Views, 3 Comments

Forgotten Data - Lightningflash101

When a cyborg reactivates to find that his alone and has a corrupted memory core. He must adapt to the destroyed world around him and find his past.

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We walked for what felt like hours before Aqua stopped in front of a door. On top of the frame had the words, "Testing chamber".

For a moment, I felt a sense of ease go over me as I stopped at Aqua's side. It's strange...

My body seems to know this place. The entire building gives me the feeling of familiarity as she and I walked. I'll have to keep it to myself until I can trust her and her friend more. After all, Max doesn't seem to trust me as much as he scares me.

Aqua walked to the door and inspected everything around it.

" Let's hope that this room wasn't picked clean by any bandits. The door had been locked for a good while." she said, prying the metal door open with her hooves before walking in.

"Yeah..." I replied, following behind her, "Lets hope"

The room was bigger then I thought. It was about the size of 10 coliseums or even more than that. The roof had been raised to almost 2,035 miles up... How do I know how high that is?

From what I could see, the entire room had lines on the ground to section off everything. One big line divided the entire room in two. On the left, some of these sections had countless other forms of training; weightlifting, wind tunnels, obstacle courses, shooting ranges. On the right, multiple repair beys have stationed across the room. All long been abandoned and covered in dust. The far wall ahead of us had a building with a rust covered sigh that reads, "Storage".

Looking at the area gives me a chill down my spine.

"let's check out the storage room." Aqua said, "If anything, your wings will be in there."

"And if they ain't?" I questioned

"They will be." she stated, "Eventhough your memory is corrupted, I was still able to find a little about your past. It looked like you would go here when testing was done. Most likely to put your wings away. So we'll look there first."

Her horn started glowing a light green before a flash of light blinded me. When the light faded, we were in front of the storage building. Its metal doors seemed to be also locked. The screen next to it seemed to still have some power inside.

My body moved on its own as I walked to the device. No text could be seen on it. Instead, it had an outline of a hoof. My front leg began to reach out to the screen. I wonder if I...

My hoove fitted the outline perfectly. Suddenly text filled my vision as well as a diagram of my body.

Opening storage doors. Scanning...

Wing_LF_L and Wing_LF_R Parts missing.

Forging path to wing storage unit. Please follow the path that is marked by orange lights

"I... I think I got it." I stated as the door next to me start to open.

corrupted memory core detected. Please seek the closest scientist and/or employee for replacement core before starting today's tests. Have a nice day

I took a step back from the screen as the text vanished. Allowing me to see clearly again. The door slowly opened itself as dim flickering lights of varying color tried to light the vast room. Green. Yellow, blue, pink, est. They all lead in different paths. Some overlapping others.

" but how?" aqua asked puzzled, " I thought all the power was sucked from this place

I shrugged as I continued forward. It didn't take long for before I found the orange path. Although their lights seem to be dead for a while. My body already seemed to know where to go in the first place. Like it has been a daily routine that I've been through for years. It's so strange to think that this was normal in my past. I could tell that Aqua was still asking questions as I walked. But for the life of me, I couldn't hear what she was saying.

I have this feeling. Am I anxious? Whatever it is, its making move faster. Walk to trot, trot to run.

"Hay! Slow down!"" Aqua shouted, "We don't know what could be hiding in this place!"

My body was in auto piolet. It felt like I was being drawn to these wings. As if they were begging to be put into use again.

A turn to the left... Then a right.

But when I turned the corner, every locker there was opened. Doors were missing on some. Others were just laying on the ground nearby them just to the other end of the room, there was a massive hole. The light from outside was spilling out inside the room. Making the rest of theses halls seem like pure darkness. I stopped in my tracks altogether. What had happened here?

Fear had returned to me. But it was different this time. It's familiar. I've felt it before... But when?

I slowly walked to a locker, forth to the left. Inside was bare aside from a poster of myself alongside some other pegasi wearing some sort of flying suit and goggles. Each suit was sporting different brands all over them as well as a big number along their front right leg. Mine was the number "101". To my right, a mare with "62". To my left was another stallion with "01". The poster reads, "Get tickets to watch the Interno 15 pegasus race in manehat-" before a rip on the bottom hid the rest.

For some reason, a new feeling swept over me. Overwhelming sadness. Tears were forming as I stared at the poster. My throat tightened slightly as my breathing became uneven. Something terrible must have happened then.

I had to force myself to look away. Tears were sliding down my face as Aqua came into view. She was just standing there with the blank expression of her helmet. As if she was waiting for me to say something.

"th-theyre not here..."I choked out, "it...its empty..."

She stood here silent for a moment before she turned was started to walk back to the doors. I looked at the poster for a moment before following behind her.