• Published 27th Mar 2018
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A Summer Trip to London - Hourglass

The Mane 7 and the rest of the gang from Canterlot High are going on a summer trip to London UK for two weeks!

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Chapter 10: The Prime Meridian

The next day saw a very excited CHS group leaving the hotel for an incredible day today.

"I can't believe it!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "We are going to the Prime Meridian."

Twilight spoke up. "Did you know that The Prime Meridian is where the whole world gets mapped from? It's true, we are going to Latitude 0 degrees today. It's also where all the world's time zones start from."

"That sounds great," Said Applejack. "Will all be at a place where time starts, I can see what time it is back home."

"It will be a very good and incredible time today, but I do hope that I see birds there." Fluttershy whispered.

Pinkie Pie perked up. "Are you all excited because I'm excited to be going to the center of space and time?" The others slowly nodded. "I KNEW IT!!!" Pinkie shouted loudly.

Sunset Shimmer was glad to be going to see what this place would be like as well as Rarity and everyone was looking forward to a good afternoon at the Royal Observatory. The whole group began their journey by taking the Jubilee Line all the way out to Canary Wharf Station, once they had come out of the station they took to the elevated rail system known as the Docklands Light Railway (or DLR) from Canary Wharf on a trip under the Thames River and back out onto the Cutty Sark Station which was for Maritime Greenwich. They walked the rest of the way to the Royal Observatory. There were no groups this time and everyone was free to see whatever they wanted at the Royal Observatory.

The Mane 7's first port of call was the prime Meridian itself. The Prime Meridian was really nothing all that impressive, it was just a steel line in the ground with a glass tube showing the beam of a laser shooting through it. On either side of the line were plaques showing how far away major cities were from the meridian.

"It looks like Sydney Australia is 10,553 miles from here." Applejack observed.

"Washington D.C. is 3,679 miles from here. If I had my geode I could get there in 2 hours." Rainbow Dash spoke confidently.

Twilight was surprised to see that their hometown of Canterlot was not mentioned. "Why is our home not mentioned on here?" She asked.

"Probably because Canterlot is not as well known as some of the other U.S. cities." Fluttershy spoke.

Rarity let out an excited squeal when she saw what was at her feet. "PARIS IS 698 MILES AWAY! I'VE GOT TO SEND SOME OF MY DRESSES THERE!"

Flash, Micro, and Sandalwood were all looking at the many clocks near the Observatory. The clocks were all very different, some of them were usual clocks, some of them had weather signals on them, some had 24 hours on their faces, and some even had a red ball above them. Flash and Sandalwood both asked Micro Chips a question.

"Micro, why are all of these clocks made differently?" asked Flash.

"Yeah, why are they so different?" Sandalwood asked.

Micro Chips explained "These many different specimens of time keeping machines are all made for the location of the world that we are standing upon. The usual 12 hour clocks that you see are for measuring time in the usual way that any analog or digital clock would measure time by. The clocks that have weather signals are used to measure the weather in the surrounding area as well as to be used to measure time. The clocks that have 24 hours on their faces are to measure time on a 24 hour time frame, this time frame measurement is commonly known as Military Time since it is used in armed forces to keep accurate timing. The clocks with a red ball above them are to be used as timing mechanisms for tourists or for passersby, as soon as it turns 1:00 PM the ball drops to signify that a new clock cycle has begun. People can use that drop of the ball to set their watches or phone clocks accurately to Greenwich Meantime."

Meanwhile at the prime Meridian Snails was challenging Snips to a most absurd competition. This is what it was.

"O.K. Snips, the first person to completely polish this entire part of the Prime Meridian gets to use both Oyster Cards for the rest of the day. Are you ready?" Snails asked.

"Ready Snails!" Snips shouted.

Snails began the countdown. "One...Two...Three!" The both of them completely went crazy trying to polish the Meridian line with just their t-shirts or their hands. They both were quite a sight to see for all of the people who were watching, at one point a man even tried to get the attention of a nearby Bobby (London Police Man) to get them to stop. In the end Snips was the one who won the competition and got to use both of their Oyster Cards for the rest of the day.

There were a lot of other great things that happened that day like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looking around some rooms of the Royal Observatory, Derpy asking Photo Finish to take a picture of her standing on the Prime Meridian, and finally Vice Principal Luna looking at the exhibit of the Moon's pattern through the night sky. They all finished by taking a school group photo in front of the Royal Observatory before getting on the DLR and taking the Underground back to the hotel for the night. Another day had been finished...