• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 850 Views, 3 Comments


The Mane 7 finds out about the final element that not just link to their geode but can upgrade their power but they need to face not just the owner of that geode but the dark duo that wants to use the Equestrian Magic to take over the world

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It is another day in CHS as Meadow Swirl is with the CMC inside their club room.

“Why am I here again?” asked Meadow.

“We need adult for this discussion,” said Applebloom.

The teen prodigy sighs.

“What is it this time?” asked Meadow.

Sweetie Belle plays with her fingers.

“Well, there is a movie that we want to watch and it need adult supervision,” said Sweetie Belle.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy is with the Mane 7 but her mind is still thinking about yesterday event


Fluttershy walks alongside the road as she pass the apartment and sees Meadow Swirl puts the white stone into his apartment. ‘Wait, isn’t that the rock that stored our Geode crystal in Everfree Camp? Why did he bring it here?’ thinks Fluttershy

*End Flashback*

Fluttershy sighs. ‘Is he our new enemy? Why does he want the geode?’ thinks Fluttershy. She looks up and sees Pinkie Pie’s face.

“What cha doing?” asked Pinkie.

“You still thinking about that boy, sugarcube?” asked Applejack.

“He’s just a normal student that is not used in friendship atmosphere,” said Sunset.

Fluttershy sighs again. The bacon haired girl puts her hand on her shoulder.

“If you want, we can follow him after school so we can find out what makes him act like that,” said Sunset.

Fluttershy nods.

After the last class, Meadow Swirl walks alongside the road, unknowingly that the Mane 7 follow him. “Another calm day to walk peacefully,” said Meadow. The Mane 7 follows him until he arrive at the apartment and walks in. They stop at the door.

“Now what?” asked Rainbow.

Meadow Swirl walk into his lab and picks up the armor and repair the left arm.

“The robbers are now in Bank of Equestria, holding hostages. They are armed with machine guns and shotgun. Right now, the police and the arm forces are stuck outside with have no idea how to barge in without alarming the robbers.”

Meadow Swirl glances towards the television that shows the situation outside the bank. He stands up slowly and walks towards the stairs that lead to his basement.

Meadow Swirl walks to the middle of the basement. The floor in front of him opens as the leg armor rise up. He steps in the leg armor as it closes. The robotic arm that holding screwdriver tighten up the screw, forming a complete leg armor. Another robotic arm that holds the back armor moves towards his back as 2 robotic arms moves their position on his side. Meadow Swirl puts both of his hands to the side as the robotic arms add the hand armor on his hands and arms. The robotic arm that holds the back armor positions it on his back as another robotic arm that holds his chest armor puts it on his front. The same robot arm that holds a screwdriver, tighten the screws that connected the front armor and the back armor. Meadow Swirl puts his hands that fully armor down as the final robotic arm puts the helmet armor on him.

Meanwhile, the Mane 7 stands nearby, watching the Bank of Equestria.

“What are we going to do?” asked Pinkie.

“We can’t just barge in there. They will either kill the hostages or kill us,” said Twilight.

Applejack looks up and sees a robotic armor flies towards the Bank of Equestria.

“What in tarnation?” asked Applejack, shocked.

Inside Bank of Equestria, one of the robber turns to his leader.

“Those cops are stalling,” said the robber.

“Then we must show them that we mean business. Bring that guy,” said the leader, pointing at a family of 3.

One of the robber grabs the guy that wears a collar T shirt with white slack as he struggles but that robber hits his face with his backhand. His wife and daughter cry out his name as the robber pushes the man towards their leader. The man gasps as the leader pulls out a gun.

“You will be the sacrifice for our cause since the police not bother responding to our demand,” said the leader, aiming the gun towards the man’s head.

The daughter cries, still calling her father. Suddenly she looks up and shock. The robotic armor barges in and fires his Repulsor Beam towards the leader, sending him fly away to the wall. He turns to his side and fires the hand beam towards another robber, sending him to the wall. He turns again and fires the same beam to another robber, ending the same result. He looks at the front, pointing his hands as 3 robbers pointing their machine gun towards the hostages, yelling at him. He lowers his hands.

Inside the armor, Meadow Swirl chuckles.

“Guys, we’re gonna talk this through,” said Meadow.

The robotic armor’s shoulder mounted gun rises and fires towards the robbers as they fall down, releasing the hostages.

“It’s a good talk,” said Meadow inside the armor.

“No it wasn’t,” moaned one of the robbers.

The leader stands up, swinging a fire extinguisher towards the robotic armor, hitting it on the back. The robotic armor turns around and grabs the leader’s neck as he hoovers towards the location of the cops and throws the leader to the ground.

“He’s all yours,” said Meadow inside the armor as he flies away.

The cops barge in and arrest the remain robbers as the hostages run out for cover.

The Mane 7 looks in shock.

“Wow, whoever invent that robot, sure a great genius,” said Sunset.

“But what is that thing anyway? A robot?” asked Rainbow.

“It looks like a robot to me,” said Twilight.

Meadow Swill looks at new disassemble armor parts as he walks towards the right side of the basement.

“Okay, now for the next project,” said Meadow Swirl, looking at the white concrete stone that he brought from Everfree Campsite.

Meanwhile, Tempest Shadow bows in front of Starlight Glimmer.

“My Leach, I have discover the portal to another world. It was inside the statue holder,” said Tempest Shadow.

Starlight Glimmer stands up, holding the Staff of Sacanas.

“Now let’s take another step of conquering this world,” said Starlight as she laughs evilly.