• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 919 Views, 16 Comments

A Tale Of Ice and Fire - ZergPony

Been offered a second chance at life, A creature finds itself as a clean slate in Equestria.

  • ...

A New You

”I am very grateful to you Fluttershy. I didn't think that I would be so well received by you, frankly I was a little nervous to approach you,” Crimson Stripes stated.

”Hehe, you were afraid of little me?” She had a huge grin on her face. ”I never thought a day like that would come.”

”If you don't mind Fluttershy, would you teach me more about this world. I would forever be in your debt,” Crimson really hoped she would agree. The blue unicorn had really grown to like the yellow pegasus.

”Well, I am not as knowledgeable as Twilight, but I will gladly tell you more about Equestria.”

Fluttershy proceeded to explain the world as she knew it. She talked about their history, the hierarchy about the Princesses and what they did to ensure peace. She mentioned her friends and talked about the other creatures in Ponyville and in the world.

As Crimson listened intently to her story, the animals started to gather round again, finally finding the courage to trust the new pony. They sat and listened as well and enjoyed it, while eating their breakfast.

”And that's more or less a summary of our world called Equestria. I guess asking Twilight would be best though since she is Princess Celestia's star pupil...”

Crimson Stripes interrupted her kindly. ”Don't devalue yourself Fluttershy. I am very grateful for your explanation, and if the other ponies are as kind-hearted as you, I think my search will certainly give me the answers I seek.”

Fluttershy smiled at her new acquaintance. Soon she became rigid though. She noticed how high up the sun was in the sky. Her explanation had taken her longer than she expected and she totally forgot she had an appointment.

”Oh dear, I'm late!” She exclaimed horridly. She had promised to meet up with Rarity at her boutique, with the flowers she asked for yesterday. She glanced at two big baskets full with flowers at the side of her cottage. It would take her two rounds to carry both and that made her even more late.

Crimson Stripes asked her what was on her mind. Fluttershy explained to the unicorn her ordeal, while quickly flying back and forth finishing up her choirs. Rarity had learned a preservation spell from Twilight, to be able to use real flowers in her dresses without them withering or lose their scent.

”Ah, then allow me to help you Fluttershy. It is the least I can do to repay your kindness.”

Fluttershy didn't argue with the unicorn even though it was her assignment. Soon they were both off to Rarity with a basket each in their mouths.


”It's not very far now,” Fluttershy exclaimed without looking back. ”Rarity's Carousel Boutique is only a few leaps away.”

As to confirm what Fluttershy said, Crimson could see a building tower over some nearby houses just a little further away. The fashion boutique were in the outskirts of the village and not that far from Fluttershy's cottage.

Crimson Stripes spotted a few ponies making their way to do whatever task they had set themselves upon. They all came in different colour shades and sported a variety of manecuts. The cutie marks at their hips were also unique, some didn't have one, and Crimson deduced they were probably prepubescents.

”This is a part of my village, Ponyville,” she told Crimson Stripes. ”As I explained earlier it is home to a lot of different ponies. You will find that they are all friendly in their own way, so you don't have to be afraid to make new friends here.”

Crimson scoffed silently at her. Treating my like I am a child, huh? Well she means well I guess.

”I'm sure I can come to an understanding with these ponies if what you have been telling me is correct. Don't worry about me Fluttershy, honestly,” Crimson grinned forcefully, which were meant to reassure her. Not being born yesterday, the yellow pony sighed and turned her head forward.

”Alright if you say so,” the yellow pony said as she slowed down. “We are finally here. Thank goodness I didn't have to turn back for another round.”

The store radiated with beauty and even if Crimson didn't know of any other fashion boutiques it was clear that Rarity deeply cared for her profession.

Crimson Stripes put down the basket of flowers and wiped a little sweat away. Well now I know that I can at least run this far without too much trouble, good to know.

”Well then Fluttershy I guess I did my share. I must really thank you for taking so much time in teaching me about Ponyville.”

”Oh, u-um, are you leaving so soon?” She scratched with her right hoof in the ground as she spoke. ”You could come inside with me if you want. I am sure Rarity wouldn't mind if I brought you along.”

Hmm, tempting. Maybe meeting with Rarity could unlock some of my memories. It's not like I have a plan anyway.

”If you think that she wouldn't mind then I trust you Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy blushed at the comment. ”G-great, I-I think she would be delighted to make a new friend, no worries.”

If the store were beautiful on the outside it was even more stunning on the inside. Ponyquins were dressed in varieties of outfits, all very grand and expensive-looking. Different kinds of colourful soft-looking fabrics laid neatly on top of eachother in the room. Crimson also noted chests with sparkling gems. This Rarity seemed to work solely with the rarest of raw materials.

They both looked for the unicorn but couldn't see her in the boutique.

”Rarity? I am really sorry that I'm late. I brought the flowers you asked me about.”

A very noble-sounding voice answered her call, coming from another room in the boutique.

”Oh that is quite alright Fluttershy, dear. I am quite in the middle of something though, I will be with you momentarily..hmm no, no, oh goodness no..ah there, perfect! Alright I'm coming now, sorry for making you wait.”

A white immaculate unicorn with a lustrous purple mane and gems for cutie mark trotted into the room.

”Well well. This is a pleasant surprise, you brought a guest. It's always a pleasure to meet new...oh my goodness darling!” Rarity stared at Crimson Stripes for a second before rushing over for a closer look. She grabbed the pony's head and began twisting and turning it, examining it carefully.

Okay. Strangers inappropriately touching me seem to be all the rage today. Not being amused Crimson gently shook her off. It was kind of rude to invade one's personal space like that after all.

”Any problems, miss Rarity?” Crimson said with an icy tone.

”Sorry for startling you like that dear, but your unkempt mane is a crime towards fashion, and we can't have that now, can we?” She got a serious look in her face and eyed the unicorn intently.

Crimson stared at the white unicorn in disbelief. It's a crime to have a bad hair day?Then I am pretty screwed. She couldn't possible be serious now, could she?

”Surely you jest, miss? My mane is my business,” The blue unicorn put a hoof to its mane and brushed it lightly to get it out its eyes, it quickly fell back into its place though.

Rariry shook her head at the display, confirming her point. “Afraid not darling, it's a crime in this boutique and I am the judge, prosecutor and jury.”

Crimson gulped at her serious remark. “Don't I have the right to a lawyer?”

“Alas no dear, I fear I have already passed judgement upon you.”

This is idiotic. Like she think she can judge me for how I look. Let's see where she goes with this though, I'll play along for now.

“So what is my verdict then?”

“To be restyled by yours truly of course!”

“...What?” If the cyan unicorn's eyes weren't covering its eyes, you could see the blank stare on its face. Rarity only wanted to do a makeover!

“Denied,” Crimson said simply.

If Rarity were in Crimson's face earlier this was way worse. She proceeded to go from convincing judge to pouting pony, tears forming in her eyes.

“Please, let me restyle you, pretty, pretty please!”

Obnoxious little...No, be calm. If I just persist she has to give up. If Fluttershy had any opinion on this, she sure took her sweet time mentioning it.

“I am sorry, but my answer remains the same,” The blue pony would turn around if Rarity didn't latch on to its forelegs.

Puppies could learn from the look Rarity gave Crimson and the blue unicorn rolled its eyes under its mane.

“Please, I need you. You would look simply divine in this new style, I know you would darling.”

Crimson Stripes's face could now turn rubies to shame. This was really embarrassing to the newcomer.

As by a spell, Fluttershy finally stopped watching the event and decided to interact with the drama that were unfolding before her eyes.

“U-um, Crimson? If it's really not too much to ask, would you let Rarity help you? She is really good at what she does, and judging from her desperation, she wouldn't dream of charging you for it.”

As if money was the problem here! Couldn't Fluttershy see that this attention made the blue unicorn uncomfortable.

I am not getting out of this am I? Great...

Since resistance seemed futile and the blue unicorn was outnumbered two to one, it submitted to the will of the fashionista. If the two ponies had cared to listen, they probably would have noticed the groan coming out of Crimson's mouth.

“Fine. I'll allow you to work your magic on me, Rarity.”

Rarity made a noise that could be likened to a squeaky-toy. She stood up and regained her posture, now as majestic as before her whining.

“Splendid, dear. And I think we got on the wrong hoof earlier. Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Rarity, fashionista by profession and owner of the Carousel Boutique here in Ponyville.

“Charmed.” My name is Crimson Stripes. Owner of nothing and with no fancy title to my name.” The words stung like bee stings in Crimson's mouth.

“Oh dear.” Rarity got a concerned look on her face, much like the one Fluttershy had given Crimson earlier today. Clearly a procedure for these ponies it seemed.

Fluttershy kindly interjected the conversation and started to explain to Rarity about her meeting with Crimson Stripes.

This time Rarity magically levitated a tissue to wipe her eyes. Ponies also seemed liable to cry often. A wonder they didn't drown in there own sorrow, and concern for others.

“That must be the saddest story I have ever heard. Crimson dear, you must have had it awful in that scary forest.”

“It's nothing really, please don't cry for my sake.” If her invading the cyan unicorn's personal space made it uneasy, crying was certainly a turn for the worse.

“Crimson sweetheart, there must be more I could do for you than fix your mane style.”

Great, more alteration. Will I even recognize myself after she is done?

“No, that's fine you don't have to go to such lengths for me.”

Rarity would have nothing of that, she was as stubborn as she was generous. “I must insist though, dear. Now that I think about it, you might be perfect for the new collection I created.”

Crimson Stripes didn't dare to object, since the waterworks would probably begin anew if that happened. The blue pony complied to the request.

“I'll try out an outfit as well then...”

“Wonderful! Fluttershy? Could you please gather the flowers. They are the last things I need to complete the collection. Styling Crimson and finishing it would align perfectly.”

“Styling me and finishing your collection at the same time. No offence, but aren't you in over your head?”

She gave Crimson the reassuring look she gave all the ponies that asked her that. “Oh darling, don't be silly. You make it sound like it's going to be hard.”

She laughed as she guided the blue unicorn to a mirror. “Now sit tight please. I need to straighten out the knots in your mane and tail.”

Crimson complied and sat down, while the white unicorn started levitating a brush and went loose on the blue pony's mane.

Crimson regarded her magic ability with interest. Sure seems like something neat to have. I wonder how much magic she can do?

The blue unicorn lost itself in thoughts as the brush caressed its mane gently. It were strangely relaxing and Crimson's tension from earlier started to fade away. The cyan pony became unaware of the passing of time.

Crimson awoke to two clips being fastened at the same time. One forcing the bangs of out of the eyes of the unicorn and one in the tail. It felt odd though, like it were out of place for the pony to wear them.

“Alright dear your mane and tail grooming is done, but don't peek yet please. I need to get this new outfit on you before you witness the new you.”

The cyan, crimson striped pony continued to close its eyes as it felt soft fabric slid over its body. It made for a really nice fit. Like it were made especially for me. How nice. There were also a nice fragrance coming from the fabric, which were probably the flowers they had carried with them earlier.

The waiting made Crimson a little excited. Now that perhaps the blue pony looked the part, maybe it would be easier to interact with other locals in the village. I really misjudged Rarity. I have to properly thank her for doing me this favour. This is sure to help me along my way.

“Time to witness your new look, dear.”

The blue unicorn opened its eyes to look into the mirror.

A pretty light blue pony, in a blue-green dress riding high on the flank, featuring both roses and carnelians professionally attached to it, stared back at Crimson. She wore a brooch made of rubies in her mane as well as one in her tail.

Wow she is kind of pretty. I didn't know Rarity worked on another pony while I were here. I guess I don't give her enough credit, huh? I wonder how I look myself.

Crimson Stripes turned to wherever the mirror were placed. Odd. It had been just in front, hadn't it? The blue unicorn noticed the other female from the corner of its eyes. That pony were also turning her head.


Turning ever so slowly back to the original position, the female pony mimicked Crimson's exact movement.

“U-um, what?" The cyan unicorn said out loud, the female's mouth moved in unison with its own.

If there ever were a lull before the storm, that exact moment was happening now.

“Oh my freaking goodness. That pony is me!”

Rarity couldn't help feeling proud of her work, and took the blue unicorn's yell as a sign that she had indeed succeeded in the makeover.

“I know right? Crimson darling you look simply amazing. As a fashionista, transforming you from the raw coal of potential to this brilliant diamond has truly been a pleasure.”

Fluttershy had had her own eyes closed as well during the transformation, but now she marvelled at her new friend's appearance. “You look very pretty, Crimson. I am really happy for you.

Crimson Stripes did not respond to the ponies's comments. The pony just stared at the reflection in the mirror.

“Oh sweetheart, are you speechless?” Rarity went a little closer to the baffled unicorn. “Please, tell me what you think dear. I would love to hear your feedback.”

The cyan unicorn didn't respond to Rarity's wish. It was too preoccupied sorting out the chaos forming in its mind.

Why am I, What is, How? The thoughts all clumped together and the pony couldn't concentrate on one at a time efficiently. How come I am so pretty? It was the first thought that formed correctly in Crimson's mind, however stupid it sounded. The cyan pony hadn't been expecting this. What was eating her though? Why did the reflection seem off?

The voices in her head now started to cackle maliciously, before fading out slowly.

Great I am being mocked by my own mind.

“Crimson sweetheart? Is something the matter?” Rarity had gotten closer to the pony in concerning her palpable silence.

Fluttershy waved her hoof in front of the blue unicorn in order to get her attention. “Are you okay, Crimson? Are you hurting somewhere?”

Crimson Stripes finally turned her heads toward her pony acquaintances.

Something just doesn't feel right. I can't really say for for sure what though, Crimson sighed audibly. Maybe I am just overthinking things

She thought if she should talk to Rarity and Fluttershy about her suspicions about her apperances, but what would they think about her? Probably that I am a nutcase

“They'd be disgusted of course...” The voices in her head were now more coherent than ever. It spoke freely to the pony now. “They would think you'd be mad, no one wants to associate with weirdos.”

Then what do I have to do? I don't want them to hate me. We just started to get to know each other..

“Then lie...don't tell them...after all what they don't know, won't hurt them..” The voices died down and settled into the back of her mind again,

Lying to Rarity and Fluttershy? But they have done so much for me. Lying would be wrong, but I guess it's alright as long as they don't ask me about it. That won't be lying, just withholding the truth...right?

Her supposedly sub-conscience did not grace her with an answer.

“Sweetheart, why won't you say something? I won't be mad if you don't like the style. We can figure out another one for you, if you think it would suit you better?” Rarity patted Crimson gently on her head to reassure her that things were alright.

Oh dear. She is prepared to redo the whole thing just for me? Just because she don't think I liked the style?

There was nothing wrong with it though. Crimson felt quite alright in the dress Rarity had given her, and the brooches were a lovely complement to her carnelian eyes, while also keeping her bangs in place.

“C-Crimson Stripes, please talk to us. We are your friends.” Fluttershy on the verge of tears, begged her to snap back to reality.

Friends? I am considered a real friend to these ponies? That sealed the deal and Crimson Stripes abandoned all doubt in her mind, The voices wouldn't trouble her, for now at least.

“I-I feel different, but in a good way. I really do look pretty,” Crimson tried to choke back her tears but failed. “Thank you very much Rarity, Fluttershy.”

The Crimson Striped mare now wept as her two friends embraced and soothed her.

“You are welcome sweetheart. Anything for a friend.”

The name Crimson Stripes felt even better now. It had after all been given to her by a friend.