• Published 26th Feb 2018
  • 367 Views, 0 Comments

Dazzling Mania - BenTLA

After defeat the dazzlings set off to find the phantom ruby

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2) Chemical Plant Zone

The dazzlings were transported to a chemical factory known as Chemical Plant Zone.

They were just about to set off when a drop of an unknown substance landed on Adagio’s hair forcing her to dry the spot with her long poofy ponytail by spinning it like a hairdryer.

“Ugh” moaned Aria “First sent to weird green hills now to this toxic monstrosity!”.

“Shut up Aria we’ll find the ruby soon!” Spoke Adagio in an informative tone.

And so they ran and ran as fast as they could avoiding all sorts such as retachable grabbers, chemical shooters and gallons and gallons of a strange substance with the label reading ‘Mega Mack’.

Two more emeralds were saved from the clutches of UFOs thanks to Sonata and only four more emeralds and they could go super.

It was then the Dazzlings came to a bridge with strange blue liquid underneath and sadly one of the local Amoeba Droids spotted them and decided to treat them as hostile intruders.

The Droid splashed into the blue liquid and began coating itself with the stuff before jumping out and bouncing on the bridge the Dazzlings were on and forming tiny balls of the substance and launching it into the Dazzlings.

“Crap” Aria shouted avoiding the ball.

But it wasn’t long before Sonata went crazy and hit the droid six times thus destroying it and prompting them to move on.

The rest of the zone wasn’t all sunshine lollipops and rainbows with injecting different substances into different substances to make them bouncy and they wasted even more time getting Sonata out of the ceiling after she bounced into it.

Then the Dazzlings fell into a weird pipe which took them to a controll room where they faced off against Robotnik by playing a game similar to Tetris but with chemical balls.

In the end they won but just before they were about to hit the capsule and move onto the next zone they came across a shady guy they’d never seen before.

“Hey” he said “My name is Thunderbolt Lightningblaze.

“And you're here because?” Asked Aria

“Beyond this pipe is Studiopolis Zone a wonderful multimedia broadcasting city with glitz and glamor all around everyone is a star!” He replied.

“Good we’ll check it out” Adagio replied with a smile.

“K see you around” said Thunderbolt before hopping in the pipe to Studiopolis Zone.

Adagio decided to change into her battle of the bands outfit before progressing and the other Dazzlings decided this too.

Changing behind a screen a sneaky Amoeba Droid looked behind the screen and made a wolf whistle before darting off to collect more Mega Mack.

Author's Note:

Finally done after many days!