• Member Since 6th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Weird Story Man

Comments ( 14 )

So I came across this last night and the description was so absurd I decided "Why not?"

God I wish I could go back to that point and scream DON'T DO IT.

If you are one to read the comments before checking out a story, I'm sorry my honest opinion is it's not worth it. See this fic is being presented to you as a "Comedy" it's not. It's a dark DARK horrible tale.

It should be funny, It can be funny thinking of it, I mean as you can guess from the title, it's about Twilight as just a 'brain' and some crazy misadventures.

The issue is... it just gets worse... and worse... and worse... then it ends with her in a horrible HORRIBLE situation she's likely not going to get out of. It's taking a lot of effort not to just spoil everything, but I have to at least say that she does NOT get out of this well.

I ended up reading on because I wanted that pay off. I wanted to see Twilight rescued. I wanted this sick horrible twisted feeling the fic was giving me to be healed, and that didn't happen.

Instead I was left feeling horrified, sick, and in a general sour mood. Everything I was doing last night came to a halt, and now it's early morning and sleep has even escaped me. I know I'm sounding overly dramatic, but this story really fucked with me.

I just don't get the appeal of seeing someone who doesn't deserve it be tortured like this. This is really a fetish? I mean I guess if 'vore' is a thing, but at least there I know to avoid it because I'm given warning. This story does no such thing. It felt like torture porn with a bad end. I didn't want to read torture porn with a bad end. Especially not something with a freaking comedy tag.

I'm not going to downvote it, because clearly I'm not the right audience, but I really REALLY wish I could scrub this story from my mind.

I sounded like a troll didn't I?

Well you certainly live up to the title you gave yourself there. It was a weird story.

Look can you just tell me she'll be fine? I'm not joking, this story left me feeling sick.


She's absolutely fine in the end. No deaths, no actual angst. I've never done a grimdark edgy story in my life, even if most of them involve gore. It's weird. Sorry you didn't like it! My stuff is, uh, not for everyone, to put it mildly, and that's ok.

Wait, so Twilight's body has a large cock now, just like Luna's, does that mean that Luna was trying to teach Twilight Cock-Fu?

she gave the sodden brain a swift, but subtle boot

Fucking Trixie. This is getting ridiculous.

You definitely want to avoid reading Paul Asaran's Twilight's Inferno, then.

What's a hyper futa?

So Twilight's brain is in the Crystal Empire and Shining was taken by Chrysalis and a male changeling will swap his brain into Shining's body, I can't wait to see what happens when Cadance finds out that she has Twilight's brain instead of Chrysalis brain.

Oh my, a clever bug queen. Will the guards whose brains she ate be fine?

"Futa" means women with penises and "hyper" means parts are huge so put them together and you end up with women whose dicks are huge.

When will this be finished?

I will reply to this because I love hollow knight: I've got the entire ending of this planned out but I've not been in a writing mood for ages now.

Hopefully that changes and I just go and knock this one out

I do hope you can find the mood to write again, because this is the BEST story ive read to date

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