• Published 14th Jan 2018
  • 389 Views, 5 Comments

Specters of the Mind. - Dream Stalker

Where darkness hides, and dreams breath life, we come like shadows in the night. When ponies dream, and the moon is bright, I am a mystery, just out of sight. If you glimpse me, don't take fright. For I am a Specter, of the night.

  • ...

To the crystal Empire

Starlight frowned as she and the group exited the ruins. She just couldn't seem to get the image of the Specter and the shadow out of her mind. The very though of the creature depicted in the murals gave her the shivers, and for good reason.

"The Consumer......." She thought, unaware that she was mumbling to her self.

"Starlight, are you alright?" Celestia asked, coming up beside her.

"Oh, I'm okay." She said, blushing slightly.

She turned and focused on her surroundings, taking in the surreal landscape in an attempt to forget about the murals, when she felt a shiver go up her spine. Frowning, she turned and looked around, feeling eyes gazing at her from the shadows.....Nonexistent shadows..... To say the lease, it was making her nervous. She turned and was just about to call out to Twilight, who was walking ahead of the group, when a familiar breeze suddenly blew around her, whipping her mane into her face. She heard the tall-tail, otherworldly giggling in her ear, and just as she turned her head to look behind her, the wind stopped, and the feeling of being watched disappeared. She took deep breaths, trying to steady her nerves, when Pinkie Pie suddenly showed up in her face....Upside down.

"What'cha doin'?" She asked, gazing at the lavender mare with big, happy eyes.

"Uhhh...." Starlight muttered, looking around at the other ponies, silently begging them to help her.

Twilight had just started to walk forward when the familiar breeze suddenly began to pick up, stronger than ever, and something slammed into them. Some strange, unseeable force, like standing in the path of an ocean wave and letting it wash over you, knocking them all over. Gasps and shrieks rang out amongst the startled ponies as a familiar giggle echoed above the wind, this time heard by all ears present. Starlight willed the strength and courage to open her eyes and look up into the wind, and this time, she could make out a shape, fuzzy and mist-like, in the heart of the gale. Bright, purple and blue pupil-less eyes gazed back at her, crystal clear in Starlight's mind, before suddenly disappearing, The wind and mist died down to nothing upon the disappearance of the figure, as if it never happened. Starlight, suddenly understanding what was going on, leapt to her hooves, looking back and forth in a frenzy as she tried to spot the creature in the mist. She was unable to spot the mysterious being again, and snorted in frustration before turning to look back at her companions, who were slowly picking themselves back up. Even Celestia and Luna looked dazed and frazzled, and when every pony finally regained enough sense to focus on each other, they all shared one collective thought.

"What in the wide world of Equis was that?!"

Starlight gazed around at her fellow ponies, at a complete loss for words.

"I think we should return to our world." She said, feeling a shiver of nervous energy run up her spine.

"I agree. It would seem we are not alone in this realm, and I would rather we not stick around to find out if it is friend or foe." Luna explained, looking at her sister, who nodded in agreement. A chorus of yes's quickly followed, and a few minutes later, the entire group had returned to the safety of Luna's original dream world via a very powerful transport spell. Luna explained that her own connection to the Dream Realm allowed for her to enter and exit at her pleasure, although it did nothing to explain the other Dream Realm they had just departed.

"I believe it would be best for us to return to the waking world and regroup at the castle. I shall send for Starswirl and Cadence once we arrive, they might be able to lend us aid." Celestia stated, looking at the group, who nodded in agreement. A few seconds later, and the group found themselves waking up at the same cavern that they had entered not so long ago.

"Alright, know that we have been returned to our waking selves, my sister and I shall go retrieve Starswirl. The rest of you shall go retrieve Cadence and Shining Armor. We will meet back at Twilight's castle and consult the map, perhaps it can help us learn more about these, Specters." Celestia waited for every pony to nod in understanding before turning to her sister and taking off. Twilight turned to Starlight as the others conversed among themselves, noticing the thoughtful, somewhat worried expression on her face, and tapped the unicorn's shoulder, startling her in the process.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, worried.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I just can't shake the feeling this is bigger than we realize." Starlight replied, looking nervous.

"I understand, but right know we have to focus on getting Cadence and Shinning Armor. We will need all the help we can get." Twilight said, nodding in agreement to herself.

"Right, okay." Starlight replied, though she didn't look convinced.

She watched as her friend quickly gathered the other ponies, and after brainstorming for a few moments, they climbed back down the mountain and across the land leading home. Once they reached the border of their homeland, they were able to catch a train from Appleoosa and then on to the Crystal Empire. Starlight stared out the window as the train clicked along the tracks, her mind a whirlwind of questions, all leading back to the figure she saw in the mist. Something in her heart told her that what she saw had been a Specter, and if that was correct, she couldn't help but fear what was to come, especially since she knew the kinds of trouble her group of friends somehow got themselves into. Turning from the passing terrain to look around the cabin, she watched as the group talked amongst themselves about the Crystal Empire and what they had seen in the alter-Dream Realm, and couldn't help but smile at their rambunctious attitudes.

"We're here!" Pinkie exclaimed, planting her face against the window as the train pulled to a stop.

"Well, what are we waiting for, lets go!" Rainbow said, shooting out of the doors and into the air.

"Rainbow Dash, wait! We need to find Cadence and Shinning Armor!" Twilight shouted, watching the flying pony.

"Yeah, I know, that's what I'm doing!" Rainbow announced, turning away from the group before stopping. Starlight watched as both Cadence and Shinning Armor arrived, both looking alarmed.

"The guard alerted us of your visit, is everything alright?" Cadence asked, looking around at the group.

"Actually, we need you and Shinning Armor to come with us to Ponyville Castle." Twilight said, looking up at her sister-in-law with a serious expression. Cadence and Shinning armor exchanged glances before turning to the group.

"We would love to, but right now we're worried about Flurry Heart." Shinning Armor explained to the group.

"Why? Whats wrong with her? Is she alright?" Twilight exclaimed, her wings flaring wide in alarm.

"Oh no, its nothing like that, its just...well..." Cadence replied, looking nervous.

"She has been having the strangest dreams, nightmares, but whenever they start, a slight mist appears out nowhere, and then the dream stops, like she never had it, and the mist goes away." Shinning Armor explained, wrapping a hoof around Cadence.

"Interesting, this reminds me of the mural we saw." Twilight remarked, looking at Starlight.

"I know, it matches the description almost perfectly." Starlight observed, a hoof to her chin in deep thought.

"Im sorry, but what are you talking about?" Cadence asked, gazing back and forth between the duo.

"You don't mind if we take a look at Flurry Heart, do you?" Twilight asked, looking at her friend.

"Not at all, this way." Cadence said, turning and headed for the castle.

The group trailed along, eager to learn more about the mystery at hoof. Starlight watched as Cadence, having reached the castle and Flurry's room, pushed the door open and allowing the group to enter. Flurry turned and watched them as they walked in, a happy, playful expression on her adorable face. She babbled at them and flew over to her mother, burying her face into Cadence's neck. Starlight smiled, unable to help herself, and started to walk over to them when a drawing on the wall caught her eye. Turning to stare at the filly's drawing, she couldn't deny the fact that the figure drawn next to the young aileron looked very familiar.

"Twilight, come look at these!" She remarked, calling her friend over. Twilight walked up, staring at the drawings before turning to Flurry Heart and her mother.

"How long has she been making these?" Twilight asked, gazing at the filly.

"Not long, about a month or two now. We thought it was just a imaginary friend she made, should we be worried?" Cadence asked, holding Flurry close to her body.

"I honestly don't know yet, we are still trying to figure things out. This may be connected to why we wanted you to return to Ponyville with us. Celestia and Luna are probably already there." Twilight explained, giving Cadence a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Can we bring Flurry Heart with us." Cadence asked, looking at them.

"Of course you can! Besides, she might be able to help us solve this mystery." Twilight remarked, a exited look on her face.

"Alright then, let us prepare the guard and then we shall be off." Cadence said, nodding at Shinning Armor who nodded in return and began barking orders to the stallions posted behind the group.

"Well then, lets go already!" Rainbow Dash announced, impatient as ever. The group nodded and took off, headed for Ponyville on the next train out, unaware that a pair of pupil-less eyes quietly followed.