• Published 12th Jan 2018
  • 307 Views, 6 Comments

My name is Ember - RandomDerp

In a world where ponies are blessed with superpowers directly influenced by the colour of their eyes, you can tell what someone is able to do by looking at them. Until today, I thought I had seen it all...

  • ...

Eyes of Passion

Ever since the last moon, things had gotten a little strange. Ponies, seemingly at random, had been blessed with almost supernatural powers. These powers correlate with the colour of a ponies eyes.

Brown eyes - Can control the earth. You can create or destroy things with the ground around you and control it at will. With enough concentration you can even create creatures of earth that act on your behalf.

Blue eyes - You have control over water. This means these ponies can draw water from all around them and create raging torrents, or can prevent rain by extracting the water from the clouds (Not recommended. Weather ponies get very annoyed).

Green eyes - You can control the air. With enough concentration and persistence you can create huge storm systems, or you could stop a tornado in its path if you so desired to save lives.

Hazel eyes - Gives you control over nature. Trees can be brought to life, plants grown in the blink of an eye, or you can destroy them for your own reasons (like not being able to get rid of those damn dandelions from your garden).

If you have a colour that is a mix of these, you can summon both traits to a certain extent and merge them together.

I discovered I was capable of controlling nature when I accidentally made a tree chase a dog that had peed on it down the street after simply imagining that humorous situation in my head. Needless to say I was more careful now.

My name is Foris, and I am a tree surgeon (go figure!). I live in Manehatten, and I mostly look after the upper classes gardens to make sure they are ready for party season (something which is now much easier thanks to my powers). I have been approached by the authorities on many occasions due to my sudden gain of what they call "superpowers". They are apparently worried about ponies using their powers for the wrong reasons and becoming villains.

I'm not interested in any of that. I just want to run my business and relax at the end of the day. Sometimes I still feel like I'm being watched though, although I can never see anypony watching. It was frustrating, however I at least could just get on with my life.

This all changed when I entered my usual coffee shop for my morning joe before getting to work on some hoity ponies garden. It was then I saw her. I was struck by her beauty, her coat was silky white, matching her horn, and her mane and tail were a combination of fiery red, blazing orange and bright yellow. She turned around, coffee in hoof and I was struck by her eyes. Bright scarlet.

"Hey, you okay there buddy? Starin' a lot." I shook my head, snapping myself back into reality as I realized she was talking to me.

"Fine, I'm fine, sorry. I was in a world of my own. Gotta get that coffee before I'm awake." I laughed nervously, hoping my coffee addiction would save me once again. She raised an eyebrow, and pushed past me to get out the door. Rude.

I left the shop with hot coffee and scone in tow, and began to make my way to the uptown area. I was lost in thought about that pony. I had never seen anyone who looked like her. Her mane, her coat. I mean, she was rude, but jeez.

Lost in thought, I wandered down an alleyway I know to be a shortcut through downtown to the upper side. I was just about to clear the other end when I heard a shout from above.


My head whipped up, it was too late. A couple of large cinder blocks struck my back and I felt a horrible crunch as the bones broke. The next one, struck my head. Everything went black.

For the next few moments, a feeling of complete peace washed over me. I felt like I was floating. No pain, no worries, just peace. My body wasn't present, and in the distance I could see a light. I was always of the mindset of "never go towards the light" thanks to movies and such, but this just felt... right, like this was my destiny.

Slowly I willed myself towards the light. It grew in intensity and warmth as I grew closer and closer. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Come back, damn it!" The light grew fainter as I was dragged backwards towards the abyss where I had found myself.

"I won't let this happen!" Next thing I knew there was air in my lungs, pain in my side, and I could see again. I gasped for breath, and spluttered to consciousness as I sat up. The pain in my side disappeared almost instantly. I whipped my head round, and the pony from the coffee shop was kneeling beside me, her eyes and horn glowing bright, and screaming in concentration. Her eyes then suddenly sprang back to life, and saw me looking at her, eyes wide with shock. I should be dead. There's no way I should be alive.

After a couple of moments, she sprang up and galloped off.

"Wait!" I shouted after her, stumbling to my hooves and taking off after her. She wound through the maze of alleyways, but I was hot on her heels. I needed to speak to her, I needed to know who she is, I needed to thank her. Eventually I rounded a corner and found she had run into a dead end. I gasped, catching my breath as I slowed to speak to her.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for... for... back there," I gestured over my shoulder in a halfhearted attempt in connecting with her "I have to know though, is that something you know how to do, or was it the whole thing to do with the moon?"

She stopped looking for an exit for a second, realizing she was stuck.

"It's my power. I gained it from the moon like a whole bunch of other ponies out there. You could ask them about theirs if you're curious." She responded bluntly. d

"I don't need to, I have one too." She glanced back at me, eyeing me up and down.

"Nature control?" She asked in a way that you could tell she already knew the answer.

"Yeah, something like that." I was finally catching my breath. It had been a while since I had run like that. "May I ask, who are you?"

"My name is Ember." She responded bluntly, and with a flash of her horn, she disappeared in a puff of smoke. I sighed in exasperation. Well, I guess that's all I'll ever know.

As I wandered my way back through the alleys I became lost in thought once more. She had the power to give life back to those who were recently dead, and to heal injuries. That was incredible! Truly outstanding! It then dawned on me that if she had the power to give life, and heal, then she also had the ability to take it, or cause harm with just a thought. She could be really dangerous, and I could have endangered myself by chasing her! But she chose to just... disappear. Maybe she wasn't bad after all? At this point I could feel the eyes on me once again. It was unnerving but I was used to it by now.

I was approaching the opening on to the main streets once again, this time checking for falling construction equipment, but before I could quite get there I was surrounded by ponies in sharp black suits, wearing sunglasses and earpieces.

"Stay where you are sir, we would just like to ask you a couple of questions." One approached me, and held up a photograph of a young mare. Her mane was white, her mane red and orange. She looked just like the pony who had just saved my life, except she looked... different. Less glowy and powerful, just normal.

"Have you seen this pony sir? She is a wanted criminal and a danger to society."

Oh jeez.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! First chapter done and I'm pretty proud of it. Wish I could draw otherwise I would have turned it into a comic series instead, but oh well.... If you can draw hit me up and we can collab on a comic :D