• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 1,064 Views, 23 Comments

Issac - Eyes

Issac the Human. His stories, his experiences, and his mistakes. His emotions, his friends, his life. This is the story of the boy named Issac and his time in Equestria.

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Book 1

Author's Note:

The odd grammar and strange writing style is mostly because this was written by Issac himself. Remember, he's 10. Please don't chew me out in the comments.

Also, a huge "Thank you!" to Wand3r3r3 and ShadowHunter488 for giving this a proofread, your input, and encouragement.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Sunday the 21st.

The two sisters are really nice. They gave me this book to write down my memories for when they find a way to send me back. Oh! My name is Issac by the way, and I just turned 10 years old. So, if you find this can you please return it to me? The Sisters are letting me stay at the castle. It's pretty big so you should find it easy. My room has a pretty view of the forest. I can see the fireflies at night, they're always in pairs. They're really pretty, a neon green colour. I want to go see them up close but they won't let me leave the castle. They say the forest outside is dangerous, the Forever Free forest, or something. Oops! That's all for now, the nice maid lady Rose, the one that's helping me write with a feather quill, is saying it's time for dinner. Bye-bye!

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Moonday the 22nd.

I got in trouble today. Luna, the pretty blue sister, caught me trying to get into the forest through the castle gardens. She yells really loud and it hurt my ears. They bled a little and she looked scared. I cried, it really hurt. She rubbed me with her head and took me up to the doctor. Celestia's room is close to mine, I can hear them yelling. It's all my fault. I need to do something. It's all my fault.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Tuesday the 23rd.

I found Luna today, she was crying in the gardens. It was weird seeing a grownup cry. I snuck up behind her and gave her a hug. I must have scared her because I made her jump. Then it was my turn to be scared because she started flying. I lost my grip and hit my butt on the ground. It hurt, but I couldn't help but start laughing, she started laughing too. I like seeing her happy. I told her I was sorry about yesterday, she said sorry too. Then we played hide and seek. I won, it was really fun.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Wednesday the 24th.

I miss my mom.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Thursday the 25th.

Luna had to go to another town nearby so I spent most of the day with Celestia. She has a really hard job, trying to make her people happy. It was a little boring. The people ponies that came to see her watched me most of the time. I don't think they like me. Rose came by around lunchtime, we had apples again. When Rose an I were going to my room a person pony in strange armour knocked me down. It didn't hurt, he called me something. I asked Rose what it meant but she wouldn't tell me. I spent the rest of the day reading. We had stew for dinner, it was good, but Luna missed it. I'll save her a roll, she'll be hungry when she gets back.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Friday the 26th.

I heard a loud bang that made me wake up. I could hear Luna yelling all the way from my room. I ran down to the throne room. When I got there Celestia and Luna looked worried. They stopped talking when they saw me. I gave Luna the roll I saved for her. She smiled and rubbed me with her head again. I don't know why she does that, it's really weird. I followed them outside and the soldier ponies were all lined up. Something is wrong. Luna smiled and told me she'll be back in a few days. Celestia looked scared but smiled at me when she noticed I was looking. I'm afraid.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Moonday the 29th.

Luna and the soldiers came back today, I thought there were more of them. Luna smiled when she saw Celestia. I ran up to her and hugged her leg. She did the thing with her head again. The sisters went inside and Rose an I played in the garden. I'm happy things are back to normal.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Wednesday the 31st.

I've locked myself in my room. I can't stop crying. I miss my mom. Luna tried to make me feel better but words don't help. I want to go home.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Autumn, Thursday the 32nd.

Rose was at my door all night, I guess. I tripped over her when I tried to sneak out to get food. She screamed then wouldn't stop hugging me. It was wierd, even though she smelled like flowers. She took me to the kitchen and we got a snack. Then she took me to Luna... She looked sad and alone in the throne room. Luna told me they were going to try harder to get me home and to be strong and wait.

After breakfast Celestia took me to the research ponies. They wanted to do tests on me, or something. I was scared but Celestia stayed with me. They poked me with their horns and wrote some stuff down. I don't know what's going on but Celestia never left my side. When we left I followed her to the kitchen, we ate cake but she told me not to tell anybody.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Winter, Friday the 1st.

Rose an I wandered the castle looking at paintings and stuff, it was kind of boring. Some of the soldiers still look at me funny. The sisters weren't at lunch today. They missed dinner too. Rose told me not to worry and that they were just busy. I trust Rose but I don't think she believes that herself. It's quiet outside and all I see are the fireflies.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Winter, Saturday the 2nd.

I was wandering around by myself today. The soldiers in the halls don't speak to me. I'm alone, surrounded by people ponies. I couldn't even find Rose. I just need to be patient, like Celestia said. There's nothing to do but read here in the castle.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Winter, Sunday the 3rd.

At breakfast today Luna told me she was going to go away for awhile. A bad pony in the north is hurting people and she's going to stop him. She's really brave. I'm going to miss her. My chest hurts and I don't know why. Celestia and I watched her leave with the soldiers. I can tell she's worried. It's getting cold. The fireflies aren't out tonight. They must sleep in the winter, like bears.

Year 424 of the 5th era. Winter, Moonday the 4th.


The remaining pages are too badly burned to read.