• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 1,075 Views, 12 Comments

Book 2: To Bring About Chaos - Medley of MLP

A romp through Equestria, now Round 2. Featuring a new pony onto the scene.

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Where’s The Reset Button When You Need It?

Author's Note:

Heyo! Sorry for the uber delay on this chapter, college is still a royal pain in the flank. But I did eventually finish so that you guys could sort of start off the new month with a new chapter! I do not know if I'll be making a Hearts and Hooves Day themed chapter this month, but I will try my best. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy the chapter, and as always, let me know of any major plotholes or any grammatical efforts, as it's still a one-pony team working on this.

To Bring About Chaos

Where’s The Reset Button When You Need It?

It was quite the thrill to be back to my normal schedule of collapsing out of my own bed. And by thrill, I of course mean pain, pain, and more pain. Always a fun way to start out the day with a little bit of pain. Especially when it’s back in Ponyville. But at least we left the Princess’ in Canterlot with more answers than questions, though there were still a few that we couldn’t get answers for. Nevertheless, the day looked like it was going to be a swell one. The morning team of Pegasi had cleared most of the skies for a mainly clear day, there were no threats on the horizon, and I was going to be spending quality time with my marefriend.

Which of course meant something had to go wrong. And it was a wonderful start at first too. I met up with my Sparkella at about 7 in the morning to go over the stuff she had planned for today. Once I arrived, I was immediately drafted into helping Spike making the checklist for making checklists, which was a bit much, but still reasonable. The exchange that went on for a while involved quills, parchment, her extra ink and her extra extra ink as well.

“Is that everything on the checklist?” Sparkella asked as everything was on her table.

“Handsome stallion of your own?” I cheekily asked.

“Well that I can definitely check off every day.” She laughed a little before heading back to the task at hand. “Is that everything on the list though?”

“Yep!” Spike piped up.

“Excellent! Now that we've completed the checklist of things we need to create a checklist, we can make my checklist of the things I have to get done by the end of the day. Ready?” She looked at him expectantly.

“Ready!” He looked confident as he readied his quill.

“Item 1: Create checklist of the things I have to accomplish by the end of the day.” She announced, making Spike groan in complaint.

“Hey now, the list isn’t that long or hard to make.” I reminded Spike, who still didn’t look happy.

Soon enough, I helped him create the checklist of things to be done for the day, which was a lot more than I actually thought. Not only did we have to drop off some things for the day, we had to pick up some things as well, along with order some more parchment, ink and quills. It seemed she went through a lot of it for some unknown reason. Nevertheless, it was a long and peaceful day of gathering supplies and dropping off borrowed items. Eventually, we stopped to make sure we had done what we needed to thus far.

”How are we doing there, Spike?” I asked politely.

“Let's see here... We've already dropped off the cape at the cleaners, returned the blackboard Twilight borrowed from Cheerilee, ordered new parchment and quills from the stationery shop…” Spike listed off.

“It seems like only a few days ago we placed the exact same order.” Sparkella commented.

“Can’t imagine why we go through so much of them.” Spike snarked as he looked at the admittedly longer than thought of list.

“Nothing wrong with keeping track of things. Though it seems we’re ahead of schedule now, so there is that.” I nodded as Sparkella gave me a smile.

“That is so very true, my Medi. Now, what’s next on the agenda?” Sparkella, looked at Spike.

“Cupcakes!” Spike cheered.

And with that, it was off to Sugarcube Corner to pick them up. While it wasn’t exactly a necessity, it was always nice to have some of the shop’s cupcakes. Especially when I didn’t think to hard on creepypastas and reminded myself that this was Equestria, not a horror fic.

“Woah…” Spike looked in awe at the cupcakes inside the box.

Sparkella though seemed to be a little different, as she pointed out, “Uh, I only ordered twelve.”

“Oh, I know, dear, but I had an extra. So I thought I'd make it a baker's dozen!” Mrs. Cake cheerfully answered, as Spike looked ready to munch down on them regardless.

“Oh, that was very thoughtful of you! Thank you kindly.” I spoke up with a small smile, since hey, one can’t complain about a free cupcake, especially when it leads to less waste.

“It's just some of the icing from the extra cupcake is getting all over the one next to it. See?” Sparkella pointed out the rather small difference between the last one and the other dozen.

“Sparkella…” I sighed a little bit. “I know you don’t want anyone to have less icing than the others, but the amount is really so small, one would only tell the difference if they were trying to look for it. And since our friends tend to devour these at the blink of an eye, with Pinkie being the best example, I say leave it as is.”

“But… but Medi!” Sparkella pouted at me, giving those adorable, sad-looking… gah, cursed puppy-dog eyes! “I really wanna make sure that everypony’s being treated fairly.”

Must… resist… must… resist… MUST… RE… oh, what am I saying, how could I say not no such a face like that. I gave a small sigh and nod as Sparkella cheered, giving me a quick kiss before trying to even out the cupcakes.

“Not to worry, I'll just move some of this one to... hmm... I think I may have scooped too much... oops! Now those two have more. Let's just try this again... Hmm, no, that won't do. Let me just... hmm... put some here, and... no, that's not right. A little more on this one, a little bit... and wait... I'll just... ooh, a little bit here, and here, and... perfect!” Sparkella cheered as we finally got to see the results, which were… very interesting.

“Hmm, oh yes... much better…” Mrs. Cake nodded with a very patient smile.

“Okay, time to tackle the next item on our--” Sparkella turned around as she was leaving noticing Spike covered in frosting while I just suffered some splatters, giving a small nervous smile as she rethought. “Oops… Well, looks like we're going to have to add 'give a baby dragon a bath' to our list, and maybe a small clean-up as well for you, Medi.”

Spike quickly slurped up the frosting, making Sparkella and I give him a minor look of disgust. I was all for efficiency, but… yeah, that was a little gross. I would’ve settled for almost anything else, which then derailed my thinking a bit as I thought of… well, um, not important! More important, I gave a small chuckle and waved a hoof.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. I can just say I had an interesting time baking a cake with you earlier today.” I grinned as she rolled her eyes before shaking her head with a smile.

It was then we made our way back to the library, with a few ponies giving me an odd look, but having seen stranger things before, just kinda went with it and we got to Sparkella’s home without any problems. I quickly hit the shower for a rinse down, as the frosting had hardened a bit out in the open, but I managed to get the majority of it out, leaving the rest for later as I quickly joined Sparkella and Spike.

“Looks like that's everything!” Spike noted as he went through the list.

Almost everything.” Twilight reminded him, making Spike check the list one last time.

“Let’s see here… ‘Triple-check checklist to make sure we didn't miss anything when we double checked the checklist!’ Uh... check!” He called out before wincing, grabbing his claw. “Ugh... I've been holding that quill so long, I've got a claw cramp! Well, good thing we don't have anything to report to Princess Celestia this week... I don't think I could write another word!”

This caused Sparkella to, understandably, freak out. “We haven't sent a letter to Princess Celestia this week?!”

“Why? Is that bad?” Spike questioned.

I shook my head slowly, patting him on the back as I explained. “Spike… you’ve been her assistant for how long now? You know this would get to her.”

“I get that. But how is this still bad?” He persisted.

"Bad?BAD? Of course it's bad! I'm supposed to send Princess Celestia a letter every week, telling her about a lesson I've learned about friendship! Not every other week, not every ten days, every... single... week!” Sparkella emphasized as hard as she could.

“I… still don’t get it.” Spike shook his head as I face-hoofed.

“Ohh... Where's my calendar, where's my calendar?!” Sparkella cried as she started tearing up the room in desperate search of it

"Where it... always is?” Spike confusedly pulled it out, getting dragged by it to Sparkella, who was looking through it nervously.

“When did we send the last one?” Sparkella muttered nervously, paging through it like crazy.

“I think it was last... Tuesday? Yeah, Tuesday sounds about right.” I contributed.

“And today is…?” She turned to me, expecting an immediate answer.

“Um… I think today is also a Tuesday? I think it was from when I checked my calendar.” I hesitatingly told her.

Now she was panicking even more than before. “Argh! Nononononononono! If I don't send her a letter by sundown, I'll be... tardy!”

“What's that now?” Spike incredulously asked.

“Tar-dy, Spike! Late, I'll be late! Oh, how could I let this happen? I'm usually so organized. I've never been late with an assignment!” Sparkella spoke nervously.

“Oh, please! You're the most studious student ever! I'm sure the Princess will forgive you if you miss one little deadline.” Spike shrugged it off.

“I'm afraid to take that chance, Spike. This is the ruler of all of Equestria we're talking about. The pony who holds my fate in her hooves! What if she doesn't forgive me?” Sparkella proposed.

“Yeah... I don't think she--” I was cut off through by more of Sparkella.

“What if instead she starts thinking I'm not taking my studies on friendship seriously?” Sparkella theorized.

“Why would she--” I tried again, only to be interrupted even more.

“What if she makes me come back to Canterlot and puts me back in school and makes me prove I've been taking them seriously by giving me a test?! What if I don't pass?!” Sparkella ranted.

“Twilight! Listen to me, please!” A fizzle and a cough later, I had gotten her attention by raising my voice and continued while she reapplied the spell. “You’re not going to fail because you missed one little deadline. But if it puts you at ease, I’ll help you find a friendship problem to solve. While I know Celestia wouldn’t send her prized student back to something like magic kindergarten or something like that for failing on one single letter, I know this is really, really important to you. What’s also important though is that our friends are waiting for us at a picnic, so maybe we can find a problem there, solve it, let you write your letter and have your weekly message to Celestia. Alright, my Sparkella?”

She seemed to have calmed down a little after that calm, soothing little monologue. I got the feeling today would be the day to test Twilight and her need to follow a routine though, but I was prepared to help in any way I could. Besides, it’s not like she would go crazy trying to follow through on her schedule, right? In any case, Spike nodded as he added in his own two bits.

“He’s right you know. Princess Celestia wouldn’t do something that crazy all because of one missing friendship letter. In fact, she’d probably understand if it was a little late, or if one didn’t come at all. It’s not like there’s always a friendship problem to fix on a weekly basis.” Spike weighed in.

“You're both right. I have no reason to worry. Because I'm going to solve a friend's problem and get that letter to Princess Celestia before sundown!” Sparkella rose confidently, making Spike shake his head while I gave a small nod and smile.

“Maybe if I could bring back Disarray, that would be a wonderful friendship lesson!” She continued on, making Spike, and a little bit me as well, nervous.

“Maaaaybe not that far, my Sparkella.” I smiled nervously. “After all, we did just kinda beat him up and nearly sent him to jail. I think he’d sooner cause more chaos issues at this time than learn about friendship. Plus… we don’t know exactly where he went. So I’d shelve the issue with my brother for the moment.”

She looked a little dejected, and I really did not like seeing her that sad either, but as much as I love my brother… it really would not have been the best time. After all, maybe he’d learn a little about friendship wherever he was right now and come back, wanting to be changed. At least, I hoped so in the near future for that to be the case.

“So... got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I as a good friend could help you solve instead?” Sparkella turned to Spike with an eager grin.

“Huh. Hmm. Huunh. Huh... I got nothin'.” Spike thought for a while before shaking his head.

“Then it looks like I'm going to have to find somepony who does.” Sparkella sighed.

“This won't end well, I just know it.” Spike muttered.

It was there I hurried out the door after Sparkella, who was anxiously talking to herself after the clock rang. “You've got this, Twilight. You still have plenty of time to get that letter to Princess Celestia! Has to be somepony who needs the help of a good friend!”

It was then we heard very loud screaming, catching our attention. It sounded pretty familiar too. And sure enough, Sparkella caught onto it almost immediately.

“Rarity!” Sparkella called out, rushing towards the now louder screaming before bursting through the door, Spike and I trailing in right after her. “Don't worry, Rarity! I'm here!”

Rarity was currently sobbing on what looked her sewing table. “Why me-e-e-e-e-ee…” She took a gasp before dramatically continuing on. “WHYYYY?! Why? Why-y?! And of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!

“What's happened? Are you alright?” Sparkella asked concernedly.

Rarity gave another gasp before pressing on. “I've lost my diamond-encrusted purple ribbon! I have searched high, and I have searched low. Low and high! High and low!” She pouted before continuing on with the dramatics, laying on a fainting couch as she did. “But I can't find it anywhere! Anywhe-e-e-e-ere! How can I possibly finish my latest creation if I can't find it?!”

Sparkella eagerly spoke to Rarity. “Never fear, Rarity! As your friend I'll do my best to help you fi--”

She was cut off as Rarity noticed… the ribbon she had been trying to search for. “Oh, there it is. Isn't it always just the last place you look?”

“Well… to be fair, there are many times where that happens.” I nodded in agreement, remembering instruments, art pieces, and books lent out by Sparkella to me.

“So... you just... lost your ribbon?” Sparkella spoke incredulously as Rarity nodded, prompting her to continue on. “But now you've found it?”

Rarity nodded and smiled. “Indeed, darling. I thank you for offering to help me find it though.”

“And nothing else is bothering you? Nothing that I, as a good friend could help you with?” Sparkella asked persistently.

Rarity pondered this before answering. “Hmm... there is one thing.”

“Yes??” Sparkella pounced at the opportunity.

“I think I left my measuring tape under the fabric over there. Could you get that for me?” Rarity nudged her head over to her left.

“Measuring tape? Sure.” Sparkella sighed dejectedly before levitating the tape measure over and then zooming us out of there, muttering in a panic again. “No need to panic. Rarity is just one pony. I'm sure one of my other friends will need me.”

It was at that moment we heard the light sounds of a Dash grunting and making weird “kiai” sounds. That was then followed by the sound of smashing and crashing, which instantly caught Sparkella’s attention once more.

“What in the world...? Rainbow must be angry with Applejack! She must hate her guts! How wonderful!” Sparkella grinned widely as we hurried over to the sound of damage, only to find Dash… beating up an old barn?

“Um…. Twi, sweetie, I think that this isn’t a friendship problem and more of a friend helping out…” I pointed out as I noticed Dash and AJ both wearing safety equipment.

She didn’t seem to be listening though, as she zoomed right in front of Dash’s path. “Rainbow Dash! Stop! Listen, Rainbow. I know you're upset with Applejack, but don't worry. Whatever it is that has come between you two, I'm sure that I, as a good friend, can help you resolve your problems.”

The look on Dash’s face was that of great confusion. “Uh, what are you talking about?”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, you don't have to hide your feelings from me! I can tell you two must've had a terrible fight.” Sparkella deduced before pressing onwards. “Now, why don't you tell me all about your issues with Applejack.”

“I don't have any issues with Applejack.” Dash firmly stated as Sparkella looked confused.

“You don't? Then why are you destroying her property?” She questioned critically.

“Maybe because it was like I said earlier and she was asked to help?” I piped up with my own question.

“Because she asked me to, like what Med said. Right AJ?” Dash looked over at AJ, who was in a ditch to take cover from any debris.

“Yes, ma'am! I wanted to put up a new barn, but this one's gotta come down first.” AJ chuckled a bit before nodding at Dash. “Now get back to it, Dash.”

“You got it, boss!” Dash grinned and gave a small salute before going high into the sky.

“I'd take cover if I were you two.” AJ advised, making both of us instantly dive for the ditch at the same time.

We timed it just right too, because as soon as we hit the dirt, Dash came barreling down with a yell, toppling the whole barn down to the down and sending some debris overhead, landing on top of us regardless. After a little clean-up and dust-off, Sparkella and I headed off, with her looking a lot more panicky and dejected at the same time.

“I can't believe I wasted all that time. I should have just come here first. Fluttershy always has some fear she's trying to get over. As a good friend, I'll be able to help her.” Twilight sighed as we made our way over to Shy’s cottage.

As we heard a bear roar, Sparkella froze in panic and hurried over to the strangest sight of Shy… beating the crap out of a bear? “Fluttershy? Fluttershy, are you OK?”

We both slowly backed away as Shy seemingly defeated the bear, with a groan from Sparkella. “How can this be happening? Of all the days she had to stop being such a scaredy-pony, she had to pick today?! What am I going to do?!”

“You could just… wait until tomorrow?” I offered half-heartedly, knowing it would be ignored, judging from Sparkella’s expressions.

“It's fine. It'll all be fine. The day isn't over yet. But it will be over soon!” She groaned as she sat nervously on a bench. “It'll be all over! My time in Ponyville! My advanced studies! Nono. You're a good student. You can do this. Ooh! But what if I can't? You can! You just have to keep it together. Keep. It. Together!”

“Um… love? Sparkella?” I hesitatingly asked. “You’re… talking to yourself.”

She didn’t seem to be paying a lot of attention, which was making me very worried. Luckily, Spike was headed our way, holding the container of cupcakes we had ordered just today. He quickly ran over to us as he saw Sparkella freaking out a bit.

“Twilight! Snap out of it!” Spike called, making her stop and look up in confusion.

“Are you okay, Sparkella?” I asked, hearing some fillies laugh which seemed to make her nervous all over again.

“Twilight, I'm really worried. I mean this letter thing is really getting to you. Here you go.” Spike held out the box of cupcakes. “You've been so anxious all day that you completely forgot about the picnic. Why don't you just relax and go hang out with--”

He was interrupted by an excited gasp from her, and a grumble of remembrance from me. “The picnic! I should go see my friends!”

She quickly ran off with the box in a wide grin, resulting in me grabbing Spike as I made a small comment of relief. “I'm glad you've come to your senses a little dear.”

We made it to the picnic in record time, where it looked like everypony was just relaxing and having a peaceful day. Rarity it seemed had done some dramatic stuff, judging from the repeat appearance from the fainting couch, but other than that, just a normal picnic. Until, of course, Sparkella and I showed up, and everyone looked at the both of us worryingly.

“Are both y’all alright?” AJ asked first.

“No! I am not alright.” We both responded in unison, giving each other looks as the others whispered to each other.

“It's just been terrible today.” She continued on, making me give Sparkella a small glare.

“Yeeeees?” The group asked.

“Simply awful.” I responded, which got her to give a small glare at me.

“Yeeeeeees!?” The group continued on

“It's the most horrific trouble I've ever been in and I really really really need your help!” She cried out.

YEEEEEEES!?” The group impatiently asked.

“My letter to Princess Celestia is almost overdue, and I haven't learned anything about friendship!” Sparkella finally answered to the sighs of relief, making my eye twitch a little.

“Oh, thank goodness. I thought something really awful had happened.” Shy softly answered.

After Sparkella made some strangling noises, which I honestly don’t blame her for, she continued on. “Something awful has happened! If I don't turn in the letter on time, I'll be tardy! TARDY!”

My eye twitched again as I heard them giggling. Would one of them at least pretend to take this seriously enough? After all, it was very clear that my Sparkella was clearly freaking out over this so much, the least they could do was TRY.

“No offense, sugarcube, but it looks like somepony's gettin' themselves all worked up over nothin'.” AJ shrugged.

“This is not nothing. This is everything! I need you guys to help me find somepony with a problem I can fix before sundown! My whole life depends on it!” She called out in a panic.

After I heard more giggling, I’m sorry, I snapped. “Would one of you at least PRETEND to care here? Why is it I’m usually the one having to help Sparkella out because you didn’t care to notice anything?!”

“Hew now Med. Just calm down a little bit. Come on now and have a seat and stop sweatin' the small stuff.” AJ calmly returned, resulting in me making the similar strangling noises Sparkella made earlier.

Sparkella groaned in annoyance as we both left, leaving the cupcakes behind as it was clear nobody would be taking this seriously but myself. I know that AJ was telling the truth and this might be blown out of proportion, but still! A routine is something that shouldn’t be direly messed with like this. And to just blow it off like no big deal was a major offense from someone who is the Element of Understanding.

“OK, clock is ticking, Twilight. Clock. Is. Ticking. Keep it together.” She muttered before getting what looked like an insane grin on her face, making me a little fearful. “If I can't find a friendship problem... I'll make a friendship problem!”

“Um… Love?” I panickedly asked. “I think you’re taking this friendship letter a little too far here.”

“Oh no, I’m not going far for this, my little Medi.” She cooed as she then set her sights on me. “In fact… I know just… what… to… do.”

My eyes widened as I quickly took off, not wanting to find out. I love her, I really do, but the last thing I wanted was to end up being dissected all in the name of a friendship letter. I didn’t want to go back to the picnic after what was said and done, so I decided to just hide out in my music studio until hopefully she calmed down a bit. She knew where to find me, but the way she was now, I don’t think she would.

Unfortunately, it seems I did not plan on her becoming even more crazed to get a letter sent by today. Not one moment later, I hear what sounds like a stampede during one of my many, many tunings and check-ups on my instruments. When I went out to investigate, it seems like a huge swarm of ponies… fighting over something. This situation made me immediately think that Sparkella had caused it before I noticed what they were fighting over. And… oh boy… that doll… I NEEDED IT! I didn’t care who got in the way, I was going to take that doll, since I needed it most!

It was only after hearing Princess Celestia call out my Sparkella’s name that got me to snap out of it, just as Celestia shot out a wave of magic. This stopped everyone’s fighting, making us look at each other in embarrassment and mutual agreement to just… not bring this up again. I soon noticed my friends and quickly made my way over to them in confusion as Celestia told Sparkella to meet her in the library before flying off.

“Goodbye, everyone. If you care to visit, I'll be in magic kindergarten, back in Canterlot.” Sparkella sighed in defeat, giving me a pained expression before sadly trotting off.

“Um… ladies? What… exactly went on?” I asked confusedly, as I got my answer of an infused doll with a “Want It, Need It” spell.

“Magic kindergarten?” Shy brought us back on track.

“Canterlot?” Dash fretted.

“We're never gonna see Twi again!” Pinkie exclaimed in panic.

“Uh, what are we gonna do, y'all?” AJ steered the conversation yet again.

“Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!” We all gave her a look as she looked sincere this time. “What? I really mean it this time!”

We all agreed to quickly hightail it back to her library, because Princess or no Princess, she was our friend, and my marefriend. And I’d rather go mute than have to not see her as she would possibly go through magic kindergarten again. And with that in mind, I quickly pulled ahead and burst through the door, tumbling into Sparkella as I did so.

“Wait!” Dash called out right behind me, looking a little surprised at my speed.

“You can't punish her!” Pinkie cried out, getting in line as I stood confidentiality next to my Sparkella.

“It wasn't her fault!” AJ insisted.

“I'm listening.” Celestia looked down at us for the explanation.

“Please, your Highness. We all saw that Twilight was upset.” Shy started us out.

“But we thought that the thing she was worrying about wasn't worth worrying about.” Dash winced a little.

“So when she ran off all worked up, only Med here tried to help out and rightly call us on our behavior.” AJ lowered her head a little.

“As Twilight's good friends, we should have taken her feelings seriously and been there for her like what Med did!” Rarity continued on.

“I wasn’t there for her to actually solve the problem. I just kinda lashed out and then left once I thought things were getting too tough. I should’ve stayed with her the entire time.” I spoke up, feeling a bit crappy about what I did.

“Please don't take her away from us just because we were too insensitive to help her.” Shy pleaded, looking up at Celestia with begging eyes.

Princess Celestia smiled as she looked out at all of us again. “Looks like you all learned a pretty valuable lesson today.”

We all gave an agreement on that, because it was true. We all did learn something, even me. While it wasn’t the same lesson as the ladies, it was a lesson on sticking it out there for your friend when they needed you most.

“Very well. I'll forget Twilight's "punishment" on one condition.” Celestia waited until we all had agreed before continuing on. “From this day forth, I would like you all to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship when, and only when, you happen to discover them.”

We all gave a cheer on that, even as Sparkella asked, “Princess Celestia, wait! How did you know I was in trouble?”

“Your friend Spike made me aware that you were letting your fears get the best of you. I commend him for taking your feelings seriously.” Celestia smiled at a modest-looking Spike. “Now, if you will all excuse me, I must return to Canterlot. I'm expecting some mail.”

After flying off, AJ turned to Spike. “Welp. Y'all heard the Princess. Spike, take a letter!”

Spike nodded as he wrote down the letter, with all of us contributing to the letter, involving the two lessons learned from today. I gave Sparkella a small nuzzle as I spoke, hoping it was reassuring her a little. Soon, Spike wrapped it up, before adding his own little commentary at the end.

P.S. Obviously Spike did not have to learn a lesson, because he is the best, most awesome friend a pony could ask for. Unlike everypony else, he took things seriously, and-” He got some looks as he nervously chuckled. “Eheh... uh... yeah... I'll just, um… erase that…”

We all then kinda chuckled at his antics before having a mini-celebration for keeping Sparkella in Ponyville, soon calling it a night. I stayed after everyone had left, where Sparkella visibly sagged in worry and self-disappointment.

“I’m really sorry for what I did, Medi… I didn’t mean for you to get hypnotized by my ‘Want It, Need It’ spell… I feel like a horrible marefriend for putting you through that…” Sparkella spoke softly and sadly.

I instantly wanted to put a stop to any kind of those thoughts, hugging her as I spoke softly. “Sparkella… I know you didn’t mean too. It was my fault for up and bailing out on you when you really needed someone to help you out… It was my fault…”

She shook her head as she looked up at me. “Now you listen here, mister. It wasn’t your fault at all. I was the one that went coo-coo crazy and tried to use magic to fix it!”

“But I was the one that was trying his best, and failing, to help his marefriend! I’m the orrible coltfriend that wasn’t supporting you enough, and should’ve just-” I was cut off by a kiss from Sparkella, making me instantly lose my train of thought as I melted into the kiss.

She then pulled away from me with a small smile. “It really wasn’t your fault, Medi. Please, don’t take the blame and try to hurt yourself because of it. You did the best you possibly could, and I really, really thank you for that.”

We nuzzled a bit and then eventually had a small discussion for what to do for a date soon, and what to go for on Nightmare’s Night. I was pretty excited, to be honest. From what I can remember, I thought I once had somepony that I was really into, but it was really fuzzy. I know I didn’t really have a marefriend before Sparkella, but something was nagging at my brain that I did. Whatever the cause was, I was just really happy to do something normal, and together, very soon. After all, today was not exactly the best quality time with my special somepony. Plus, Nightmare’s Night! Free candy and a valid excuse to wear a costume and not get as many weird looks! Hehe.

In the end though, I went back to my home, sighing in relief as I crawled back into bed. While it was very irritating that I thought I remembered something yet didn’t, and for the fact that today was hectic as all Tartarus… it was a pretty OK day. At least I did spend a small bit of quality time with my Sparkella at the very end, and now I was to write letters to Princess Celestia like how Sparkella usually did them. Pleasant night for those ready to sleep, and have pleasant dreams.

End of Chapter 3