• Published 28th Dec 2017
  • 946 Views, 15 Comments

Twilight Accidentally Teleports To Some Crazy Rimworld Colony. - LegendaryHumanLeatherHat

After screwing up a spell, Twilight gets teleported to some colony out on the rim of the galaxy. She doesn't react well to many of their customs.

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Twilight was astonished, she did it. After months of research, she finally developed a teleportation enhancing device. The first ever magical device that can enhance magic without the use of curses or physiological manipulation.

"I did it, Spike! I did it!" She flailed her limbs and spun in circles like she was trying to shake off an eagle that was clawing her eyes out.

Spike wasn't nearly as enthused. "Alright, you did it. Calm down. I'm right here."

Twilight was visibly shocked at Spikes lack of excitement. "Do you not realize what this means?!"

Spike rolled his eyes. "I get it. You made a magic enhancing thing. I understand that you're excited, but you need to quiet down before you wake up all the neighbors."

Twilight ignored him. She wanted to test it out immediately. "Spike, get me my supply bag!"

"Wait, you're doing this now? What if something bad happens and we won't see you again for a long time?"

Twilight's smile dissipated. "That's exactly why I need a supply bag. It's a safety precaution."

Spike tossed the pack onto the floor. "Alright, well, I just want you to know that if I never see you again...

Twilight giggled. "Spike, I'm going to be fine, really. You don't have to worry."

Spike relaxed a bit. "Okay, you know what you're doing." He started walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked, confused.

"Rarity's. I'll be home before you get back."

Twilight nodded and opened her bag. "Alright, 48 hours of food, check. Tent and sleeping bag, check. Toolkit, check. Tailoring kit, check. Flashlight, check..." She continued like this for a while until she started pondering whether or not she should bring more. "I guess I could bring more water, in case I end up in a hot, dry area." she thought about worst case scenarios. The word "desert" stuck out in her mind as something she would hate to be sent to. Without realizing, she muttered the word "desert" under her breath, completely forgetting about the device strapped to her horn.

BLEEP - "Teleporting to desert" Twilight's eyes bulged open.

BLEEP - "Location 'desert' not specified. Selecting random desert location." BLEEP

"No! Wait!" She instinctively hugged her open bag, trying to close it as fast as possible to avoid losing any precious supplies before everything went black for what felt very long.

*** Hour 12, Day 1 of Jugust

Twilight awoke to a blinding light and an irritation in her skin. She felt the course, rough sand under her body. Already she started to feel thirsty. "Where...?" She looked around, all she could see was sand. Miles and miles and miles of sand. "No..." Her heart was racing. "No!" She got up from the ground. "Spike!" She screamed. "SPIIIKE!!!" Tears were forming in her eyes. She was terrified. She had no idea where she was and was uncertain if she could survive long enough to find any sign of life. Her breathing was sharp and each breath caked her throat with dry, dry air. "What do I do?! Where do I go?!" She touched her horn. The device was burnt out. She looked around. Absolutely nothing could be seen, except completely flat, dry hot sand. She strained her eyes, she could see the small amounts of dry clouds in the sky moving in one direction. It was a stretch, but maybe they were leading to a large body of water somewhere. She reached down to pull up her bag. "What?" Her bag was light. About half the weight that it was before. "Why is my bag so light?" It suddenly dawned on her. "It... It can't be." The realization almost made her collapse. She was on another planet. A planet with half the gravity of Equus. Questions hammered away at her brain. "Does this planet even have life?! No, it has to, otherwise I wouldn't be able to breath. But what if that life is so far away that I'll never reach it? Is a life without anyone else even be worth living? Will I ever get home?!" She grabbed her bag and ran off in the direction of the clouds. At least she can run faster under her new weight.

*** Hour 16, Day 1 of Jugust

She was almost entirely out of water. She has been running for hours, stopping only to urinate. She was slowly, but steadily loosing all hope of finding anything. Even if something was there, the sun's radiation would likely cover it up anyways, which is exactly what happened. Something tripped her and she collapsed, filling her mouth with sand. "BLEAGH!" She tried spitting it out, but her dry mouth stuck to it like glue. She used the last of her water to wash it out and spit it into the ground. "What was that?" She turned around to look at the ground. It was covered with a massive trail of hoof prints. Her ears perked and she smiled for the first time since she got here. "Ponies..." She immediately took off, following the trail in the direction the prints were going.

*** Hour 18 Day 1 of Jugust

The sun was starting to set, it was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it will become colder, but she wouldn't be able to see as well. She was so thirsty that she wouldn't care too much anyway. The ground was beginning to feel clumpier. Hopefully, this was a sign that it would become wetter as she progressed. She started seeing cacti, dried weeds, and dirt. It was a dream come true. She considered drinking cactus juice, but she decided not to. She had no idea if they were poisonous or not. Once, the light was gone completely, she turned on her flashlight. She wouldn't dare go to sleep without getting something to drink first, otherwise, she might never wake up.

*** Hour 19 Day 1 of Jugust

It was now completely dark, her mouth was starting to crack and bleed. Her eyes were unfocused and her skin was sunburned. She was minutes away from just collapsing and giving up, until she saw a light in the distance, emanating from behind a structure. She saw an opening in a large granite brick wall, surrounded by sandbags. She was saved. She ran into the opening.

*BEBEEP* Five automated machine gun turrets all spun around to face her.