• Published 26th Dec 2017
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Equestria needs Heroes (Re-Mastered) - ultspideyfan

In a world where King Sombra rules over Equestria, the Mane Six and a Dark Knight, try to bring back Spider-Man.

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Things Have Changed

Author's Note:

Comment on the book if I should change the names of these locations or if I should keep them.

'Things have changed since that day.' A dark figure was perched on a gargoyle. The figure was watching a mugging taking place. 'One thing that has stayed the same, are the damn criminals.' The figure jumped off the gargoyle, using his cape to help him glide down.

"Don't look up!" A dark sinister voice yelled. The mugger looked up, seeing a human sized bat, coming straight towards him. 'The criminals are still afraid of The Batman.' The mugger was hanged upside down from the gargoyle. The mugger was also branded with a bat.

"I see you've been busy." Alfred said as he tossed the morning newspaper towards Bruce Wayne. Bruce looked at the newspaper. The article read: "BAT BRAND OF JUSTICE." "I'm still not sure if I like the branding you do. What was it you said, oh yes, to send a message to King Sombra and Superman, that The Batman is back on the streets, and he's coming for you." Bruce looked up to Alfred, a smile plastered on his face.

"That's the idea Al." Bruce flipped through the newspaper. He stopped on a specific article, that was put on the last page. The title read: "SPIDER-MAN, WHERE DID YOU GO?" Bruce scanned the article, looking for who wrote it. Bruce's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. The writer of the article was, Twilight Sparkle Parker. "Twilight Sparkle, remind who she is again."

"Twilight is the wife of our friend, Peter. She's the editor in chief of the Webmaster in Ponyville. She's a mother of two children, and one of the Elements of Harmony." Bruce stared at the name. It had been years since he seen her. Bruce wondered if she was doing okay.

"I'm going to Ponyville, tell Lucius that I'm going outta town."

"Alright, anything else?" Bruce set down the newspaper.

"Continue searching for any radioactive DNA that matches Peter's." Bruce said, as he left the kitchen table.

The car ride wasn't any fun. The entire trip was nothing, but terrible silence. Bruce was looking through a new bat suit that Lucius was working on. The suit was going to make him faster, and to top it all off, make him even more scarier. "We're here master Bruce." Bruce looked out the window, Ponyville was empty. The only thing that seemed to be "alive" was the Webmaster building.

"Thank you Al." Bruce got out of the car and into the pouring rain. Bruce began making his way to the building.

The building was busy with life. People were moving from room to room, printing out newspapers that asked the same question. "WHERE DID YOU GO?" Bruce struggle to get to the editor in chief's office. Bruce finally made it to the door. He took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Mister Wayne, to what do we owe the visit? Are you here to shut us down? Or are you here to--"

"Just shut the hell up Dash." Bruce said, trying to hold in his rage. Rainbow Dash seemed to have that power over him. All it took was for Bruce to hear her voice, and then he was annoyed. "I came here to talk about Peter." That seemed to grab the Mane Six's attention. They all looked at Bruce, waiting for what he had to say. "I saw that you posted an article about your husband Twilight." Twilight's gaze remained locked onto the billionaire. "I want to help you."

Bruce's words hung in the air. Finally someone, that Bruce hadn't known entered the room, spoke. "So, you want to help us find Petey?" Bruce turned to see, William Afton, one of the survivors in the final battle with Sombra. William walked over to Bruce. William's hair was shorter than Bruce remembered it. Bruce also noted that William had ditched his technician uniform, and he had two scars on his face.

"That's why I'm here." William looked at Bruce. 'He's got some grey in his hair. He looks much older than the last time I saw him, no not older, he looks...broken, as if he lost--' William was shocked. Usually he could never trust Bruce, but this time was different. This time, Bruce was the one who was broken.

"It broke you didn't it. It broke you to know that the only person who can stand against Sombra, is gone. You want us to fix you." William said, causing the others to understand as well. Bruce nodded. William smiled. 'He finally admitted it. He actually cared for Pete.' "Well, since I'm one-half of the element of Kindness, then I say welcome aboard, but it's not my call." William turned to Twilight. "He's not being the usual Batman Twilight, I can see it, he misses Peter just as much as we do. It's only--"

"Shut the hell up, William." Twilight smiled. "Alright Bruce, your in."