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VIII - Reformation

The battalion of rebels cantered across the dead sea. A rusted, decrepit submarine lay on it's side, halfway sunken into the sea floor. Equine skeletons lay in the back.

A gigantic, low black cloud lingered around it, red lightning shooting from it in small arcs.

"Stay away from that Particle storm!" Shining shouted from the middle of the company. A stallion had strayed too close to it.

A giant bolt of deep red lightning arced to him and hit two others. Their corpses floated with the storm.

The company had to move on. They started to canter a bit faster, to make sure the storm didn't follow them.

A large building overshadowed the sea. Gunships arose from the side.

"Get low to the ground, that's the Gunship bay. If they catch a glimpse of us, none of us will survive." Shining said to Sven.

Sven passed it on, and the whole squadron got low. They continued slowly.

An alarm went off and an intercom blared from the building.

"Batch 1999992786 released, assembling Batch 1999992787." A robotic voice announced.

"Get moving!" Shining Armor shouted.

The group started to gallop. The prison buildings were in sight. Deep blue lasers from the complex shone on the group. A green laser was aimed at Button mash's head.

At the prison tower, the guard took the shot.

Shining armor jumped in the way, sacrificing himself for Button. Shining's body turned jet black and drifted in the air before disappearing. The other snipers took their shots, picking off the rebels.

"S-shining!" Twilight called out to him.

Twilight now led the charge. The remaining rebels galloped at their full speed to avoid getting hit.

Sven shot a grenade from his SMG, hitting three snipers.

More grenades sailed into the windows.

They stormed through the door and came flooding in. The guards inside fired at them, but they were quickly silenced.

The flood of rebels burst open cell doors, letting the prisoners free and arming them. Their numbers were larger even than when they started. The billow of rebels burst into the pod control room. They let free everypony in the chambers.

Ace and Gordon were freed last.

"This is a sight for sore eyes!" Ace commented ecstatically.

The sea of resistance poured through the complex, freeing the prisoners.

Bray had left the prison before they arrived.

They left the prison and set hoof into the dead sea again.

More red-marked guards galloped out, wielding automatic shotguns. More snipers switched on their lasers. Red lasers were now prominent along with yellow.

A stallion had a red laser fixed on him. The sniper took their shot and the pony exploded into pieces.

The yellow lasers were aimed at the ground. The shots were fired and explosions erupted from the ground. Grenades flew into the sniper's nests, the sharpshooters flew back into the wall. A segment of the building collapsed and crushed the Combine soldiers due to damage from the grenades.

The mass galloped for City 28.