• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 658 Views, 24 Comments

Letting Go - RoccoRoccs

Letting go is never easy. Whether it be the feeling of a moment, or the touch of a loved one, the inevitable is always true. Through the help of others, we can all let go.

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Chapter 10: Who Saved Who?

Letting Go
Chapter 10: Who Saved Who?
Rocco Roccs

Hollowed echos of the world around me finally set my mind to stir after Goddesses only knows how long. How long had I been out for? Hours? Days? Weeks? The memories that I had were muddied and broken, but the pain... The pain was all too real. It was the only thing my brain was hanging onto as if it were the only thing is had left. Despite it all my thoughts, as they always did, fell to Whistles. Was she ok? I know she was not with me, but still. I know Rain attacked me, I know that he hurt me bad... But did that mean he went back for her? Who found me up there bleeding out? Oh... Please don't let it be her! If she did then I was doomed to never have a moment alone again. No It couldn't have been her... There is no way that Rain would have stood for it. There was somepony else there, a buck... I think. Ow... All this thinking is giving me a headache again...

I had yet to even crack my eyes before my ears picked up on the familiar sound of shouting, screaming even. Through my weakened state, everything sounded muffled as if I were listening through a think blanket... Oh... I reached my hooves slowly to my face as my hooves tried to remember where it was. Under my pads I could feel soft, spongy cotton wrapped in layers across nearly all of my head. Oh Luna... how bad had he hurt me!? Calming myself, I did my best to easy my body upright in bed too look at what I hoped was my mirror in my room. Who was I kidding... There was no way that I was not in a hospital with this amount of bandages.

But when I opened my eyes... Celestia... was that really me under all of... THIS!? Only one of my eyes were uncovered, but it was more than enough to see the devastation that Rain had inflicted. Blood seeped through the white cotton on my face, chest and neck forming dark spots that showed exactly where the damage had been done. With shock flooding my system, I began to try and steady myself as I checked to make sure all of my body parts were accounted for. Legs... Check... Upper legs... Check. Nothing broken there. I took a deep breath and pressed my hooves between my legs.

"OWWWWW! OW ow ow ow oweeee!" I cried out in pain. "Ch... Check!" Well, all of THAT part of me was there... sore, but there. I thought it better not to keep checking after my... inexperienced exam. Knowing that I was all here still was a relief, but I would have to wait to see just how bad the damage truly was once the bandages came off. I instead turned my attention to the shouting that was coming from down the hall and downstairs. It was muffled, but I could still tell that it was clearly a buck and a mare having it out at full volume. Even through the bandages, the mare's high squeaky voice pierced my ear drums like a needle.

"Uf... I'd really hate to be that buck..." I groaned as I tried my best to bare weight on my hooves. Thankfully, My legs all seemed to be more than ok, sore as all get out, but nothing broken. My groin on the other hoof... Had rain straight up stomped it to death!? Every step was agony as I crept towards the doorway. Oh how I wish my wings were not bandaged right now... Wait... I'm in my house. I'm doctored up, but in my house of all places? Who found me? Oh crap, it had to of been Whistles. Now I'm screwed... Well, not screwed. Judging by the amount of pain I was in down there, I would be lucky to screw ever again. Fucked is a better word... no, damnit! I'm just in trouble. bad, bad, bad trouble.

I peeked my head around the corner to the downstairs area where I could see the ass end of a huge looking dark gray buck shouting out of my door way. Great, now the neighbors will think I'm nuts, did he have... Back Track. HE Found me! No wonder I'm still alive, and bandaged so well! It should have been no short wonder to me that he had found me, he even said he was going to come looking for me if I was late! No wonder I'm not dead right now! Rain was one tough bastard, but not Equestrian 2nd squadron, force recon tracker tough! Oh shit! Did he kill Rain!? Wouldn't that be a lucky break!

"You've done enough! If you think for one second that I would let you see him after luring him into a trap like that, you must be outside your damn mind girl!" Back Track shouted in anger.

"PLEASE! YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME! I had nothing to do with what happened! I always follow him out of the house like that! I swear! I didn't know dad was waiting for him!" Whistles squeaked.

"BULLSHIT! That was as orchestrated of an attack if I had ever saw one! You were shadowing him! Yuu even gave a signal!"

"I WAS SCREAMING 'LOOKOUT!', if I was 'shadowing' him, why would I give myself away!?" Whistles pleaded.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WERE DOING! THIS WHOLE THING STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN! Your father will stand trial for assault on a minor and attempted murder. Trust me when I say that if those other guards had not been there, there would be no trial!"

"I don't care about him! How can I make you understand that I hate my father! He's mean to me and my mom, he beats us! I would NEVER help him hurt Caskade! Never, EVER, EVER!" Even with her convincing tone, I could tell that she was crying. I reasoned that she must have never been on trial like this with somepony like Back Track. His whole job was finding ponies and getting out whatever information he could before... Whatever he did with them after.

"If you don't care about your father so much, why did you leave Cask out there alone? Why did you shadow him instead of come back home with him?"

"I told you, I stayed behind to pack my things! He was the one trying to save me from that place! I never want to go back there, I never want to see either of my parents again after this! Why would I try to hurt him if he was the one helping me!?" Whistles was now balling, her words almost undefinable among her sobs and sniffs. I wanted to run to her, hug her and tell her it was all going to be alright... I actually had been trying to creep down the stairs the entire time, but the pain in my back was so intense I had yet to make it down the first stair.

"It's still sketchy... I don't think you should be here right now. Caskade... He's not going to be up for visitors for a while."
Back Track's words found the first silence they had in the conversation since I had woken up. It was quiet, but the sound of a breaking heart was clear as day.

"No... no-no-no-no! How... How bad..." Whistles stammered as she began prying.

"I'm not at liberty..." He began.


If I could just get my damn back to stop hurting I could make it down the stairs! I reached as best I could but was sent backwards to the floor in agony. I yelped when my full wait found its way to my right wing. What had happened to my wings!? They ached with stabbing pain right at the joints like they had been... No... No he couldn't have...

Timidly, I began working the muscles to them, but I was horrified to not feel my right wing move all. Rain must have wanted to settle the score with me, break my wings, take away the one thing that was truly mine. He tried to take flying away from me. Horror fell over me, but I would not have the time to bathe in it. My loud yelp had alerted the two arguing Pegasi down stairs and their hoofbeats were growing louder as they closed the distance.

"Caskade! You ok!?" Back Track shouted.

"N... NO!" I shouted through the tears. Damnit! I don't want her to see me like this, not right now! No wonder he had been trying to ward her off, he knew this was going to be a painful recovery. No doubt he was trying to spare me the hardship of being worried what she would think of me now... Would she run? Would she scream at me? Would she want nothing to do with me? Then there is the damage to my wings... Was it permanent? Would I ever fly again? I could feel pain in both of them, that was good... right?

"Oh-no-no-no-no! CASK!" Whistle screamed as she dove past Back Track and fell to my side.

"Heeeeeeey you..." Go Cask. Keep it simple.

"Cask! You shouldn't be out of bed! I wasn't even sure you were going to wake up at all." He said as he nealed down to try and help me up.

"I-I can do it..." I groaned as I forced myself up... Then over onto the hallway's wall... and promptly slid back down to the floor. Whistles whimpered by my side as she struggled to help me back up. Even after all she had been through, she was still putting me first and trying to help me. Maybe it was guilt, but the pained expression she was wearing wasn't of worry, it was fear. Was she afraid that her father had succeeded in pushing me away, did she honestly think that THAT would be enough to stop me from wanting to be with her?

"Sweetie... No you can't. Please let us help you." Whistles begged. Ah, guilt, there it is.

"No since in acting tough now kid, you did that by not dying." Back Track said as he trotted along side me and helped guide me back into my bed.

"How bad is it?"

"You mean you don't know already? I thought you would have figured it out all on your own after that." He said as he opened a drawer to my nightstand and retrieved a bottle of pills. Ah, So I was at the hospital after all. "Go ahead, take your best guess as to what happened. Make me proud." He said almost sadistically.

"Well, I was flying home. I saw a cloud and decided to take a rest for a moment, then I god my ass kicked on... Feels like I got my junk ripped off and I can't move one of my wings. I can tell you must have showed up, I heard as much. I can see that at some point I saw a doctor judging by the bottle of pills. Did I do good?" I said with a chipped tooth smile.

"Close... Let me fill you in on the last week or so..."

"WEEK!?" I shouted.

"Cask, you have been gone for over a week... I thought you left me, got scared or... or..." My hoof found her's before she could continue, silencing her before she could dig her pit of self wallow deeper.

"Yes, the last week. I guess after you two love birds had dinner, that Rain prick ambushed you with two of his friends. Beat you up pretty good. I showed up about the time that were trying to rip your wings off." Whistles and I shared a groan of horror that a Pegasus could even begin to do that to another... Life without wings is... no life at all. "Once that whole ordeal was under control and they were being hauled off, I flew you to the hospital."

"But... why am I at home and not there?"

"I'm getting to that! Sorry... You were there for a while, five days no less. They placed you in a medically induced coma of sorts while they did the surgeries."


"Yes surgeries... You gonna keep interrupting me!? You may be tough, but you are dense!"

"Sorry, sorry..."

"Ok, yes, surgeries. Your right wing was completely dislocated and needed reconstructive surgery on the joint. Your left is just sprained. Two broken ribs, one that you had to be opened up to fix, various bruising and contusions of the... um... groin and two black eyes. Congrats, you're not dead. Take this pill." Back Track said with zero enthusiasm as he shook the one and only pill out of its bottle.

"My wing... Will I..."

"Fly again? Yes, but not for a while. They immobilized one of them while it heals. And before you ask, your crotch is fine, just bruised, so no playing with your tally-wacker until it stops being purple." Whistles snorted at his deadpan humor. I on the other hoof found the joke terrible. I had plans... BIG plans that involved those things. Now they were all mushed up and broken. Total suck. "This is a new drug that has spilled over to the civilian market through our testing program. Some regenerative growth something or other. I know for the last few years they have been testing this out at the Ministry Of Peace with good results. It should help you heal up in a week or so, but until then, no flying! You will need to go in tomorrow to get your wing braces removed at 4pm. Do not be late." Back track said as he trotted to the door.

"Wait... You are just going to leave me here!?"

"Why not. She's here now and I don't have a reason to believe that she is a threat to you. Rain is in jail, so you don't have issues there either. Why wouldn't I leave?"

"The paper work? You said I had to file it. what about the business?"

"I forged your signature, it wasn't hard, I just scribbled it down. As far as the business, it seems like it is doing just fine on it's own. You will need to talk with them to be sure, but they all know your situation and have set things up pretty nice without you there. If I had to guess, I would say that they are worried that if it does not do well, they will be out of a job."

"So that's it? Where are you heading to now?" I asked as I tried to let everything start to sink in.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that I may be heading south... Far south. So you need to get some rest, no more fighting and don't forget your doctors appointment." And with his parting words feeling more like idle threats, Back Track was gone. It was if he had not been here at all, but been here the whole time. I guess that's why he's a tracker. I looked to Whistles who looked like a filly who had found her lost puppy after weeks of searching.

"You follow me when I leave your house?" I asked with a sly grin.

"I-I want to make sure you make it home safe! I swear!" She said with a nervous smile.

"Sure you do. Are you sure it's not to get a better look at my butt?"

"No! I promise! Wait, no that came out wrong! I would never look at your but without you..." Whistles buried her head into the comforter beside me, piled it around her head and screamed. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE RIGHT ANSWER IS!"

"Oh babe... come here." I said in a comforting tone as I pulled her closer. " You can look at my butt anytime.

The two of us spent the next hour trying to figure out everything that had happened. Back Track was very good at relaying information... just information. Emotions, worries, fine details of relationships on the other hoof... Well, they might as well be details about another planet he had never been to. So it stood to reason that there was plenty of catching up to do as we cuddled together on my bed.

Whistles told me that not long after I had left that her mother insisted that she go after me and make sure I made it home ok. She had caught up to me about the time Rain and his two morons of friends jumped me on the vary cloud she and I first met on. He had tailed me all the way from the edge of Cloudsdale to the edge of the Everfree before he came screaming out of the sky and right down on top of me. His friends then held me up while Rain had his marry way with beating the hell out of me. After I blacked out, Rain and another buck stood on my back and tried to pull my wings from their sockets. Thank Celestia I was blacking in and out and never felt that pain.

Whistle detailed the story as if it were a movie she could not forget. Then again, to her sitting there helpless to do anything at all, too scared to move, she had no choice but watch. I could not even begin to imagine what that must have been like, to sit there and watch somepony you love be torn limb from limb, by her own father. She described it as her own worst nightmare come to life. After Back Track took me away and the air guard had taken her statement, she was ordered home.

She spent everyone of the five days trying to find where I had been take to. She went to every hospital short of flying to Hoofington trying to find me, but there was no chance of that happening. I had been taken to the air force base outside of Cloudsdale to be seen by their doctors. Figures I ended up there what with BT finding me and all. I spent the next few days undergoing a few surgeries and being kept unconscious to relieve the pain before being brought back here, to my home. By that time Whistles had began thinking the worst, worrying that I had been scared off or... worse. Even still, she kept a watchful eye on my home, waiting for me to come back home. It wasn't until today that she even had spoken to Back Track at all, thinking that I wanted nothing more to do with her after all that had happened.

But that was never the case for me. She had no control over what her father did, she couldn't have even began to try and stop them from hurting me. The only thing she could do was sit, watch and wait all the while hoping that they would leave so she could fly to my side and try to get help. It was heart breaking to listen to, I wanted nothing more than to take her bad memories and toss them away, but Rain had found one last way to hurt her. He found the one thing of her's he could break after all these years. He found me.

"Whistles... Don't cry... I'm ok, I'm still here and I'm not leaving." I said, trying to stem the tide of tears flowing from her eyes.

"You don't understand! I almost lost you! I can't lose you, not now, not ever!"

"You're not going to lose me. It would take a hell of a lot more than this to take me away from you."

"The worst part of this is that I couldn't help you! I wanted to so bad but my stupid body wouldn't listen to me!" She screamed as she pounded my mattress.

"HEY! I wouldn't have had it any other way. I wouldn't have wanted you to try and stop it, you could have gotten yourself in the same spot i'm in... maybe even worse! I rather take the beating and see you later than you take one at all."

"Why do you always do this! Why do you keep putting me first in front of yourself!? It's not fair! It's not fair!"

"Because..." I said quietly.

"Because why!?"

"Because I don't ever want to see you hurt again. I promised you. Even if it means doing it all over again, I wouldn't blink. You gave your fair share of pain, let me take it from here." Whistles said nothing but instead held onto me tighter and just as I promised, even with my ribs aching in agony from her holding me, I didn't blink, I let her have her moment of respite, with me.

"Whistles, seriously!?" I shouted as I tried to shut the door to the bathroom.

"You need my help! I can help you!" She shouted back in a mocking tone.

"Whistles please! I'm trying to poop in here!"

"But what if you fall again!?" She said as she pushed on the door.

"I already told you! I fell ASLEEP! ASLEEP! Not 'oh I have fallen and I can't get up', ASLEEP!"

"Who falls asleep on a toilet anyways!? What kinda buck are you?" She shouted, taunting me further.

"Please let me do my business in peace, I promise the toilet won't try to kill me."

"But what if it does!? Or worse! What if that whole box of snack cakes you ate last night at 2 in the morning does! Whatever will I put on the tomb stone!?"

"For fuck sakes babe... Wait, you saw that!?" Crap! I was so quiet too! We had not been back from the hospital for more than an hour after having my immobilizers taken off and she was already picking on me. Granted it was welcomed, it added a little fun to our relationship at times. Then there were times like this one, me trying to poop while holding off an insane mare and her telling me she has been spying on me and my late night snackery.

"Oh ok... But here... take this at least." She said as she passed me my ball bat from the hallway.

"Seriously? What am I going to do with this..."

"You know, for protection! The snack cakes might want revenge!" She said in way too innocent of a voice... Great, I'm powerless to that voice, she could use it to get anything her heart wanted... Most mares would want a new dress or jewelry... Mine uses it to torment me while I try to go to the bathroom.

"Thanks babe..."

"Don't forget to wash your hooves too!" She sing-songed down the hallway.


Our relationship... I wouldn't call it a full on mature adult relationship, sure we loved each other as much, but we definitely lacked maturity. Whistles had stayed by my side the entire time of my injured state, never once complaining about having to help me go to the bathroom, bathe or sometimes eat. You would be surprised how hard it is to eat with only one functioning eye at the time. But where I needed help, she was there. It was embarrassing at times, but she made up for it with caring well enough. One thing was for sure, it had grown over the last few days.

It was like without the fear of Rain, or her having to leave at the end of the night had brought out a new side of her. Gone was the timid and shy mare who was too afraid to talk, now she did so freely, even going so far as to play little jokes on me and tease me from time to time. I loved her when she was like this, not because it was in some way more appealing, but because it was who she was meant to be. I guess we all have something that brings us pain, something that tares at us from the inside and beats us down to think we are nothing at all.

For her it was her father. Abusive, angry and demeaning with his every move he forced Whistles hide away her most prized of emotions in desperation not to be seen. She had learned to take then and store them away and not be seen as anything more than another pony in the background, if that. It wasn't until she was free of him that she got a chance to be what she had always feared the most. Time with me brought that out in her, nothing prideful about it, it was the truth, no matter how I reasoned it was her all along. Now that she was free, she could finally be happy and my reward was her smiling face every morning.

I made my way down stairs to the living room and the awaiting stack of papers that the new shop assistant, Cliff Note, had brought over. Product acquisition proposals that had been thoroughly combed through already, tax returns... oh how fun taxes are and a nice pile of income statements for the month. Where I had not spent near as much time in the shop as my father in my pursuit of happiness, I still was my father's colt. I wanted to see every bit that came through the door and everyone that went out in effort to help keep his dream alive. Not to mention it was nice to see actual money coming in, did I mention I love money!? Like, a lot!?

"Cask?" Whistles whispered from the door way to the kitchen.

"Yeah babe?"

"I was thinking..." She said as she timidly tapped her hooves together.

"Oh Celestia... if this is about that dress again, I already said to go and get it and that you look cute in it."

"No, no... I bought it before I showed it to you. I was thinking about something we talked about, long ago."

"Yeah?" I said as I finished up my month's paper work and slid it to the side.

"Yeah... What if we just... left."

"Left? Left how? Like go on vacation?"

"No silly... Like left-left. Didn't tell anypony who didn't need to know and just... disappeared. Started a life for ourselves somewhere else."

"So just like, leave and never come back? What about the business? This house? Your mom?"

"Cask... I don't really want her to know... where I am." She said in a shameful tone. I sat for a moment thinking about that last bit. Sure her home life was... well, shit. But why would she not want her mother to know where she was? Was it the fact that her mom wanted to make things right with Rain? Was it the fact that she so willingly gave her up to me in desperation? Maybe she was worried that Rain would somehow get out of jail and come to finish things off for good.

"Ok... Why?" Whistles pondered for what felt like an eternity before hitching her voice and continuing.

"H-have you ever had something you really cared about, something you never knew you wanted until you got it and would do anything to protect it?" Oof... didn't see that coming. Talk about some level ten love talk. I guess she was still worried that something could happen to us here. Sure we have been through a lot together, but was it really necessary to just leave all together?

"Yes. I have you. Do you really think now is the right time to leave for good? Do we really need to?"

"Heh... I-I think I want to. I think it's the last thing I need to feel, safe. I think I need that now." She said almost ashamed to want something that everypony should have given to them freely. The truth was, I honestly did not want to leave this place now, I had so many memories here. It was the last place I felt close to my dad, the last place I remember having a family and the last place that everything fell into place in my life. But I wouldn't have any of these things without Whistles by my side. Memories are just that, memories, they can go anywhere. My dad even used to say that there was no use worrying about tomorrow because it hasn't happened yet. I just wish he had not worried so much about the past, maybe he would still be here.



"Ok, let's do it!" I said with a smile.

"Really!? REALLY-REALLY!?" Whistles shouted in glee as she playfully patted her hooves into my chest.

"Yes, really-really. If it is what will make you feel safe, let's do it. Let's leave and never come back."

I was scared, terrified of the idea. Neither of us had really strayed too far from this area our whole lives, now we were talking about moving on a whim hundreds of miles away. It would mean leaving that small part of me that was clinging to the past behind me, but if it was for her, I couldn't say no.

"YESYESYES!" She shouted as she ran to pack her bags. Oh sure... leave me to deal with all the dirty work. I only had to transfer power of attorney to somepony to run the shop, pay them, arrange a moving company, pack everything in storage, find us a home, get it set up and... everything else... no sweat.

"What about all of... THIS!"

"All of what!?" she shouted from the upstairs bed room.

"What!? There is like... five vans worth of crap in here! We don't even have a place up there yet!"

"Leave it! Just take what's important and leave a note to Cliff to have the rest put in storage! We can buy new stuff and come back for whatever we forget."

"WHISTLES! Bit's don't just grow on trees!" Great... now I'm my father. Every young buck's dream to worry about money had come true! Oh I love being a adult! No, wait... the other thing. Hate. Might as well write the shop a note before we break ties and run off...

"Hunny... We have the bits. You said so yourself." She said as she dropped two big bags at my hooves packed to the brim. I had barely finished my letter when she damn near broke the floor boards with them.

"Did you..." I started

"Pack your hoodies, hats, pictures of your parents, jacket, tooth brush and deodorant? Yes." She said firmly.

"Ok but what about..."

"The check book, our ID's, shampoo, your stuffed teddy from when you were a cold, your dad's necklace and your mother's jewlery? Yes."


"Socks, hoofboots, your stash of bits from the ceiling light, picture album and favorite blanket." Whistles said with a wide eye'd grin, all the while wagging her tail so violently that it made her butt shimmy side to side. I stared into those big blue eyes, the same ones that could get anything they wanted with the slightest glance and sighed.

"Whistles you were up there for like, three minutes... how did you get all this stuff read so fast?"

"I... Was hoping you would say yes, I had been packing all morning." She said sheepishly.

"Well I freaking guess!" I shouted as I threw my hooves up.

"Cask... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"No no... You are right. If we are going to do this, we need to just leave now before we grow any common sense. But I'm not selling this house. As fun of a idea as it is, I will still need to come back here and deal with business from time to time."


"And no lofts, I hate those things!"

"No lofts! promise."

"One last thing..." I said as we headed towards the door.

"Can we take the train? I really don't want to fly all the way there with it sack of concrete on my back." Honestly, how did she lift this damn thing!?

"Yes, of course." She said as I turned to look back one last time before I locked the door.

As abrupt as it had all started, it felt like it ended the same. Some ponies would call it the ending of a chapter, to me if felt more like the closing of a book. It was heart wrenching, gut twisting pain to walk away from my old life. Even with it's near constant heartache, loneliness and sorrow, it was still my life. Other ponies would take one look at tit and shrug it off as refuse, but to me...

I could still see my dad going on one of his crazy rants in the kitchen, wondering how dinner got made without him knowing. I could see myself sitting on the old couch in the den, watching tv and half-heartedly working on a assignment as I waited for another day to pass. But all the sadness that was once there was gone. Instead my mind painted a vivid picture of Whistles standing in my doorway, shivering with cold, worried I wouldn't let her in. I could see us cuddling by the fireplace and I could see our first kiss together, all those nights ago.

It was like she was the one thing I had been missing all these years since my mother passed away. She was that magical force that somehow, without even trying, found a way to come into my life and shine light on all the good I could not see. Maybe I hadn't been the one who walked through the fire for her, maybe, just maybe she had been the one who done it for me. As fond as my memories were in this old house, my life was not here, it was with her.

"Hey... Are you ok cask?" Whistles asked, worried I was having second thoughts.

"Better now." I said with a smile. "Let's go."

Author's Note:

Com'on... did you really thing I was going to cliff hanger you for that long?

Big thanks to Midnight Premier for the boost in confidence to get off my ass and write! Also the music! This chapter was written with The song 'IplayYouListen' by ODESZA on repeat for about 4 hours.