• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 1,008 Views, 5 Comments

Shadows of Love - StarlightisVERYcute

Twilight and Shadowlock search for a way to restore the books he erased.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Crystal Empire

Shadowlock took a seat on the train cushion. It was comfortable and soft. The train was mostly empty, and he felt a glowing opportunity approaching. Unsure of how to bring his thoughts up, he said, “We didn’t really get a chance to talk since last night.”

“Yeah,” she agreed, repacking her saddlebags as she talked. “So,” she sighed. “I guess what I want to ask is... was it just a spur-of-the-moment thing? Or do you really... feel that way?”

Shadowlock felt warmth rising in his chest and his cheeks. “I...” How honest did he want to be? Understate it, and she might seek an easier interest. Overstate it, and she might be put off by his forwardness.

After a few agonizing moments in thought, he answered, “I... I think I do. You’ve helped me out a lot, brought me back on the right path, and you’re just such a wonderful pony. Smart, kind, pragmatic, knowledgeable.. and really pretty.”

Twilight blushed at his praise. “I’m kind of surprised, really. I never thought I had that much going for me.”

Shadowlock staggered to comprehend that. “Are you kidding? You’re Celestia’s star pupil, the Princess of Friendship, savior of Equestria half a dozen times! You’re probably the smartest pony alive today!”

Twilight awkwardly replied, “Alright, I suppose I can see why a lot of ponies would like me.”

Realizing how that might have sounded, he added, “But those reasons aren’t the ones I like you. I mean, they’re awesome, and they sure don’t hurt how I feel about you, but I like you for your wonderful personality.”

Twilight swallowed. “I... think I feel similarly about you? I’m not sure, but last night, when we were hugging, and then kissed... it was the best feeling I’ve had in years. I think... I want to feel like that again.”

Shadowlock’s heart skipped a beat.

Had Princess Twilight Sparkle just said she was interested in a relationship? With him?

He struggled for something, anything, to say, but didn’t find it. Finally, he forced out, “I would too.”

Twilight blushed a little. “Heh...”

Her face lit up with realization. “Actually, there’s something I’ve been meaning to do.” She unfastened the clasp around her neck, and placed his cloak back around his shoulders. “You can have this back. I won’t need it in the Crystal Empire.”

Something familiar swirled around him. A moment later, he realized what it was. The scent of lavender he’d come to associate with Twilight was around him, on the cloak! He felt heat rising in his chest and on the back of his neck, and smiled wide.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes. I’m not nearly as big a symbol here, and honestly, I think it’d be good for you to have it.”

“Why’s that?” he inquired curiously.

She nervously bit her lip. “You... kind of look like King Sombra.”

He blinked. “I do?”

“Yeah, a little bit. Most ponies wouldn’t notice, but with the Crystal Empire’s history, and the lasting impression his rule left on them... I just think it’d make things easier.”

He felt a little unhappy, but understood. “Alright.”

“I did have one other thing to bring up, while we were on the topic of serious things.”

His stomach sank. “What’s that?”

She looked out the window. “Last night, I had a dream. A scary dream.”

“What happened?”

“I saw you consumed by the darkness.” She shuddered. “It was horrible.”

He adopted a comforting tone. “That’s not going to happen. I have you to keep me in the light. My time with you has already been the happiest I’ve been all my life. I want to keep going and see where this crazy feeling leads us.”

She hugged him. “I’m glad. I don’t know how this will go either, but I know I want to be there to experience it with you.”

Shadowlock stepped off the train, and took a deep breath of the air. It was sweet and poignant, and surprisingly warm for a place this far north.

He kept his hood up and hurried along.

A big, excited white stallion with a blue mane ran up to Twilight. He loudly called out, “Twilight! You didn’t tell me you’d be visiting the Crystal Empire!”

“Sorry Shining, I forgot,” she said a little abashedly. “We’ve been very busy with research.”

“We’ve?” He looked confused, so Twilight indicated Shadowlock.

“Yeah,” Shadowlock confirmed. “I’ve been investigating Equestria’s history, and Twilight’s been helping me.”

“Huh.” He addressed Twilight again. “Well, if you’re staying here, you need to say hi to Cadance!”

The gears clicked into place in Shadowlock’s brain. This was Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard, Prince-Consort to Princess Cadance, and Twilight’s brother.

Twilight looked to Shadowlock, and said, “I really want to, but I just don’t know if we have time...”

“We do,” Shadowlock said. “This is an immense but slow problem, and the immediate issues have been dealt with.”

Shining looked from Shadowlock to Twilight, confused. “Uh, what problem are you talking about?”

“We’ve got it under control, Shining,” Twilight reassured him. “Let’s go say hi to Cadance!”

Shining Armor led them towards the massive Crystal Palace. The rising sun refracted beautifully through the palace, and from there through the bodies of crystal ponies all around him. It was like being inside a gigantic prism.

Up they went, through an arsenal of doors and hallways. Shadowlock passed by dozens of guards who all looked eerily similar. Identical, even...

But his mind was taken from these ponderings by a sudden turn into a small room, and the babbling of a baby. “Cadance! Flurry Heart!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

The Princess of Love looked up. “Twilight! It’s good to see you again!”

“You too,” Twilight replied. She looked at the baby. “Are you busy right now?”

“Not really.” Princess Cadance noticed him, standing near the door. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Shadowlock,” he answered. “It’s an honor to meet you.”

Cadance’s eyes widened, and a hint of a smile snuck onto her face. “Actually, I’m free right now, if you’d like to talk for a bit Twilight. You can come too, Shadowlock.” She asked Shining Armor, “Can you take care of Flurry Heart for a bit, dear?”

“Ah-of course. Good luck on your research, Twily!” He pulled her in for a quick hug, before walking over to beside the baby.

Cadance fluttered out. Shadowlock followed her, curious and a little confused.

Once they were out of earshot of anyone, Cadance giggled, “I can’t believe it! My favorite sister has a crush!”

Twilight blushed. “W-what?”

Cadance playfully continued, “Oh, don’t play dumb. It was totally obvious! You’ve got that ‘newly in love’ atmosphere all around you.”

What? Was it really that obvious? He was sure they were hiding it better than that...

Shadowlock asked, “How did you know?”

“So you admit it! Oh, this is so wonderful!” Cadance was almost dancing around the room. “But to answer your question? I’m the Princess of Love, silly.”

“How are things going? Have you kissed yet? Oh, I have so many questions. My little sister is in love!” Cadance squeed.

Twilight answered, “I’d say going well. And yes, we have. Once, last night.”

“They’re going pretty well, yeah,” Shadowlock agreed. He wanted to say “They’re going completely amazingly and I couldn’t be happier,” but that might be too forward and optimistic. He settled on adding, “She’s wonderful.”

Cadance smiled very happily. “It’s such a good feeling to see you getting to enjoy love, Twilight. I’d been wondering for a long time about when its arrows would finally find you, and who they’d pin you to.” She chuckled lightly. “Honestly, I had a feeling it’d be Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight laughed. “Rainbow Dash? She’s a great friend, but I never felt that way about her.”

“What about you?” Cadance asked Shadowlock. “This is my first time meeting you. Tell me about yourself!”

Shadowlock answered, thinking through each word, “I’m a... travelling historian and investigator, I guess you might say. A couple months ago, I made a pretty big mistake when I was trying to save the world. Twilight helped me see that, and inspired me to work to heal the damage I’d caused. I came back to ask for help on my mission - I needed access to the Canterlot archives, for instance - and she helped me for a second time. From there, one thing led to another.”

Twilight felt a sort of clarity sweep over her at Shadowlock’s words. “That sums it up well,” she agreed. “We’re here to talk to Sunburst, actually. He might be able to help us figure out what spell we want from the leads we’ve collected.”

“Well, he’s probably at his house right now,” Cadance said. “But before you go, we’ve got to break the awesome news to Shining!”

Was that a good idea? She loved her brother, but he could be a bit... overprotective. He might freak out. “I’m not sure. How about you tell him while we’re out to meet Sunburst, and we’ll come back to discuss it later?”

Cadance met her gaze, and they exchanged a wealth of information in those few brief seconds. “Sure thing, Twilight. Have fun on your date~!”

“I-It’s not a date!” she insisted. Cadance just winked and flew away.

Shadowlock and Twilight slipped out quietly. As they walked through the beautiful city, he saw a huge crystal statue of Spike.

“What did Spike do to get that?” he wondered aloud to Twilight.

“Saved the Crystal Empire a couple times. He’s more of a hero than me, honestly.” She lightly chuckled. “Really, Spike has done a lot of amazing things lately. And it seems like his friends keep ending up national rulers. Me, Ember, and Thorax, for example.”

He didn’t recognize one of those names. “Ember?”

“She’s the current Dragon Lord. Rose to power a few months ago.”

He couldn’t really think of a good response to that, so he just kept walking.

They got to a small house without much hassle. “This is Sunburst’s house. He should be able to help us.”

“What’s he like?” Shadowlock inquired unsurely. “Do you think we’ll get along?”

“I think so. He’s a scholar just like you, though a bit more bookish. But you should find out for yourself.”

She knocked three times. An orange stallion opened the door slowly. “O-oh, hi. Princess Twilight! I w-wasn’t expecting you here.”

“Hello Sunburst. Are you busy?” Twilight asked.

He nervously looked from side to side. “N-no, of course not. J-just need to tidy up a moment.” He closed the door. A few moments later, he reopened it. “C-come in!”

Twilight walked in, and gestured for Shadowlock to follow.

The walls were lined with books, and a small unlit fireplace was in the corner. Curving vials with multicolored liquid rested above the fireplace. Everything was disorganized. It was pretty much the stereotypical wizard’s house, and it looked very comfy.

“So, uh, what do you want?” Sunburst asked. To Shadowlock specifically, he added, “And, er, what’s your name?”

“Shadowlock,” he answered simply.

Sunburst replied awkwardly, “Well, Shadowlock, it’s nice to meet you! How can I... help you?”

“Hopefully, you can help me and Twilight find a magical artifact or spell that’ll do to what we want. We have a bunch of leads, but need more information and general help. We were hoping you’d know enough magic to help us pick out the right thing.”

Twilight added, “After that, if it’s a spell, we’re going to take it to Starlight to make the final tweaks. And if it’s an artifact, we’re going to track it down.”

“Yeah, that sounds like something I could help with,” Sunburst agreed. “So, what do you want the spell to do?”

“That’ll take a bit of explanation.” Shadowlock relayed the story of how he’d erased books, the spell he’d used to do it, and how they wanted to recover the destroyed information.

Sunburst tapped his chin with a hoof. “Your spell even erased the information from everyone who had read it?”

“Yeah,” Shadowlock replied. “I wanted... to spare anyone from the horror, and to prevent anyone from bringing my ancestor back.”

“Well, that’s a conundrum. That’s not to say it can’t be done - I’ve heard of even more powerful things done - but it’ll be very, very hard to get everything lined up correctly. Unless one of you wants to risk a Wish spell?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Twilight said. “It’s always an option, and it’s an alright backup plan, but we should try to find a less risky cure first.”

“I do have some ideas,” Sunburst said, undeterred. “Do you two happen to have notes on the research you’ve already done?”

“Yep! Here you go.” Twilight levitated over her notes, and Shadowlock did the same.

“Hmm, this is good,” Sunburst said. “But I’ll need to do a lot of reading before I can give any real advice. You could come back tomorrow!”

“Sounds good to me,” Shadowlock volunteered. He was very excited - a whole day to spend with Twilight!

“Me too,” Twilight assented. “See you tomorrow, Sunburst!”

The two of them left Sunburst’s little house. “So, we’ve got the whole day open,” Twilight stated. “How do you want to spend it?”

“I... don’t really know,” Shadowlock confessed. “I haven’t spent much time with ponies outside my family.” It was a weird thing to say out loud.

Her eyes sparkled, and her ears perked up. “How about a picnic?”

He blinked. Had he heard her right? “A picnic?”

“Yep! We should go on a picnic. It’ll be fun!”

He opened his mouth to speak, then thought better of it and considered first. It’d be a chance to talk to her alone, in a pleasant, relaxed setting. They’d get to enjoy each others’ company. It sounded like an excellent way to try and go a little further with their relationship, or at least give a stable foundation for their current feelings.

He cracked a smile that he hoped was warm but also slightly coy. “Alright, you’ve convinced me. Let’s do it.”

“Great!” she exclaimed. “Let’s go get what we’ll need.”

Twilight cantered ahead, and he followed along behind. Her mathematically precise way of walking was just as captivating as before.

The bustling market overflowed with ponies. But they melted out of the way before Twilight, and Shadowlock was able to “ride the coattails”, so to speak.

Twilight trotted over to a mare selling food. “Four sandwiches, please!”

The mare replied, “Sure thing, Princess!” Bits and bread were exchanged, and Twilight tucked the sandwiches away.

They bought a blanket too, and headed out for the outskirts of the Crystal Empire.

Twilight spread out the blanket, and sat down. “Thanks for doing this. I haven’t gotten to enjoy a picnic in a long time.”

“I haven’t been on one since I was a little colt,” Shadowlock replied as he sat down beside her.

Twilight stared intently at him with her perfectly symmetrical face. As he looked into her eyes, a question occurred to him. “Can you tell me about your brother? I didn’t really get to meet him.”

“Shining is amazing,” Twilight said. “He’s my B.B.B.F.F!”

“B.B.B.F.F.?” Shadowlock asked curiously.

“Big brother best friend forever.” She smiled, and then giggled a little. It melted his heart. “When I was a little filly, I’d build book forts and fight off a dragon.” She quickly added, “The mean kind, not the Spike kind. Sometimes Shining would be the monster, sometimes he’d be my partner in defending the fort.”

Shadowlock felt all warm and fuzzy. Hearing Twilight talk was a wonderful feeling.

“Your turn!” she said eagerly. “What silly, fun things did you do when you were a foal?”

He thought back, settling on a harmless one. “I’d go on adventures with my imaginary friends all over the family estate. We fought dragons and ghosts and aliens, and explored space. After finishing a good book, I’d go reenact the best scenes from it.”

She took a bite from a sandwich. “What was your favorite book?”

He thought about all the books he’d read. “Hmmm... I’d probably have to say my old copy of Ogres & Oubliettes’s Fiend Folio. So many cool creatures and monsters. Never had anyone to play with, though.”

“Spike likes Ogres & Oubliettes!” she exclaimed. “I bet he’d love to play a game with you. I’d be open to playing too.”

“That sounds like a lot of fun,” he understated. Excitement burned in his chest and spread across his body. Getting to play O&O with Twilight sounded like one of the best things ever. “How about you? What was your favorite book?”

“I’d have to say Vortex’s Unabridged Encyclopedia of Spells. There were so many amazing possibilities in it.”

“I’ve never read that one. You’ll have to show it to me sometime.” The thought of Twilight reading books to him made his whole body tingle with anticipation. He took a bite of his sandwich.

“Sure! They might have a copy at the library here. Would you want to go after our picnic?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” he answered. He smiled wide. The thought of resting beside Twilight, listening to her read a story, entered his mind. He seized on it, cherished it, imagined it. “That sounds really, really fun.”

“Buht fihrst, I needh to finish my sandwich.” She took another bite, and then drunk deep from her water bottle.

He dug in as well. The sandwich was very delicious. Peanut butter and bread were truly meant to be together.

He managed to sneak in looks at Twilight in between bites. She was very, very pretty in the midday sun, and her chewing pattern was spectacularly rhythmic.

“You know, it’s kind of funny how things work out,” Twilight mused. “You learned something horrible about your ancestry, and your fear drove you to erase books about it. Because of that, I ran into you. If you’d never found out the truth I probably never would have met you.”

“That’s true,” Shadowlock conceded. “I do wish I’d talked to you about it before taking such drastic action, though. Then we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“I agree, but it’s not all bad.” She chuckled a little. “It’s very selfish to think this, but it’s thanks to your hastiness that we’re on this date now.”

“I... guess that’s right.” He’d never really thought about his hasty actions as anything but bad before.

“Obviously we still want to find a way to reverse the spell, but you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it. It’s in the past, and you’re trying to fix it.” She gazed at him, compassion and sympathy in her eyes.

An impulse shot through him, and thought became deed. He hugged her tight. She returned the hug, slipping a wing under his cloak to embrace his back.

“We should get back to the Crystal Empire. I think my brother will be ready to talk.”

“Alright,” he agreed. He was a bit nervous, but he knew Twilight knew her brother best. “Let’s go.”

With their picnic done, Twilight bundled up the blanket, and they trotted back towards the palace.

“Take us to Shining Armor,” Twilight requested of the first castle guard she saw.

“Right away, Princess,” the guard replied. He walked inside. Twilight and Shadowlock followed him.

The gigantic crystal halls were just as awe-inspiring as ever. Beautiful swirling arches and soaring peaks stretched far above him.

The guard led them to a different part of the castle, one Shadowlock had never seen before. He opened a door, and inside there was a large, round table. Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor sat at it.

“Twily!” Shining said, grinning. “You should have told me you had a coltfriend!”

“Sorry,” Twilight said abashedly. “I was worried you’d freak out...”

“Freak out?” He laughed a little nervously. “Come on, I wouldn’t do that! I trust you to make your own decisions.”

“He freaked out,” Princess Cadance said with a little laugh.

“Alright, I did,” Shining admitted. “I was just really surprised. You’d never seemed like you cared about romance at all, so I was worried that you’d been mind controlled or something.”

Twilight laughed. “Mind controlled? Come on.”

Shadowlock stayed quiet, unsure what to say.

“I know, I know, it was an absurd idea. But I still worried. Anyway, I’m really happy for you.” He turned to Shadowlock. “Shadowlock, was it? We didn’t really get to meet earlier. I’m Shining Armor, captain of the guard.” He offered a hoof, which Shadowlock shook. “You should count yourself lucky. You’re the first pony Twilight’s ever dated.”

“I do,” he said. And it was true. A week ago, if someone had told him that he’d be dating the Princess of Friendship, he’d tell them they were crazy. But somehow, it had happened. “Twilight is really wonderful. She’s everything I was looking for and more.”

“Well, Twilight?” Shining asked. “What do you have to say about him?”

Twilight said thoughtfully, “He’s really nice and smart. He’s had some... personal difficulties with some family history, and I want to be there to protect and guide him through them.” With a bit of a giggle, she added, “Doesn’t hurt that he’s cute.”

Cadance spoke up. She had a very weird smile that seemed to oddly fit her. “Well, it sounds like you two are a wonderful match. I wish you both nothing but the best in your relationship!”

“Me too,” Shining added. “I might not have expected this, but now that you’re together, I really hope it goes well. You deserve to experience love’s fine taste.” He adopted a goofy smile. “Plus now Cadance’s conspiracy theories about you and Rainbow Dash and Comet Tail and Rarity and Pinkie and Starlight and Sunburst and Celestia are all invalid.”

Cadance blushed, but then broke into a grin. “True, but now I have theories to make about her and Shadowlock!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow dubiously. “You’ve been... collecting ‘evidence’ for how I’m secretly dating my friends?”

Cadance laughed almost dismissively. “Well of course! I do that for everypony. You should see my file on Aunt Celestia.”

“Do you have a file on me?” Shadowlock asked, a little anxiously.

“I didn’t,” she answered cheerfully. “But I’m making one tonight!”

Shadowlock wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

“Anyway,” Shining said, clearly trying to find a resolution to the conversation, “Good luck on your research mission, and with your relationship.”

“Thank you,” Shadowlock said sincerely, and Twilight nodded. She stood up to leave, and he followed.

“To the library now?” he asked her.

“Yep! I’ve got a bunch of books to share with you!”

He smiled.

Twilight strolled along peacefully. She loved the smell of libraries, of old books packed with secrets, of musty tomes encasing forgotten knowledge.

The librarian was pleasant and forthright. “How can I help you two today?”

“Do you happen to have a copy of Vortex’s Unabridged Encyclopedia of Spells?” she asked. She hoped the answer was “yes” - there were so many things she wanted to share with Shadowlock.

“We’ve got the second and fourth editions,” the librarian answered.

“Can you take me to the fourth?” Twilight could probably find it on her own, but this way it’d be faster, and Shadowlock wouldn’t be standing around as she sorted through indices.

“Of course. Right this way!” She trotted out from behind the library desk, and led Twilight and Shadowlock through towering stacks of books.

The librarian wheeled over a wheel-ladder, and started to climb up it. “It’s... just... over... here!” She climbed back down, a very thick book in one hoof. “Here you go, Your Highness.”

Twilight eagerly grabbed the book in her telekinesis. It was just as she’d remembered it - packed with ideas for magic and tidbits of information, and overflowing with inspiration. She couldn’t wait to share all its secrets with Shadowlock!

“They’ve got really comfortable reading chairs up ahead,” she told him. “Let’s go!” Over her shoulder, she added to the librarian, “Thank you again!”

The librarian nodded kindly, and unhurriedly returned to her desk. Twilight felt excitement burning in her heart. She’d get to share what she loved most with her - dare she say it? - coltfriend!

She snuggled into her seat. Part liquid crystal and part solid light, they were supremely comfortable and malleable. With a wave of a hoof, she stretched the seat to be wide enough for two.

Shadowlock took a seat beside her. She cracked open the book to the table of contents.

“Name a field of magic, or something you want a spell to do,” she requested.

“How about... teleportation? Something to get from one place to another instantly.”

“Hurm,” Twilight mused. There was a whole chapter on teleportation, but she wanted to illustrate the breadth of the book’s topic. She spotted a promising one.

“How about... Door of Decay?” she asked. Was that a new one?

“Sure.” Shadowlock snuggled closer to her, and let Twilight read off to him.

Door of Decay is a spell of middling complexity, designed for use by necromancers and those who associate with the undead.” He felt Twilight shiver against him, and slipped a comforting hoof around her back.

“By using the Negative Energy Plane as a conduit, the caster can travel thousands of miles instantly through the bodies of the unliving. The travel is instant and accurate, though it depends on the consent of the undead creatures used.”

Shadowlock decided to bring up a more personal line of conversation. “Have you ever worked with undead?”

“No,” Twilight answered. “Never. I’d wondered what it would be like, but I never was able to go through with violating the sanctity of the grave.”

“That’s understandable,” he reassured her. “I haven’t either.”

“Still...” she mused. “I suppose it’s not technically necromancy. We aren’t creating or manipulating the undead, just using them as a gateway.”

“Are you thinking of trying it?” he asked cautiously. It was an interesting idea, but he didn’t want to come across as having suggested something of dubious legality. Or worse, make her think he was relapsing.

“Maybe... I’m not sure. We’d need a willing undead creature to even test it, and I don’t know where to find one of those.” She flipped to another page. “How about Enduring Scrutiny?”

“What’s that do?” he asked.

“When cast on someone, it alerts you of the next time they do something you specify. For example, I could put it on Spike to tell me when he stays up past his bedtime.” She giggled a little at that idea. He giggled along.

She continued to share interesting and outlandish spells with him, and he sat beside her, enjoying the shared academia. Her fiery passion for magic and learning was in full bloom and he thrilled at every moment of it.

“And that’s Invoke Magic!” she said, closing the book. She yawned wide, and he felt warm tingling run along his body.

“That was a wonderful tour de force,” he said. And he meant it. Twilight knew what she was talking about, and her enthusiasm was contagious. He was eager to try some of those spells himself. “Thank you for sharing all this with me. It was really, really cool.”

“It was my pleasure,” Twilight replied. “But I’m all read out, and it’s starting to get late. What would you say to dinner together?”

Excitement bubbled up through him. If last night was any indication, it would be amazing. “I’d love that. What did you have in mind?”

“How about something a little fancier? Maybe at an upper-class restaurant? I’m usually not much of a drinker, but it could be fun!” She looked to the side awkwardly. “If you’d like that, I mean.”

A bolt of energy shot through him, from his horn to his hooves. “That sounds absolutely wonderful!” A downing thought chased his ecstasy. “But I do wish I’d brought something nicer than this old cloak.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she reassured him, giggling a little. “It’s just for fun!”

“Heh, right,” he surrendered. “I’ll clean up a bit, and meet you in... half an hour?”

She pondered it. “Let’s say forty-five minutes. And let’s meet just outside the Crystal Palace.”

He could do that. That was doable. It wasn’t like the most important relationship he’d ever had was in jeopardy or anything...

“I-I’ll see you then,” he stammered, and stood up from the crystal-light chair. He hurried out, doubts now invading the beachhead of his mind.

Twilight smoothly walked out of the library. Mathematical walking was something she’d taken up long ago, to help find structure and stability in a crazy world. It also gave her something to ponder when she didn’t have anything else on her mind - eagerly waiting for the next prime or Fiboneighcci number step.

Each step was at a precise interval, a rhythmic clip-clop duet vibrating through the crystal floor. She closed her eyes and immersed herself in the rhythm’s serenity.

A pony’s voice broke the pattern. “Um, Princess, can you see where you’re going?”

Twilight opened her eyes. “Heh, sorry,” she said sheepishly. “I was a bit distracted.”

“No harm done!” the mare reassured her. “Just didn’t want you to get hurt.”

“Thank you for the concern,” Twilight said, and resumed walking.

She headed outside. The beautiful Crystal Empire took on an even more incredible shine in the afternoon, as the yellow-orange raking light was refracted and scattered throughout the prismatic spires.

How she envied her brother! He got to live here, and saw this every day. She got to see it maybe a couple times a year.

Twilight remembered a nice boutique she’d passed earlier. Its bold facade covered a comfy but stately shop, though one oddly devoid of any clerk.

She rang the bell, and tentatively asked, “Hello? Anypony here?”

“Sorry, sorry!” a stallion’s voice replied, getting closer. “I was bu--”

He came into view, and froze as he saw her. “P-princess Twilight! I’m so sorry for the wait. H-how can I help you?”

She dismissively waved a hoof. “Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t a problem. I do need your help though.”


“I need the finest evening gown you have!”

He looked shocked, but quickly hid it. “Oh! Well, I have a few options. Come take a look.” He waved for her to follow him.

Twilight trotted along behind the tailor. He indicated five different options. “These are the best evening gowns you’ll find in the Crystal Empire. I hope they’re to your liking, Your Highness.”

They were all stunningly gorgeous, but one caught her eye more than the rest. It was a silken blood-red gown that sparkled and shimmered like the night sky.

“I’d like to try on that one,” she requested.

“Of course, Princess. I’ll leave you alone.” He left her, and she put it on.

It conformed to her curves, and even accentuated them tastefully but alluringly. It was perfectly smooth and shiny, like a sheet of water frozen in time.

A wellspring of power and excitement opened up within her. She was going on a date, and she had found the perfect dress for it!

She went back out to the front. “I think I’ll take this one,” she said. She took off the dress, and hoofed it to him. A little sheepishly, she asked, “Do you think you can cut holes for my wings?”

“Of course, Princess. Just let me take your measurements, and I’ll have it properly fitted.”

Twilight held still, and he ran a measuring tape all over her body. “There we go. I’ll make some quick adjustments and cuts. It should be ready in about 20 minutes. Feel free to wait in the lobby.”

“Thank you so much. This is really, really awesome. Especially on such short notice!”

“Anything for a Princess,” he replied with a smile. “Your patronage is immensely helpful.”

She left him to his cutting and adjusting, and leaned against the wall. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19...

Shadowlock ran into the Crystal Palace. This was a real date, a proper date, and he couldn’t risk messing anything up.

“Can you take me to Princess Cadance?” he asked the guard outside.

The guard looked him over. “Oh, you’re Princess Twilight’s friend! Sure, come right this way.”

Shadowlock followed. The arching crystal halls were even more stunningly beautiful in the afternoon’s light.

Princess Cadance was studying some maps. “Shadowlock! How has your time with Twilight been?”

“Amazing,” he said quickly. “But I have something even more amazing to look forward to.”

Cadance looked so eager it was a little disconcerting. “What’s that?”

“I’m going on a real date with Twilight!”

Cadance gasped, awe filling her face. “Really? Oh, this is so wonderful! I can’t wait to hear all about it! You’ll have to tell me everything once it’s over.”

“Heh, I will,” he promised. “But I actually came here for dating advice.”

“Eeeee! I’ve been waiting to hear that again!!”

“You have?” he asked, a little surprised.

“Yes! Before I was the Princess of the Crystal Empire, I was Canterlot’s foremost dating advice-giver. I haven’t gotten to do much of that lately, so it’s really great to get another chance.”

“So then... how do you think I should go about this? What should I wear? What should I do?” He let the questions spill out freely.

“First, you need to know something about Twilight. I guarantee you she’s much more worried than you about how it’ll go, and if she’s not, she soon will be.”

He nodded, tucking that information away for further use.

“So, with that said, let’s address your questions!”

“Again, thank you for this,” he said. “You’re a lifesaver.”

“I know. So, how to go about it? It’s cliche, but just be yourself. Twilight fell for you because of who you are, not because of anyone you pretend to be.”

Shadowlock listened quietly as Princess Cadance educated him. “What to wear? Well, you’ll want something elegant but not stiffy. Something that shows you wanted to look nice, but didn’t focus too hard on it.”

“Didn’t focus too hard?” he asked.

“Twilight doesn’t care that much about appearances. If you overdress, there’s a possibility she’ll feel like you’re an appearance-minded person. Plus, it’ll be itchy. Something nice but casual is what you want.”

“Hmmm...” He thought it over. What would look nice but would still be comfortable and not overdressed?

“Do you think you could cast some kind of spell on my cape to reshape it into a sport coat or jacket?”

“For sure!” she declared proudly. “Hold still and I will.”

Her horn glowed with cyan energy, and he felt his cloak slightly tugged. “Do you want it to stay a cloak too?”

“Yeah. I’ve gotten used to its comfortable feeling on my back.”

“Alright, I can do that.” A very odd feeling, like liquid cloth, spread across his midsection and chest, flowing down to his forehooves.

“How’s that?”

He looked down. His cloak had been extended to wrap around his chest and continue down to his forehooves. “This is perfect! Thank you so much, Your Highness.”

“Anything for my little sister’s coltfriend. Now, as for what to do - you’ll want to arrive a couple minutes early. Once you get there, you’ll need to have a few good conversation topics to break awkward silences. Interests are always a good one - what you like to do besides book and magic. What you were doing before now. Current events, things coming up. All of these are safe and effective options.”

He took it all in. “Alright. Anything else?

“Have fun! It’s supposed to be fun. The goal of a date is to enjoy each others’ company and get to know each other better; the food and drink are just an excuse to do that.”

Twilight paced back and forth. There were so many things that could go wrong. What if Shadowlock doesn’t like my dress? What I say something stupid? What if I get called back to Canterlot for an important princess meeting and he thinks I don’t really care about him? What if King Sombra comes back in the middle of dinner?

Even if none of those things happen, what if the date just isn’t fun and we both realize it isn’t really a good matchup for either of us?

Why couldn’t the tailor get done faster, so she could put it on and go there and just start instead of worrying constantly?

She thought about Shadowlock. What would he be doing? How would he prepare? Was he thinking about her right now?

“Alright, come back in and try it on!”

She put it on gently. It snugly hugged her body without being tight. The silken fabric slipped easily across her. It was every bit as lovely as she’d hoped.

“This is perfect! Thank you!” She dug around in her saddlebags. “What’s the charge?”

“Thirty-five bits, Princess.” She gave him forty. “Your kindness is greatly appreciated. Though I must ask - what is this for?”

“It’s for a date!” she almost squealed.

His eyes widened. “Good luck. Whoever’s caught your eye, they’re sure one lucky pony.”

“I’m just as lucky,” she replied warmly. “Goodbye!”

With that, she turned and headed back towards the Crystal Palace. The sun was just barely still over the horizon, and the Empire was even more beautiful than it had been earlier.

Twilight basked in the sunset’s light, and waited for Shadowlock to arrive.

Shadowlock trotted down the stairs of the Crystal Palace. His newly reshaped cloak-sport-coat was snug but comfortable. Comfort led to confidence, and he’d definitely need that. He was going on a date with PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!

He saw her up ahead. The sun’s angle made it hard to tell for sure, but he thought she was wearing a red dress. He sped to a canter, his hooves hitting the smooth crystal ground.

“Shadowlock!” Twilight said, grinning. “You look great!”

“Thanks,” he said. “I wish I could say the same, but I can’t really see you to tell.”

She giggled. “Here, I’ll get away from the sun.” She slowly walked over to beside him, and he was suddenly very glad he wasn’t a pegasus.

Twilight’s curves were, somehow, even more beautiful in the seductive, silken red dress. Every inch of her perfect body set his heart aflame and his mind spinning. Her dress shimmered and sparkled in the setting sun’s light. All in all, she’d gone from sexy to downright stunning.

“Do you like it?” she asked, a little nervously.

He bit back his instinctive response, and answered with a much tamer, “It’s amazing. You look stunning.”

She blushed, and covered her snout with a wing. “Thanks. So... ready to go?”


She took his hoof in hers, and led him onward.

Shadowlock followed Twilight, his hoof still in hers. The boreal sunset’s brilliant rays pierced her mane, lighting its fringes on fire. The dancing orange-reds flickered from strand to strand, hypnotically drawing his eyes.

She flicked her head, and her hair responded with a cascading wave. It rippled out to the ends, thrusting them all into the burning sunset light. His heart burned along with it, a raging fire and crackling orb of lightning. She was so beautiful, so scholarly, so intelligent, so kind, so perfect.

A couple ponies were watching them. He felt a rising flash of embarrassment, but shoved it down. Tonight was about Twilight and him, and he wouldn’t let a few onlooking ponies or their gossip dampen it.

He gripped Twilight’s hoof a little harder, and let the bliss radiate up from his hoof into his foreleg.

She took him through shining streets and glittering facades. It was like being inside a gigantic gemstone. Perhaps that was why it was called the Crystal Empire.

Twilight stopped in front of a classy, elegant restaurant. “Well, here were are. The Corner Geode!” She opened the door, and ushered him in. “After you, Shadowlock.”

Twilight watched Shadowlock enter the restaurant. His walk was unpatterned and arrhythmic, but it was quite cute in a peculiar way.

The restaurant was quite fancy but still comfortable. Red carpet covered the floor, and a mix of dark and light hues set up a deliciously romantic ambiance. “Hello, sir,” the hostess said to Shadowlock politely. “Do you have a reservation?”

Shadowlock blinked uncertainly. “I... do we, Twilight?”

Shock flashed over her, and like thunder after lightning, anxiety followed. “Oh no! No, no, no, no! I completely forgot!” She said sadly to Shadowlock, “I guess not. We’ll have to go somewhere else.”

She flexed her wings tiredly, and flapped up a little. Maybe they’d have better luck at another, less fancy restaurant.

“Princess Twilight!” the hostess gasped. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you at first. Didn’t expect to see a Princess here, heh heh. Come on in! We’ll get you seated.”

Shadowlock’s face broke into a surprised smile. Twilight felt her face mirroring his. She said to the hostess, “Thank you! It really means a lot to get to have dinner here.”

“Of course. Anything for a Princess!” the hostess replied. She looked a little nervous. “Right this way.”

The hostess led Twilight and Shadowlock to the back of the restaurant. She stopped in front of a hexagonal table with two cushioned chairs. “Your seat, Princess.”

“Again, thank you.” She sat down at the close end. This way, she’d get to see more of Shadowlock’s wonderfully unmathematical walking! And, though she had to fight back a blush admitting it, she’d get to see his attractive body. He obliged her, and she enjoyed a healthy eyeful.

He wasn’t the most handsome stallion she’d ever laid eyes on, but he was good-looking and had a certain aura of experience to him. His long, pointy horn sent tingles down her spine. She’d thoroughly enjoyed his warm hugs and sweet kisses, those ripe fruits of love shared between new lovers.

Perhaps tonight, she’d taste those fruits again.

Shadowlock looked at Twilight as he walked to his seat. The red of her dress was a close hue to that of the red of the floor. They complemented each other in a bedazzling way, calling his eyes almost like Twilight had cast an enchantment spell on him And with how good she was looking, who knew? Maybe she had.

Of course, the dress was only a boost to her natural beauty. She was gorgeous in a unique way, somewhere between beautiful and seductive. Her body was athletic, slim, and sleek, but not skinny. She was supple and lithe and charged with latent power, like a bow drawn tight.

He sat down, and opened the menu. A menagerie of foods, drinks, and deserts swarmed upon him. A waiter expectantly stood beside the two of them.

“How about a glass of ruby crush wine?” he requested.

“I’ll take the diamond extract,” she added.

“Any appetizers?” the waiter asked pleasantly.

“Fattoush looks interesting.” Twilight’s furtive examination of the menu, and her excited twitching that followed, was one of the cutest things he’d ever seen. .

“I’ve never had that,” he commented. “Sure, let’s give it a try!”

The waiter jotted that down. “Your wine will be here shortly, and your appetizer shouldn’t be much longer after that.”

Shadowlock felt all warm and fuzzy inside. A real date! With Twilight herself! He readjusted his jacket-cloak, and realized Twilight was watching him do it. “Like what you see?” he teased lightly.

“Not as much as you do,” she shot back with a wink.

Shadowlock had to fight back a blush at Twilight’s playful jab. “Hey, it’s not my fault. You’re just really pretty.”

She giggled a little, awkwardly fluffing her wings. “Thanks.”

He thought back to Cadance’s advice. “So, what do you like to do, aside from reading and magic?”

“Well, I love to spend time with my friends,” Twilight began. “Rainbow Dash is strong, confident, and driven. It’s empowering and exhilarating to fly with her, or race her if she’s feeling more competitive.”

He nodded, staying silent so she could talk. “Rarity’s so creative and inspirational, more so than almost any pony I’ve ever met. It seems like there’s no dress she can’t make, no pattern she can’t find a place for.

“Pinkie Pie is a spring of joy and happiness that never runs dry. She’s always there to cheer me up when I’m feeling down.” She leaned in conspiratorially, and continued, “She’s also incredibly organized. She has a secret party-planning cave, where she keeps files on what everypony in Ponyville likes and doesn’t like at parties.”

“Pffffthahaha, that’s a good one,” he laughed.

Twilight giggled along. “No, I’m serious! I could barely believe it either, but I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

“That’s... pretty impressive.” He could feel a break coming on, so he quickly added, “What about your other friends?”

Her eyes brightened. “Applejack is hard-working, dependable, and very sincere. Her honestly goes beyond words - if she says she’ll do something, she’ll do it.

“Fluttershy is probably the kindest soul I’ve ever met. I mean, she was able to reform Discord, a spirit of chaos! I guess she’s also kind of my moral compass. If something makes her feel uneasy, I should reconsider it.”

“Finally, Spike. He’s hardworking, loyal, kind, and so helpful. He’s like a little brother, and I love him.”

He soaked it all in. The ponies he’d fought before became individuals. Maybe, after they were done here and returned to Ponyville, he’d meet them face-to-face and get to know them.

“How about you?” Twilight asked him. “Tell me about your friends!”

Shadowlock winced. After a wonderful story like that, how could his stand up? “I... don’t really have any friends, I guess. I grew up pretty isolated, just me and my parents in a big castle. I was sent to a private school for magic, where I was taught everything from abjuration to teleportation. I met some kindred spirits there, even made a few friends.” Their faces swam up from his memory. “But I’ve lost contact with them all over the years.”

Twilight looked at him with sympathy in her eyes. “Tell me about your old friends,” she requested kindly.

“Well... there was Comet Tail. He was interested in astronomy, and its magical implications. Loved divining fates from the stars. Told me I’d turn myself into a frog during my final exam. Didn’t happen.” He chuckled lightly. “He also told me I’d eventually meet a really lovely mare who’d win my heart instantly.” He winked slyly. “That one came true.”

Twilight blushed, and he saw her adjusting in her seat. He added, “I had a few other friends too, if you’d like to hear them.”

“Sure!” She leaned in, ears twitching in anticipation.

Shadowlock thought back further. Old friends he’d left behind after school. “Let’s see. There was Petal Blossom, who was really interested in the secrets of life and death. But she was really cheerful and kind. I was never sure if she wanted to become a doctor, or a necromancer.” He chuckled. “Have you met her, by chance?”

She considered his words. “Don’t think I have. I did meet Comet Tail though. It seems he’s picked up a proclivity for speed magic. He’s the fastest unicorn I’ve ever met, though he has trouble slowing down.” She giggled.

He giggled along. “Heh, I’d love to meet him again! Haven’t seen him in years.”

“I’d be happy to introduce you once we get back to Ponyville.” Twilight smiled warmly. His chest felt all hot and cozy, like he was right next to a fire.

The waiter returned with their glasses of wine. “Here you go, Your Highness. And you, sir.” He levitated the glasses over to them. “I will be back soon with your fattoush.” With a courteous bow, the waiter left again.

Shadowlock took a drink from his glass. The wine was vibrant, powerful, and electrifying. He let the warmth flow out into his chest and down to his legs. “Mmmmm!”

Across from him, Twilight likewise drunk from her drink. She sighed happily. It was one of the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard. “Ahhh, this is good. I should do this more often.” She leaned back, contentment spreading across her face.

She took another sip, and asked, “You said you play Ogres and Oubliettes. Do you play chess, by chance?”

“A little bit. I’m not very good though.”

“I’d be happy to teach you sometime, if you’re interested. Or you could just a play a game with me.” Her eyes sparkled like the wine she held.

“Uhh, sure! But you’ll probably crush me.” He took another little drink, and felt the liquid lightning alight on his lips.

She giggled. “I’m sure you’re better than you give yourself credit for. But fair’s fair. I’ll happily play O&O with you later.”

Just as he opened his mouth to respond, the waiter returned. “Your dish.”

Twilight lifted a bit of the fattoush to her mouth, and took a bite. It was a savory, light food, one almost entirely devoid of substance. The little bits of bread had a peculiar sour flavor, and the assorted greens created an array of accents to that flavor. It was more interesting than good, and it was quite good. She savored the spices, the many vegetables contained within.

She watched Shadowlock lift up a bite of his own. “Mmmmph!” His eyes bugged out. “This is...!” He quickly downed a glass of water. “I think I’ll let you have the rest,” he gasped. “It’s much too strong for me.” He somehow managed to look cute while fighting off gagging. It was really quite impressive.

“You should order something else. Maybe something you’re familiar with?” she suggested.

“Alright. I’ll have a bit of lettuce.”

As if he’d always been there, a pony brought it. Twilight resisted the urge to perform a magical scan on that waitress. Inwardly, she longed to see just what spell the waitress had used. Teleportation? Invisibility? A foretelling, to predict what Shdaowlock would order? Telepathy to do the same?

She forced those thoughts away, and looked over to Shadowlock nomming down on his lettuce. A contented smile rippled out across his face. “Mmm. This is more like it!”

Twilight took another bite of the fattoush. Twilight realized something, from both last night’s dinner and this one. She asked cautiously, not wanting to come across as insensitive, “You seem to have simple tastes. Is there a reason for that?”

He inclined his head, a bit of lettuce gripped in his telekinesis. “Maybe? I just like the sort of thing I ate growing up. And I mostly ate simple, easy-to-make things.” He paused. “Though we lived in a castle, my family wasn’t very rich. My parents made my meals. So I suppose things like sandwiches and lettuce remind me of home.”

Twilight felt a curious warmth growing in her chest. “That explains a lot, really. And it’s very sweet.” She flashed a smile, which Shadowlock caught and returned.

She finished her appetizer, and watched him finish his. A little bit of lettuce dangled from his mouth. She thought he could use a little help. With an instinctive surge of magic, thought became deed, and she picked up the bit of food to levitate into his mouth.

But he was also holding it in his own telekinesis. Her aura mingled and merged with his, vibrant purple and pale pink shifting along it. His grip was firm but not harsh, and it had a certain loving tenderness. As he pulled the food along, her aura swept with him, she had to fight a rising stiffness in her wings. She allowed him to take full control and let go. He guided the last bit of lettuce to his mouth, and chomped down on it.

Twilight took another sip of her sparkling, crystal-clear wine. As well-built and hot and dreamy as Shadowlock was, she couldn’t be looking like that in public. She was still a princess, and thus had an obligation to the other princesses, and Equestria as a whole, to keep a certain standard of conduct. It simply wouldn’t do for her wings to be stuck straight out in a restaurant, no matter how long his superlatively sexy horn was...

She shook her head. “I’ll be right back,” she told Shadowlock. “Just need to wash my hooves.” It was a lie, but it was better to tell him this lie than to tell him the truth.

She hurried into the bathroom. With a twist of a knob and a swift telekinetic hurl, she splashed a sinkful of water into her face. The cold water woke her right up. Feeling much less tipsy, she cast a quick drying spell, and trotted back into the dining room.

“Sorry about that,” she said hastily. “Ready to order our main course?”

“Of course,” he replied. He held a straight face for a few seconds, before bursting into laughter. She laughed along with him, thriving in the moment.

Twilight and Shadowlock ordered a large plate of gnocchi for the main course. And unlike their appetizers, both of them thoroughly enjoyed it.

They spent the rest of the dinner conversing about a variety of topics, from spellcraft to succession. It was fun and relaxing and wonderful, and by the end, she was quite tipsy. But even inebriated and lovestruck, her mathematical talents were as sharp as ever. She paid for the meal this time, and tossed on a sizeable tip.

“S-so then she said, ‘Oatmeal? Are you crazy?’” Twilight giggled. She heard him giggle along. His usually calm but driven tone had given way to a surprisingly sweet, playful one.

“I’ll have to meet Pinkie properly once we’re back in Ponyville. She, she sounds like a bundle of laughs.”

Shadowlock’s words carried a curious tone to them... or perhaps that was the alcohol, distorting his words and weakening her mental bastion?

Either way, there was definitely something different now than earlier. There was something in the air between them, something crackling unspoken. She breathed in. It wasn’t ozone.

Her eyes traced the outline of Shadowlock’s form-fitting suit. What would his body feel like close up? She’d merged her aura with his a little bit earlier, but what if they shared a - she could barely even think the words - a full merger? Soul, mind, magic, and body? She could feel her wings tensing just at the thought.

That finally tripped a bell, one of the old defenses she’d set up against stupidity. She was thinking of sleeping with him! And they’d only just had their second date!

A flurry of arguments from years ago crawled out of the depths of her memory. You need to know him better before committing to a bond that strong! As a princess, you have a duty to all of Equestria! He’d be off-put by your forwardness and creeped out! You should be sober for the joy of your first time! They were annoying, but they weren’t wrong. She quickly fell before their onslaught. “Alright,” she thought. “Not yet.”

“I’m sorry to cut our date early Shadowlock,” she began, “but I need to go. Not feeling very well.” It was true, just misleading.

“Oh no, what’s wrong?” he asked. Worry clouded his shapely, oh-so-lovely face. “Is there anything I can do?”

“I’m sure I just need some rest,” she reassured him. While she wanted time alone, and quickly, she didn’t want him to worry. “Here.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

“If you’re contagious, I might have it too now,” he said with a little giggle. “But I understand. Get well soon, and if you’re better, I’ll see you tomorrow!” With goodbyes exchanged, the two parted ways once more.

Shadowlock realized he didn’t know where he’d be sleeping tonight. With a slightly annoyed sigh, he asked a crystal pony on the street, “Do you know where a nearby hotel is?”

She looked him over, from hoof to horn. “Well, hello handsome.” She batted her polygonal eyes at him. “The nearest one is just a couple blocks west. Would you like me to take you there?”

A disquieting feeling crept over him. A mare besides Twilight having a crush on him? Was that even allowed? He hastily answered, “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine on my own. Thank you for the help.” Before she could answer, he cantered away. He didn’t want that uncomfortable conversation to go on any longer than necessary.

The sign Iridescent Inn gleamed brightly against the deep blue, almost black sky. He pushed open the door. “How much for a simple room for the night?”

The receptionist answered kindly, “Our smallest room for one night? That’ll be 13 bits.”

Shadowlock levitated 13 bits to her, and she handed him a brass key. “Room 113 is yours. Sleep well!”

113 was small but cozy, and he felt oddly tired. He doffed his cloak, lifted it onto a hook, and tucked himself into bed. He curled over on his side.

Twilight took center stage in his mind. Her beauty, her interest, her brilliance, everything that set her apart and made her so truly spectacular, they all united in his mental image of her. He extended a hoof along the bed, and imagined her snuggled up beside him.

Twilight floated amongst the stars.

They were small, bright, and warm. Not like a fire, but like a little kitten. She approached one, basking in its serene light. The light pulsed gently. In a way, it reminded her of a heartbeat.

She cuddled up against it. The astral energy flowed up from her hooves into her body, and then out into her wings. From there, it radiated outward, each feather a lightning rod.

Brilliant purple energy engulfed her, embraced her, united with her. She felt the entire galaxy thrumming along with her heartbeat.

Shadowlock walked alone down a dark cobblestone street. Dim, old lamp posts offered faint illumination. The softest shadow of rain was misting down upon him. He clutched the ancient grimoire tighter.

He had to get there in time. Had to find out if he was right.

He quickly checked his compass, and hastened to a gallop.

The library loomed ahead. There, he would face the truth. He whispered a prayer to Princess Luna for good luck and safety. After a moment’s consideration, he offered one to Princess Twilight as well. At this intersection of darkness and magic, he’d need all the favor he could get.

Twilight woke up cold. It was still dark, and she had a headache. “Ugh, I drank too much wine,” she muttered to the empty room. She wiped her bleary eyes, pushed through the headache, and got up.

“Where do they keep the water here?” she croaked. Her mouth and throat were very dry. She set her horn aglow, a much more difficult task with the headache still brewing, and trotted out of her crystalline bedroom. There was a bathroom around here somewhere...

After a few turns and one bump into the wall, she found it. She turned on the tap with a hoof, not her telekinesis, and roughly stuck her face in the faucet’s stream. The cold water swished down her throat. Glug-glug-glug. She kept swallowing for a good twenty seconds, before finally taking a break to breathe.

What had happened last night? She remembered going back to the Crystal Palace. She gave a very insistent Cadance a quick summary of what had transpired during their date, and promptly left to go to bed. Cadance followed her the whole way, asking her more questions all the way to her suite. Twilight had avoided one particular topic, but what was it?

Shadowlock’s countenance rose to the forefront of her mind. Yes, that was it. She’d had unallowable thoughts about him, and didn’t want Cadance to know of her impropriety. That was also the reason she’d left him right after their date was over. She’d needed time to think it through, and decide on the best course of action.

Twilight rubbed her head. “I wish Spike were here. Talking to myself is getting weird, and I need someone to complain to.” The idea of creating a Spike golem crept into her brain, but she dismissed it as too time-consuming. She’d be back in Ponyville by the time she finished.

That train of thought drew her attention elsewhere, and enticed her to leave the station of variety for the frontier outpost of specific plans. Sunburst said he’d be done with his research today. Today might be the day they finally reversed that book erasure!

Daylight found Twilight in the Palace’s own library, intently pouring over a tome on counters against teleportation. “Hmmm.” She concentrated, trying to draw up some magic from her reserves. She felt the magic starting to flow, but her headache intensified along with it.

“I really shouldn’t drink so much,” she berated herself. “Now my casting will be all messed up all day.”

“How much did you drink?” a friendly, somewhat jovial voice inquired.

She whirled in her chair. “Shining!”

“Hey, Twily.” He gave her a big hug. “Was this the first time you tasted alcohol” he half-chuckled.

“No!” she insisted. He raised an eyebrow. “Alright, it was my third. But still not my first!”

“Close enough,” he said with a grin and a shrug. “Anyway, how did it go?”

“How did what go?” she asked. She was getting thirsty again, and it was kind of hard to focus.

“Your date! Your dinner with Shadowlock!” He chuckled for real. “And you still didn’t answer my earlier question. How much did you drink?”

“A lot. Three and a bit.”

“Pfft, that’s not a lot. I was worried you were going to say seven or something.”

She blinked. “Oh. No, nowhere near that much.”

“So, how did your date go? Cadance told me you were very happy afterwards.”

She thought back. “It was really, really amazing. I had so much fun. It was my first date ever, and I already want to go on another.”

“Yep, that sounds like me when I met Cadance. Chest burning, feeling warm and happy all the time, awkwardness.” He grinned. “Good luck. I hope it works out.”

Twilight smiled back. “Thanks. I knew I could count on my BBBFF.” She gave him a nice long hug, and got up. She needed another drink of water.

Shadowlock woke up warm, contented, and happy, but quite thirsty. He looked in the direction of the rising sun, its crepuscular rays piercing his curtains. The bed’s gentle pillows and soft, mushy mattress had lulled him to a wonderful sleep.

He couldn’t remember much of his dreams, just a sense of pressing urgency, and a dark, cobblestone road. It was a strange, rather haunting one, but not exactly scary. More... troubling? Uncomfortable? He searched for the right word, but couldn’t find it.

He could, however, find the bathroom. He refreshed himself and quenched his thirst. There was something immensely satisfying about the taste of fresh water. The Crystal Empire’s water was different than any water he’d had before; it was somehow charged or energized. What could cause this change? He’d have to ask Twilight when he next saw her.

That reminded him! He still had to go see Twilight’s friend Sunburst about the cure to his book-erasing spell. He packed his things, trotted downstairs, smiled at the receptionist, and left.

A flicker of doubt crept over him. Should he go to the Crystal Palace, where Twilight probably spent the night, or straight to Sunburst’s house? Either way, he ran a risk of missing her.

After a little deliberation, he came to a decision. He’d check the castle first, since they would be able to tell him how long she had been gone, or direct him towards her if she was still there.

“Can you take me to Princess Twilight?” Shadowlock asked a Royal Guard at the door. “I need to speak with her.”

“She’s here, but I’m not sure if she’s free right now,” he answered. “I haven’t seen her since last night.”

“Do you have any idea where she’d be?” he asked, a little annoyed. “We have important magical business to discuss.”

The other guard started, recognition flaring in her eyes. “Wait, I remember you! You’re Princess Twilight’s consort!” She laughed. “’Important magical business’? That’s quite the euphemism. In the guard, we just call it ‘sheet duty.’”

Shadowlock felt blood rushing to his cheeks. “I-it’s nothing like that!” he protested.

“I’ll take you right to her,” the second guard said, still forcing back laughter. “I certainly wouldn’t want to deprive a princess of important magical business!” She opened the door, and waved a hoof for Shadowlock to follow.

After a few turns, she trotted to the end of a hallway, and opened the door. Inside was a banner-covered hall. A bunch of guards were relaxing and chatting amiably.

“Does anypony know where Princess Twilight is?” she asked the room.

“Up in the library,” a stallion shouted back.

His guard escort led Shadowlock to a different region of the castle; higher up and even more beautiful. The morning sun was a large, orange-red blur almost visible through the thick walls of crystal. After a few flights up a spiral staircase, they arrived at a small but comfortable library.

Twilight was curled up with a bottle of water and a thick book. She looked up to him as he entered. “Good morning, Shadowlock!” Her bright, sparkling eyes were like water on the walls of the palace.

He wondered if it ever rained here. It was far enough north for snowstorms, but the Empire itself was far too warm for snow. Did the magic of the Empire repel all weather?

His musings were interrupted by a sudden, tight hug. Twilight wrapped her forelegs and wings around him. He returned the hug gently.

“I’ll leave you two to your ‘important magical business,’” the guard snickered. “Have fun!”

Shadowlock felt his cheeks warming again, but Twilight continued her hug. “What was that all about?” she inquired.

“Guard banter,” he summarized. “They had an entirely different idea of what our research would be like.”

Twilight giggled lightly. “My brother told me a little of that banter he had directed at him. Apparently, they were cracking jokes about him dating Princess Cadance for months.”

“That was pretty close to what just happened, though... a bit more crude,” he said cautiously.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not surprised. The guards are like that.” She closed her book, chugged her water, and stood up. “Anyway, ready to go see Sunburst?”

He definitely was. He nodded emphatically, “That’s why I came here, actually. I wanted to finally wrap up in the Crystal Empire and undo the damage I’ve done.”

“Let’s get going, then,” she said with a shining smile. “The future waits for nopony!”

Yeah. The future...

He followed Twilight out, deep in thought once more. When they finished here, and perhaps with the task in Ponyville, what would they do? What would happen to their relationship?

Their quest to fix the mess he’d made was what had brought them together. What would they do when it was fixed, when they didn’t have a driving connection anymore? Would she even care about him?

These troubled, unquiet thoughts persisted until they reached Sunburst’s house. “Well, we’re here,” Twilight said. “You ready?”

“Yes I am,” he said, forcing a smile. Mentally, he berated himself. He couldn’t let himself indulge in that kind of selfish, self-pitying thinking. Wasn’t that kind of logic was drove his ancestor to darkness in the first place?

Twilight knocked at the door. Sunburst opened it. “Twilight, Shadowlock, you’re back! I did a bunch of research, and found a promising lead!”

“What’s that?” Shadowlock asked.

Sunburst answered, reading from an immense, thick tome, “This book talks about something called Wispfire’s Bibliotheurge of Limited Omnicognition. Among other things, it’s said to have the power to restore any book to perfect condition! It’s been lost for generations, but some previous owner of the book I’m reading has kindly left me the clues he or she amassed.”

Sunburst shrugged. “I don’t know if you’ll be able to find this , but it seems to be the best lead we’ve got.”

“How does it work?” Twilight asked, interest aglow in her beautiful eyes.

“Supposedly, it accesses the Akashic records, and transcribes the relevant data gathered from that strange realm onto the pages. It acts as a filter between you and the records, to prevent you from going mad with the information.”

Shadowlock felt his heartbeat accelerate. They’d found a real lead on their quest! Sure, the artifact’s whereabouts were unknown, but that was a small problem compared to their earlier ones. Now they just had to find it. “Thank you so much for your aid, Sunburst,” he said wholeheartedly. “I don’t know what we would have done without you.”

“Well... thanks,” Sunburst said, blushing a bit. “It was a fun project. I was happy to help.”

“We should go back to Ponyville,” Twilight said to Shadowlock. “I’ll probably have something there on the whereabouts of this Bibliotheurge.”

He nodded assent. “Let’s get going, then.”