• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 627 Views, 6 Comments

Kitzumi the fox pony. Book Two. - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi finds a way to short out Discord's magic. [Edited to include a new beginning.]

  • ...

Return to Canterlot

The trip on board the train to Canterlot had been a quiet one save for the occasional polite interchange. The words ‘because you’re her responsibility’ hung heavy in the air. When Twilight, Reynard, Kitzu, and Spike went to pick up Sweetie Belle, she’d been in a heated argument with her parents. Well, the ponies Sweetie Belle had thought were her parents. When Rarity heard about what had happened regarding Discord and Fluttershy, her first reaction was to insist that Sweetie Belle join her in Canterlot. Rarity not yet having all the facts truly believed Sweetie would be safer with her. “Why does Rarity get to decide?” Sweetie had shouted only to be answered with the words because you’re her responsibility. The silence that followed was deafening. Sweetie stood there for what seemed like an eternity, and then quietly packed up as much as she could in a couple of suitcases, and left with Twilight and the others.

They’d met Louise, the human world Scootaloo now a permanent resident of Equestria at the station. Applejack and Apple Bloom were there to see them off and had provided Louise with a few necessities in a small saddle bag. The silence didn’t help Louise. After the first day living in Equestria, she’d decided to just use Louise instead of her nickname of Scootaloo to avoid confusion. This was her half-sister’s world after all.

“Did you know?” Sweetie asked Kitzu as they approached Canterlot station.

“I might have heard rumors.” Kitzu offered unwilling to admit she’d known all along. “I usually ignore gossip. Not my place to say anything anyway.”

“Ya, same here. Rumors about you.”

“It’s complicated.” Kitzu offered as the train pulled into the station. “I’ll try to explain my situation later. Let's just say my situation is similar to Louise's."

“Fair enough – I guess,” Sweetie replied. Louise glanced at Kitzu for a moment and then turned back to look out the window while ignoring the conversation. She’d no idea what had happened, and didn’t feel it was right for her to butt in. The site of the massed herd at the station wasn't going to help.

“What in Equestria?” Twilight asked looking out the window. Palace Guards were presently doing crowd control keeping everyone off the platform who didn’t have a valid reason to be there.

“Rumors running rampant no doubt.” Reynard offered.

“Mind if I teleport myself up to the palace?” Kitzu asked glad she had a cloak on to hide her wings.

“You think you can do that without ending up in a different dimension?” Twilight asked. “Better not try it.”

“Different dimension?” Sweetie Belle asked. “And here I thought the only hazard of teleporting was ending up inside a wall?”

“Come on then, let’s get this over with,” Reynard offered while leading the way.

Moments after disembarking the train, ponies in the crowd started yelling trying to get Twilight’s attention. “Sounds like they’ve heard about Discord’s little temper tantrum,” Reynard said as he looked about.

“I see reporters,” Twilight said. “I should say something.”

“Allow me, I’ve a little more experience in handling, or rather, dealing with reporters. And then we move on.”

“Alright,” Twilight replied. Reynard went over to a gaggle of reporters, all of whom insisted they wanted to talk to Twilight.

“You’ll listen to me and like it!” Reynard said in a commanding tone. He waited for them to quiet down. “Some of what you’ve heard may or may not be true. Regarding Discord, he’s off in a huff. Not expected back any time soon.” He let that sink in for a moment. Nor was he about to announce that Discord had been successfully banished as the last thing he wanted was to dish out a heaping helping of hope only to have Discord find his way back somehow. All it would take was for Discord to find one of the old gates that’d been used by fox ponies so long ago. “One pony in Ponyville lost their house to a fire. It was a regrettable unfortunate occurrence. Regarding the report of other houses being damaged, these are houses that were discovered in the Evergreen forest. I’m sure there will be a press briefing as soon as more is known, and don’t be pestering Princess Twilight or myself right off the train. We’ve been out of the loop for the duration of the trip, and you will just have to ask the Palace. Oh if any of you are wondering about the upcoming wedding, we are all looking forward to it. Thank you.” At that, he turned and walked away. Granted that wasn’t going to satisfy the majority of the reporters, a few of whom were curious about the fillies. Fortunately for Twilight, Kitzu, Sweetie Bell, Louise, and Spike – Commander Spitfire was there to provide an escort. A short time later their luggage had been collected, and they were away in a rather plain-looking box cart with the curtains closed their entry into which had been carefully concealed.

“Just wait till we are away from the station,” Kitzu commented. “I’m guessing they distracted the press with one of the flying carts.”

“Oh, you’re good,” Spitfire said. “One would almost think you’ve done this drill before.”

“That would be confidential information,” Kitzu replied with a wink. “That and I saw the cart take off as we were getting in. Spitfire gave Kitzu a quizzical look.

“So who’s filly are you?”

“Ours.” Reynard replied for Kizu. “She’s the result of a collaboration between Princess Luna, Princess Twilight, and myself. Magic was involved.”

“I don’t think I want to know,” Spitfire replied dryly. Twilight couldn't help but smile at Reynard’s explanation.

“She’s a baby alicorn.” Reynard offered. “Go on sweetheart, show her your wings.”

“She’s a wha… oh my.”

“A pony would think you’d never seen a set of wings before.” Sweetie Belle commented.

“You’re not hiding a set of wings too are you?” Spitfire asked. “And what about this Scootaloo double?”

“Nope, just an ordinary unicorn.” Sweetie Belle offered.

“Just an ordinary pegasus,” Louise added. “Name’s Louise Shimmer. Scootaloo is my sister.”

“Oh, OK,” Spitfire replied. “But hey, a brand new alicorn is a big deal. I mean if alicorns were to start popping up all over the place, why I might even start to believe our Miss Patrol was a real alicorn.”

“Patrol?” Twilight asked.

“Not Dawn Patrol?” Kitzu asked.

“Yes. We put her in the flying chariot figuring ponies would see her cutie mark, and think she was Princess Celestia.”

“She’s got a sun cutie mark I gather?” Twilight asked with a knowing smile.

“Indeed she does. Ponies often mistake her for Princess Celestia. Which is kind of odd being they look nothing alike.”

“We know her.” Kitzu offered with a smile.

“Back way?” Kitzu asked a short time later peeking out through a curtain.

“You have done this before haven't you?” Spitfire asked.

“I’m a student at the academy. Been coming and going for a while without any pony noticing.”

“Um, who’s estate did we just drive into?” Reynard asked looking through the curtain.

“The estate's a front.” Kitzu offered. “It’s normally used for special guests but gives royals a way in and out without being observed. I understand it’s been here a long time, and few know of the underground passage to the palace.”

“I guess you have been here,” Spitfire replied as the cart came to a halt. “OK, every pony out.”

“Wow, this place is awesome.” Sweetie Belle said as she got out. Twilight kept quiet so as not to betray the fact that she’d never been there.

“Well come on then,” Reynard said getting out of the cart. “Which way?”

“Front door.” Kitzu offered as she and Twilight got out followed by Spitfire, Louise, and Spike.

On their way up they were met by none other than Scootaloo. “Welcome to my humble abode.” Scootaloo offered with a flamboyant bow. Kitzu rushed up to her and gave the front of her mane a tussle.

“Ooh, that’s quite the lump you are getting there.” Kitzu offered.

“Lump?” Sweetie Belle asked going up and giving Scootaloo a hug.

“Ya, I’m the same as Kitzu,” Scootaloo replied. “Why aren’t you in Ponyville?” Her eyes spotted Louise. “Scootaloo?”

“Apparently, Rarity wanted me here.” Sweetie Belle offered.

“I’ll explain later.” Louise offered. “I’m going with Louise.”

“It’s probably safer in Ponyville than anywhere else right now.” Kitzu offered and then lifted up her wing to show off her cutie mark. “Whoop, there it is.”

“Cool cutie mark. What’s it for?” Scootaloo said. “And how is Ponyville any safer than anywhere else with Discord on a rampage?”

“Teleportation.” Kitzu offered. “I’m really good at it.”

“And really bad at the same time. Discord is not on a rampage,” Twilight stated as she came up to the four. “That and Kitzu figured out how to short out his powers. And then we jettisoned him into another dimension where he’s not likely to gain his power back any time soon. He’s gone. Hopefully for good.”

“Wait, if he’s gone, what’s been happening around Equestria?” Spitfire asked astonished. “And don’t tell me that’s why my twin is here?”

“Body of the snake thrashing about.” Reynard offered. “We have a way to deal with that as well, but it’s going to take a lot of work.”

“No more Discord? No more living day to day wondering if this will be the day he turns every pony’s life upside down?” Spitfire asked sounding as if she didn’t dare to believe it. She was also trying to ignore the fact that the ‘twins’ seemed to have the exact same name.

“And by the time we are done, he’ll be completely powerless should he ever return.” Twilight offered with a gleam in her eye. “He’ll have no choice but to behave. Come on, let's go see Princess Celestia so I can tell her what we have planned.”

“And we should probably keep quiet about what’s become of Discord,” Spike added with an edge to his voice.

“Why didn’t you fly here?” Spitfire asked of Twilight as they continued into the house.

“And give the public the impression of urgency?” Reynard offered. “That and Princess Luna should already have informed Princess Celestia regarding Discord’s disposition. Plus Kitzu needs to get back to school, and I didn’t want to send her by herself. Not with every pony in a panic. Add to that Sweetie Belle and Louise who needed to come to Canterlot. Though to be honest I’m not so sure Sweetie needed to be uprooted quite so soon.”

“This way!” Kitzu called leading the way. “Scootaloo, you come too, I did invite you over after all, and you’re going to want to catch up with your sister. Do we have all our stuff?”

“Hey now hold on, I’m in charge here!?” Spitfire protested as servants came out and gathered up the luggage. All but one which Spike insisted on carrying himself. “And she’s supposed to stay here, she’s on detail!”

“I think you’ve been outranked.” Twilight offered following the three fillies with Spike at her side.

“Alright, fine,” Spitfire said as she hurried along to catch up with Kitzumi so it’d at least look like she was still in control. Once inside they descended to the basement where they found a passage hidden in the back of a wine cellar. Reynard couldn't resist a jibe about how convenient that must be. There they found a cart on rails that they loaded into.

“So how does this work?” Twilight asked as the luggage was loaded.

“Clockwork,” Spitfire replied as she climbed in, two servants joined them, but the remainder stayed behind.

“Oh, right, right.” Twilight offered realizing her natural inquisitiveness had just betrayed her. Once they were all seated, Spitfire released a latch from a long handle which she pulled to release the break. A moment later they were propelled forward.

“The other lever is a gear shift for changing directions.” Kitzu offered as though talking to Sweetie Belle, Louise, and Scootaloo.

The tunnel led to a large underground dry cavern in which many crates had been stacked, plus it was the end of the line for the cart. They pulled their luggage out of the cart and set out to find their way. “So what’s in all these crates?” Sweetie Bell asked carrying her bags as she walked along a marked path that hugged the wall.

“No idea,” Kitzu admitted while helping Spike with one of his bags. Twilight levitated the bulk of hers with Reynard helping with a bag, and the remaining servants helping with bags. “Nothing’s trying to attack us so I’d say whatever it is, it hasn’t been infected with Discord’s magic. Probably just stuff no one was using, but didn’t want to dispose of.”

“So how big is this place?” Scootaloo asked as they climbed a staircase that curved up along a curve in the wall. “It’s too dark to see the other side.”

“Never even tried to explore it myself. Leastways not beyond where the light shines.” Kitzu offered. “We’ve only the lights along the main path. There are other lights, you might be able to see the cables suspending them, but I don’t know if they can even be illuminated.”

They stopped for a moment at the top of the stairs, crossed a catwalk, and then into a tunnel that brought them to a large elevator with a cage surrounding it. Spitfire escorted the others onto the hanging cage, closed the gate, moved a lever, and away it went upwards till they found themselves in the lower kitchen area that provided catering to the various halls and living quarters below the keep where two guards stood watch. There was also a pony standing by with a cart for the luggage. Spike garnered some curious glances when he insisted on carrying that one suitcase. From there they crossed through what was mostly food storage, and prep areas, through a long passage to where they found another elevator. This one was smaller, but still plenty large enough to accommodate up to four food carts. Up they went until they arrived at the kitchen inside the keep itself where a couple of guards stood watch.

“If you could take everything up to the night wing please?” Twilight asked of the servants. “Spike.”

“I’m carrying this.” Spike insisted.

“Princess Celestia asked I bring you straight up to her.” Spitfire offered. “You’ll be carrying that for a while.”

“I’m good,” Spike replied.

“Back hall, or do we risk being seen by tourists?” Kitzu asked.

“Back hall?” Spitfire asked as though she'd just been asked to do the impossible.

“OK, never mind,” Kitzu replied. “I’d have...”

“I know where it is… I just get lost, that’s all.” Spitfire sheepishly admitted.

Kitzu looked at Spitfire, back at the way they’d come, and back at Spitfire.

“And don’t you two say anything either,” Spitfire said eyeballing the two guards. “Come on,” Spitfire said leading off through the kitchen. She stopped a couple of times confused as to which doorway to take where Kitzu decided to take the lead, and walked through a door to the stair landing she’d brought the fillies from school through. From there they passed the dining halls, through the door where two guards stood watch, and ran smack into a tour group.

“I’m so terribly sorry, but we’ve got a meeting to keep with Princess Celestia.” Twilight offered as they made their way up the stairs. Kitzu seeing the very tour group leader that had given her class such a hard time couldn't resist flipping her a wing as they went by.

“Don’t be rude,” Spitfire whispered climbing the stairs.

“I suppose I should be thanking her,” Kitzu whispered. “If I hadn’t ended up down in Ponyville when I did things might have gotten ugly.”

“Do tell?” Spitfire asked.

“It was a simple spell, Discord knew what I’d been doing, and was actively trying to sabotage it, but he underestimated it. I’d put in a bunch of redundancy. A sort of magical web just waiting to be activated.”

“Ah, like a trap you mean,” Spitfire replied with a smile as they reached the first landing.

“The portal was Princess Luna’s Idea.” Kitzu offered as she ascended to the next flight. “They took him through, Princess Luna and Twilight, to be sure he wasn’t going to be able to just pop himself right back, came back, and destroyed the portal. Closed it for good. He’s got no power where he is, and hopefully no way back.”

“Let us hope so.” Spitfire offered as they came to the top of the stairs. There ahead of them was a large door on which was carving of a large emblazoned sun warming all of Equestria, and on either side stood a guard as though the supporters for a great heraldic shield. “Princess Celestia is expecting us,” Spitfire announced going up to the guards.

“Hi guys, I’m back,” Kitzu said with a smile for them. The guards gave them a calculated look. “I think Spitfire just wanted to make you guys open the doors.”

“We normally come in the back way.” Spike offered to Spitfire. “They probably think we are Changelings.”

Kitzu waited a moment more, went up to the door, and levitated her moon amulet up to a small moon that was just over the horizon in the far right of the carved landscape on the door.

“They can’t actually open the door.” Kitzu offered. A moment later there came the sound of a click followed by the massive doors swinging outward.

“They really can’t open the door, but you can?” Spitfire asked.

“Princess Celestia will open the doors if she is expecting a student, states pony, or some other pony who would need to come this way.” Twilight offered.

“And my little moon will work so long as Princess Celestia isn’t mad at her sister.” Kitzu offered while stepping back from the doors and retrieving her amulet. “Though I can’t think of one time that I can recall that she has ever gone this way?” Beyond the doors was a grand entry leading to another grand though smaller set of stairs.

“Ugh, more stairs,” Spike muttered.

“After you,” Kitzu said to Commander Spitfire. When the doors had closed it was all the two guards could do to keep their composure.

“So how did you know your little moon worked on those doors?” Twilight asked as they ascended the stairs.

“Just going around placing it on any little moon I found. Especially once I discovered it’d open things.”

“Makes sense to me.” Scootaloo offered.

At the top of the stairs was Celestia’s grand foyer where she often entertained dignitaries. “Wow.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said as they looked at the room. The room stretched to either side of the wing with stained glass in the windows depicting important events and had a lofted ceiling. As such it also meant that there was no floor above, only attic space.

“Have to admit I was impressed too when I first saw it.” Twilight offered pausing for a moment. “Still am. Just not awed by it anymore.”

“Heck, I grew up here,” Spike informed. “Moving to Ponyville was a bit of a shock.” Twilight had to admit that it had been for her as well. What with having to live in what was essentially nothing more than a small library no bigger than Princess Celestia’s boudoir? If not for the friends she’d made, it would have been difficult to bear.

From there they moved on to the next chamber which while smaller in size was equally lavish. They found Celestia entertaining Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer in the third chamber. Philomena the phoenix bird was perched on Sunset’s shoulders.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity called getting up and going to greet her. Sweetie walked right past and sat down by Sunset. “Um, what just happened?”

“One too many things got said back home.” Twilight offered.

“One too many… oh dear.” Rarity said. “Sweetie...” Rarity went to Sweetie Belle.

“I have nothing to say to you. Mom.” Sweetie replied in a scathing tone.

“Mom?” Scootaloo, and Sunset echo. Louise just sort of looked curious.

“I was going to tell you… eventually.” Rarity pleaded.

“Well, this is starting out rather awkward.” Celestia mused. “Captain Spitfire, your fliers set Sunset down right in the middle of a bunch of tourists.”

“Sunset, but her name is Dawn Patrol? Not sunset?” Spitfire said feeling as though she’d just been hit by an unexpected updraft.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset offered. “Dock knew. Sorry, I deceived you. And I see you’ve delivered Louise.”

“And Philomena betrayed me as well,” Celestia said continuing.

“Once every pony got a good look at me they knew I wasn’t Celestia, and then Philomena flew down and landed on my shoulder, and started getting all affectionate. So thinking fast I give a rousing speech about how we are going to kick Discord’s tail.”

“You’re still relearning everything you forgot,” Twilight said in a scolding manner. “It’s just a good thing he’s not around anymore.”

“He’s not?” Sunset asked. "But there have been reports..."

“No guarantees he won’t find his way back, he just won’t be returning via the route we sent him.” Twilight offered. “You probably were left out of the loop, but it’s part of why Louise is here. We dumped Discord in the human world. He has no power there, and we closed the portal permanently to keep him from ever coming back that way. As for reports of things happening, it's remnants of his magic going haywire without him."

“I see,” Sunset replied. “And regarding Louise, I understood she had to get out because of immigration issues back home. She’s here permanently then. Not just an ill-timed visit.”

“Lieutenant Spitfire, that will be all, and be sure to close the door on your way out.” Princess Celestia said to Spitfire not wishing her to hear any more of the conversation.

“Yes Mam, Princess Celestia.” Spitfire replied getting nervous. She saluted and retreated the way she’d come before Princess Celestia could demote her down another rank.

“Well don’t just stand there come sit down. Spike, why are you lugging that suitcase around?” Celestia said once Spitfire was gone.

“Shall we show her now?” Kitzu asked. Spike brought forward the suitcase, placed it on the coffee table, and opened it revealing the Chrystal shards.

“Leftover from when Ember decided to eat a sizable portion of the castle,” Spike announced.

“Fortunately the castle grows back,” Twilight interjected. "And we've already sent out word to trusted allies to look for this specific type of crystal, and start making the enhanced charm."

“And we need more. A lot more.” Kitzu announced as they all found a place to sit.

“I’m going to assume these gem shards have something to do with what you accomplished down in Ponyville,” Celestia said not sure what to think. "And that we can use them to calm Equestria?"

“I’m going to see if I can duplicate what I did in Ponyville, in the moon viewing hall.” Kitzu offered. “I can’t be certain of the range, but it’ll provide an area where Discord’s magic will be greatly reduced. Plus we can create small portable charms if we can duplicate the charged gems.”

"We may have rid ourselves of Discord, but we mustn't assume he can't find his way back," Twilight explained.

“I see. Though I wish I'd known what you had intended. As is I knew nothing until Luna informed me of the facts of this matter," Celestia said and then cast a glance at Scootaloo. “Cadet, why didn’t you go with Spitfire?” Celestia’s patience had been worn thin that day and threatened to take her frustrations out on Scootaloo.

“She’s my daughter,” Sunset replied. “You’ve met.”

“Are you going to banish her again?” Scootaloo dared to ask.

“Banish?” Louise asked.

“My understanding is the portal to the human world is closed.” Celestia offered. “And no, given the circumstances, sending her anywhere would be a tactical error. With everything that’s happened concerning Discord, the ponies of Equestria need to know that we are being proactive and that there are forces aligning to protect my little ponies. From this point forward Sunset Shimmer will be known as Princess Dawn Shimmer. Now, be a good cadet and go catch up with your captain. And not a word about the crystals. We need to keep that secret.”

“You’re making her a princess?” Scootaloo said standing. “Oh wow! Wait, what about me and Louise?”

“Louise is an ordinary pegasus so far as we can tell, and you have a lot of maturing to do.” Twilight offered. “And Discord has no power in the human world. The only magic that seems to work there is harmony magic. Which he can’t use. The authorities have declared him criminally insane, and sent him to a mental hospital where he can be cared for.”

“I am still curious about why Louise is here. Shouldn't she be at home? I mean, what happened? How did things get so bad that she decided to take a one-way trip through the portal? Why would immigration be an issue, she was born there?” Shimmer asked.

“Her paperwork allowing her to stay where she was had all vanished, and that so and so of a father of hers told immigration her paperwork was all forgeries,” Twilight explained. “She took the opportunity, and came to Equestria to stay.”

“Louise, are you going to be alright here, living as a pony?” Shimmer asked.

“I’m good.” Louise offered. “Don’t have much choice now anyway.”

“And what about every pony in Ponyville?” Sunset asked. “There have been some interesting rumors going around.”

“It’s safer in Ponyville than anywhere else in Equestria right now.” Reynard offered.

“I’m so sorry Sweetie Belle, I guess I didn’t need to uproot you after all.” Rarity offered.

“I’d better go report in,” Scootaloo said and started for the door. She stopped. “Do I still stay in the dormitory?”

“You’re a cadet, that’s where cadets stay.” Celestia quipped. "Unless assigned elsewhere."

“Oh, alright. It’s just, that I don’t think I’ll be able to hide my horn much longer.”

“Well figure something out if and when we need to.” Shimmer offered. “Now you’d better get going.”

“Yes, mam,” Scootaloo replied and trotted out of the room.

“She has a horn,” Celestia stated looking in the direction Scootaloo had gone.

“Now that she has access to her mother, it’s growing.” Twilight offered.

“We’ll have to see to it her contact is never broken ever again then,” Celestia assured the fillies. “I must confess that things are happening far faster than I’d prefer. I’ve addressed Commander Spitfire by the wrong title as well. Oh well, we’ll just let her stew for a bit.”

“Well, it wasn’t my idea to get thrown into the limelight like that.” Sunset offered. “They were supposed to set down here in the private courtyard.”

“Well, that was the plan wasn’t it.” Celestia offered. “Even with Discord gone, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that wasn’t his influence. Planted little seeds. Now, as Cadet Scootaloo is presently on detail at the estate linked to the tunnel, why don’t you take up residence there? We’ll let you call it home for the sake of Louise. Give her a place to call home, and make it easier for you to come and go without anyone seeing you. No point in setting you up in Cloudsdale until I know if Louise can fly or not. Can you? Fly that is?”

“I...” Louise began. “I don’t actually know, I haven't even tried.”

“Well then, we’ll just have to find out as soon as we can, won’t we?” Celestia offered with a smile. “Your plumage does look mature enough, so it doesn’t look like you’ve been hit with the alicorn curse.”

“Curse?” Louise asked.

“The long life that an alicorn can expect, sets us apart from every pony else.” Celestia offered. “I, myself have outlived far too many good friends. Far too many.”


Scootaloo emerged outside the doors, waited for them to close, and asked if they’d seen which direction her Lieutenant had gone. “Wait, she went from Commander down to Lieutenant?” One asked.

“Princess Celestia called her Lieutenant, and told her she could go.” Scootaloo offered. “I think there might be a shuffle coming up. Speculation on my part, but it might have something to do with my mom being an alicorn. And some pony screwed up blindsiding Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia has declared My mom a princess, and she’s to be known to the public as Dawn Shimmer.”

“Spitfire will likely have returned to her office, best go report back to your unit then.” They offered not bothering to mention that Spitfire was just as likely to have gone somewhere to drown her sorrows.

“Thanks, I’m presently on detail at the estate,” she offered and made her way back the way she’d come. I figure that might be the best way to go. However once at the base of the stairs, the guards stopped her. Scootaloo quickly explained the situation. Spitfire hadn’t been that way, but being Scootaloo had come by the back way, they decided it best to provide her an escort back the way she’d come so she could be seen leaving the estate rather than emerging at the palace. Bad enough Spitfire had done it, but then she was high enough up that no pony would remark on seeing her leave the palace.

“So, um, where’s Commander Spitfire?” Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo as she was being delivered by palace guards.

“No idea.” Scootaloo offered. “I, well… seems every pony knows about mom. Or enough that it’s Forced Princess Celestia’s hoof. I gather the detail screwed up, which revealed Mom to the public. I’m now the daughter of Princess Dawn Shimmer.”

“I leave Canterlot for one day,” Rainbow said under her breath. Rainbow had been down to Ponyville to check on her friends, had rushed back to get an emergency team of fliers to keep ponies out of the abandoned buildings, and then shuffled to the very detail Scootaloo had been assigned to.

“So now what?” Rainbow asked.

“Let me guess, they sent you here not knowing what was going on?” Scootaloo asked.

“About it.” Rainbow offered.

“We’re to pose as a family visiting the estate.” A lieutenant offered as he approached. “Miss Scootaloo, myself, and a few others. Slick moves taking off with the Princess Cadet. Also, go pick out an upstairs room. I just got word you are to call this place home for the foreseeable future. How exactly did you swing that anyway?”

“Her mother’s an alicorn,” Rainbow informed in a deadpan tone.

“Dawn. Our Miss Dawn?”

“She’d been using a spell to hide her horn.” Scootaloo offered.

“She going to teach you that spell?” Rainbow asked.

“Why, is it showing?”

"Wait, what? What's showing?"

"Her horn," Dash offered. "And ya, it kind of is. But then again, I already knew it was there."

"Horn?" the lieutenant asked, his eyes zeroed in on the protrusion sticking out of Scootaloo's mane, and promptly fainted.

Author's Note:

In the above image, Kitzumi has her mane in a bun to hide her horn. As the series progresses she finds she must hide what she is to ovoid having problems. Problems stemming from ponies who automatically associate wings with a unicorn horn with either royalty, or pretenders. Many look down on pretenders, and will tend to look down on Kitzumi while not knowing anything about her.