• Published 27th Feb 2018
  • 977 Views, 8 Comments

Object XP-84c - Scourge the yellow cat

When Equestria is no more, can the survivors unite against foes once thought defeated, alongside two powerful new forces?

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Author's Note:

This chapter contains the appearance of Nazism. You have been warned.

Dimension 'Evil'

Solar Castle, Cantertrot, Solar Equestrian Empire

"Is that it?" Demanded Daybreaker to her apprentice as she and the Frightful Five entered the filthy, barely lit dungeon. The thing the Solar Empress was asking about was a stallion inside a cell at the end of the hall. He had a coat of a militaristic greyish-green and had piercing, golden yellow eyes. He was also humming to himself in glee, for some odd reason. He was discovered in the newly discovered Everfree ruins when a platoon of guards was chasing a deserter who had fled from the army. The deserter fled into the ruins, and when the guards followed, they saw the stallion standing over the deserter's dead body.

Twivine turned her head to the Empress and nodded. "Yes, my justful mentor, what you are seeing has been the very pony I have told you about." She said as they got closer. Daybreaker smirked at Twivine's title for her. Justful, I like it. She thought. Before she knew it, they were there. The black unicorn guard stationed at the entrance snapped to attention to the presence of the Emperor and her pupils as they reached him.

Daybreaker just had to look at the guard to get her message across. The guard nodded, his horn starting to be surrounded with a greenish aurora as the keys to the door was levitated out of the guard's pouch. It then floated towards the keyhole, and after a second passed, inserted itself into it. It then turned itself to the left as it deactivated the locking mechanism for the cell door. The door protested with the creaking of its rusting hinges as it opened into the cell.

"The prisoner, your eternal worship." The guard said as he entered the room, keeping the door opened for the visitors. They walked into the room. The door was then shut, then locked, in the case there was an escape attempt. The stallion had his back to the door and has stopped humming when the door was being opened.

"Oooh! Do I haffe ein fizitor?" Asked the stallion in a Germane accent, looking over his shoulder to look at the group with a cheerful attitude. Daybreaker both mentally facehoofed and was confused at the same time. Mentally facehoofing for realizing that he was speaking with a Germane accent, and confused due to him not reacting as she expected. Daybreaker felt a small puff of fire emanated from her eyes in anger, but then regained control of herself as she replied to the odd pony.

"I AM DAYBREAKER, EMPRESS OF THE SOLAR EQUESTRIAN EMPIRE AND MASTER OF THE SUN! FEAR ME OR ELSE YOU SHALL PERISH!" She roared in her R.C.V. as illusionary lightning bolts crackled from the ceiling, cackling as she attempted to scare him into submission. But when she ended her show and looked back at him, he was shaking his head in disapproval.

"Mein gott, zat iz zo bad..." Was his answer.

"Uh, can you tell us why you were at the ruins we found you in?" Asked Slaughtershy, realizing the anger rising in the solar ruler. "As well as your name and talk in an audible voice." She finished. His face showed disappointment at the demand.

"Fine! You can call me Rein," He answered in a more understandable tone, "And I used to be ein top sekret projekt built by zee fourth reich, zee Terran State of Man." Daybreaker's eyebrows fell in confusion, as many questions sprouted in her head. What is a reich? The Terran State of Man? Never heard of it. What is 'Terran' and 'Man'? And most importantly, Should I kill this idiot by now? She decided against the last one...yet.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow Slash ordered Rein.

"Adfanced artificial intelligence." Rein replied casually. Then he just had the groundbreaking thought about the state the floor he was sitting on was. "Schit..." Rein groaned as he facehoofed. "Gott damn..." The guard suddenly picked up a spear and charged at him.

"Nopony curses in front of, about, or disrespects the Empress!" He snarled as he jabbed the spear at the still facehoofing greyish-green stallion. The spear flew through the air and impacted Rein‘s chest, but instead of going into his heart, the spearhead shattered as a metallic screech was heard. Everypony in the room (minus Rein) either backed away or gasped, as the guard dropped the now-useless weapon he was still holding and backed away in shock.

Then, Rein smiled in a malicious manner at the now trembling guard as he raised his right foreleg and—wait, that’s not right. The foreleg was peeling back as it morphed into a pipe-like structure, with no sign of muscle or bone. Everypony besides Rein now were horrified at this, increased by lack of pain from Rein. He smirked at the quivering guard as the inside of his unusual foreleg began to glow in a crimson color, accompanied with what sounded like high pitched wailing. The guard quickly cast a shield spell when the 'foreleg' emitted a noise.


A beam of crimson light rushed out of the 'foreleg' as it raced right at the guard. It hit the green magical shield with such force that the crimson plowed through with little resistance. It then hit the guard's solar golden armor and melted with again no resistance, then entered the guard himself. A hissing sound was heard as he screamed in agony while his left foreleg took the crimson in. The guard then fell to the ground as Rein watched.

"Don't try to attack zee machine, vimp." Glared Rein to the guard as the 'foreleg' reformed back into a leg. He then looked up to meet her eyes and smirked. Daybreaker then realized that she was actually impressed with what happened, realizing what was right in front of her: Pure domination that she couldn't have dreamed of in a million lifetimes.

"All of you, FOLLOW ME." The Empress demanded as she bashed the cell door out with her magic. The others were startled, but then obeyed. On their way out, Daybreaker felt the peculiar urge to look at the Rein‘s cutie mark, so she looked for him and found him trailing behind her and the Frightful Five, unsure of her motivation. That was when she saw it.

This was the only time somepony's cutie mark or anything in that matter had sent chills down her spine. It was a black 'X' that had the ends pointing to the right of each arm of the 'X' at 90 degrees. A broken, crooked cross, you can call it. She knew enough that it was a symbol that originally was from Brahman that meant 'good-being'. Like that saved those stupid cows. Thought Daybreaker as she rolled her eyes in amusement to the insult.

"Why are you looking at me like zat?" Asked Rein as he looked at her with a bemused look. The Frightful Five looked at him in a you-just-bucked-up-now look.

"One, watch your tongue swine," Daybreaker warned him. He complied immediately as she resumed while pointing her right foreleg at his cutie mark, "And two, what is that there?" Rein looked to where she was pointing and chuckled.

"Oh, zat. Zat was ze symbol for zee fascist group called ze Nazional Zocialist German Vorkers' Party," He started. Doesn't he mean Griffomane? Daybreaker thought. She didn't have time to continue any farther, as Rein continued, "zee precursor of mein government. You zee, it all began in zee year 1933, when zee Deutsches Reich, or zee Third Reich, appeared, which led zeir nation from a struggling hellhole to zee most powerful country." Realizing what was going down, Twivine summoned a notebook and a quill and proceeded to cram everything of what he was saying.

"Zey managed to conquer most of zeir home continent, but were defeated by zee democrats and zee kommunists in 1945." He said with a sad tone before his face lightened up. "But zee legacy of zeir sudden moment of power flourished. Fast forward to zee year 2023, when zee Great Rebirth occurred." Twivine was still writing down notes as the others listened in to Rein. The Solar Empress, on the other hoof, was starting to get bored.

"Zee Great Rebirth vas when people vere ready to unify zee world after zey embraced zee one true ideology: Humanitism; Humanitism is zee lust of destroying any und everything zat keeps everyone divided. Even zose who had fought zee Nazis failed to end this ‘Nazi reincarnation’, as zey called it. Zey finally managed to unify zee world in 2026 after grueling fighting and created zee Terran State of Man." Once he finished talking, Daybreaker asked him a question.

"What is this fascism you speak of, alongside those other two things?" She demanded. Rein glared at her, apparently noticing her lack of care.

"Democracy is an evil obsolete ideology that leaves the country weak by allowing the populace to vote whatever they vant and let 'unpures' meddle with the actions. Kommunism is where zee corrupt leader brainwashes his unnationalistic nation to love him and to share everything. Fascism, however, is where a ruler has total control of a very nationalistic country, eradicates any 'unpures', and helps the country, who in turn love him." He replied, before starting to answer questions from the Frightful Five. Daybreaker listened on and considered what was said, running scenarios in her head.

I hate that 'democracy' thing, as I do not want to be voted out, or have Non-Equestrians running amok. She thought, before continuing. And that 'Communism'? Ugh, please, I want EVERYTHING. She mentally agreed to those, before finishing her train of thought. But this 'fascism'...It sounds perfect. Being the leader who controls a nation who adores me and loves Equestria? Fits right up my alley.

"I think I like this 'fascism' you described." She told Rein. His glare vanished as the others stopped asking their questions at that moment, for the Empress to get her response. At this point, they were in the Throne room of the castle.

"Great! As you seem to be powerful, I am willing to be of your service, mein führer!" He said energetically. Daybreaker was taken aback by his once-again unpredictable attitude.

"WHAT did you call me?!" She snarled as flames danced outward from her fiery mane. Rein, for once, had that smile vanish from him. The Frightful Five backed away slowly.

"I-It means my leader." He said. Daybreaker stood still for a moment, before easing herself and responding.

"I like it."

Rein eased as well. "So, mein führer, may I see your current national state? I zink you vill like what I have in mind..." He said to Daybreaker as they all entered the room.