• Published 9th Dec 2017
  • 382 Views, 0 Comments

The Azure Walker - FallenChampion

Shunted out of his reality by a strange entity, Artemis takes his new standing in life with strides towards the depths of this new world's mentality.

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The Blade

Sighing I glanced at where I currently was, what I can only assume to be a rift in space connected to the pocket dimension within my beloved Pandora, where ever it was in the world. Focusing outward I "looked" around at my current housing, what was once a magnificent Griffon temple, reduced to what I was assumed ruins with only my chamber still standing due to engineering or long lasting enchantments I don't know. Startled out of my thoughts by the sound of a metal being scraped along stone, I glanced up at the single door leading into the chamber I watched as one of the doors was surrounded in a green aura before being ripped off its hinges. 'Well at the very least this should be more interesting than waiting for the walls to decay.'


Three changelings entered Chrysalis' throne room in the hive, two of her Royal Centurions and a single Drone, the drone being flanked by the two centurions as it nervously walking through the center of the carrying a sheathed blade in its shaking grip. "My-my Queen, the small expedition you ordered be sent to investigate that myth about a legendary blade in the Griffin lands a week ago has returned."

"Well spit it out drone, I have important business to return to before I head out to ugh. . . Canterlot." Chrysalis spat at the drone, making it shrink down on itself for a moment before lifting the blade up in it's still shaking hands only for Chrysalis to immediately grab it by the hilt and forcefully remove the sheath. The Blade glowing with energy that was positively begging to be used. "Ooh. . . whats this? not only is this blade overflowing with energy, but it appears to be pristine still despite being untouched for millennia." Chrysalis eyed the blade for a mere moment more before striking forwards at the drone with immense speed, decapitating her minion with a shower of blood that momentarily sprayed upwards before being engulfed in a rift that vanished as quickly as it had appeared. "My. . my, now that's something new. ."

Scanning over the length of the blade with a glowing hand, Chrysalis inspected the blade for any enchantments. As her hand passed over the hilt of the blade, Chrysalis' eyes slowly widened as she finished scanning the enchantments. Pulling her head away she held the blade hilt to her left. "Now now, how ever did the griffons get hold of these kinds of enchantments, let alone a high demon soul. . . . hmm, they must have taken it off of a demon lord from combat." Sheathing the blade she shook her head slowly. "No matter, it is not a concern so long as it serves its purpose." Glancing at the Centurions, she used telekinesis to passed the blade to them.

"Take this to the council room them seek out my Commander and Champion, within the next half hour, miss that deadline and you shall get to test this blade's abilities next." She hissed, as the Centurion remained stoic but took the blade in his aura, nodding to his comrade he swiftly headed out of the room with the blade. Chrysalis sighed, before turning back to the chamber guards. "You fools are dismissed, I shall be heading leave to the council room soon." Watching as they dissipated into the shadows Chrysalis stood from her onyx throne, her Lime green gown gliding across the floor as she walked out of the throne room and towards the council chamber to await the meeting.


Pakanga was by far one of the bravest warriors, and the strongest at that in the hive, but he couldn't help but be nervous as he waiting for the Queen to arrive. He and the hive general had been waiting for seventeen minutes the chamber doors we're thrown open by the awaiting guards as chrysalis passed through the doorway and sat at her spot at the council table. Glancing at the Queen and General sat across from him Pakanga shifted in his green and black uniform to glance at the unsheathed blade glowing a soft blue at the center of the table, with silence reigning Pakanga looked up from the blade to the General. "If you don't mind me asking General, why have I been requested for this meeting?" The general glanced to Chrysalis who nodded, in response the General picked up the blade in his aura.

"While on an expedition to the Griffin Lands to hunt for potential resources and map locations, a group of drones came across this-" Lifting the blade up slightly the general eyed it and continued speaking. "-blade within the limited time frame me and the Queen have had access to it, we have detected several enchantments unique to this blade alone." Suddenly the blade was ripped from his aura and grabbed directly by Chrysalis' hand, looking up Pakanga saw the queen scowl before looking back up at him with a annoyed expression on her face.

"Yes, while we have detected them to be enchantments, all we really know for sure is that the hilt of the blade is infused with a large amount of demonic power, which in of itself is impressive as the knowledge to create such a weapon belongs to the demons alone, who have not been seen in decades." With a wave of her hand Chrysalis called up a astral projection of a map of Eques, with a clap of the general's hands, several blobs of colors came into existence on the map showing the current global borders. Bowing slightly to the Queen the general zoomed in on a northern blob of dark grey.

"As we have no idea of just how powerful this blade is without attempting to overpower whatever power is left in the blade, which as is may risk overloading the blade and destroying it, so the queen has been decided that a field test would suit our purposes perfectly." Pakanga glanced up at the general with a questioning expression, with a nod returned Pakanga looked back down at the map.

"Am I correct in assuming that I shall be taking the blade and heading north to test the blade's abilities against whatever I find up there?" Pakanga glanced at the map, he recognized the location the general had focused the projection on, they had recently lost several patrols around there, with almost nothing going in and nothing coming out of the zone.
"While One the topic am I also correct in assuming that I shall not be going in alone to a zone that recently has had a heavy increase in danger, and instead with a small team behind me?" Jumping slightly as the Chrysalis stabbed the blade into the table, with a small gulp he looked up at his queen.

"Indeed, I have gone ahead and gotten two of our best specialists prepared to join you as you leave the region, once you reach the inner section of the region's borders you are to proceed with your mission and experiment on the local populace and take anything of value to return with." The Queen once again waving her hand enhanced the projection's view of a tower, before flicking a hand dismissively at the General who levitated a scroll from under the table over to Pakanga, who almost automatically grabbed it out of the air and started to read the inscribed message silently before looking back up. "Excuse me if I insult you your highness, but this seems like an awful lot of work for a simple enchanted blade, especially the orders to investigate the nearby region. Although I understand you would wish to know why our brethren have been vanishing up north but a bigger team would undoubtedly be safer even if more costly."

Chrysalis sighed as she spoke back up, "Be that as it may, you are not seeking to eliminate the northern threat, merely investigate and report back to the hive with information on it." Passing Pakanga another scroll and standing up, before speaking again. "Here is a list of the other two in your three-ling squad, I want you prepared and ready within the hour, and gone in a day at the least." Pakanga saluted as his Queen walked out of the chambers, lowering his arm he grabbed hold of the hilt of the blade and tugged on it, pulling it free or the table before inspecting it closely. Appearing to just be an average if thin one handed-long sword, moving away from the table Pakanga accepting the blade's sheath before tucking it away.

Heading out of the chamber and down the corridor he couldn't help but ask just what the blade was and what was he to expect in the northern lands.

Author's Note:

Critics, Critics, Critics, Welcome to my First Published story.
Feel free to comment on ways to improve and your feelings, but please avoid being hateful just to be hateful, while I won't touch comments normally I will make exceptions if I need to.
Due note I might not edit much, and Ooh boy! is my upload schedule going to be off, easier as I'm looking around for an editor but I mostly write as ideas come to me, Which is more or less random.
'Till Next time, have fun you pun-full readers!
Otherwise! Have fun, and have a grand Period of Consciousness!

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