• Published 5th Dec 2017
  • 1,713 Views, 129 Comments

A War - Comma Typer

The Great Crystal War has raged on, each weary day upholding the dreadful conflict with no end in sight. This is the story of some ponies (and more) all caught up in the reality of war from beginning to...end?

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News among Other Things: Tension

On Sunday, the forty-third day of the Great Crystal War, the "Rainbow News" of Rainbow Falls posted this curt warning on the front page, superseding the headline of the day:
The enemy is close at hoof, a mere gallop away. Some ponies have already been reported missing. Anyone who is still in Rainbow Falls must move to the closest refugee cities: Meadows, Presscut, Lentrot, Percheron. Your belongings are optional. Your life is more important.

On Monday, "The Manehattan Times" displayed a picture of a port controlled by Crystal ponies, their helmets and their glowing eyes dotting the image. The news was:
Rivering Falls; Last Line Before March to Las Pegasus
In an astounding turn of events, the Crystal Empire has conquered Rivering, the last major Equestrian city before Las Pegasus. Everything has been hoofed over to the Empire. There are reports of ponies who couldn't make it out in time being enslaved with the still-mysterious mind control helmets.

Sure enough, panic increased in bustling Las Pegasus. Various movie and music stars and other celebrities have precautions up, from moving to other houses around Equestria to digging inside an underground bunker. The mayor of the city, Blueshire, said, "Entertainment is fun, but being under attack isn't fun."

Early stages of voluntary evacuation are ongoing, as ponies (mostly those in the northern areas and non-Las Pegan citizens) are hauling out of the city.

On Tuesday, the "Ponyville Express" brought up a picture of a quiet combat zone. Smoke appeared, but there were no signs of any combatants at all—at least in this shot. The headline was as follows:
Canterlot/Crystal Front Stalemate!
Today's the first day since the war's start that the line right between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire hasn't moved.

While fighting still went on, causing many injuries, no strategic positions have been taken. Not a single inch of land has changed hooves.

"We're not out of this yet," Captain Shining Armor said in a sudden press conference. "We are resting to get our heads straight. We have no idea what the Crystal Empire is doing. They may be planning a big push—the big push everypony's afraid of that'll go straight to the capital."

On Wednesday, an annoucement was posted on the doors of various houses around Ponyville. This announcement read:
We've been having talks lately of pushing the Equestria Games up to two months from now instead of four months. The reason is due to the increased uncertainty regarding the state of the war. More and more resources are being taken and re-allocated for military purposes. The fear is that if we wait until summer is much underway, then too much of our materials and equipment would've been used up by our soldiers; therefore, no Equestria Games this year. However, if we start at the beginning of the summer, then there would still be abundant numbers for the Games to kick off.

The Equestria Games Society

On Thursday, this letter appeared in the Sweet Apple Acres mailbox just outside the entrance:
Applejack, I want to say that I have to sympathize with you with what's going on right now. We're selling less cakes and baking more ordinary bread, shipping off a good chunk of our work. It hurts to sacrifice your love for what you do to contribute to the cause better, and I know. Act wise, don't get fooled, and make sure everyone in your family agrees to the decision you have to make.

Mrs. Cake

On Friday, very early morning, this reply appeared on the counter in Sugarcube Corner:
Thanks for the concern, Mrs. Cake. It's good to know that somepony out there cares enough to write a reassuring letter. The mayor is a sensible mare, but there's some things that only the Apples can talk about. I don't believe for a single minute that turning our apple farm into an apple factory is a good idea. Even if we disregard family tradition, our care for quality won't let us stoop that low to canning apples. What a ridiculuous idea! At least we're doing our part, at least we're harvesting apples.


On Saturday, "The Cloudsdale Clyde" posted this in lieu of regular headlines:
After several meetings at town hall, it has been agreed by an overwhelming majority that Cloudsdale should conscript all capable stallions from ages 18 - 30. Further information will be disclosed at the enlistment office.

Don't forget: It's a great honor to keep up our legacy as proud pegasi warriors. It's an even greater honor to do it in defense of Equestria and of friendship and harmony.

On Sunday, an extended statement was made by Starlight Glimmer of the Town of Efficiency. It was posted in most major news outlets:
To the citizens of Equestria,
We do understand your plight and your anger. The Crystal Empire is clearly not a good empire. It has hurt many ponies and, we're afraid, will continue to do so for the duration of the war.

However, this is not an excuse to rile up petty politics.

The only reason why we haven't accepted any help from your forces is due to ideological reasons and nothing more. We don't want to associate ourselves with hypocritical soldiers who say they fight for 'friendship' while they fight, not considering other options.

You may call us crazy, insane, and nonsensical. However, what we advocate is a peaceful path, a world where both Equestria and the Crystal Empire can co-exist in peace. Again, you may say that we're crazy, but, if you do believe in your principles of friendship and harmony, then you must accept the fact that, logically, war doesn't mesh well with friendship and harmony. Why not settle your differences out? Call for a truce and let your leaders talk it out while you get to mingle with the Crystal ponies themselves—and, if Sombra agrees to a truce, he wiill surely lift the mind control spell from his population.

So, what is our humble request to all the reasonable and rational ponies of Equestria who ought not to be blinded by the royal forces of greed and stagnation? Make peace with Sombra.

Your lives depend on it, our fellow comrades-to-be.

For true and efficient friendship:

The Town of Efficiency

On Monday, an image of a crowd appeared on "The Everyday Report" in Trottingham. It showed ponies holding up picket signs and pouts. This image was covered by the day's headline news:
Starlight's Town Rouses Anti-War Rabble
In various cities including Canterlot (of all places), groups of ponies rose up in protest against the "aggressive acts of the Princesses", all of them inspired by Starlight Glimmer's note circulated in the press yesterday. Demonstrations ranged from largely peaceful gatherings in Manehattan to volatile riots in Las Pegasus.

Various ponies have stated that Starlight's arguments made a lot of sense. "It's probably a big misunderstanding," one of the Baltimare protestors, Silver Shill, said. "Sombra may have made mistakes, but the Princess must've done some, too. It's not everyday a unicorn would cast a spell on everypony there. Something must've gone wrong during the talks leading up to this mess."

Meanwhile, the E.U.P. Guard is not pleased with this troubling development. "All you have to do is read the news," General Spearhead countered. "See for yourself how King Sombra and his minions operate. There is nothing redeemable in what he does. Turning everypony he touches into his slaves to keep up his personal war machine—our response is the only sensible one, for we must defend ourselves and rid the world of this menace."

On Tuesday, an old stallion walked up the long and winding path to his lonely hilltop house near White Tail Woods. He opened his mailbox and only one letter was inside. He picked it up and read it:
It's your lucky day, grand old patriach! A once-in-a-lifetime offer that we've negotiated last night: We'll split the pie 75-25, and you can count on us to plant all the pears in the world for you! And sell! Meet up at the crossroads. We'll be there gladly waiting for you!

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