• Published 23rd Dec 2017
  • 4,887 Views, 119 Comments

Sunset in Ponyville - Fangren

After reuniting with her best friend, Sunset Shimmer has decided to do the one thing that will ensure Twilight will never forget her again: move in with her. It's going to be a long year.

  • ...

First Impressions - The Cottage at the End of the Road

Dear Diary,

So, it's been a couple days since my last entry. Sorry about that, I guess? I don't know why I'm apologizing to a diary. Or, uh, anypony who might read this in the future. Nopony's gonna care if I don't write every day.

Anyway, I was busy with some things. Nothing worth writing down here, at least not right now.

Anyw Also, it kinda took me longer than I'd like to figure out what to write next. See, I don't wanna just keep doing the day-by-day run-through that I've been doing because most days were pretty run-of-the-mill and thus forgettable. Plus a lot of my research notes already cover anything of interest that would've happened most of the time.

Also, the next big 'event' that happened was technically the tour of Ponyville that Twilight gave me but, uh, like 95% of that took the following form:

Twilight: “And this is [insert name of store/restaurant/whatever]! I've only been in here once, if at all.”

Spike: [insert generic remark/failed joke]

Me, trying to pretend I'm interested despite the rapidly-increasing tedium: “Sounds good!” [or similar]

Repeat that for every place in town, over a period of six days. So, yeah. Nothing that bares repeating for the most part. For the rest... Well, here's the main stuff that sticks out to me right now:

  • Met the Mayor, who I still think has a weird name even if I'm never gonna say it to her face;
  • Saw Rainbow Dash crash into a lettuce stand after failing to do some flying stunt;
  • Saw, but did not go into, the Everfree Forest;
  • Heard about, but did not meet, Zecora, the zebra shaman who lives in the Everfree Forest;
  • Spent half an hour trying on dresses at Rarity's boutique, until I got mauled by Rarity's cat;
  • Visited Ponyville's incredibly small schoolhouse;
  • Got roped into promising to give a presentation on magical history at said schoolhouse once summer break was over (which Cheerilee did NOT forget about over the summer, I might add);
  • Met the so-called 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' (Applejack's sister Apple Bloom who I'd already met, Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, who would dearly like to be Rainbow Dash's sister);
  • Was relieved of the Cutie Mark Crusaders by Rainbow Dash, who crashed into the schoolhouse after another failed stunt;
  • And visited Fluttershy's cottage.

So, yeah. Maybe if that had all happened on the same day it would be worth writing about, but... It doesn't really appeal to me if I'm being honest.

But I really should share the cottage visit since it was the first actual interaction I had with Fluttershy. But I'll keep it brief.


After several days of tedium, Sunset had not woken up that Monday morning expecting to have a particularly enjoyable day. The main thing keeping her going was that Twilight's 'tour' of town would finally be over tomorrow afternoon, after which Sunset would finally be free to focus all her energy on her research for what would likely be the first time since the move.

Of course, that was still two days away, and no amount of daydreaming about her plans was going to make time flow faster.

The current item on Twilight's agenda was taking her to visit Fluttershy's cottage, and so Sunset found herself, Twilight, and Spike walking down a solitary path on the outskirts of town. Sunset genuinely didn't know what to make of such a meek pony living so close to the wild, untamed Everfree Forest, much less the description of her home she'd received from Twilight and the others, but she dearly hoped the visit would be brief.

She wasn't even going to begin to consider the possibility of something interesting happening. In the scant few times she'd seen the mare – always walking, never flying – Sunset had never managed to hear more than a few words from her, regardless of topic or company. The only thing keeping Sunset from just assuming that Fluttershy was an antisocial hermit who kept getting pony interaction forced on her by the others is that, apparently, she was enough of a 'friend' to Twilight and the others to be able to use one of the Elements of Harmony.

Granted, that caveat was based on several assumptions about how the Elements worked that Sunset had yet to be able to prove, but she felt they were reasonable.

As they walked, Sunset noticed a steady increase in the number of animal homes along the path, and even more further into the sparse woods surrounding it. Looking ahead, she saw an oddly steep hill that the way seemed to end at; a squinting second look as the clouds above shifted caused her to gasp when she saw windows sticking out from it.

Twilight laughed. “You saw it, didn't you?” she asked. “Fluttershy's cottage.”

Sunset's mouth gave a false start before she managed to reply with “That's where she lives?”

“Yup!” Spike answered, sitting on Twilight's back as usual. “I was pretty surprised the first time I saw it too. Never expected the home of a pegasus to look like that.”

“Y... yeah,” Sunset managed to say.

Rather than an oddly-shaped hill, as she drew closer Sunset could more easily make out the shape of a genuine house under all the grass and shrubbery. It was as though somepony had built a smaller version of one of Ponyville's standard homes, but had made the roof from the local turf. And with all the bird houses, nest, dens, burrows, hutches, and other assorted animal homes around it, it gave Sunset the impression of being the central hub of a genuine community of wild animals.

As they crossed a remarkably stable bridge over a small brook, Sunset even noted a small beaver lodge in a neighboring pond.

And as for the various birds and rodents and other animals that lived in the homes, well, they were watching the three with keen interest – and from a safe distance. More than a few ducked into hiding as Sunset's gaze passed over them, and she couldn't help but wonder if that was due to an innate distrust of ponies, or the effect of their alleged caretaker.

Either way, it didn't stop Twilight from casually strolling up to the front door and giving it three quick, precise knocks. “Fluttershy! We're here!” she announced with a smile, Spike sliding off her back to stand by her side.

Sunset kept to the back, and waited for what felt like far longer than it probably was for Fluttershy to open the door. And when she finally did, she did it so slowly Sunset could practically feel the reluctance radiating off of her.

“Umm... hi...,” she greeted meekly, looking Twilight and Spike in the eye and Sunset in the hooves.

“Hi!” Twilight replied without losing a speck of cheer or, from Sunset's perspective, noticing how uncomfortable her friend seemed to be. She and Spike invited themselves in, leaving Sunset with little recourse but to do the same. Fluttershy continued to not look at her as she entered.

A quick look around left Sunset feeling yet another round of surprise at how different Fluttershy's home was from what she expected. Or, more specifically, how different it was from the impression its exterior gave. There were certainly plenty of things she expected of a professional animal caretaker – food bowls, toys, additional housing – but beyond that it just seemed like a fairly quaint little cottage. In fact, without the signs of animals – as well as the few animals themselves that were even now watching the trio from various perches around the sitting room – Sunset felt like it would be an astoundingly boring place to spend her time.

Enough awkwardly silent seconds passed with the four of them just sort of standing by the front door that even Twilight seemed to take notice. Sunset caught her eye twitch just a little bit before she said “So! The tour!”

“Oh! Right!” Fluttershy said, apparently just remembering why they were there. She looked around a bit, then vaguely waved a forehoof at the room and said – to Twilight - “Umm... This is my home!”

Another awkward silence followed, punctuated by Fluttershy attempting a wide smile – at Twilight.

Twilight face-hoofed. “And it's really lovely, but Sunset,” she jerked her head towards the mare in question, finally causing Fluttershy to reluctantly look at the other unicorn in the room, “was really hoping you could show us around.”

Sunset was hoping no such thing, but she also wasn't about to contradict Twilight right then. So instead she put on her calmest fake smile, and said “Uh, yeah! I mean, not that I don't like what you've done with the place,” she waved vaguely at an armchair coated with animal fur, “but I was more interested in, uh, the stuff you do with animals!”

She smiled, inwardly hoping she hadn't just made a terrible mistake. Judging by the attention that Fluttershy was finally fixing her, she wasn't so lucky.

“I didn't know you were an animal lover,” Fluttershy said.

The logical leap took Sunset briefly off-guard, and a quick side-eyed glance at Twilight and Spike told her they felt similarly about their friend's 'inference'. But Sunset was nothing if not able to think on her hooves, and so smiled and said “Yeah! Totally!”

Then she cursed herself for having definitely made a terrible mistake.

In an instant, Fluttershy's entire body language had shifted – head up, ears forward, eyes wide and friendly, mane out of her face. Even her wings ruffled and readjusted themselves. “Well, in that case I'd be glad to introduce you to all my little and not-so-little animal friends!” She turned and trotted happily into the room, and Sunset could see the animals in question start to come out of hiding. “You can come out now! Sunset Shimmer won't harm you!” Fluttershy told them all with an encouraging smile, and even more heads began to poke out of the various nooks and crannies of the room.

Mice and rabbits, squirrels and ferrets, birds of all shapes and sizes; in seconds, they had claimed just about every conceivable square inch of sitting room and were now chirping and chittering and staring at the new arrivals with interest. It unnerved Sunset.

Though not as much as the great big grizzly bear did when it leaned its head out of what Sunset presumed was Fluttershy's kitchen, blinked, then walked out with a big pot of honey in its paws. The other, smaller animals scooted over to make room for it, completely unafraid. A few of the birds even alighted on its head and shoulders.

Sunset saw Fluttershy looking around with a look of concentration on her muzzle; by the way her lips were silently moving she guessed the mare was doing a head count. This was confirmed to Sunset when Fluttershy's brow furrowed just a smidge and she said “Hold on, where's- oh, there you are Angel!”

Her expression had changed into one of pleasant relief when she saw a small white rabbit push its way out from between a beaver and a raccoon. In sharp contrast, Sunset noted, the rabbit looked angry – an unusual expression for a rabbit, she decided. It was dragging a wall calendar behind it, and once close enough to Fluttershy it held the thing up – opened to the current month, of course – and repeatedly slapped the day's date, which had been circled. Upon closer look, Sunset realized that every Monday had been circled.

“I'm sorry, Angel,” Fluttershy told it with a genuine frown. “I know we had plans for today.” She put on a smile again. “But there will be plenty of time to play together after I give my friends a tour.”

The rabbit crossed its forepaws and tapped a foot impatiently, and gave Sunset, Twilight, and Spike what could only be described as a hateful glare.

“Oh no,” Twilight said, frowning. “We aren't interrupting something, are we?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “It's okay. I know how important you tour is thanks to the party the other day. I don't want to make you reschedule because of us.”

“That's kind of you, really, but-” Twilight tried to say.

“If she's willing to give us the tour now, I say let her,” Sunset spoke up, shrugging mildly when they looked at her. This, she decided, was a good idea. Better to get it over with than have to come back later and go through Twilight desperately trying to reschedule something else.

“Okay,” Fluttershy smiled and nodded. She looked thoughtful for a moment, then said “I suppose we should start with introductions! Mostly for Sunset Shimmer's sake, but I'm sure there's someone here that you two haven't met yet.” She looked at Twilight and Spike as she said that, and the two of them struggled to maintain their smiles.

Fluttershy didn't seem to notice, turning her focus back to Sunset. “Well, for starters, that's Angel Bunny,” she pointed at the rabbit, who defiantly turned up his nose. “He's a bit grumpy right now, but he's really sweet once you get to know him.” She put a hoof to her jaw and looked around at all the other animals trying to decide who to introduce next. “And, umm...”

I'll spare you all a lengthy introduction scene since for the most part none of the animals except Angel were ever relevant to anything I've pretty much ever done. That I can remember, anyway.

Also, I forgot most of their names anyway. Can you blame me? There were, like, fifty of them! Even I can't remember that much information given to me all at once. Especially when half of them either rhyme with or are a pun on the animal's species, and thus everything starts to blend together into one big head-spinning mess.

I'm pretty sure the bear's name is Hairy, though. Or possibly Harry, I don't think I ever got the spelling.


Once the introductions were finally over with – Sunset was proud of herself for having successfully pretended to maintain interest all throughout it without her eyes glazing over – Fluttershy moved on to the other parts of her cottage. Which was basically just kitchen, washroom, bedroom, and storage.

Then she led the group, including about a third of her animals friends, outside. And introduced about two dozen more of her increasingly-implausible charges.

Sunset genuinely had no idea what a solitary flamingo was doing in this part of the world, much less an actual seal.

“Wow,” Sunset said as she watched What's-His-Name the seal sort of slump off into a pond located around the back of the cottage. “How do you handle taking care of so many different animals at once?”

“Oh, it's really no trouble,” Fluttershy answered, picking up a standalone bird feeder that had been knocked over. “It's mostly just a matter of making sure everyone is comfortable. Which means food, water, shelter, and space for every creature great and small.” She eyed the seed in the feeder – it seemed rather low even to Sunset's thoroughly untrained eye – then turned and opened her wings.

She took more of a long jump than true flight considering how short the distance was, but she landed gracefully all the same next to a series of large and securely-locked wooden chests. Where she produced the keyring from Sunset couldn't tell, but soon enough she was humming softly to herself and opening up one of the chests. She took out a small sack of birdseed, turned back around, and seemed to be momentarily startled by Sunset, Twilight, and Spike as though she'd forgotten they were there.

With a faint blush and a noticeable stare Fluttershy crept back over to the bird feeder, and only finally looked away from the others when she bumped into it. “Right,” she said softly as she looked up at it, several birds shifting impatiently on their perches around her. Without preamble she flew straight up with the sack in her hooves, refilled the feeder, and dropped back down.

“See?” she told the others, smiling again as the interested birds began to fly over. “No problem at all!”

Sunset looked at the birds, a few of which seemed to her to be squabbling over the new food source. “Uh huh.” She looked back at Fluttershy, who had turned back to return the seed sack to storage.

Feeling the inexplicable need to fill in the lull in conversation, Sunset poked at the grass until she thought of something to say. “So, uh, do you have food for all of your animals in there?” she asked just as Fluttershy finished locking the birdseed away.

“There's a little something for all of them, yes,” she answered as she turned around to face them. “But they don't get all of their food from me.”

Sunset raised a brow. “Really? I didn't think any of them would want to venture out into the Everfree from all I've heard about it. I thought they all relied on you.”

“Oh no,” Fluttershy said, looking mildly aghast and shaking her head. “I'd never be able to help all of them if they needed everything from me!” Her expression shifted into a satisfied smile, and she nodded. “I'm simply a safe place to rest and recuperate from the struggles of life.” She knelt down and nuzzled some sort of weasel, who nuzzled her right back. “Sure, many of the little critters like to stay here for most of the year,” she said, looking back at Sunset, “but even they leave some times. Not always to the Everfree Forest, of course, but there's plenty of wild spaces around here worth visiting.”

“Huh,” Sunset said, oddly satisfied by the answer – she chalked it up to her general intellectual curiosity. “Cool. So, uh,” she continued, looking around, “do you do anything more than just give them food and shelter? Like, first aid or anything?”

Fluttershy giggled. “Sometimes, if there's an emergency, but I'm not an actual veterinarian. Oh,” her eyes widened slightly in realization, “but I do work fairly closely with Dr. Fauna, who is an actual veterinarian.”

Vaguely recognizing the name, Sunset looked to Twilight for confirmation. “I think we met her when we went to the animal clinic yesterday, remember?”

“Yeah, that's what I thought,” Sunset said.

“Still don't get why we went there when none of us have any pets,” Spike muttered.

“A good tour is a thorough tour, Spike,” Twilight told him matter-of-factly, and Sunset snickered.

“Never know what we might need in the future,” she added in a slightly-mocking singsong.

She looked back at Fluttershy just in time to catch an almost unnervingly blank look pass across her muzzle. “None of you have pets?” she said, and immediately Sunset could tell it wasn't really a question. The pegasus donned a thoughtful look, furrowed brow and all, and murmured “Well I suppose that makes sense... None of you have been in Ponyville for very long... And I'm sure I'd have seen one by now if you had one... Why didn't I notice this before?”

Sunset, feeling something in her stomach that was far too similar to growing dread for her liking, glanced at Twilight; Twilight shared the look, more or less, but her brain had evidently settled on confusion as her reaction to Fluttershy's statement.

“Uhh...” was all either of them could get out before Fluttershy looked at them with uncharacteristic resolve.

“Well, if any of you want a pet,” she told them, “I have plenty of wonderful options for you to choose from.”

Sunset and Twilight shared another look, both now confused. “A... pet?” Twilight repeated, skeptically.

“That's right,” Fluttershy nodded. “I know that Sunset's only just gotten settled, but I don't think there's ever truly a bad time to adopt a pet. All it takes is a little planning and care.”

A third look shared between the two unicorns, and Spike now as well, all three leaving their skepticism and uncertainties unspoken but visible. “I'm... sorry, Fluttershy-” Twilight began to say.

Sunset cut her off with a sigh. “We appreciate the offer, but we're really not looking for any pets right now.”

Fluttershy frowned. “But... I thought that since you loved animals-”

“Uhh, from a distance,” Sunset hastily 'clarified'. “Neither of us has ever actually had a pet before, unless you count Spike.”

“Which we don't,” Spike said rather pointedly, crossing his arms and nodding and generally making it clear that the matter had long been settled.

Exactly,” Sunset said. “And with the labs, and the research, and everything,” she added, looking up and giving her hoof a few rolls for good measure, “I just don't think we'd be able to give a pet the time and attention it needs.” She put on her best apologetic face for that line, momentarily surprised that there was actually some sincerity behind it.

It didn't seem to faze Fluttershy. “Well, maybe you only feel that way because you haven't met the perfect pet?” She looked around at the various creatures that were still assembled in the outdoor area. “I'm sure there's someone around here that would be a good fit. Maybe even one that could help you with your research!”

A vision flashed through Sunset's mind of various animals running amok in her lab, messing with her artifacts, and causing a chain reaction that led to an unprecedented magical disaster, destroying half of Ponyville.

She shuddered, almost despite herself.

And then she realized she'd shuddered in front of Fluttershy, and her eyes snapped open. “Uhh,” she laughed, her mind desperately racing for a way out that wouldn't further offend Fluttershy and thus jeopardize her relationship with Twilight. “Yeah, sorry, bad memory. Princess Celestia has this pet bird who... well, she's kind of a troublemaker. She's messed with loads of our research, right Twilight?” She looked to her best friend in the entire world, hoping that she would actually play along.

She was met with a quizzical look. But, to her relief, it only took a few eye gestures for Twilight to get the hint.

“Oh, right, right,” she finally said with a pretty desperate-looking smile. “Philomena sure was a hoofful!”

“I'll say,” Spike chimed in with a hint of sullenness, and Sunset was grateful for it. Her hasty cover story wasn't technically a lie, but as Philomena was a phoenix and thus more intelligent than most animals, it felt like an exaggeration to compare her deliberate antics to the trouble a more average pet could get into.

She looked back at Fluttershy to see her frowning in a rather sad way. “Oh, I see. Well, I'm sorry your experiences with the Princess' pet has spoiled you for getting a pet of your own. But if you ever change your minds,” her frown disappeared, replaced by a sweet and understanding smile, “you know where to find me.”

“Yeah, we'll definitely keep that in mind,” Sunset said, putting on a smile of her own despite, once again, saying something to one of Twilight's friends that she absolutely did not want to act upon in the future.

She turned to Twilight. “So, how are we doing on time for the rest of today's tour?”

Twilight responded by levitating a brass pocket watch and a piece of parchment out of her saddle bags; after consulting the two, she stored them away. “We're right on schedule,” she answered happily. “So long as we leave in the next three-and-a-half minutes, anyway. That'll give us plenty of time to get to the first antique store just as it opens.”

Sunset nodded. “Okay then. Sorry Fluttershy,” she then told the pegasus, “looks like we have to go. It was nice meeting all your friends and seeing the place.” It mostly wasn't.

“Yup!” Twilight chimed in with notable sincerity even as she turned to leave. “Goodbye, Fluttershy.”

“See ya later!” Spike added, hopping onto Twilight's back.

“Goodbye!” Fluttershy replied, waving them off alongside many of her animal friends. “It was nice having you over!”

Sunset, Twilight, and Spike left after that, walking around the cottage and back onto the path.

And that's basically it. I might've missed a few details here and there, though. I definitely remember Spike getting attacked by birds at some point, but I'm not sure if it was then or during some other visit.

Fluttershy... I think that's when my impression of her went from 'doormat non-entity' to 'quiet animal-lover'. Or I guess 'doormat quiet animal-lover', since it took me way longer to realize that she wasn't just somepony who would bend over backwards to do what other, stronger wills told her to.

She has some definite confidence problems, even now. I've tried giving her some pointers but, uh, turns out my method of inspiring confidence works best with junior research partners and such. Who knew?

Oh well. We all have our problems, I guess, and she has closer friends than me to help her with them. Less busy ones too.

...I say that, having already put aside a big chunk of the day to write diary entries. Not exactly what most ponies would consider work.

Anyway, moving on to more important things...