• Published 21st Nov 2017
  • 443 Views, 3 Comments

Dreams of Thunder - ElectroPHX228

As the Knight of Ashton City, I solemnly swear to protect this realm from the dangers of Hades and beyond, even if it means being thrown into a world of technicolored miniature horses.

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Thunder: Are You Always Uptight?

Author's Note:

Hey guys, ElectroPHX228 here. Sorry for the large time gap between Chapters 2 and 3 here but I had a lot going on and didn't really have the will to continue this story. But, now that I have a Co-Writer for this story, TheSpiritWolf12. This story will reach its intended ending point and will be complete. For now, enjoy this 14k word chapter we've cooked up and stay for more chapters.

Episode 3

Are You Always Uptight?

Chris’ POV
I am floating. Almost like I am underwater, but I didn’t drown. The void of various blues, are littered with countless stars. And if I concentrate hard enough, I can see doors, littered everywhere. I’ve been here before, my mind still slowly trying to catch up. Almost out of instinct my arms and legs begin to slowly move almost in a swimming fashion. Swimming upwards, I eventually reach the surface. Taking in a large breath of air. I observe the environment in front of me, I see a pearly white shore, behind me was an island with a large mountain reaching to the sky towards the moon. The lake is covered in a silver mist, the occasional shadowy wisp being spotted far out in the distance dancing with vigor. I swim towards the shore where I am immediately dried off.

The sky was an array of dark navy and purples. Stars litter it, even the large moon couldn’t outshine their beauty. My mind is still playing catch up, so I didn’t notice the demon behind me.

“You’re late Chris” Kaimon scolds.

Turning around quickly, I slip on the sand, kissing the ground. Kaimon howled with laughter before he calms himself down, his expression hardening. Balling up my fists, I quickly got up and swung at him. Of course, he dodged and threw a right hook into my face, sending me into the ground. Before things could escalate, we were interrupted by someone else.

“Both of you! Quit it!” Arael shouts at us. The angel had a silver glow around her that filled me with peace and calm.

“Fine, but could you please explain to me what on God’s earth y’all were thinking today!” I said in frustration. A series of images depicting the previous day played before us. “I mean seriously, y’all put me into Foster Care of all things. You could’ve easily let me go or something.” To say I was a little pissed was an understatement.

“We could’ve, you’re right but then you’d be without resources. Tell me, how do you plan on getting back when we don’t even know what this world has.” Kai explained.

“We only thought of what’s best for you. Trust us when we say that we chose the better option. Rainbow will most likely leave you be so you’re free to experiment without disturbances. Twilight is most likely a scholar so she’d have access to a library, easy for research.” Arael added.

I honestly didn’t like what they were saying but they were right. I didn't know what this world had to offer nor would I have the resources without Rainbow or Twilight. Sighing in defeat I conjure a small speaker. Turning it on, the dreamscape began to fill with music, more specifically, some Five Finger Death Punch.

“I’m gonna guess you want to do some more training eh?” I ask Kai with a smirk whilst summoning my sword.

The hilt was a series of blues with almost no guard below the frozen blade of Despair. Kai smirks as well, though his was more demonic, he summons his own Hellfire Stygian blade. It was almost an exact replica of the one I held though it looked more menacing and fitting for a Demon. Arael was off to the side observing us.

She raises her hand, signaling that the training was about to commence. We move to opposite ends of the beach, behind me was the River Styx, the other end was the River Lethe. In between us was the creek of Mnemosyne. As Kai and I got into our stances, Arael drops her hand. We charge each other, swords raised ready to duke it out like it was our last battle.


Night befell the world, embracing it in slumber and peace. With my moon raised and the stars shining, I begin my task of banishing nightmares from the ponies under mine and my sister’s rule. Guards salute me as I continue down the castle’s corridor. By this point, I had reached the Night wing of the castle. Reaching my chambers, I lay down in my bed and close my eyes before casting the spell.

Opening my eyes once again, the scenery changed to that of a star-filled void with rows upon rows of doors. With some magic, I rearrange them allowing me immediate access to those with possible nightmares. Continuing my routine, I eventually reach a very peculiar door. It was a large dark oak door, taller than my sister, covered in intricate carvings depicting strange creatures with wings of different types. At the top was a silver and gold emblem showing a crescent moon with a lightning bolt.

“What dreams do you hold?” she says softly.

Approaching closer to it, my ears begin to pick up the faint sounds of music being played, this era’s genre of rock and roll to be precise, which I myself favor. Though it wasn’t a band I was familiar with as it was more rowdy, full of anger and hate. There was also the faint sounds of metal clashing like a battle or duel. Curiosity getting the best of me I slowly nudge the door open.

Behind it was a void similar to what I just came from though it was much darker. Looking around, I was able to hear the distorted sound above me. Flapping my wings upwards, I broke the surface of what appeared to be a lake unlike any I’ve seen before. It amazed me greatly to see so much detail and beauty in such a place. Turning to what I assume was the shore, I immediately see two figures fighting. They seem to be battling one another in a fashion that didn’t settle right with me. Though before I could move any further, I was immediately tackled into the lake. Disappearing under the surface.

“Who are you and how did you get in here,” The unknown mare questions me with a voice of authority. Looking up, I spot my attacker. She was a tall white Pegasus mare with a fiery mane and silver eyes. She is almost taller than my sister as she seems to tower over me.

“Doth not know who we are? We art Princess Luna, ruler of the night. Protector of dreams. Who art thou to challenge us in mine realm?” I told her, not allowing her to intimidate me.

Her posture and face never wavered, a silver cloak much like my moon surrounds her form along with a helmet of gold and marble. A shield of golden flames burned on her right hoof. Her eyes turn pure white as she radiated with magical power strong enough to rival my own.

“I am the mother of the Moon, the flames of hope that burn in the hearts of many. A guardian of this very realm you lay claim to. I am Death’s merciful judgment upon the souls of the living. I am Arael, and you, Princess of the Moon, do not belong here and should leave lest you invoke my wrath.” Her voice carries power and serenity with it.

I was tempted to turn around and ignore the encounter but my stubbornness and pride controlled my decision. Before I could speak any further, a scream of pain echoed in the dream we were in. In my worry, I spread my wings and flew up towards the surface, but before I could even reach it. The mare flew in front of me hitting me with her shield, knocking me away. It was rather strange that the flames didn’t burn me, they merely tickled, almost like they weren’t meant to harm. Almost faster than I could react, the mare charges at me before swinging a long, skinny blade. Evading the attack I took note of her weapon, assessing the possible danger it could pose. The blade was one-sided with a slanted tip. Along the backside were small jagged spikes, ready to tear flesh just as quickly as the actual blade itself.

The mare was quick and agile in her attacks. “If it’s a fight thou want, then it's a fight thou shalt get!” I spoke, summoning my own blade A silver broadsword, the same shade as the mare’s.

The guard consisting of two wings like my own and a crescent moon. She readied herself against me upon seeing my blade. While her sword has the advantage of speed agility, mine can cause a more damaging blow.

“You’re determined… I admire that from someone of my moon. Many gods and goddesses tend to have different interpretations of my Moon and act upon them. You, however, you may be closer to it then they, I only ask of you to leave this dream unscathed.” The mare says, a form of kindness in her voice.

‘How dare she lay claim to our Moon. She doth not own it, it’s mine and mine alone. Not hers…’. “If we were to leave, then thou might harm the pony this dream belongs to. Thy motives art sketchy as we’ve never heard of thou before. Only we can access this realm as mine Moon gifts us with its power. Thou could only be a parasite, infecting this dream. As Princess of the Night, it is mine duty to stop creatures such as thou from harming our subjects!” I furiously challenge her, attempting to gain any reaction.

She didn’t even flinch, her face was hidden under the cowl of her cloak. Only one thing was heard from her.

“Then so be it… I have given you a chance to leave upon your own accord. Since you won’t heed my words, I’ll have to force you to leave.”

She has her sword raised in front of her, her wings are spread and in a fashion that’ll allow for a quick take off. I did the same with my own blade. Though before I was fully ready, she bolted towards me at blinding speeds. I had just enough time to block her attack. The contact of the blades causes the dream to ripple. She attacks, again and again, only leaving me to either dodge, parry, or block. She was a skilled swordspony, but she lacks in certain aspects. She’s with a defensive and swift style. Seeing my opportunity, I counter her swing, the mare lifts her shield. Upon contact, my blade melts in the golden flames, leaving me defenseless. My eyes were wide with shock at how easily my blade was destroyed.

“H-how…?” that was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

“Now LEAVE!!!” The mare shouts. A powerful force then throws me through the door, closing it with a loud slam. The door was later consumed in the same golden flames, preventing me from getting closer as the heat was unbearable. I try to use my magic to dispel it and help the poor soul within but it was too strong. I couldn’t even pinpoint the dreamer’s location or being.

“What demons dost thou hold in order to create such creatures and power? We fear this might be beyond us. We should notify Celestia of this encounter.” The door begins to fade away as the mysterious dreamer begins to awaken. “Who truly art thou to hold such power and burden…” was the last thing I said before the door completely vanished from the Dreamrealm.


My skin slightly stung and burned from the several cuts and burns that littered my body. I wasn’t nearly quick enough to avoid those small accidents but in all honesty, they could’ve been way worse. Pain erupts from my shoulder as another new injury joins the rest on my body.

“You were distracted, never distract yourself from your opponent.” Kai says, my movements were weak and sluggish from the pain. I swung at him only for him to block and counter, cutting my side. I did my best to keep up but I was slowing down. Luckily, I was able to block a few more hits and parry before a large ripple spread through the dreamscape. In my moment of distraction, Kai took the opportunity and jabbed his sword into my torso before grabbing my own blade and holding it to my neck, killing me.


I awoke in cold sweat from the brutal ass kicking I had received from the demon in my head.

“Why do you have to be so brutal man? Can’t you cut me some slack?” I ask, shaking my head in order to wake myself up further. I climb out of bed before kissing the ground. Groaning, I slowly lift my head from its position on the ground. “Right… I’m a four-legged miniature horse with wings. Completely forgot…” I sigh sarcastically, slowly lifting myself off the ground.

<To answer your previous question, no I can’t cut you any slack. If I’m to train you, you have to be able to hold your ground against me. Meaning that I’m to never go easy on you until you’re capable enough to defeat me at my full power.> the demon said causing a large frown to encompass my face.

“Asshole…” I mutter under my breath before grabbing my stuff and heading to the bathroom to take care of business.

Still not going to talk about that experience cuz it’s awkward as Hell. Making my way downstairs and towards the kitchen, I inevitably found Skittles there with a cup of coffee and a small smile on her face. Since I’m not very fond of her yet, I decided to throw shit at her. “Morning sunshine! It’s a beautiful day out. The sun’s shining, birds singing, and God knows what time it is!” I said happily before beginning my raid on the local fridge of this very establishment.

“Somepony’s happy. And by the way, it’s 11:00 in the morning.” She spoke smugly.

I shrug with absolutely zero care in the world. “Meh, I expected it to be the afternoon already but I’ll make due. As for my perkiness… yet to be explained by science itself.” I retort. She shrugged before stretching her wings a bit and dumping her cup in the sink.

“Well either way squirt, you gotta get ready to go cuz I gotta drop you off at Twi’s” Rainbow announced before disappearing upstairs. Leaving me to my thoughts.

“Welp, I’m pretty much ready to go then. Phone, check. Wallet, check. Headphones, check. Pocket knife, check. Yup, I’m ready to go.” Flipping my hood up, I made my way towards the front door and waited on the… ‘porch’. It really was nice out actually. Surprisingly clear skies and a bright sun. Observing the clouded ‘yard’ if you could call it that. One thing caught my eye, I spot a couple of fountains of liquid rainbows.

“Why am I not surprised that they literally have liquid rainbows… wonder what they taste like…” Being the young idiotic teenager that I am. I walk over to the literal stream of rainbows, I dunk my head in taking a large gulp. That was a decision I immediately regretted. That shit was so friggin spicy. It was like drinking from the Phlegethon. Which is a literal river of hellfire. “HOT!!!” I scream running around looking for anything to dunk my head in.

<Hahaha!!!>Kai bellows with laughter.

~Quit laughing Kaimon, he’s obviously in pain and distress…~ Arael berates the demon

<No he’s not, just tasting a very spicy rainbow. Haha!>

Ignoring them, I run into the house making a beeline for the kitchen sink. Fumbling with the knobs for a little bit, my useless hooves finally got them to work. Quickly dunking my head under the faucet. The stream began to slowly but gratefully wash that god-forsaken rainbow out of my mouth. With my panic over, I calmly shut off the faucet with my head soaked with water.

<So… what did we learn…?> Kai teases.

“Fuck the Skittles commercials. Never! Taste the rainbow, that shit’s spicy….” I say, remnants of the rainbow still noticeable.

“Pfft... Bahahahah!!” Immediately turning around, I spotted Rainbow practically laughing her ass off, tears streaming from her eyes. “How’d it taste squirt?” She teases adding onto Kai’s amusement.

Rolling my eyes I answer her with a retort of my own. “I won’t lie. When my mouth wasn’t burning, it was a little fruity…” I joke. Her head cocked a little in confusion and thought. “Never mind, though that gives me an idea for later. You said we have somewhere to be?” I asked stashing away the idea for a rainbow squirt gun or any other devilish idea.

“Yeah right, I’m supposed to take you to Twilight’s for the weekend. But I think she’s at Sugarcube Corner right now so we’ll meet there.” Rainbow explains.

“Then why are we waiting here for? Let’s go!” I declare, trotting past her and out the door. Rainbow follows me before she stops, stretching her wings. I was honestly confused as to why she was doing this before it dawned on me. “Wait, we’re not flying there. Are we?” I ask, praying that we weren’t. I know that I can fly and all but I honestly prefer to stay on land, I may be a little acrophobic… don’t judge me.

“Well duh. It’s faster if we fly, why do you ask?” She says a little irritated. “It’s just that I may be a little...acrophobic,” I whisper that last part

This just caused her to facehoof… doesn’t that hurt with a hoof? You know what, don’t question it. I’ve already met the pink pony version of Bugs Bunny. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re seriously afraid of heights. But you have wings. You’re like a more talkative Fluttershy.”

“You know what Skittles, you win. We’ll fly. But when I reach town, I’m walking.”

“I can live with that.” She agrees.

Nodding my head, I spread my wings and summon the wind under them. Which gave me enough lift to get off the clouded surface and propel myself forward. It took Rainbow a little bit to realize what just happened. Once she did, she took off after me. In almost seconds I was already able to see the edge of town. Rainbow came up next to me just as quickly.

“You know, for somepony who’s afraid of heights. You’re pretty fast. Also, how are you flying so fast without flapping your wings?” There was a hint of respect in her tone.

“You learn to cope. Plus that’s for me to know, and for you to find out.” I say before diving down towards Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash dove after me. The second I touched the ground, instinctively, I tuck and roll before standing up wobbling a bit. Rainbow on the other hand just hovered above me. “Nice moves kid.”

She commended my performance, walked further into town. She leads me through, calmly looking around. I was just lost in thought when a small flash caught my attention. Looking towards it, I spotted a skinny sand white colt with a brown mane and tail. But what confuses me was the contraption it had around his neck. It was like an old camera of sorts attached to a retractable harness. The pony dashes away, disappearing from sight.

“That was odd…” I comment before I hear a loud shriek.

Whipping myself around towards the sound. I spot Rainbow with a horrified gaze staring at a newspaper. “My life is ruined…” she mutters, thanks to my new sonar system I was able to pick it up.

“What, did they cancel your playboy subscription.” I tease walking over to her. Peeking at the paper, I spot a picture of Rainbow in a spa with a file to her hoof. Raising my eyebrow at this, I read on. “Really, you're worried about a hooficure. That’s retarded.”

Her horrified gaze turned to me. If looks could kill, Death be damned. “That’s my reputation. I’m not supposed to be getting hooficures!”

“Look Skittles, I don’t give a rat’s ass about what someone else thinks of me, so why should you?” I ask in frustration, “You know what, just tell me where this place is and I’ll let you have your panic attack.” Frustration and annoyance evident in my voice.

<You know, I’d have to agree with you mate. I don’t understand what’s so important about a person’s reputation when you're just going to ruin it later.> Kai comments.

~You’re such a hypocrite Kaimon. You know that. Even you worry about reputation.~ Arael chastised.

“Sugar Cube Corner’s down that way. Just look for the giant gingerbread house.” Rainbow bolts off with a rainbow trail following behind her.

“Thanks, I guess. Now then, to the diabetes factory.” I say before marching onwards.


After a few minutes, and many wrong turns, I finally make it to Sugar Cube Corner. Man, Skittles wasn’t kidding when she said it looked like a gingerbread house. My mouth began to water just by looking at the bread made structure.

“Well, it’s now or never.” I push the door open, earning me a satisfying ding from the bell above the door. Once I pass through the doorway, I spot five other mares in the room. Two of them I recognized right away, the other three. Not so much. I didn’t even have a chance to get further before the pink pony, Bugs Bunny, suddenly tackle hugs me outta nowhere. “Ack!” That was the only sound to escape my throat before getting the life squeezed out of me. “A-air!...” I try to say as dots slowly clouded my vision.

I hear someone say something before I am unceremoniously dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. “Gracias…” I groan out as I slowly lift myself up.

“Who, wha’ now?” someone else says with a very thick southern accent, looking over in my direction.

The mare is a lighter orange than I and had a blonde mane in a ponytail like fashion. Her eyes are an emerald green and adorning her head is a pale stetson.

“Gracias… it's Spanish for Thank You.” I informed her.

“Spa-nish. Such an interesting name. Though that gives me an idea. Do you happen to speak it fluently?” Another mare interjects in a more… refine accent.

Spotting her, I notice that she is an extremely clean white with a dark purple mane and tail done in fancy curls, she also had light blue eyes.

A small smirk crosses my face before the words left my mouth, “Sí, señora. Ocurro que hablo español muy fluido.”. I think the mare just swoon… seriously. I ain’t no Inigo Montoya. “Ok, now. As much fun as it is to discuss the languages I know. I was looking for Twilight as she’s the one fostering me for the weekend.” I announce before heading over to Purple Smart.

I swear, I think I literally saw jaws drop within my peripherals. Surprising much? <I think we just caused a mass extinction of any form of proper thought within this room. I rate this brain-fuckery a twenty out of ten.> Kai jokes as he materializes himself, poking one of the ponies.

I honestly didn’t think he would also appear in horse form. He is bigger than I, which is still complete bullshit, with wicked looking eyes and fangs. The irises were electric blue surrounded by pure black scleras and draconic pupils. The fangs are very noticeable along with his leathery bat wings. His hair is the same black mess I am used too while his coat is a deep dark crimson though he still has a black suit on the front half of his body. Though what caught my eye was the ass tattoo he has. It was a frost covered blade struck by lightning. Actually, now that I think about it. The other ponies also have ass tats. Each one as different as the other. For curiosity sake, I took a quick peek at my own rear end only to be greeted with orange fur.

~You look interesting Kaimon. It suits you~ Arael says as she observes the other ponies which she seems to tower over. Her eyes still hold their calm silver hue that seems to compliment her flaming orange curls. Her coat is very white and she wears a more angelic dress which didn’t cover her wings. Though I did catch a glimpse of her tat. Which happens to be a flaming circular shield with a silver crescent moon in it much like those pictures of the sun and moon combo. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a yellow pegasus with long pink hair. Who seems to be attempting to hide near one of the tables. Being the curious individual that I am. I went to investigate. As I got closer, she seems to attempt to make herself smaller, that in itself got me concerned.

“Hey? Are you alright?” I ask her in concern. She didn’t really respond to me unless looking away in slight fear counts as a response. “Is it the hood? I can take it off if it makes you feel more comfortable. I can look pretty shady in it sometimes.” I try to break the silence with some humor. Flipping my hood off to reveal my oh so ever pleasant face. I flash her a small smile, no teeth. One look at her eyes and I was able to spot a shred of curiosity within all that timid shyness. I offer my tiny hoof to her before introducing myself. “I’m Blitzen Dragonfire. What’s your name?” I ask kindly deciding to add a little childlike energy to it since the universe decided to fuck me over with a 20ft pole.

“It’s...Fluttershy…” she mutters quietly.

If I wasn’t as close as I was to her, I would’ve thought it was a mouse squeaking. That’s how quiet it was, I almost missed it!

“Fluttershy eh? It suits ya.” I told her smiling widely to ease her nerves. Though, before she could react, my eardrums got assaulted by Ms. Prim and Proper. That mare got’s a pair of lungs in her for sure. I think she accidentally woke the dead in Australia mate. Raising my eyebrow at her face of utter horror.

“What? If it’s the way I look, then the least you can do is not shriek like your in a slasher movie.” I comment with a bit of sarcasm.

It took her a second to realize what I said. “Oh no no no dear. I was more horrified with what you’re wearing. It’s dreadful. That hoodie doesn’t compliment your color and your shirt is full of holes.” She rants.

I, on the other hand, had that look of wtf written over my face. “Hey! I happen to like my hoodie and sure my shirt may have a hole or two but I honestly could care less.” I reply, shrugging, crossing my arms in the process.

“But are you sure that you don’t want to rethink your opinions on what you’re wearing?”

“Yes, I’m as sure as the sun at dawn. Why are you bugging me about it?”

“Ah, where are my manners. My name’s Rarity Belle and I’m the local seamstress here in town so I’m sorry if my nagging has been bothering you.”

Really!? A seamstress. I’m the only one wearing clothes in this goddamn town! Sure it doesn’t cover the important bits but it’s better than nothing. I seriously think there’s something wrong with this picture.

“Ok, any more questions about me before I decide to tune y’all out? Speak now or forever hold your peace.” I call out waiting for one of the mates to react. That was when Rainbow bursts in with a literal mound of newspapers.

“My life is officially ruined!” Rainbow cries out a bit upset. Of course, the devil in me decides to make a douchey remark. “You know, I was joking about your Playboy subscription. I didn’t think they’d actually cancel it.” I joke.

This earns me at least a few glares from a majority of the populace within the room. I roll my eyes before taking a seat near Twilight. Damn my childlike body. I hate being small and short. While they were arguing at each other about the paper they were reading. I closely paid attention to Twilight as she uses the glow stick coming out of her head to write on a parchment. Of course, I was curious as to what she was writing.

“So… whatcha writing Purple?” I ask, looking over her shoulder. This got her to jump slightly.

“Don’t do that!” She exclaims, looking at me with a scolding look.

“Do what? Ask you a question?”

“Scare me. And my name is Twilight, not Purple.”

“I know. But seriously, what’re you writing?” I was curious about the parchment, and their ass-backwards advancement of technology.

She rolls her eyes with a smirk, “Well, I was writing to the Princess about your case that way we can at least try to help you.” She replies nonchalantly.

‘Ok, I’m in a monarchist society. But why is she writing to a Princess instead of either the King or Queen…. wait, you can write to royalty in this country? You can’t even write to the damned president. That’s horseshit!’ I hear a dramatic shriek which thankfully pulls me out of my thoughts.

I guess someone’s pissed off about a newspaper article. Go figure. I didn’t care for it so I resorted to putting my headphones on and listening to my music. I’m always up for some Shinedown. I wonder what kind of music they have here…


I must’ve spaced out again. Can you blame me? I’m listening to ‘Sound of Madness’, that’s a good song. Sighing, I pull my headphones off.

“Yeah? You called?” I don’t know who called my name but they better answer quickly because I really wanna get back to blowing out my eardrums with Rock ‘n Roll.

“I was asking if you were ready to go,” Twilight says as the words finally registering in my head.

“I’ve been ready since I got here. Come on meow!” I exclaimed, heading towards the door.

While exiting Sugar Cube corner I can feel a shiver go up my spine as this wave of what felt like wind passes me. It was strong, like the force of gravity was pulling me back inside the gingerbread-like building, but quickly fades just as quickly as it appeared. I feel uneasy from it. It just feels... wrong. Maybe I am just imagining it.

~Did you feel that Christopher? Something powerful is here and I don’t like it~ Arael comments, concern evident in her tone.

<I’d have to agree with her about that Chris. Something is up… Maybe another escapee trying to make it big out here in Ponyland.> Kai couldn’t help but joke at the end.

”Should we check it out now or later?” I ask in a hushed whisper. I look around me, hoping to spot something that would indicate their suspicions to being correct. My ears swivel around as I take a few steps forward. Staying vigilant, I look around the small street. My eyes scanning around me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t paying attention towards the shop, or Twilight for that matter.

”Maybe it was nothing…” I commented as I slowly relaxed. Unaware of Twilight behind me.
She exits the bakery and takes in a deep breath, while also noticing the crowd of ponies gathering towards the center of town. “What’s going on?” she asks one of the ponies.
This got me to jump and whip my head around to face her.

The pony stops, taking the moment to look at Twilight and I, “There’s a magician in the center of town, I was just flying over and saw the colors. I’m on the ground now to get my grandmother and show her before he finishes!” The pony says excitedly. He’s practically trotting in place. Though, the magician part confused me the most.

”Wait a minute. Don’t y’all have magic already?” I ask the pony. Seeming a bit skeptical at first.

“Yeah, but not everypony can do magic, that’s what’s so enjoyable about it though. You should ask your mom there to explain, she’s a unicorn after all.” He smiles.

It takes me a second to realize what he said. Though I visibly cringe when I did. ”Uh, she’s not my mom pal. She’s just fostering me for the weekend.” I say to him with a straight face. Feeling curious, I look over at Purple to see a large blush turning her face red.

“It’s true, sir,” she says to the stallion, “I’m not his mother, I’m just, looking after him.” She ruffles my mane with her hoof in an affable manner. I almost forgot about my hood for a second. Wouldn’t want to scare off the locals with demon eyes. Courtesy of Hell Incorporated.

<I thought the nightmare eyes was a good touch. Gives you a nice intimidating factor.> Kaimon joked a bit from my thoughts.

”Of course you would…” I mutter under my breath. Forgetting about the ponies supergirl hearing.

“What was that?” Twilight asks me. This got my head to shoot straight up.

”Nothing! Just… actually. How about we go check out what’s going on?” I ask her as I spot the bright flashy lights of red, purple, and blue in the distance.

She scratches her chin, looking at me to the town hall which we can both see from the bakery. “I don’t see any harm in taking a peek.” She says, “Let's go then! It might be exciting to watch! Maybe I could learn from the pony.”

We begin walking towards the center of town where a spectacle is being displayed with lights shining and ponies roaring with admiration. The power from before became evidently stronger.

~It seems whatever or whoever is producing that level of power might be related to that magician that pony was talking about~ Arael comments as we get closer.

<Or it is the magician…> Kaimon retorts. I swear he rolled his eyes too. I hear it in his tone. I would’ve said something but a crowd of ponies caught my eye. The sounds from before getting even louder. We reach the edge of the crowd, unfortunately for me, I was too short to see over them.

“Damnit” I cursed under my breath. My wings ruffle in annoyance.

Twilight, noticing my otherwise dire desperation to unveil whoever it was on the wooden stand. Picks me up with her telekinetic magic, enveloping me in a purple haze. She gently lets me rest on her back letting me have a better view but it wasn’t quite what I expected.

“Don’t worry,” she says, “I won’t tell spike.” This confuses me a bit, who the hell is Spike?
“Ok…?” I say nervously before getting a better idea. “How about we try to get closer instead?” I ask her as I see the stallion on the stage. Although I can see him quite easily, I want to get a closer look. I’m not in my hero form so my powers aren’t as strong as they would be.

She lets out a sigh of irritation, but eventually gives in, “Alright, we’ll get closer.” she trots towards the stand in the middle of the crowd by weaving through pony after pony, giving an apology everytime she bumps into somepony.
I honestly didn’t care about the ponies around me, I was more focused on the streams of blue, purple, and red. We were getting closer to the stage, the “magician” now more noticeable without hawk vision. The ponies cheer loudly as he takes a bow.
“Thank you!” he says, “You are all a wonderful audience!” but he wasn’t done, “What’s this?” he looks towards the back of the stage where a figure similar in the shape of the stallion. “A stranger!?” he smirks.
The two figures quickly change positions in less than a second as they swap places with smoke and magic. The stallion throws a bundle of flowers in the air, the other does the same. Mimicking his movements he reaches his left foreleg out in front of him towards the sky where the bundle of flowers starts to fall. A flat diamond conjures near his foreleg and with his glowing horn, he begins the float as a gust of powerful magic emits from the stand, he lets go of the glass like diamond and shooting out of the shape is a show of red, purple, and blue colors, displacing the flowers, letting the petals fall down on the crowd. The ponies cheer and praise the magician.
I watch the display in curiosity. ’So it’s more of a magic display or act like we have at home but with actual magic… Neat.’ I think to myself in wonderment.

~It seems this is the one we felt at the bakery~ Arael says her spiritual form standing next to us. I still think that ass tatt was B.A. as all Hell.

Out of curiosity, I look back at my own rear only to be graced with absolutely nothing. Maybe it’s a coming of age thing they do here. Like a quiceñera for girls.

Now getting a closer view of his attire I see the inside of his cape is glowing blue with what looks like a river of magic flowing inside, the outside is a bland red color coating his outfit as well, and in his hoof is a magicians cane. His red magician's hat covers most of his mane and horn, he wears show clothes that look fancy and well kept. He holds the cane and points at me with it.
“You there!” he shouts with enthusiasm. “Help me enlighten our audience with another magic show! Volunteer for this next trick!” He is, very, enthusiastic.

My eyes widen in shock and a tinge of fear sets in. I hate stages with a passion. Yes, the Superhero has stage fright. Weird right? But not the point. I shake my head rapidly, sparks flew off of it from my powers.

”Uh, I’m good thanks. Maybe next time.” I say nervously. Gulping a bit as small beads gathered on my forehead.

The crowd slumps down in disappointment, so does the magician. Though the sense of determination was strong in his eyes. He looks to the purple unicorn I stand on and moves a hoof towards her.

“What about you miss, will you help me give our audience the show they’ve been waiting for?” He gestures towards her with a smile.

Twilight hesitantly reaches out. She shakes her head putting her fear aside, “I would gladly help kind sir.” she smiles, taking the stallion's hoof and walking up on the stage, but not before putting me back on the ground with magic of her own.

I release a loud sigh of relief, glad to be on the ground and off the stage. I should repay Purple Smart later when I get the chance. In the meantime, how about we sit back and enjoy the show. <I’ll have to agree with you on that mate.> Kai says in his spiritual form. He sat next to me with a box of nachos. I won’t even question where those came from.

“Thank you very much miss!” he says, he brings her to the middle of the stage where he conjures a slim rectangular mirror. “This here my audience, is your average mirror capable of mimicking your every action! Now with a little magic.” He aims the mirror at Twilight, “Now stand still my assistant. Don’t be alarmed!” He repeats his actions just like he does with the diamond. He sends out a haze of smoke enveloping Twilight.

The smoke clears and Twilight is nowhere to be seen. The magician flips the mirror to show to the audience, but she wasn't in the mirror either. He moves over to where Twilight had disappeared and places it there revealing Twilight!

“Hazza!” The magician says, posing, as to demonstrate that indeed she was still there.

<Nice trick, Bravo good sir! Now for the main event!>Kai cheered enthusiastically.

~What if that mare is in danger? Should we at least go check it out?~ Arael says in concern.

<I’m sure she’s fine. She’ll live… Maybe>

”Ain’t that reassuring to know,” I say out loud, the pony next to me looked at me with a bit of concern but otherwise ignores my comment. ”Look, we’ll wait and watch for anything suspicious alright. I don’t want to go Thunderstruck here just yet.” I mutter quietly as I watch the show intently.

“Now…” the magician mutters loudly to the crowd. “For the grand final!” Using his magic, he breaks the glass with one of his destruction spells. Behind the now broken glass is Twilight with an almost stun look. “Vwalla!”

The crowd clops their hooves on the floor, praising the magician yet again with his magical displace. He takes a bow, removing his hat in the process. He reaches into his hat and produces a blue rose, and hands it to Twilight. “Thank you for your assistance.”

She blushes from the attention she is getting and walks off the stage. I relax a bit as Twilight walks closer to me.

”Enjoy the trick? You looked pretty stunned yourself.” I tease her. I was a little puzzled by it though the magic wouldn’t be hard to figure out later on.

“It was… so supernatural! It was like another world in that mirror! Everything was backwards.” She says, later looking down at the blue rose she was given, sniffing it.

”You sure it wasn’t some smoke and mirrors type stuff?” I shrug at her, my shaded face looked past her at the magician.

He looks back at me, and winks.

“Thank you!” He says to the ponies around him, “Perhaps I will return with an even greater show! For now, I bid all of you a fair goodbye.”

In an instant, the stage disappears in a cloud of smoke, leaving nothing, not even an imprint of the building was notable in the dirt road. I look at the spot the stage was at, even swiping my hoof in the empty air.

”I’ll be damned. It's gone.” I say before looking back at Twilight. I was about to ask her something before the white Unicorn I met earlier came rushing towards us. She seemed to have an angry look on her face.

“Twilight, I just discovered who Gabby Gums is and-” before she can finish her sentence her eyes are mystified by the blue rose in Twilight’s magical grasp. Her eyes shifted from the mare to the plant, “Oh my, Twilight, and where did you pluck this beauty!”

“This?” Twilight says, her cheeks flush red, “It was a gift from the magician who was in town. I was his assistant on a stage that involved a conjuration spell with a mirror.”

“Truly!?” Rarity shrieks with excitement, “You must tell me all about it, Darling. I must-” she shakes her head, “Right, truly sorry, I meant to tell you something… AH! Yes. I have something important to tell you, I figured out who Gabby Gums is.”
“Really? Who is it?”
“It’s my sister Sweety Bella and her friends, they’ve been the one spreading all that nasty gossip around ponyville.”
“Your sister! But then-”
“I found my diary in her saddlebag.”
“Oh, Rarity. I’m sorry to hear that.”
”Uh… Who’s Gabby Gums?” I think they forgot I was here. I was eavesdropping on the conversation too.

<I thought I taught you better than that. Eavesdropping on others. For shame> Kaimon joked in a teasing manner. I swear he has a smug smile on his face.

~I thought eavesdropping was exactly what you taught him to do~ Arael thinks out loud. Earning a groan from the demon.

<I wasn’t… Never mind. Bird-brained cloud hugger…> Kaimon would comment.

~Fire farting bolt kisser…~
While I was listening to the two arguing, I see a purple blur darts across my vision, waving up and down. attempting to grab my attention. I see Twilight’s forehoof in my face, trying to snap me out of my stupor.
“Blitzen, are you with us? Blitzen.” She says, her eyes look at mine which I can only assume are looking a bit dilated.

”Yeah yeah. I hear Ya. What was the question again?” I ask, hoping they’d recap whatever they were saying before I zoned out.

“I… didn’t ask you anything. I was answering your question.”

”Oh…” That was my only response. I feel dumb right now. What else is new. ”Uh… What was the answer again?” God above, I’m hopeless

”You wanted to know who Gabby Gums is.”

”Yes, and I assume you told me already and you’re about to tell me again because I wasn’t listening,” I spoke quickly. I might’ve been a bit embarrassed but this isn’t the first time this has happened.

”Gabby Gums is a pony who’s been spreading lies and gossip around Ponyville, but now that Rarity has informed me about her sister and the crusaders. It’s not just one pony, it’s multiple ponies, all three fillies.”
”Wait, fillies?” The term was new to me. The closest thing I could think of was a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich. Wait… How am I gonna get meat in a country of Herbivores? Why is Fate so cruel to me?

<Looks like you won't be eating beef any time soon mate> Kaimon bellows. I scoff at his remark.

”Yes, fillies. You do know what filly is don’t you Blitzen?” Twilight questions.

“Twilight, of course he knows what a filly is he’s a colt!” Rarity intervenes, saving me from having to explain myself. “We need to tell the rest of Ponyville, Twilight. Before more of this gossip gets out of hoof.”

“I gave Sweetie quite the talk when we parted, but I’m uncertain she’ll quite understand her actions affect others. That’s why I propose we tell all of Ponyville.”

“You might be right, Rarity. It might be best to steer clear of the girls for a little bit, until they learn their lesson.” she looks down at me, noticing my impatient look. “We’re going back home, ok Blitzen.”

”About damn time. Come on. Vámonos!” I call out as I begin to walk in a random direction.

Wonder how lucky I am to choose the right way? And I am right, I am going the right way. I know this from the fact that I can hear Twilight’s footsteps following me while also noticing she didn’t call my name or correct me.

<Seems your sense of direction wasn’t wrong this time> Kaimon teases me.

~Oh hush you! Like you’re any better?~ Arael scoffs at him.

I would ignore them for a bit. Though, I notice a large tree-shape building quickly coming into view. Actually, now that I’m closer. Not only is it tree shaped, but an actual living tree! How on God’s earth!? You know what, don’t question it. I’m sure Twilight’s house isn’t that far from here. I’ll check the treehouse later to see what it is.

Of course, when I passed by it I slam my face into a magical dome, having the force appear in a clear purple field. And God Almighty that hurt. It’s like kissing the ground really hard.

“Oh, sweet Celestia!” Twilight says, trotting over to me to inspect my face for any injuries. “Are you ok? I meant to tell you, we’re here but you were so far ahead I didn’t expect you to bump into my forcefield.”

Wait, who the Hell is Celestia? Is it their version of God or something? Ok, now I really want to find the library of this town.

”Don’t worry about me Purple. I didn’t break the skin yet.” I tell her.

She sighs with relief, “Ok, good. I was worried you got hurt.” She leaves my side while gesturing towards the house, “This is my house, come on in.” she smiles.

She opens the red door leading into the massive tree showing a plentitude of books and wood stacking the shelves and floor. I think my jaw dropped when I saw them. I did nothing but stare at the shelves upon shelves of books while entering the home and hearing the door close behind me.

”Either you really love books, or this is a library…” I comment out loud as I walk further into the tree. This is some more Doctor Who dimensional stuff where things are bigger on the inside. I swear, this place is huge!

”Actually, I do live in a library!” she confirms my suspicion.

”Yeah, I can see that…” I walk towards one of the lower shelves. I use my wing to pick up a book and open the first page. Though I noticed a large problem with that. I can’t read a damn thing in this book. In other words, I can’t read! I close the book.

”Goddammit! Surrounded by books and I can’t read a single one!” I exclaim in frustration. And they don’t have a lick of English here for reference. I put the book away seeing as it was pointless to even attempt to read it without assistance.

“You can’t read!” Twilight exclaims, her eyes doze off, almost fainting from the realization of me, a kid, who couldn’t read. “But… how is that even possible!”

”Uh… Did you forget I was foreign? I can read English, not this.”

“But you can speak and communicate with me! You're telling me that you can read Eng-resh but you can’t read Equestrian!”

”Uh, the fact that I’m even talking to you is a magical fluke from whatever you did to me in the hospital. Only the Lord knows how that was even possible.” I say to her. Not entirely sure why or how it happened.

Twilight is starting to look woozy while she walks towards the kitchen. “I need to… get some water.” she leaves me in the room alone.

Or so I thought.

“How is my shy advocate doing this fine evening.” A familiar voice says.

I jump from the sudden appearance of the magician from earlier. Whipping around to face him and find him sitting on a soft large chair with his red and blue cane resting between his hooves with his legs crossed and his eyes close in a relaxed state of mind. My eyes narrow on him, staring at his smirk smile.

”Alright, who are you and how did you get in here?” I question him. My eyes would spark with lightning.

”There there my boy, the question is not who I am but what.” He climbs out of his seat, grabbing his cane and swinging it between his armpit to hold. “My name is Magic Star, and you are…?”

I hesitate to answer him. He didn’t seem like a threat but I didn’t want to take that chance. ”Blitzen Phoenix.” I would introduce myself. My hood still shaded my face from the light that poured through the windows.

“Ah, yes! There!” he excitedly yells, “A name, a name to present yourself with to those you trick. A name to disguise your true intent and power. A name to uphold and cherish!”

A small growl emanates from my throat. ”I don’t believe I understand what you’re saying. My name is as real as any other.” My muscles tense as he spoke.

~Be careful around him Christopher. He seems to know more than he should~ Arael says with worry.

<I agree. He doesn’t sit right with me. Watch your back mate.> Kaimon comments with suspicion.

“Or is it?” he walks around me, kicking his hooves while skipping. “I am no clown but I am rather excited. I will be generous and tell you what I know Mr. Anthony”

My blood runs cold when he says my name. I could feel the uneasiness coming off of Arael and Kaimon as silence reigns in my head.

”Who? I don’t believe I’ve heard that name before” I lie to him.

I was internally panicking over the overwhelming fear of him knowing who I was and spreading it around this whole place. Only very few of my enemies know who I am.

“As I have stated previously, my name is Magic Star. I am a familiar of this world known as Equestria. And I am here to properly introduce myself as your confidant.” He bows, removing his hat from his head to reveal his maroon ponytail style mane.

So that’s the name of this place… Why am I not surprised? I was getting used to calling this place horseland.

”Confidant? Whatcha mean by that?” I honestly don’t know so shush. Also, Magic Star? I swear, pony names are just plain weird.

“I’m somepony who you may confide in, a pony who’s knowledge of this world can help.”

”You say that like I’m not from this planet.” I retort at him with a confident smirk.

He looks at me with a cocked head, not quite sure what he was saying was getting to my head.

’Is he reading my mind or something? No, Kaimon or Arael would notice if he did, he just seems… Off...’ I thought to myself.

He put his hat back on his head and looks to the window. “You see that window?” he nods to the window.

I look at the window in question before looking back at him.

”Yeah? What about it?” I was confused as to what he was trying to accomplish here.

“Your name is rather strange for a colt.” The window begins to turn color into a red and blue as a strong aura forms around it. “You are like a rock or pebble being thrown through a window, you make a hole but you do not quite succeed in breaking it.” the window begins to crack as a hole easily punctures the glass. “While there is a hole, that hole makes cracks, creating entrances, opening the home from where the window is to another opportunist. You are the pebble, in this case, Mr. Anthony.” The window begins the crack as it finally breaks.

That seems relatively close to that other universe theory Barry told me about… I seem to think out loud. My eyes shoot over towards Magic Star to gauge his reaction. I hope he thinks I am talking about something else, I don’t want to solidify his assumptions.

“You are very mindful of this whole situation, even as I expose myself to you. You appear more than confident to intervene if I am to make effort in any matter unfitting of you.” ok good, he can’t read my mind... Or at least I think. “Perhaps I can answer a few questions you have,” he sits back in the chair, looking at me with a smug grin. “Now then…”

”Uh…” I look around me for anything to ask. That’s when something hit me. ”Where’s Twilight? Shouldn’t she be back by now? She would’ve heard you talking at least and investigate it.” I say, looking at Magic Star with a quirked eyebrow.

“You are the only pony who can see me as of now in this building. I manipulated Twilight’s hearing and sight so she can neither hear nor see me, this happened during my show. Do you recall?” he points his cane towards the kitchen, “And her glass will never fill.” He chuckles.

Just then I hear a cry of annoyance as glass cups can be heard being smashed on the floor. “What in Equestria is going on!” Twilight shouts at no one in particular.

”Wait, you can do that?” I was surprised. I’ve only known some spirits or beings that could do that but that took a lot of concentration and magical reserves… Unless you’re trapped in my head. Cough cough.

“It is rather quite a simple trick in the art of illusion and conjuration. If you properly know how to manipulate your surroundings.” The magician beams with pride. “Any more questions?”

”Nope, pretty much it. Besides, I didn’t understand all that magic stuff you was talking about. Cuz ya know. No horn.” I shrug staring at him with an uncaring gaze.

“Mr. Anthony, are you truly this unfazed by my appearance towards you? Are you truly not aware of your current situation? Because your appearance has shaken this world and this reality. I understand this perhaps was not your doing but will you please acknowledge and consider that I know who you may be?”

”Prove it then. For all I know, you could be a magical pedo that likes winged kids.” I retort at him.

“It’s foals, not kids Mr. Anthony, there is your mistake and my proof.”

”My name isn’t Mr. Anthony either. My last name is Phoenix.” I try to enforce the fake name I chose for myself.

“Mr. Phoenix-- mm…” He cringes, “no, that doesn't quite fit.” he mutters, “You were something called a human… I do not know this species but they are rather an intelligent race of bipeds from what I have been informed about. You are from a home known to you as Ashton… that is all I am aware of at this very moment.”

Who the Hell is this guy!? He knows way too much about me. Wait… Does he know about Arael and Kaimon too? I don’t want him to know if he doesn’t.

”Are you sure you’re not high or something? Like on a really strong substance of sorts?” Maybe I can lead him off… Most likely not but it’s worth a shot.

He looks away for a moment to the broken window then back to me with a blank and otherwise disappointed expression. “Would you care to see me performing another magic trick, with the help of my earlier assistant.”

”What kind of trick?” Now he had me curious and suspicious… Mostly curious.

<He’s gonna trick ya mate. He’s trying to get into your head.> Kaimon whispers lowly. I can see him in his free-form as his stormy eyes stare into mine.

Arael put her nonexistent wing over me as she seems to analyze the Magician before us.

Magic Star stands from his chair and moves into the kitchen where a clatter of noise echoes down into the living room. Above his head, floating in mid-air is Twilight, struggling against the magician in his magical grasp.

“Put me down… magician!” she shouts.

“Now now my dearest assistant one last show will surely bring our spectator to his senses.”

I watch as Magic Star levitates Twilight against her will. Small sparks jump in my fur and my eyes gain a faint glow.

~Don’t Christopher. Don’t give him what he probably wants. Relax a bit~ Arael comforted in a hushed whisper. Damn, that angel has a silver tongue sometimes.

<He’s not worth your power anyway. I’m sure we could take him with our bare hooves!>Kaimon tries to dissuade.

Appearing in the room next to Magic Star, accompanied by a flash of light, is a box able to be open from the top with two holes at each end. He uses his magic to unlatch the box and place Twilight inside closing it afterword. He locks the box with a lock. Twilights hooves and head can be seen protruding from the box. Another flash of light and appearing in mid-air is a sharp blade like saw with a long handle on top. He demonstrates its sharpness by lifting a book from one of the shelves and cutting it in half.

“Hey! That book was important!” Twilight screams.

“Not as important as this trick! Watch as I saw this mare in half young Blitzen!”

”I’ve seen this trick plenty of times. I know how it works.” I plop my butt on the ground and cross my arms as I watch the trick before me. Reminds me, I should see if I could still do my card tricks here while I’m at it.

“Or have you…” he puts the blade near the midsection of the mare’s stomach and lets go of the hilt.

Twilight visibly flinches with pain while the blade, from what I can assume, balances on her midsection. A slight trickle of blood touches the floor.

My eyes focus on the still crimson, its scent would grace my nose with a metallic aroma. I’ve never smelt blood so strong before… Man, it’s making me think of steak and pork chops…

My pupils dilate before I shake my head. My hood would fall off to reveal my mismatched eyes. And with the added sunlight. It made them seem more demonic. The scleras turn black as the pupils held a low crimson glow. My canines would also become more pronounced.

”Hey, I don’t think the trick is supposed to… Draw blood…” I finally tear my eyes away from the crimson liquid and look Magic Star straight in the eyes.

“Perhaps,” he rests his hoof on the hilt, causing Twilight to writhe and flinch more. “Perhaps not.”

“Stop…” Twilight barely heaves, “Please…”

I begin to growl as I stand up and open my mismatched wings threateningly. I walk closer.

”Hey! You’re hurting her man! Quit your shit!” My eyes spark a bit but I force my power down as I stare down the magician.

“Will you come to your senses?” He asks, putting more pressure on the blade.

”Come to my senses!? I’ll beat your fucking ass is what I’ll do if you don’t stop now!!” I yell at him. I use the wind to give me a little lift. My wings seem to almost flap instinctively when I did.

Magic Star scoffs, “Such manners. Tch. Won’t do, won’t do at all.”

He puts more force on the blade, it is now almost halfway through Twilight’s body as more blood spews from the cracks of the box. My eyes would trail towards the blood leaking from the box. I shake my head and immediately punch him right in the face. A small concentration of lightning was transferred upon contact. Everything turns to smoke, the table, box, Twilight, and the blade. All disappear while making contact with the magician. Nothing was real.

I hear clapping hooves near the kitchen entrance, leaning on the side of the door frame is Magic Star with his smug grin.

“A noble reaction, but in that situation, you would have been too late.” he walks over to me but not with the same grin. “And magic?” he says, looking at my hoof and eyes which are glowing crimson.

”You’re a bastard,” I comment harshly before flipping my hood back over. My eyes would look as close to normal as possible. Minus the difference in pupil types.

”And for the record. I can’t use magic. Still, don’t have a horn like you do.” I think that’s how this world works. So far only the Unicorn looking horses have the mystical hoodoo voodoo.

“I did it!” I can hear Twilight shout within the kitchen with joy.

Magic Star tips his hat towards me, “I know who you are Mr. Anthony, there will come a time where you will require my aid, and fight against me. For now, this is my exit.” with a flash of smoke, the magician is gone.

I see from the doorway of the kitchen Twilight stumbling out into the living room with a boot in her magical grasps, her hair is a mess and her eyes clearly had bags under them.

“I did it.” she mutters, “I did it!” she lifts the boot to her face, taking a gulp of water. She lets out a relaxed breath, satisfied with the liquid entering her throat.

I stare dumbfound as she drinks from the boot. ”Purple… Why on God’s earth are you drinking out of a boot… That goes on your hoof… That’s been all over the floor?” I was perplexed and a little put off by the action.

<And I thought you drinking the rainbow earlier was funny! This is gold! Hahaha!> Kaimon bellows with laughter at the strange act Twilight was doing.

~Isn’t that unsanitary? Why would you drink water from an item that goes over your dirt covered hoof?~ Arael seemed confused and interested at the same time.

“...I don’t care” She says while shaking her head, “I got water. I don’t care…” she takes another swig, downing the last drops.

”Couldn’t you have drank from the faucet or something? A hose maybe?” She lives in a library and seriously hasn’t thought about this? I think she needs more help than I do.

“I tried the showers, I tried the bathroom sink, I tried the hose outside, I tried the toilet… nothing. The glasses wouldn’t fill…” she stops and takes a moment to look at the footwear and clutch it with all her affection. ”But this boot… It holds water.”

Wait, I wasn’t the only one that heard that too right? ”Did you just say you tried the toilet? The porcelain throne? The shitter?” If I wasn’t hearing it. I’d say Kaimon was laughing himself to tears. He really enjoys the misery of others. Typical Demon.

“Watch your mouth mister!” she says, feeling stressed and aggressive at the same time, “And if you tell anypony about this, Nurse Red Heart won’t be the only mare to put soap in your mouth!”

”Yes, ma’am!” I did a simple salute with my hoof. Though, I couldn’t hold the snicker that threatened its way into the open. The only thought that came to mind was Twilight dunking her head into a toilet like a dog. Disgusting and hilarious.

“Oh, by the way, I heard you talking to somepony. Was it Spike?”

Before I can answer I hear the front door to the tree house open, stumbling inside with a silver bucket full of water, was a rather strange looking chubby lizard with green fins and purple scales. It’s small, almost as small as me.

“Here, Twilight!” the purple lizard yells, running over to Twilight with said bucket. “I got it from the well!”

I stare at the lizard, trying to figure out what it was. ”Who’s Barney?” I say pointing at Spike as I look at Twilight with confusion on my face.4
“This is Spike, my assistant.” she levitates the book to the other side of the room putting it with a matching pair.
The lizard puts the bucket down near Twilights hooves and pounds his chest with a single claw, “Number one assistant!”
“Thank you Spike, for the water but everything seems to be fine now.”
“What do you think happened?”
“Whatever it was, it sure was annoying.” she pouts. She looks back in my direction, still bent on knowing who I was talking to.
An evil smirk crosses my lips as an idea was birthed into existence. ”Hey, Spike was it? Wanna know a secret?” I look at the lizard and it looks back at me.

I still don’t know what he is. He could be a dinosaur for all I knew… Do those exist in this world? That’d be so fucking awesome if they did. Or maybe he’s a dragon! Screw the dino idea, maybe he’s a God-damned dragon! And not the evil buzzard I’ve fought at home. He was a prideful ass that should’ve watched what he ate.

“What’s the secret?” Spike says, enthusiastic about what I was going to tell him.

Twilight, sensing my otherwise unwilling power to tell the small lizard, stepped between us. “Ha heh! You can’t tell him Blitzen, you made a Pinkie promise…” she smiles awkwardly.

“A Pinkie promise!” Spike repeats, “Oh, well if that’s the case Blitzen then you shouldn’t tell me.” He steps away slowly with his hands near his head as in to say ‘not me man’.

”First of all, no I didn’t. Second of all, how do you pinky promise without a pinky? We have hooves Twilight, ergo no pinky for a pinky promise.” I deadpan using my hoof to emphasize my point.

Like seriously! You’re a frickin librarian. Shouldn’t you know this stuff? Like here, lemme grab you a quick diagram on horse anatomy just to jog your memory. Speaking of memories. I should try to memorize their alphabet before attempting their language. Because it’s gonna be a pain in the ass attempting this without an idea of where to look.
“No we don’t have Pinkies, but we do have a Pinkie.” Says Twilight.

I tilt my head in confusion. Like, what does that even mean!... Wait!... Her!? Bugs Bunny incarnate? Wait, that still doesn’t make sense. Why is Pinkie Pie involved in a promise?

”What does Bugs Bunny incarnate have to do with a promise?” I ask her. This world doesn’t make a lick of sense. And I’ve been to Hell and back.

<You mean that wee demon? After that trick, she pulled when we met. I’d say don’t be surprised she’s involved.>Kaimon butts in, deciding to sprinkle his demony wisdom into the thought.

~Maybe she has a teleportation device? Or is a meta like Bartholomew Allen~ Arael says trying to put some reasoning behind it. More helpful than sparky with his pitchfork.

“She is the pony who made the Pinkie Promise, any pony who breaks a Pinkie Promise…”

“Yeah, I never want to see her mad like that again…” Spike retorts.

Wait, this sorta sounds familiar. ”So… Like swearing on the Styx?” I ask. I mean. So far this world has a Greco-Roman influence hence the Unicorn and Pegasus. So they must have a Hades.

The mare and the lizard look at each other, afterword looking at me with tilted heads. “What?”

”You know. A Stygian Oath. Any promise or oath sworn upon the river Styx is to never be broken lest there be dire cosmic consequences.” I explain. I observe their faces to see if they understood me.

They shake their heads.

”I’ll be damned then. But to be frank, I never made a promise. I don’t make promises, period.” I say having my hoof extended before swinging it across to emphasize my point.

Twilight gives me a concerned look, “I’m sorry, Blitzen, but we have no idea what you are talking about.”

”That makes most folks. So Spike, still wanna hear that secret?” I said with a large grin on my face. He seems like a kid who’d likes a good laugh.

Wonder if he likes Rock? Wait… I don’t have my speaker, FUCK!!! Guess I’ll have to figure out to build a speaker… Or make money and buy one… I like option two, less likely to give myself an aneurysm. I should go out tonight and see if I can get anything on this Magic Star pony. I’m sure he’s known somewhere in the criminal underworld.

<Or he could be another Hades spawn or lost soul who soaked up too much power and corrupted themselves.> Kaimon said as his spiritual form began to stack imaginary cards on Twilight's head. He's built an exact construct of the Hall of Judgement too, home of Azrael. THE Grim Reaper. Head honcho of the reapers. Angel of Death and all that.

~His magical aura was pretty powerful, almost Godlike or Angelic in strength. Divine is a good word for it but we can’t know for sure without a full essence scan~ Arael says as she seems to read a large tome that she found somewhere. Actually, that’s just the large ass book on War and Peace. I get a headache just looking at it.

While I was in my own daze, I notice everyone is missing from the room. They must have left as soon as I was talking to myself. As I look out the window I see light outside becomes softer and dimmer as the sun sets below the horizon. The bright blue from before quickly melts into an array of reds, pinks, and yellows. Dark violets and blues would slowly consume the sun and make way for the peaceful silver moon to rise and join the multitude of sparkling stars that litter the evening sky.

I keep staring at the beautiful sky above as the day gave way to night. ”Should we go out tonight and gather intel on Magic Star or wait?” I ask Kaimon and Arael as I sit by the window and watch the sunset.

<I say go out and recon what we can, even clear up the streets of whatever city is nearby.> Kaimon says with a hint of devilish persuasion.

~Should we? We don’t even know if this world even has cities. Besides those bullies, I haven’t noticed very many criminals around to interrogate or take out~ Arael counters as she flies along the shelves across the various books.

”How about we look at an atlas or a globe and find out. I’m sure they have updated maps on the surrounding area or nation. Assuming they’re accurate.” I comment out loud as I stare at the new constellations that covered the evening sky.

Hoof steps begin to echo upstairs. My ears swivel towards the sound as I turn my head only to see Twilight at the top of the stairs on the right.

“It’s getting late Blitzen…” She says before nodding her head towards the door she entered through. “We have a spare bedroom just across from ours. Would you like to use it?”

I nod my head, getting up and heading towards the stairs. ”Yeah, gracias Twilight.” I smile as I walk up the stairs towards the room she gestured to. ”This room right?” I look back at Twilight, placing a hoof on the door.
She nods, “Yup!”
”Aight, g’night Purple. See ya in the mornin’.” I push the door open and walk in.

Closing the door behind me, I look around. The room had a bed to the side by the wardrobe and desk. A window was above the desk, facing towards the bed. Moonlight pours in, casting the dark room in a soft glow.

”This ain’t a bad space…” I open the wardrobe to see a couple scarfs and beanies.

<So, we going out or what mate?> Kaimon asks in anticipation.

”Is Twilight asleep?” I whisper, keeping my voice low as my eyes peer towards the shield glowing transparently outside.

~It appears so… How’re going to get passed that barrier Christopher?~ Arael questions us curiously.

<I’m sure you can find a spell that could somehow get us on the other side Arael.>

~You say that like I happen to have spells ready for every situation…~ They continue to argue as I look out the window. Staring at the shimmering magic dome that keeps me in this building.

”Looks like we’ll have to dig our way through…” I say quietly.

My eyes would begin to glow silver as lightning sparks across the mismatched orbs of sight. A smirk edges it’s way across my face.

”Look out Equestria, you’re about to be… Thunderstruck…”

<<<3rd Person>>>


It is in the dead of night and the moon is high above the old ruin building of two towering cement made cylinders reaching towards the sky with ominous shadows dangling on the dirt roads and paved streets. Crumble and rustic walls paint the building in an eerie brown and gray. Vines attach themselves to iron gates and fences, while also skewering through stone and hard metal floors and windows.

A cold breath of steaming air exhales from the fuzzy chinned mouth of an older man, his head raises towards the sky in irritation. “You pick the shadiest people, Stephanie…”

“I like to think of it as, the creative type!” The woman boasts.

“Be lucky I have the patience to work with you…”

“I’m glad too!” She jumps with joy, locking her knees together as she floats above the ground until gravity takes over.

The man growls at his companion.

They approach a red tarnish door with more rust. The man who is dressed in green looks down from under his kasa at a rather well-kept doorknob. He reaches for the knob and twists it, but it’s locked. He retracts his hand from the handle and into his clothes, hiding his arms.

“It’s locked.” he turns to leave. “Let’s go --”

A fire axe swings down on the knob leaving a gap near the right frame of the door. The axe comes down again on the knob this time knocking it out of place, leaving a broken door. She kicks it open with her yellow firefighter boots.

“After you,” she says with a smile.

The man shakes his head in disapproval, entering the abandoned building with little intention to thank the crazed woman.

The old door creaks as it swings open for the two mercs. The floor is nothing but a large slab of concrete that stretches across the dark abandon structure. Small flames would flicker along little candles that are occasionally along a desired path of interest. Large furnaces and machines would flicker into the looming shadows cast by the candles. Low sounding music echoes ominously off the maze, the machinery, along the floor and walls.

“I like the music,” she says, walking to the beat. “And the candles, look at those flames go!”

“I hate this music. Quit acting like a child, where is this contractor of yours we are not here for games.” He says.

”Not here for games? But games are fun.” An old voice speaks.

A man slowly walks up to them in his old dated suit. His hair is as white as snow and his eyes are a sharp purple. One of them was black with a slitted pupil. His skin was smooth but had small signs of age.

”But you are most certainly right Mr. Asato. We have business to discuss. Now then. Take a seat.” The old man’s hand hovers above his waist, it glows as the candles flicker turning the once orange glow into a green misty and ghostlike green before fizzling out.

A soft warm glow flickers into existence as both mercenaries appear before a desk in two old polished oak chairs. The Old man sat behind a mahogany desk. More candles litter and light the room along with a large fireplace that roars behind the man. The woman, without questioning her surroundings or the ominous appearance of the furniture, jumped above one of the chairs and sat in it with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. She shakes with anticipation and excitement while looking and observing the fire behind the man, growing and expanding the more she stares into the heat of the flames.

The man in green; Asato, on the other hand, was cautious. He unsheathes a silver and plastic like sword with green hoses connected to the hilt extending to the back where multiple tanks of different chemicals rest, each with warning signs, levers, and valves. He taps the chair with the tip of the blade, moving it and displacing it to other parts of the room before returning it to where it was, where he now sits, staring at the man across from him.

”Now then. What would be your preferred prices?” The old man asks. A scroll appears along with a nightmarish black quill.

“Our price depends on our objective. My partner here has given me vague information about our task, may you please enlighten me as to what our mission is again,” he says in a throughty way, as though his profession was finally catching up with him.

”Gladly! I’ve heard a rumor that our favorite demigod has disappeared. Of course, it’s a good thing to most… But on the other hand, could spell danger for the rest. I need you to find him and bring him back to the streets.”

“Demigod…” he looks at the woman, slightly surprised they were given the opportunity to do such a mission.

She looks at him with a smile, “Yup! I heard about that, the moment I was given the mission, I was on that burning boat! Although, you may not be as happy when you hear about what he looks like...” She gives a shy explanation beginning to dress herself in her firefighter's coat which was wrapped around her waist, now making its way to her shoulders, feeling nervous.

”What about you Mr. Asato? What might be your insight or opinion on my offer?” The old man looks to the green-clad merc eyeing him.

Asato looks back at the man, “My understanding of the whole situation is still not fully understood. I would like a picture of our contract and details pertaining to his location and his powers.”

“You can always stop being difficult. Just say yes!” the woman says.

“No. Not until I know I’m not going to kill myself.”

”The problem is that I don’t know where he is. No one does in any part of Hades. He’s gone off the grid entirely. So I’m hiring the both of you to find him.” The old man had a look of concern on his face.

“I see…”

The girl jumps with excitement, “So you’ll-”

“Five hundred million credits…”

“WHAT!?” She exclaims, putting her hands on the side of her head in disbelief.

It was the equivalent of 250,000,000 US dollars.

The old man didn’t seem to flinch from the proposed pricing. ”Is that all?” He seemed like he was expecting more but decided not to push it.

Asato looks up at the old man, revealing his emerald eyes, green like the grass, the stone, the gas, “Do you perhaps have any way of incapacitating or perhaps weakening your Demigod. I do not believe our primary target will go willingly. Perhaps an element of some sorts to weaken the Demigod?”

”I have access to various metals that can harm and prove fatal to him in the hands of a trained warrior. Name your price for such and I’ll give it to you but… Note this, nothing I give isn't without a cost.” The Old man warns the merc.

“I’ll take the simple metal, nonlethal, no blades.” He clutches the hilt of his sword with his right hand, “I have my own…”

The girl, Amber, smashes her hands on the table, looking the man dead in the eyes, “Teach me the cursed flames!” she demands cheerily, “I know what they are!”

”Which kind? There are many cursed flames in the realm of Hades. But I assume you mean the ones I possess?” The old man smirks at Amber.

“The ones you can’t put out, even with water…” a sinister smile forms. “The green sparks, flames, flames to fire!”

Asato looks at the man, shaking his head indicating to the man to take his advice in not giving the girl what she wants.

”Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you, Mr. Asato. The metal you want is lightweight but can carry a strong blow. Nearly concussive. It’s called Angel Steel, it’s what those winged bastards make their stuff out of.” The old man takes out a box with a metal covered baton and a couple bars.

”Of course, I will want something in return for these metals. Not now but later.”

“A part of my soul?” though Asato gave no expression towards the humerus joke, he does raise an eyebrow.

”As I said, not now but later. I do Believe you have what you need. Do you accept the job?”

Asato gives a hesitant look to the old man, then looking to Amber. “You do it.” He says, not wanting to shake his hand. “This is your contract.”

Amber smiles reaching her hand towards the man with her body leaning on the table. “The fire?” she leans closer to the man, whispering in his ears.

”I’ll add the Fire onto your price if you do well. But other than that. Do we have a deal, Ms. Amber?” His eyes glowed ominously in the dark.

She grips the man's hand, shaking it firmly. “Deal!”

”Excellent! Now then. Off you go. I trust you to accomplish this with valor!” The flames would fizzle out in an invisible breeze before the factory they had entered prior. Faded into view in the moonlit night.

Asato glares at Amber, “Your making a deal with a devil…”

“Oh shush! I’ve found worse contracts!” She walks away, “I know where to look anyway.”

“You do?” Asato asks, astonished.

“I think…”


Comments ( 3 )
Comment posted by XxJ03D1RTxX deleted Sep 4th, 2018
Comment posted by XxJ03D1RTxX deleted Sep 4th, 2018

Hey sorry about those other comments I was dicking around but i think the story is really good and it feels like you put a lot of time and effort into it :)

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