• Published 12th Nov 2017
  • 3,254 Views, 59 Comments

The Elements of Harmony - MarcellusMiro66

"A world without magic... A world without aspiration... A world without harmony..."

  • ...

Chapter 7: "A Friend In Need..."

The next morning, despite wanting to sleep in for a few hours, the girl group slowly but surely awoke at sunrise, with Apple Cobbler naturally being the first. Yawning and stretching in a similar fashion to herself from last night, her first instinct was to head out to the fields and get to work just like that. But then she remembered as she was halfway out of the cave, she was far from Canterlot and her family farm. Huffing in frustation and cursing at herself, she headed back inside to find that Photo Finish was the second to awake.

That, and something else...

"Can you believe this, Photo Finish?"

"Abolsutely not, Dear Apple," The pony photographer chuckled and shook her head, "Given that the most outlandish events that ensued yesterday, I was most certainly believing that we were partaking in nightmare fuel rather than swimming in a sweet dream."

"Well..." Apple Cobbler gestured a few feet behind her, "At least somepony is having some sweet dreams."

Turning to face behind her, Photo Finish gasped and softly squealed in delight, jumping to the wrong conclusion based on the admittedly sweet sight before her. Beckoning over poor, unfortunate Apple Cobbler, who instantly regretted her decision to point it out, the both of them surrounded a sleeping soundly set of two Unicorns on both sides. Photo Finish immediately produced her camera and cackled like a mad woman, taking careful aim at the dormant duo while waving off Apple Cobbler's attempts to dissuade her from proceeding with her preposterous plan.

"Say Love Train..."

"Love Train?" Sunset's eyes suddenly shot open.




"OH, NO!!!"

From that moment onward, the cave became a screaming and shouting match of earsplitting proportions, not helped by Photo Finish dropping her camera in her fright. Having briefly taking a mind of its own, her camera began taking photos of the chaos nonstop, blinding Twilight, Sunset, Apple Cobbler, and Photo Finish herself. Becoming the fifth and sixth to wake up respectively (Sunset was the third, Twilight was the fourth), Starlight and Trixie did their best to control said chaos.

It didn't help.

Trixie immediately reached into her bag and hurled three small balls into the ground, producing smoke and further increasing the mayhem. Attempting to navigate their way through the smokescreen, Trixie, Starlight, and Apple Cobbler unwittingly bumped into and began fighting each other, thinking that one was a threat to the other. Sunset was trying to pull Twilight away from the smoke, but she was similarly met with punches and blows before Photo Finish finally found her camera and prevented any more photos. Eventually, Trixie and Starlight fanned the smoke out of the cave and wearily huffed, the adrenaline rush rushing away.

"Hehehe," Trixie giggled as she blushed heavily, "Sorry, everypony. That was, uh...Trixie's bad."

"No kidding," Starlight coughed and hacked, "What was that?"

"Trixie's own personal smoke bombs," Trixie produced the small balls, "Perfect for instantaneous transportation or a perfect getaway."

"Hmm," Apple Cobbler observed the balls before handing it back to her, "I have a feeling we might need these later. Do you mind?"

"You wish is Trixie's command," Trixie nodded in understanding before storing them away in an easy safespace for future use.

Nearby, Photo Finish recovered her camera and the photos taken, smiling with each one she skimmed through. This culminated in a slight giggle when she found the one desired. Storing them away and sling the camera around her neck, she nodded in satisfaction.

"Worth it..."

Meanwhile, Twilight and Sunset regained their senses before coming to terms with their situation.

"Sunset... Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I mean I get punched a few times, but..."

"What? By whom?"

"By you...?"

Twilight bit her tongue upon hearing Sunset's response before realizing what was happening and had happened.

I was sleeping...

With Sunset...

Who is currently on top of--


"WHOA! Twilight--!"

In her mad dash to scramble off her, Twilight accidentally kicked Sunset in the face, striking her nose and bottom lip while sending her backward. Gasping in horror, she then rushed forward to her friend's aid, gently caressing her face despite herself.

"Oh my Celestia! I'm so sorry, Sunset! Are you okay?"

To Twilight's surprise, Sunset could only chuckle and nod her head, "Yeah, I'm good, Twi. I'm just...peachy. Good kicks, though."


Twilight and Sunset shared heartfelt laughter, much to the confusion of Starlight and Trixie but not Photo Finish and Apple Cobbler.

"Did we miss something?" Starlight whispered to Trixie, who merely shrugged.

"Trixie does not know," Trixie whispered back to Starlight.

After a moment, Twilight yawned and stretched before dusting herself off, "What time is it?"

"It's early in the morning, Miss Twilight," Apple Cobbler replied, "If you want a specific time, it's early sunrise at 6:30."

"Perfect," Twilight smiled, "A perfect time to embark...<yawn>...on our quest for the Hippogriffs."

"We should probably find the nearest town first," Sunset suggested, "That way, we can eat and refresh before we do."

"Trixie believes..." The magician sniffed herself from head to hoof, "...that is a good idea."

"All right then," Twilight nodded, "Gather what you have and let's go."

"No offense, Twilight," Starlight grumbled as she gathered her belongings and exited the cave first, "but we could be going in circles."

Starlight proceeded to rant and observe her surroundings to prove her point, "Look, look. Nothing for miles. Nothing...but sand..."

She then gestured to a nearby boulder...

"...and this rock..."

...a nearby group of cacti...

"...and this cactus..."

...and a trail of black rocks that looked suspiciously like...

"...and this roooooooooaaaaaad...."

...a road, which Starlight repeated for elaboration before it rolled out into a yawn.

"This rooooooad..."

"A road?" Twilight turned her attention from the weary Starlight to the road in question. The path led away from the cave, raising her suspicions but wishing not to proven true. Following it forward with the rest of the girls trailing behind, she picked up the pace.

"Where there's a road, there's a..."

Twilight and the group gasped at the sight before them: a large town, a surefire sign of certain civilization, albeit one that harbored unsavory details and the warning signs to match.

"Unbelievable!" Starlight groaned in realization, "You mean we could've been in sleeping in a stable had we just walked a little further?"

"Who cares?!" Trixie laughed, "Trixie and we found a city! We are doing it!"

"Let's be careful, though," Sunset warned the group, "We're far from Canterlot, so we don't know what to expect."

"I'd say," Apple Cobbler held her satchel more tightly.

"You know what they say," Photo Finish added, "Where there'a a city...there's a spa!"

"Uh-huh. And who's they?"

"My friends Rarity, Fancy Pants, and Fleur De Lis. You know...Canterlot folk."

"Hmm. In case you forgot, we're on a mission to save Equestria."

"I can multitask."

As they approached the town, Sunset's previous warning of not knowing what to expect paid off, as many of the occupants of this tentatively threatening town were overtly ominious to match. Not resembling any form of pony so far encountered, the citizens instead fashioned facial features that were akin to additional animals such as the pig, the fish, the lizard, the mouse, and the rat among others. Interestingly enough, the size and shape of them were distinct in the way they mirrored their current profession. The strong and muscular belonged to the camp working as brutish thugs for their presumed crime bosses, while the skinny and slender belonged to the camp working as chameleonic informants for their presumed crime bosses.

In any case, this tried-and-tested town seemed to be a crime-infested one, and one of the most (if not the most) they've encountered thus far.

"You know something?" Starlight frowned as she walked alongside the group, "I could've walked for a few more hours, days even."

"You should've been more careful with what you wish for, dear," Photo Finish chuckled in amusement.

"Yes, "I told you so." That is the last thing I needed to be told right now."

"Look at this. How quaint," Sunset slowed to a stop as she and Twilight read a banner that summarized the town in a few words or less.

"Klugetown..." Twilight read before second-guessing herself, "or Kloogetown?"

Sunset shrugged before continuing to read for her, "A travel destination of the one and only Storm King."

"A place where anything and everything has its price," Trixie followed suit...

"You want something?" While Starlight finished, "You gotta give something...?"

"That's right."

The group turned to face a teal blue fish creature with yellow eyes, magenta gills, and a shirt that resembled a half-torn apron. Approaching them with a sledgehammer with an ambiguous glint in his eyes, Twilight and Sunset immediately placed themselves in front of the rest of the girls, their horns lighting up with protective intent. The latter, though, was clearly struggling to keep up with the former, her lack of pony tendencies catching up with her due to her primary status as a human.

"It's even the town's motto," Mori explained, "And don't worry about the sledgehammer; it's for those foolish enough to stumble upon Klugetown. Why would I damage such valuable pieces of property?"

"And who are you to call us property?" Apple Cobbler stepped forward, "We're not for sale."

"Well, unfortunately for you," Mori gestured behind him, "The folks behind me and you think otherwise."

Glancing behind them, the group found that they were indeed surrounded on all sides of the citizens of Klugetown, all of whom began placing bids on the six ponies.

"I want the two blues!"

"Screw the blues! Give me the purples!"

"No! I want only the orange and brown!"

All the while, a gamboge feline character with light malachite eyes and dark greyish indigo hair watched the confrontation from afar, his red coat dramatically blowing in the wind. Turning to his hooded associate, who exchanged a look of acknowledgement with him from beneath the hood, he decided to intervene against his better interest.

"All right! Back up, everyone!" Capper entered the scene, displaying his versatile acting abilities to their fullest extent, "Y'all in some serious danger! Now you didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! You think that's natural? They're infected with "pastelis coloritis".

Photo Finish exchanged confused glances with the rest of the group, who were just as stumped as to whether or not this was a rescue attempt.

"I...beg your pardon?"

"Now you listen here, mister," Starlight stepped forward, realizing exactly what this "charaltan" was trying to do, "There ain't nothing—"

Before she could continue, though, she was stopped by the spy, who placed a hoof on her shoulder and shook his head when she tried to protest. He then discreetly opened a small can of purple paint for seemingly no good reason.

"Don't worry, don't worry. You'll be fine..." Capper then dipped his tail into the can of purple paint in a similar manner as he caught on to the spy's plan, "...as long as you're not covered in purple splotches."

Swiftly turning his body, Capper splashed the paint onto Mori and fashioned a faux facial expression of fear, "Uh-oh."

The larger fish noticed "the purple splotches" as well as and began panicking, a far cry from the fierce and fearless enforcer of the underground, "What do I do?"

Capper smirked and shook his head, "Enjoy your last moments and don't touch anyone. Because parts will fall off."

"Me parts?!" Mori screamed as he covered his nether regions as he and the rest of the Klugetown ran away from the group, screaming bloody murder much like their secondary straw boss. Glancing around and having the spy check for stragglers, Capper's smug smirk remained.

"Well, all right," Capper purred in satisfaction, "It looks like your plan worked, friend."

"Blame it on dumb luck, comrade," The spy deadpanned beneath the hood.

"Now I have to admit," Apple Cobbler chuckled in understanding, "That was quite impressive."

"And quite charming," Trixie giggled in admiration, causing Starlight to roll her eyes and Photo Finish to growl under her breath.

"Capper's the name, and charming's my game," Capper introduced himself, "and this is my associate...um, I never did your name, amigo."

"Mm-hmm," The spy merely nodded as he continued scanning the town square.

"Not much of a talker, your friend is?" Starlight tilted her head.

"Afraid not, ma'am," Capper chuckled, "but I've learn not to question certain aspects of the business world. So...to the Hippogriffs?"

"How did you know that?" Sunset frowned.

"Through a little birdie...or, in this case, Pegasus."

Gesturing at the spy for an explanation, Capper stepped aside to let him explain himself. The spy did just that, but with a disgruntled tone of voice.

"Long story short, I was sent by my Lieutenant Lightning Dust to extract the prisoners who escaped captivity and, if they were compliant enough, lead them to the...Pearl of Transformation? It's a gemstone currently in possession of the Hippogriffs, which is where you lot are currently headed."

As the rest of the group exchanged worried looks and glances, Twilight and Sunset exchanged looks of deep contemplation before the latter approached first.

"If you're on the side of the "villains", then why are you telling us this?"

"I merely wanted to give you a head start in case you attempt an escape," The spy replied, "Besides, I'm not completely on the side of villainy. I have my own goals and motivations to worry about."

"Such as?"

"That's for me to know...and for you to know not."

Stepped back forward was Capper, whom Sunset turned to next, "And you? What are your own goals and motivations?"

"A quick buck and a sweet escape, miss," Capper smiled, "I was going to sell you to the highest bidder to my higher-up Verko much like my fellow Klugetown citizens were, but now that I've got a better look and understanding of you all...I now understand you lot may be far more valuable to give up right away."

"Well, I don't think we should trust you if that's what you had in mind for us," Sunset stood in front of Twilight in a protective manner.

"Regardless," Twilight calmed Sunset down as she stepped out from behind her, "We need a guide around Klugetown. I agree with Sunset that you and your associate don't seem trustworthy, but frankly, we don't have a choice at the moment. You help us, and I'll make sure that you will be taken care of."

Capper and his associate exchanges looks with each other, needing a little more convincing.

"More than just a guide," Trixie interjected, "The Great and Powerful Trixie believes that we could definitely use a friend out here!"

Capper and his associate rubbed their chins (how was the spy doing it?) before the former shrugged.

"You know what? Little Cotton Candy Hair is right. And if I do say so myself..."

Capper swiftly stood up and kicked a set of domino sticks that darkened their surroundings save for a single skylight that shone upon him.

This town is not a nice place
For little fillies all alone
There are lots of twists and corners
That could lead to the unknown

Not far behind, the spy was playing a maracas while forcing two Klugetowners to play the guitar and eventually the drums.

Let me guide your way
And I'll be sure to help you through
You could really use a friend out here
And luckily for you...

When one of the Klugetowners played the wrong tune, the spy kicked him repeatedly until he got it right. When he did, Capper continued singing.

I'm the friend that you need
When you're lost and don't know what to do
I'm your pal, your amigo
Useful and resourceful, too

Leading the group through the crowd of Klugetowners as they ventured deep into the heart of the town, Capper's prevention of them falling into harm's way was in synchronization to the beat of the song.

And my help, you'll concede
Is a plus guaranteed
You can call and I'll come running
Just follow my lead
'Cause I'm the friend you need!

Along the way, Capper purchased a basket of fruit, offering Apple Cobbler a pear for his own amusement. Nonetheless, the Earth pony rolled her eyes and took a bite anyway.

A Klugetown Wool-Seller who played the drums backed him up...

"He's a friend!"

...as did a Scaly Klugetowner who played the guitar...

"Quite a friend!"

...and a group of randomly-generated Klugetowners who decided to pitch in.

"He's a friend indeed!"

The two main musical players even took a bite of the pears Capper had bought.

You need a bud to spot the danger
A pal to stop the creep
A chum and not a stranger to assist

The cat himself continued to place himself between them and the eyeshot of danger, dodging death and anything that brought it and/or resembled it, which the group were slowly becoming grateful for.

You need a bro who is cunning
That can help you take the leap
A friend who knows what's lying in the mist

As if on cue, a thick mist started to accumulate and obscure their view before it was fanned away by Capper, who was keen on proving his point in his theme song...

Don't fear these darkened alleys
They're scary, yes, I know
Why, you could use a friend
To protect you wherever you go

...in addition to playing a charming gentleman towards the Great and Powerful Trixie, who seemed to reciprocate with the material she was given...never once minding the mud she was standing in before he pointed it out.

And such a dazzling beauty
Covered in dirt and muck
But now your fate is changing
Now you are in luck

Fortunately, Capper's solution involved a rolled-up red carpet, which he unrolled and let the group stroll on as his hideout was only a mile away.

'Cause I'm the friend that you need
When you're lost and don't know what to do
I'm your pal, your amigo
Lookin' out for friends like you

Eventually leading them to a water wheel, Capper ushered them along...

And my help, you'll concede
Is a plus guaranteed
Just call and I'll come running
We'll say it's agreed...

...before momentarily staying behind to tend to a heavily concealed raccoon by the name of Needy...

"Here," Capper slipped Needy a slip of paper, "Tell Verko: "My place, twenty minutes." I've got something that will "magically" erase all my debt."

...and rounding off his musical sequence with a nonchalant grin...much to the chagrin of both Twilight and Sunset

'Cause I'm the friend you need...!

Starlight, Trixie, Photo Finish, and Apple Cobbler could not help but concur, "He's a friend!"

"Quite a friend!" Trixie specifically swooned.

"He's a friend indeed!" All proclaimed proudly...with the exception of two.