• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 3,555 Views, 90 Comments

Flash Sentry One-Shots - Banshee531

A housing for all my One-Shots involving Flash Sentry. Includes events from the EQG shorts and maybe some original ideas.

  • ...

Future Story: Transformers PT1

Canterlot City. A peaceful place, if you didn't count the nearly constant magical insanities that seemed to occur there. But other then that, it was a great place to live.

It was the dead of night in the busy city, with many places still operational despite the late hour. The people down in the streets were hard at work, doing whatever it took to make a living. But that work all stopped when a sudden bright light filled the sky.

A light that was like a second sun, illuminating the entire city. Those already awake were almost blinded, which caused a couple of near misses on the roads, whilst those asleep were suddenly awakened. When they looked up at the sky, many grabbing whatever they could to darken the light. As they looked, they saw what appeared to be hundreds of shooting stars coming off of it.

What this was and what it was launching towards the city were unknown, but many people were awestruck by it.

The new sun seemed to be moving closer to the town but before anyone could panic, it suddenly vanished along with the lights that had been flying towards the ground. The people of the city continued to stare at the now darker skies, completely lost about what the heck they had just seen.

Over the next few weeks, scientists of all kinds would attempt to figure out what had happened. Many of the citizens, who knew about a certain portal to a certain world, wondered if it had anything to do with that. But when they asked the experts, who had seen it and wondered the same thing, they couldn't find any proof that Equestrian Magic was playing a part in the strange light show.

Eventually, the event was written off as one of those weird things that happened without explanation. Many continued to try and figure out the truth, but most of the city wrote it off and got on with their lives. The event went from big news, to interesting news, to something that happened and was almost forgotten.

If only they knew the truth, that what they had seen was just the start of what was to come.

Six months later.

In the house of Twilight Sparkle, the girl in question had just gotten up and dressed.

She did her hair, checked her clothes and nodded when she saw nothing out of the ordinary. Once she finished brushing her hair, she dropped her brush. But instead of falling to the ground, the brush floated as it glowed purple and headed over to a nearby nightstand. It dropped next to her charging phone, which then glowed and floated up after magically unplugging itself.

The phone flew into Twilight's hand as she left her room, heading downstairs and finding both her parents and someone else in the kitchen.

That someone was her brother, Shining Armor, who was wearing a purple shirt and black pants. A white overcoat with silver trim was folded over the back of his chair, as he was reading a newspaper and eating some toast. He looked up and smiled at his sister, "hey Twily."

"Hey BBBFF," Twilight smiled as she sat down next to him. "Cadance not around this morning?"

"She had a principal meeting in another city," Shining explained. "So I thought I'd come have breakfast with you guys this morning." Shining Armor had moved out a year after leaving High School, having saved up enough money as a police officer to get his own place. That place eventually became his first home with his girlfriend, now fiance, Cadance. "I've got some paperwork I need to get finished today, so I can't hang around long."

"That's fine," Twilight started eating the meal she had put in front of her by her mother. "I was gonna be hanging out with Sunset and Rarity today." Shining smiled at this, happy his sister had finally started making friends. He finished off the last of his food and got up, jumping over the small dog currently chowing down on a bowl of dog food.

"Well, I'll see you guys later."

"You just got here," Twilight told him.

"I've been here an hour. You just take forever to get up and get dressed." Twilight pouted at him. "Besides, I might be able to come for dinner. Depends on how work turns out." They nodded and Shining rushed off, flinging his coat on as he did so. This motion revealed an item on his wrist that none of them noticed.

This item looked like a silver watch, with a red face surrounded by a silver outline. Instead of numbers and hands on the face, a bunch of black lines could be seen on it. These lines created a series of shapes that, when shown together, formed a face image in the metal.

He pulled his sleeve down to hide this bracelet, as he rushed out the house and headed for his car. As he did, he stopped and looked up. He could feel something. A stiffness in the air. Something was going to happen that day, he just knew it.

And Shining wasn't the only one who felt it.

In the centre of the city, a large skyscraper could be seen overlooking the whole place. And inside that skyscraper's top room, a man was sitting and looking out at the entire city through a large glass window that made up the entire back of his office.

This was a middle-aged man with gray skin and black hair, a pair of red eyes looking out at the city. He was wearing a black suit with red trim and a red tie. Her leaned back in his chair and as he did, it his left wrist was revealed and showed a device similar to Shining's. However, this one was purple in place of red and the face created by the shapes looked a lot more jaggard and dangerous.

A beeping caught his attention and made him look around to see his intercom, which he activated. "Mr Sombra. The meeting we had scheduled for today might have to be cancelled. The other group just called and stated they're having some issues on their end that need to be dealt with personally."

"Thank you," he nodded. "Is there anything else I need to look into today?"

"No, that was your only important meeting. Anything else can be dealt with by the lower-downs." Sombra nodded and thanked her before announcing he was not to be distrubbed. "Yes sir." He hung up and got up, then moved over to a wall that had a large bookcase covering the whole thing.

He reached out and pulled three very different books out until they all clicked. When the last one clicked, part of the bookshelf suddenly moved backwards into the wall before sliding to the side. Doing so revealed a small metal tube-like room barely big enough to fit a person inside. He stepped into it and turned towards the office before a bunch of lights surrounded him and he vanished.

For Sombra, everything went white for a moment before being replaced by the darkness. He stepped out into a dark room and as he moved, spotlights appeared above him that illuminated some of it. He kept moving forward until he arrived at a section of the room that had a large C-shaped desk covered in computer keys.

He sat at it and pressed a single button, causing every key to light up along with a screen so large it that it wouldn't be able to fit in a normal person's house. The screen showed the same purple insignia that was on Sombra's bracelet, then changed to show a map of the entire city.

He pressed a button and an expanding circle appeared on the map, starting at his skyscraper and spreading throughout the rest of the map. He then growled, as nothing appeared on the screen. "When will one appear?" He then heard the sound of heavy boots behind him, as someone was approaching.

"Problem?" A female voice asked.

Sombra looked around, spotting a figure standing in the darkness between two light sources. "It's been three months since the last Cyber-Former activated. Only one should remain and after that, all that'll be left are the fragments. We must find them before the others do."

"We don't even know if there are any others," the female replied. "Us picking up two active signal, only to lose them again could mean anything."

"It could also mean there are two out there that are in someone else's hands. And the less in my hands, the more chances they'll end up in someone else's. I need as many Cyber-Formers as possible. If I don't, our robotic benefactor will not be happy." He turned back to the computer and frowned. "It's going to happen soon. Go tell Jammer and Typhoon to be ready. We need to prepare to head out as soon as possible."

"Yes sir," she nodded before walking off. As she did, Sombra stared at the computer some more. "Where are you?"

Once she had finished her breakfast, Twilight headed out into town on her bike.

Spike was riding in the basket, enjoying the feel of the wind on his face. "Yeah!" He cheered, "awesome!" Twilight smiled as she looked ahead and saw a crosswalk was coming up. A crosswalk that someone was walking across as the light was green.

She tried to make it before the light changed, but had to put the breaks on seconds before hitting the road as it turned red. "Oh," she heard someone cry from the road, "so close." She looked at the car waiting at the light and realised she knew it.

Flash Sentry was sitting in his custom sports car, having seen Twilight attempt to make the light and chuckling when she had to stop. "Funny," she smirked with a roll of her eyes. She and Flash had grown closer over the last few months, having worked together to study for multiple tests Flash needed help with along with being co-stars in the school production. "Where are you going today?"

"Gotta pick up a few things in town," he told her. "You?"

"Hanging out with Sunset and Rarity?"

"What about the others?"

"All busy. But that's okay." Flash nodded as another car came up behind him, meaning he could no longer wait around and talk.

"See you later." Twilight waved as Flash drove off, whilst Flash held his left arm out the window with it tapping against the door. As he did, his wrist was shown to have a familiar silver and red device attached to it. He began to sing along to the music, all the while wonder what the day had in store for him.

Meanwhile, Sunset was making her way through the middle of town whilst listening to her own music.

She was bouncing her head up and down as she mentally sang along, whilst heading towards the meeting point she had agreed upon with Twilight and Rarity. But when she turned a corner, she found herself slamming into someone and falling towards the ground.

They both cried out as they hit the floor and let out a moan, the one Sunset ran into frowning. "Watch it!"

Sunset turned towards the person, about to apologise, when she realised who it was. "Trixie." It was Trixie, her school's resident magician seeing who it was and rolling her eyes. Sunset picked herself up and held out a hand. "I am sorry, but I don't think this was entirely my fault."

"Are you insinuating that Trixie is to blame?"

"Partly," Sunset told her. "I'll take some of the blame if you take the rest."

"Trixie is willing to accept ten percent of the blame," the girl flicked her hair out of her face.

"Make it fifty and you've got yourself a deal." Trixie looked insulted by this.



"You're supposed to go down in number."


"Twenty five."


"Ahhhh!" Trixie stomped her foot and Sunset laughed, the girl rolling her eyes. "I'm through with you. Where were you running off to that was so important you forgot your manners back home."

"I wasn't running anywhere. I was heading out to meet Twilight and Rarity." Trixie rolled her eyes at this, "what about you. Where are you heading?"

"Trixie needs to go and refill her smoke bombs. She ended up using more than she realised during her last big performance. And now, thanks to you, she's late." She rushed off before Sunset could say anything else, the red and yellow haired girl shrugging as she left. Meanwhile, Trixie was dusting off her jacket. As she did, she was revealed to have the same silver and red device as Shining Armor and Flash Sentry.

Rarity was waiting patiently for her friends to arrive, as she sat on a street bench across the street from where she, Sunset and Twilight were going to be spending the day.

That happened to be a spa, which she had booked them an appointment at. Rarity loved the spa and she was glad she had manage to convince the two to come, since they were both in serious need of some TLC. Rarity remembered back to half a year ago, when that odd flash of light appeared in the sky.

She had been terrified when it happened and instantly rang Sunset to ask if it was Equestrian Magic, but Sunset had no idea.

After that event, she and Twilight were constantly working to try and figure out what the heck it was. There had been a couple of magic incidents since then, but nothing too big to be called a serious emergency. That coupled with school, their part time jobs, Rainbooms practise and a bunch more stuff, Twilight and Sunset were starting to build up so much stress Rarity could almost smell it on them.

She was hoping those two would be able to get some rest and relaxation today, before the pair of them exploded from overdoing it. That is...if they actually got there.

"What's taking them?" Rarity asked, looking around for any sign of them. She was worried they had gotten distracted, or simply forgotten about it. But then, Twilight rolled down the street on her bike. "Oh good," she smiled as the girl rolled to a stop besides her. "I was worried you would miss the appointment."

"Sorry," Twilight told her, "got caught up at some lights." She got off her bike as Spike leapt onto Rarity's lap, the girl scratching him behind the ear as Twilight used her bike chain to lock it up so she wouldn't need to worry about it being stolen. As she did, Sunset ran up to them.

"Did I make it?" She panted, the pair nodding as Rarity stood up.

"Yes dear. Now we can head in and enjoy ourselves. Prepare for the pampering of a lifetime, darlings."

"Do they allow dogs inside?" Spike asked, worried he was gonna have to wait outside or something.

"Don't you worry Spikey Wikey," she scratched his chin. "I've made special arrangements for you. This facility doesn't just cater to humans, but animals too. You'll be getting the grooming of the century." Spike looked excited about that, as they headed into the building.

Checking in, they could only hope their day of rest and relaxation didn't end up getting ruined by something. Oh, if only they knew.

In an unknown place, something was beginning to beep.

That something was a computer that was almost as big as the one Sombra had been using. As it activated, the rest of the room was suddenly illuminated by bright overhead lighting. This revealed the place to be a giant metal hanger-sized room, with multiple large glass tubes lining the wall.

The computer activated and showed the red face symbol before it was replaced by another face. This one showed a gray robotic face with what looked like a metal mustache under its nose, that went down its face and off the edge, along with a long metal goatee that was even longer than the mustache. Finally, it was wearing a red helmet with a pair of horns on the front along with a short spike between them that gave it the appearance of a sharp W.

The face frowned as an alarm went off and a map appeared around it. "A fragment is beginning to dephase," he stated as he tried to narrow it down. "Where are you?"

Three streets away from the spa, people were doing their daily business. Then it happened.

Someone was taking a drink out of a vending machine, when a flash of light suddenly appeared on the ground catching the people around it by surprise.

They turned towards the light and saw some kind of glowing metal shard laying on the ground, which was giving of some kind of lightning. Nobody wanted to get close enough to investigate and simply stared at it, until the shard suddenly shot into the air and flew towards the person who had just gotten a drink. But it wasn't them it was aiming for.

They all leapt out of the way as the shard slammed into the vending machine, which caused the lightning to surge around the drinks dispenser. Everyone feared the machine would explode, but it didn't. Instead, the device suddenly started changing shape. Parts of it shifted around with mechanical clicks and in a few moment, it started taking a humanoid appearance.

Soon enough, a ten foot robot was standing in place of the machine. It let out a beastial roar as it raised one of its arms, which looked like a automatic T-shirt cannon, and started firing cans of soda at the people.

"There you are!" The robotic face cried as he picked up a signal. "Gotta be quick." He put away the map and brought up a trio of windows.

The windows showed a bunch of strange symbols on them besides a line in each of them. "Calling all Autobots. Calling all Autobots." The windows continued to remain as they were before one of them, with a white line, glowed before the line started wobbling as a voice spoke up.

"Magna Convoy here! Alpha Trion, is it happening?"

"It's happening," the face nodded. "I'm picking up a fragment's energy signature. If we don't hurry, the others might get it before we do. Where are Hotshot and Cascade?"

"Here!" The second window cried with a male voice, said window having an orange line. "Sorry, I was in a crowded place and didn't hear your call. Give me a minute to find someplace out of the way."

"Cascade here," the female voice announced through the window with the blue line. "I'm ready to move whenever you guys are."

Alpha Trion nodded as he locked onto their signatures, whilst also watching the fragment's signature moving around. "I hope they can get to it before the Decepticons can. If they get any more Cyber-Formers, we might not be able to stop them."

The three girls sighed as they all laid back in the massage chairs, wearing nothing but gowns as the spa workers did their nails.

Spike was in the next room, enjoying a highly skilled brush that would make him feel like an entirely new dog. "This is the life," Sunset told them. "Thanks for making us do this, Rarity."

"Of course darling," Rarity smiled. "I couldn't let you keep carrying that stress. You girls work way too hard for your own good. You needed a day of fun before you snapped." She turned to Twilight, "and you need to spend some time with that boyfriend of yours."

"I know," Twilight nodded. "But Timber's been busy with helping at camp. It's gotten pretty busy there. And I've been busy working on my own projects. But I'm hitting a slump with a lot of them. I just can't seem to get seem to make any headway with them. "

Rarity nodded. "Hopefully, this'll relax you enough to figure out whatever you're working on. I bet once you've finished here, the answer to your question with come crashing down on you like a lightning bolt."

"So long as nothing happens to ruin it," Twilight laughed. She would come to regret those words, for in that moment a loud banging sound could be heard coming from outside followed by screams.

The girls sat up and Rarity looked like she was about to cry, as more and more screams filled the air. They rushed for the exit and as they did, they saw several people running passed the window in a hurry. "What's going on?" Sunset asked someone that was running passed, the person saying a bunch of terrified gibberish about killer soda and lightning bolts from the ground before running off.

The three of them had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, but they got a basic idea when another loud banging caught their attention and made them spin around to see giant robot come around the corner. The robot was green and they could see parts of it that had the name of a well know soda on it.

The robot pointed its cannon arm and fired a bunch of cans flying in all directions, including at the girls.

Rarity screamed as she put up a wall of shields that blocked the cans, the girl looking at her friends in panic. "What on earth is happening?"

"I don't know," Sunset told her. "I don't think this is Equestrian Magic though."

"Even if it isn't," Twilight frowned when she saw the robot firing more soda at people trying to get away. "That thing's gonna hurt somebody if we don't do something." As she said that, Spike rushed out the spa.

"Twilight!" His loud voice caught the machine's attention and caused it to fire at him, but Twilight managed to pull her dog behind the shield with them. It then tried to fire again, only to find nothing happened.

"I think it's out of cans," Sunset hoped. But as she said that, the monster turned to a nearby wall and punch it. The ruble fell to the ground as a compartment in its chest opened up, the machine grabbing the rocks and lifting them into the opening. Once it was full, it shut the compartment and turned back towards the girls.

"What did it just do?" Spike asked, still completely lost about what the heck was even happening. He got his answer when the machine pointed its blaster at them.

"Reloaded!" Twilight realised as it started firing compacted rocks towards them. Rarity kept the shield up and as it fired, the power of the rocks flying out of it caused it to lose control. It suddenly fell backwards and the rocks smashed into the building behind the girls, causing huge chunks of it to explode off.

"Look out!" Sunset cried, Rarity spreading the shield to form a dome around them. The rocks came crashing down and in seconds, they were all completely buried.

The machine stared at the pile, pointing its weapon at it and waiting to see if its prey had survived. But then, suddenly, a burst of light caught the creature's attention and made it look around to see three odd looking portals appear in front of it.

From out of those portals, a trio of figures stepped forth and began walking towards the machine as the portals vanished. Shining Armor, Flash Sentry and Trixie Lulamoon. The three walked side by side, as Shining took something out of his coat and pointed it at the creature.

"Doesn't look like anything too strong," he told the younger pair. "Only a seven percent shard."

"Good," Trixie nodded, "wouldn't want our first fight to be too tricky."

"Speak for yourself," Flash smirked. "I was hoping to start this off with a serious bang." He then cracked his knuckles, "oh well. Beggars can't be choosers." The machine looked ready to start attacking, so Shining stepped forward.

"Let's get this done." He raised his left arm and his sleeve fell back to reveal the silver and red bracelet. "You guys ready?"

"Ready!" The other two cried as they held up their wrists to show the same device on them. The trio swung their arms around and slammed their fingers onto the red disks whilst yelling out, "EXECUTE!" The disks lit up before they threw their arms forwards, "CYBER EVOLUTION!" With that, the devices unleashed the light and they exploded around the three to form cocoons of light.

As this was happening, the collapsed part of the building began to glow purple before it lifted up. Doing so revealed the three girls, who had been protected by Rarity's magic whilst Twilight worked to lift the rubble up. Once the rubble was high enough, Rarity extended her shields to keep them up so the trio could run out from under it without fear of being crushed.

But as they did, they noticed the light and turned to see the cocoons. "What the?" Sunset asked, as the light began to take shape.

When the shapes were completed, the light faded to reveal a trio of vehicles. One was a rather strange looking semi-truck. Its main body was white, with the bottom and sides around the wheels being blue. Silver pipes could be seen along the front bumper, whilst its fifth wheel was blue and looked rather long compared to the rest of the vehicle. One said fifth wheel, was some kind of large gun.

The second was a chevrolet camaro that was a mixture of black and yellow orange. The main colour was orange with black lines running along the sides and on the top. A black pentagon with parallel sides were at the very back of its car bonnet, with the insignia on that shape.

Finally, the last one was a light blue motorcycle with thick wheels that were white in colour and looked like they were made of metal. Its seat was white along with a section under its fuel tanker. On the back, behind the seat, was a blue and white containment box. The insignia was on the glass of its windscreen.

"Where did those things come from?" Twilight asked, as the three vehicles all revved up despite none of them having anyone in the driver's seat.

Then, a voice spoke up from the truck that Twilight felt she recognised. "Autobots, TRANSFORM!" With that, the three drove forward and somehow leapt into the air.

"Hotshot!" The camero roared, "Transform!" A pair of arms folded out from under the car, both having the front wheel where the shoulders would be, whilst the doors opened up. The back of the car then folded downwards and split apart to reveal legs, as a pair of feet folded out with the back wheels being next to the ankles. The arms they folded upwards from under the bonnet, causing the tires to fold backwards as the windscreen and roof folded behind the body. This allowed the bonnet to properly snap down into place and open up, allowing a head to fold out.

Said head was mostly orange with a blue streak running from the forehead to the back, whilst a metal band with goggle-holes were covering its eyes. The goggle visor folded up to reveal his eyes as his body completed its transformation.

The car was now an seven meter tall black robot wearing orange armor on the chest, shoulders and lower legs, with streaks of blue in certain spots and the orange doors on its back like wings.

"Cascade!" The bike cried in a female voice, "Transform!" The compartment box flew off as the front wheel spun ninety degrees, whilst the back wheel split in half and folded onto the sides of the bike. That area of the bike then folded downwards and split down the middle with a pair of feet folding out. The gas tank and seat of the vehicle also split down the middle and folded sideways before the seats folded down. This gave it a now humanoid appearance whilst a head folded out of the main body of the vehicle.

From out of that back of the head, an opening appeared that allowed a bunch of silver metal cables to extend outwards to form flowing metal locks. The compartment box also transformed, folding out into a gun-like weapon the she caught

The bike was now a five meter tall, female looking robot, that was mostly blue with white arms and long flowing metal cable hair.

"Magna Convoy!" The semi-truck roared, "Transform!" The gun flew off the fifth wheel, which then split down the middle before the ends folded backwards to connect to the bottom. At the same time, a pair of black feet folded out to complete the transformation into legs.

Meanwhile, the cab also began to transform. The two back wheels folded around, whilst the cab moved ninety degrees. In the space that this freed up, a grill folded down to resemble abs, whilst the side windows folded around to the front and connected to form pecks.

A section from the fifth wheel folded upwards, forming a crotch guard, as the back wheel folded down to either side of it. Then, the front of the cab split down the middle before sliding ninety degrees in either direction. The blue parts then folded downwards, morphing into a pair of arms that black hands folded out of. As the parts of the cab's front shifted to form shoulder-pads, a white head with a blue streak running along the top appeared out the top to complete the transformation.

The truck was now an nine meter tall white and blue bulky looking robot, carrying a large futuristic shotgun.

The three robots landed on the ground, shaking it as they stood in line and stared the machine down. Each of them had the same red insignia somewhere on their bodies and they looked ready for action. Meanwhile, the three girls could hardly believe what they were seeing.

Spike had stars in his eyes. "That...was...AWESOME!"

The vending robot finally decided to stop watching and attack, as it pointed its weapon at them and started firing rocks. Before before those rocks could get close, the ones named Magna Convoy and Cascade pointed their weapons at them and fired. Lasers shot from the blasters and blew up the rocks, whilst the bot named Hotshot rushed forward.

As he did, the visor came down to cover his eyes as his hands folded into his arms and were replaced by a pair of blaster barrels.

He pointed them at the machine and started firing, the lasers slamming into the vending bot and knocking it backwards. It roared in pain, as Cascade also ran forward. She proved to be faster then Hotshot and managed to leap over him and the machine. As she did, her hair cables extended and started wrapping around it.

It tried to fight against its binds, but Hotshot fired a few more blasts that knocked it off its feet and allowed the cables to completely tie it up. Hotshot pointed a blaster at its head before turning to the largest robot, "ready for extraction."

Magna Convoy nodded and pressed the part of his head that would have an ear, "send the Extractor." As he walked forward, a light appeared in front of him. From it, a strange looking gun appeared that was a long glass tube that had a gun handle and four claws on the end.

Magna grabbed the device and moved over to machine before thrusting the claws into it, pulling the trigger and causing a light to fly out and hit it. The machine roared as it tried to fight against the cables holding it, even attempting to fire its weapon. But Hotshot fired several shots into the arm and destroyed the weapon, whilst the laser pulled something out of it.

That something was the small metal shard that had originally transformed it into what it was now, the laser sucking it out of the machine and pulling it into the chamber. This caused the vending robot's eyes to go dark and it stopped moving, Cascade letting it go as it did.

It fell to the ground and was, for lack of a better word, dead. Magna Convoy stared at the remains, then down at the shard currently floating and glowing inside the tube. "One down, probably a million more to go."

"You killed it." The machine's eyes went wide before they spun around and saw the three humans staring at them, the six all looking shocked.

"Ah," Hotshot gulped, "how...much of that did you see?"

"Where did you even come from?" Cascade asked.

"We were fighting that thing," Twilight explained. "But we got trapped under some rubble. When we escaped, the three of you were there and you...transformed from those cars." The robots appeared to sigh in relief, the girls having a feeling they had missed something these three didn't want them to see.

"Just pretend you never saw anything," Magna told them. "Trust us, you'll be doing yourself a favour."

"Like that's gonna happen," Sunset rolled her eyes before turning to the remains of the machine. "Is it dead?"

"It was never alive," Hotshot explained. "Well...not in the same way we are." The girls looked at them in confusion, wondering how they could be alive since they were machines. "It was just a mindless beast. A human machine given the ability to transform. But without a spark, it was just doing whatever its random computer told it to do." Now they were just full of more questions, but Magna turned to him.

"That's enough, Hotshot." The sports car robot frowned as Magna turned to leave. But as he reached for his coms, something happened that surprised the lot of them.

Another flash of light caught their attention, as a large portal appeared. The three wondered for a minute if it was Alpha Trion, but then something flew out of the portal. It was a black armoured tumbler tank with red trim, which had two large wheels at the front and two pairs of even larger wheels at the back. Between the back wheels was an exhaust that looked like something off of a space rocket, with a bunch of wing flaps located above the wheels. At the very front, in front of the cockpit and between the front wheels, a purple insignia could be found that was similar to the robots but different as well.

After it, a purple F-Twenty-One lockheed with yellow coloured missiles shot out and flew up into the air. On the wings and tail fin were white circles with the purple insignia on them.

After that came a dark green Boeing AH-Sixty-Four Apache, with the purple insignia on either side of the tail.

Then, finally, came a dark grey OTR-23 Oka missile launcher. But instead of a rocket launcher, it had what appeared to be a silver crane arm. And on the very end of the arm was a satellite dish.

The two ground vehicles hit the ground rolling and came to a stop, whilst the flying vehicles hovered above them. The robots all looked angry at the sight of them and stepped in front of the humans, whilst the vehicles revved up. "Decepticons!" The tank then roared, "TRANSFORM!" Like the first three, they shot forward before the ground vehicles leapt into the air.

"Jammer!" The missile launcher roared, "Transform!" The back sides of the tank suddenly folded forwards and connected to the front, hiding the wheels of the vehicle. The top of the front then opened up and allowed the hole thing to fold down ninety degrees, revealing something that was hidden within it before the open sections closed. It then split down the middle and the ends reshaped themselves to become feet. The parts that had been hidden inside then split and folded backwards, revealing them to be a pair of dark blue arms and shoulders. As this happened, the satellite arm slid to the side and created enough space for a dark blue head to pop out.

It was now a nine meter tall gray robot whose head, arms, chest and upper legs were dark blue, with a large satellite cannon hanging over its right shoulder. On its chest was a purple spiky face emblem.

"Typhoon!" The helicopter cried, "Transform!" The front cockpit and underside disconnected from the rest and folded downwards, then spun around and split in half before reshaping into a pair of legs. The tail then split down the middle and folded forwards into a pair of metal wing like appendages, whilst the rotor moved backwards and folded back to morph into a backpack that locked the wings in place. The rest of it folded apart and reshaped itself into a pair of arms, as a head folded out and completed the transformation.

It was now a seven meter tall green robot with black arms and upper legs, with the split tail acting like wings and the four rotor blades on its back folding down to act like a cape.

"Air-Raid!" The jet cried out in a female voice, "Transform!" The cockpit and nosecone detached from the rest of the body and folded forwards, whilst the wings suddenly rotated a hundred and eighty degrees. Once they did that, the tail and engine folded upwards so it attached to the top right between the wings. The underside of the vehicle then folded down and split apart, revealing a pair of legs whilst a pair of arms folded out from beneath where they had been. This left a space for the cockpit and nosecone to folded downwards to form the chest, whilst a head popped out that had a feminine look to it.

It was now a seven meter tall purple female robot, who had black arms and a black fin sticking out of her head that made it look like it had long hair.

"Shadow-Lord!" The tumbler tank yelled, "Transform!" The front and back split apart, with the front folding downwards and splitting again to reshape into a pair of legs, with the wheels acting at the balls of the feet. The back half also reshaped itself in a myriad of ways, forming a pair of arms with the four wheels moving around to become the shoulders whilst the booster rocket connected to the back. A large black head also folded out, who had a green visor over his red eyes that had purple coming off the sides and a bunch of spikes stuck out the top of his head to form a crown or sorts.

It was now an eight meter tall black and red robot with sharp claws on the ends of his hands and looked like you could get a cut just by looking at him. The emblem was on his chest

Transformations over, the four robots landed in the middle of the street and stared the first three down. The one who called himself Shadow-Lord stared at them. "So," he finally spoke, "there were three of you and not just two. I guess you got your Cyber-Former not long after the arrival."

"Cyber-Former?" Twilight asked, as Shadow-Lord pointed at them.

"Autobots, hand over the fragment."

"I don't think so," the tallest of these Autobots stated. "And I don't think we've been properly introduced."

"How rude of me," the black robot stated. "I am Shadow-Lord, future ruler of this planet."

"Magna Convoy," the white robot replied. "And if you want to conquer this planet, you'll first have to step over my cold, sparkless body."

"That can be arranged," Shadow-Lord announced before pointing at them. "Decepticons, ATTACK!" The other three charged as the Autobots raised their weapons.

"Autobots, stop them no matter what!" They charged forward as well, whilst the girls ran for cover. The Autobots fired their weapons, but the Decepticons didn't seem at all phased.

Shadow-Lord stopped charging and allowed the other three to collide with the Autobots, Magna Convoy fighting against Jammer whilst Hotshot and Air-Raid started duking it out. Cascade went on the offensive, dodging the blasts that Typhoon started firing at her.

Cascade rolled along the ground and her hair cables shot forward, grabbing Typhoon's leg. She then pulled as hard as she could, pulling the leg out from under the robot and causing him to fall to the ground. She then released his leg and leapt onto his chest, pointing her blaster at him.

But before she could fire, the rotors on each of his tail halves started spinning before they unleashed a power blast of air. These twin tornadoes slammed into Cascade and knocked her flying backwards. She cried out until she hit the ground next to Hotshot, who was fighting it out with Air-Raid.

Hotshot dodged her attempt to punch her and readied his weapon, raising it to try and blast her. But she managed to lean back and the laser hit part of a building instead. "Too obvious," she told him with a chuckle. Her claws hands then sparked with lightning, which she thrust forward.

"AUGH!" Hotshot cried, his body jolting with pain from being electrified. She then pushed him backwards and spun around to kick him in the chest. Hotshot staggered backwards and fell next to Cascade, as Air-Raid and Typhoon moved in to finish them off.

"Raaaah!" Magna Convoy threw a punch into Jammer's face and knocked him backwards, the tank robot staggering backwards but managing to regain his footing as Convoy raised his blaster to shoot him. But before the laser could hit him, the satellite on his shoulder sparked and unleashed a light that formed an energy wall in front of him.

The laser bounced off the wall and Jammer chuckled before raising both his arms. Doing so caused his hands to be replaced by guns and as the energy wall vanished, he started firing at the Autobot. But Magna Convoy managed to avoid the lasers by rolling to the side, firing his own blasts in response.

Jammer was struck several times, unable to raise his shield due to shooting himself. He cried out as the blasts knocked him backwards and off his feet, Magna picking himself up only to see his teammates at the mercy of the other two Decepticons.

But before Air-Raid or Typhoon could attack, he ran forward before transforming into his vehicle mode. The Extractor had shifted to the back of his cab, looking like it was magnetized to him, as he rushed in to save his teammates.

Air-Raid noticed him coming and managed to ignite the jet on her back at the last second, blasting her into the air as Convoy slammed into Typhoon. The helicopter robot cried out as he was knocked flying until he crashed into a building, whilst Magna Convoy transformed again and started firing at Air-Raid.

The jet robot managed to avoid all the blasts, as Magna turned to his teammates. "You two okay?"

Hotshot and Cascade moaned as they picked themselves up, but looked pretty badly beat up. "Yeah," Hotshot nodded, "but be careful. She can use an electrical attack that'll scramble your circuits." Magna nodded and kept firing at Air-Raid, whilst Shadow-Lord frowned at them.

"Enough of this." His claws suddenly sparked with purple energy, which he thrust forward before Magna Convoy could notice him.

Cascade saw this and gasped, "look out!" But the beam struck Convoy before he could react, making him cry out and fall to his knees.

"NO!" Hotshot cried, as Spike and the humans gasped. Magna Convoy fell to his knees and groaned, the other two rushing to help only for the other three Decepticons to fire at them and force them back.

The purple energy spread around Magna Convoy, who groaned as he felt it trying to hack into his systems.

Shadow-Lord chuckled. "Now you will serve me." But then, the energy reached the emblem on Magna Convoy's shoulder. That emblem suddenly started glowing red, which fought against the purple energy and started to erase it. "What?"

"RAAAAAH!" Convoy roared, as he stood up and the purple energy exploded off of him. The energy knocked Shadow-Lord and his grew back, whilst Magna panted and almost fell over.

Luckily, Hotshot was able to catch him. "Ha!" He laughed, "sorry Decepti-creeps! But we've got software protecting us from your shell program."

Shadow-Lord growled at this. "Fine. Then we'll just destroy you!" As he said that, both his arms remolded themselves into a pair of large cannon blasters. He pointed them at the three as his flunkies did the same, the lot of them unleashing their attacks that rocketed towards the Autobots.

Spike and the girls gasped as all three of them were surrounded by explosions, which sent them flying backwards and screaming as parts of their body were damaged. As they fell back, the Extractor Magna Convoy was carrying was thrown into the air and likely would have been damaged if it hit the ground.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Air-Raid shot down and caught the Extractor before it hit the ground.

Magna Convoy moaned as he laid on the ground, but fought through the pain as he turned back to the Decepticons. And to his shock and horror, he saw Air-Raid land next to Shadow-Lord carrying the Extractor and its contents. "NO!" Shadow-Lord took the device and laughed at the sight before turning to the downed Autobots.

"Thank you," he told them. "This would have been so much easier if you hadn't been so stubborn." Jammer and Typhoon pointed their weapons at them, but the black Decepticon shook his head. "No." They looked at him in shock. "We need to leave before the authorities get here. They're not worth wasting our time finishing off." His team looked shocked by this, as Shadow-Lord turned to walk away.

"This isn't over!" Magna Convoy roared, as a portal opened up in front of the Decepticons.

Shadow-Lord turned to him and smirked, "oh no. It's just barely begun." With that, he disappeared through the portal along with the other three. The portal then vanished as the Autobots picked themselves up and stared at the portal, each of them wallowing in their failure.

Back in the dark space, the Decepticons marged through the portal and looked pleased with themselves.

Shadow-Lord stepped over to one of the walls, holding up the Extractor. "We have what you want...master Megatron." The wall opened up and revealed a glass tank filled with water. And inside that water, a bunch of wires sticking out of it, was a silver robot head that just screamed evil as he stared at the Extractor.

"Good," he stated in a hissing voice before laughing at his servant's success. Soon, he would have the key to dominating this world. And after that, he would move onto a greater prize. Cybertron.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. So a commenter asked if I would ever do a Transformers story and I've been working on a plan for one for a while. So I thought now would be a good time to show it off. This and the second chapter should hopefully give you a good idea about what I have planned.

For those of you not following the transformations, these should help.

Magna Convoy 3:24 (The head is more like Rodimus from Energon)



Typhoon (Except the rotor moves to the back instead of the guns)
