• Published 11th Nov 2017
  • 3,292 Views, 25 Comments

The Stars Found out Twilight's Secret - Greeny Maze

Twilight's secret is accidentally discovered by Starlight...

  • ...

Stars Love Cute Twi- Lights

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter and a late update everyone! I make it up to you soon, by hopefully posting another one fairly soon. I have been swamped with work and my other media. I hope you all understand and enjoy.
Happy Reading and Holidays,
- Diapered Twilight

When Starlight answered the door, she spotted StarSwirl with his typical attire and a blue saddle bag. StarSwirl's beard shimmered in the sun like a magnificent waterfall on a beautiful hike. StarSwirl had a look of great intrigue on his face because he had never encountered something as odd as this before. StarSwirl loved new experiences to learn, as did Twilight. StarLight greeted him with a wave and a "salutations."

StarSwirl tried his best to be polite, so he gave StarLight a weak, fake smile and said "Hello, Starlight. Nice seeing you today as well. I hope I can be of service to the Princess of Friendship. Speaking of the little one, where is she?"

Twilight wouldn't normally hide from her idol, but this was no ordinary situation. Twilight blushed deeply, and her pupils shrunk in fear of rejection and or mockery from StarSwirl. Twilight hid her whole body behind StarLight, her nervousness grew by the second.

Starlight knew what Twilight was doing in order to make the situation less embarrassing for herself, so it didn't work. Starlight figured her teacher, Twilight would prefer for her to ask permission before forcing her into anything.

"Twilight will you please stop hiding so StarSwirl can help you? Pretty please, with Ice Cream and Cake," Starlight pleaded.

Twilight refused, shaking her head, being obstinate about her choice to hide. Twilight thought of a defense she could use that was logical and true to convince Starlight of her way.

" No, because StarSwirl is going to be mad at me and yell at me! Please don't force me! I don't want to be insulted by the pony I idolized my whole life! I don't want StarSwirl to be a meany mean pants! He hurt my feelings! All he does is make me feel worthless and that my magic isn't good enough! That I am stupid and don't deserve to be a princess! Not even a pupil of one! Twilight screamed and threw a tantrum. Twilight laid on the floor crying and slamming her hooves on it's crystal surface.

StarSwirl frowned when he realized that Twilight was right. He was a egotistic snob, that made Twilight feel worthless. (Well maybe not to that degree, but still.) StarSwirl pondered about how he could make her feel better.-

-Then, StarLight interupted his thought process by shouting "Stop!" And good thing she stopped Twilight because she was about to start banging her head to match with her hooves.

Twilight continued to cry despite StarLight's advice, but her tantrum calmed down.

"I believe you have an apology to give StarSwirl, " Starlight said clearly not waiting for him to finish thinking about what to do. StarLight thought that all of StarSwirl's thoughts lead to him being kind of a jerk in the first place. StarSwirl thought too much about what other ponies do wrong then what they did right.

StarSwirl already knew where Twilight was at for a while now, due to her tantrum. StarSwirl walked slowing approaching Twilight and put a hoof out to her. StarSwirl finally started to apologize. "I am sorry about hurting your feelings Twilight, this time and any other time I made you upset. I won't try to make you feel bad about things anymore, Twilight. Besides I love babying little ponies."

StarSwirl pulled her little light in with him close and held her. "After all you are the Twi-Light of my day, Twily" He said.

StarLight smiled bravely, knowing that it would be hard to care for her until she was better, but it was worth it.