• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 985 Views, 8 Comments

Crystal Night: The Shadow Prince - Crystal Night

The war between the Princesses and King Sombra doesn't seem to cease, and one prince can help save or enslave Equestria. What will happen?

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Chapter Two: A Shadow Among the Light

"How did the battle went? I'm certain it was tedious to watch." - King Sombra stated.
Crystal Night stood still in the middle of the throne room.
"It was, until the royal sisters decided to show up." Sombra immediately rose from his throne, the anger in his eyes very clear.
"What?!" - he pratically shouted.

"They decided to finally show themselves, just like how I expected."
Sombra lifted an eyebrow.
"Was this the information you got from your spies?" He nodded. "Maybe using spies wasn't a bad idea afterall."

"They have proven to be quite useful."
The King descended from his throne, the look on his face said there was much more to tell. Crystal could probably guess what it was.
"How did your meeting went with Queen Chrysalis?"
Sombra huffed in return.
"Let's just say the Queen did a poor choice."

Crystal blinked a couple of times.
"Wait, she refused to join us?"
Sombra trotted towards the windows, watching his empire through his green eyes. He felt no emotion or concern for the wellbeing of his so called 'citizens'. The only thing he cared about was ruling the Frozen North and then Equestria. But he also had another plan in mind.
Unfortunately, this meant he was going to cross path again with the changeling Queen, and he wasn't very amused how she denied his offer.
"Doesn't matter now, I have already assembled a small army near the Badlands frontier."

"Do you want me there?" The King shook his head. "Then what my Master?" - he inquired.

He turned his gazed back to the younger stallion.
"For now, I want you to rest, then maybe go to Canterlot. I would like to see Celestia's face when she has to tell them they lost again." He almost chuckled at the thought. "You may go now."

Crystal bowed and left the throne room closing the doors behind him. A guard that was waiting, approached him.
"Your Highness," - he said with a quick bow. "the spies have some important news for you."
The young prince started trotting towards his royal chamber. He gave the guard a slight nod, which meant for him to follow.
"Apparently the royal sisters kept some secrets almost well hidden from us."

He lifted an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

"It said that Celestia kept six powerful gems in a hidden vault." That statement made Crystal stop for a brief moment.

"Do the spies know where's that vault?"
The guard shook his head.
"Only a few ponies know."
Crystal thought to himself. Probably her sister and maybe that one royal captain.
They keep going through a set of hallways, until they finally reached a grey door with two guards standing next to it.
"Return to Canterlot, gather more information on the whereabouts on this vault, I'm going to rest but, I'll join them later, you may go now." - he told him with a dismiss of his hoof. The guard did a bow before disappearing into a flash.

The other two guards saluted as Crystal pushed the door open and entered. After he closed it, he let out a big sigh of relief. Slowly, he removed his armour and tossed into a corner of his room. Normally he would take the time to put it on its place, however this was not one of those moments. Cursed changelings
He stood in front of the mirror and glanced at himself. His fur was a light gray colour, after removing his helmet, it was easier to see his white mane. As for his eyes, they were bright yellow. His cutie mark was a purple crystal above the crescent moon. He let out another sight and trotted towards his chair. Using his magic, he picked up a book that was laying on the table. It was the same book he was reading before he got summoned to battle. The book had many Equestrian tales, and this one certainly was full of them, including The Royal Sisters, something that his master wouldn't approve.

Reading had become one of his favourite hobbies to do, aside from casting new spells. He opened on the last page he was reading, however a knock on the door caught his attention.
"Come in." - he ordered, already knowing who could be around that time.
The door slowly opened, and a dark stallion bearing a purple armour gave his prince a bow.
"Your Majesty, my most sincere apologizes for not meeting with you upon your arrival, I was training the Shadow Guards."

"It's fine Obsidian, you were simply doing your task."

"How was the battle?" - he inquired as he approached Crystal.

"A little boring, a little exciting, they certainly helped in killing the boredom."

"The Royal Sisters? I heard some rumours." The prince nodded. "That is indeed exciting, care for some wine Your Majesty?"
The guard picked a bottle of wine and poured into the glass, he levitated towards Crystal, who accepted it.
"Thank you Obsidian." He took a small sip, enjoying the flavour. Funny enough he could drink a lot of wine before getting drunk. Not that he wanted, but it would help in certain situations.
"What do you intend to do about the changelings?"

"Nothing, the King already dispatched an assault on them. Surely that won't fail." - he said, rolling his eyes.

"Anything else I can do, your Majesty?"

"No, I need to rest before departing to Canterlot."
Obsidian saluted and left his room.
"Rest well."
A few minutes later Crystal placed the book down and went for his bed. As he laid down his head on the pillow, he started to relax. Even though this was only for a brief moment, Crystal enjoyed this, there was something about the silence that called to him.
"Why didn't you fight them?" - a voice that was deep inside his mind inquired. "We could simply ended this war."

"You know why."

"Ah! I remember well, because Sombra wishes for him to defeat them. We both know he can't, but you however. You possess the power that he can only dream about. He's holding you back. Break free from his grasp."

"I can't do that, also it's King Sombra. Now leave me alone."

"As you wish."

Once Crystal was fully rested, it was time to depart to Canterlot. One would think it take a long ride there, however the prince developed a teleportation spell. He made two purple crystals that channel dark magic, one was here while the other was back on Canterlot. The spell was similar to a normal one, the only big different is that he needed cast it on the crystal. Upon receiving the right amount of dark magic, the crystal would glow before teleporting who was near to it. The issue was that required a lot of magic, the longer the distance, the more magic it would require. After that he would need to rest or not use much magic. It was quite the risky move if he had to admit, in case he was discovered or caught off guard, things wouldn't end well for anyone, specially for him. It was an easy way to get inside.

As the spell was finally ready, the crystal glowed and the prince was no longer there.
For his disguise, he decided to take a look of a soldier, not any soldier of course, but a captain. That way he could go any place and information he desired, right at the tip of his hooves.
His body took a shadowy form, before revealing a white fur stallion bearing the royal armour of the sun. He stretched out his limbs, feeling a bit weak. His purple crystal turned into a golden sphere. He decided to keep the same eye colour. His hideout was medium-sized house, one suited for a royal captain. Captain Quick Strike. It was a name he gave some thought into it.

Leaving the house, he made his way towards the castle. Surely by now the princesses must have from yet another defeat.
As he trotted down the streets of Canterlot, he could feel several ponies doubts and fears. Many times Crystal had heard the guards complaining about their losses and this war.
The guards saluted him upon his arrival to the castle.
Moments later Crystal spotted Princess Celestia in the gardens, she had a grim look on her face. Yet no emotion for anger or hatred, just slight sadness.
"Welcome back your Majesty." - greeted a guard with a low voice.
Crystal turned his head slightly .
"Nice to see you again Ambar Petal." The guard gave him a small nod. It was a mare with a light green coat. She was definitely the best of his spies. Nopony would suspect of a mare being a spy afterall. "Any thing new about those Elements?"
She shook her head.
"Nothing yet."

"Princess Celestia!"
The disguised guards quickly glanced at a purple unicorn, running towards the princess before giving her a much needed hug. A small group of five ponies also showed up.
"I didn't know Celestia was expecting visitors." Meanwhile Crystal had his focus on something else, like that unicorn.
Judging by the hug and the way they talked, indicated him that those two were very close. Perhaps close enough for the princess to reveal her the Elements.
"What do we know about that mare?"

"Not much I'm afraid. First time I have seen her in Canterlot. Is she important?"

"Maybe. I need to get closer somehow."

"Well I was on my way to deliver this letter to the princess." Ambar levitated the letter in front of his eyes. "This should help."
He smiled as his magic took hold of it. "Thank you. You're a dear you know that, right?"
The mare smiled back.
"I know, have a good day, Captain Strike."

Celestia noticed the guard approaching and smiled.
"Captain Strike, I can see you're doing better now. I was informed you were sick."
He bowed, glancing back the Solar Princess.
"Indeed I was, pardon me if I made you worry."

"It's alright, I'm just relieved you're fine."

"Also ready to work." - he pulled out the letter from his armour. "This is for you, your Highness."
Celestia's magic covered it. She then noticed that he was glancing at her guests.
"How rude of me. Captain Strike, meet Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy."

"His armour looks so shiny." - said a bouncing pink pony.

"How ya doin' sir?" A pony wearing a Stetson asked.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking."

"He's such a gentlecolt." - stated a white unicorn.
A blue pegasus with a rainbow stepped forward.
"Who cares about that? I want to see him fight."
Meanwhile a yellow pegasus mare decided to stay a bit behind, giving a simple 'Hello'.

"I thought I knew all of Celestia's guards."

"I'm new around here." He took her hoof and kissed it softly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Twilight Sparkle."