• Published 8th Nov 2017
  • 446 Views, 0 Comments

Angels, Demons, and Ponies - Luximus

New ponies appear in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 1: On All Fours

Author's Note:

Alright, so, like many of ya'll who have weird fantasies, this story is simply a "What if my OC's were ponies?" kind of story. It includes a few spoilers relative to where these character's stories are supposed to start, but this is something just for fun so I don't really care. If you're interested in learning more about these guys, I got a couple links for ya'll.

Normal forms
Animated show

K Thanks, have fun ^^

Numb. That's all Allister felt as he laid on the soft, cool, green grass. It was actually quite refreshing and an adequate offset feeling to the pain scorching all throughout his body. Slowly regaining consciousness, he opened his eyes to see the spinning world placed before him. He deduced he must've hit his head hard from the previous fall...if you could call it a fall.

He groaned loudly as he tried to hoist himself back up to his feet, though the action didn’t feel quite as familiar as it normally was, but he excused it as just a side effect from all the pain.

“Ugh…..well...I’ve heard of worse ways to travel…” Al groaned as he throbbed his head with his…

“Hooves?” Al looked at where should be his hands, fingers and all, though they didn’t seem to be present, but instead there appeared to be two blunt white hooves.

“Wh-...but I’m...I’M-” The more his vision cleared, the more his panic level rose as he continued to stare at his equine body.

“OH GOOD, YOU’RE AWAKE!!!” A familiar face appeared from the top of Al’s head.

“GAH!...BENJI!! WHAT ARE YOU-” Al started to shout.

“YOU’RE ALL FURRY! YOU’VE GOT HORSE EARS AND A SNOUT! AND LOOK AT THAT COOL PICTURE ON YOUR BUTT! IT KINDA LOOKS LIKE YOUR WINGS!” Benji, the small grey bunny, quickly hopped all around Allister’s body, admiring almost every detail.


“BENJI WILL YOU PLEASE-” Al snapped at him. The small bunny stood before him, still mildly excited over the sight. “...Wait...did you shrink?”

“Wha- me? Naaaaaaaah, not at all. I’m just…” Benji looked at his tiny paws and feet, pondering his next choice of words, “...nimble! And...probably more agile!” He smiled. Al simply rolled his eyes before checking himself out.

“Let’s see, horse body, horn… unicorn- that’s a new one isn’t it,” Al huffed, not exactly enthused with this new form.

“Hey, it could be worse. Besides, it kinda suits you.” Benji complemented, still admiring Al’s equine form.

“Right...so where are the others?” Al replied rather bluntly.

“Oh they’re around...er, somewhere I guess.” Benji frantically looked around. “...Wherever this place is.”

Al stopped and adjusted his glasses (to the best of his ability) as he looked around. It seemed to be a moderately peaceful place. Bright green trees, bright blue sky, even brightly colored critters. Maybe a little too bright for Al’s eyes. It would have to take some time to get used to.

“Wait, I got this-” Benji cleared his throat. “-MAX IS A WIMPY PUPPY!!!” He shouted into the distance.

Almost immediately, a crumbling sound started to emanate from some nearby trees, growing louder and louder as beast sounds started to resound out of the rumbling. Al and Benji simply took a couple steps back grinning as a smaller horse burst out from the wood.

“WHO THE HELL SAID THAT! I’M GONNA KILL ‘EM! IF I FIND WHOEVER SAID THAT, I’M GONNA-GUAH!” The smaller horse tripped over his own hooves, groaning as he hit the ground. His brown hair was more messy than normal, even moreso with his messy ginger-colored fur.

“Good to know you’re alright, Max.” Allister teased.

“Goddamnit Al...how the hell did you get used to horse legs so fast?” Max started to hoist himself up, with Benji helping him sort out his hooves. “Where even are we? And why are we horses? Why is Benji so small? How come you have a horn and I don’t? Where’s my phone?” He started asking questions all at once.

“Well we appear to be in a place that changed our appearance quite dramatically.” Al reassured, though Max didn’t look so pleased with this answer.

“Was it cuz of that teleportation spell you tried to teach Melody? I told you, you guys are wasting your time with-”

“OH SWEET LORD ON HIGH, WHERE’S MELODY!?!?” Al started to panic.

“We’re over here guys.” A lady voice sounded from the opposite direction. Al immediately sprinted toward the familiar voice while Max slowly followed, taking a little longer to figure out his walk. Benji giggled as he helped him along, disregarding Max’s growls.

Al came to a larger tree where a smaller horse, more pony-size this time, stood front hooves perched against the tree as she looked up at a much younger filly with wings stuck on one of the branches.

“Oh thank heaven you’re alright.” Al slowed down as he walked to the female equines.

“Not really. My nose is more itchy than normal, my clothes go as far as my waist, and I’m really craving some food. Something is clearly wrong here!” The dyed red hair pony responded.

“Well...yes Sally, you’re a horse.” Al replied.

“No duh, Captain Obvious! Now help me get your kid down.” Sally kept reaching up for the filly, a little disgruntled by the unfortunate outlook.

Al nodded and raised his hoof, focusing his magic on Melody….only nothing seemed to be happening. He tried pointing at her...still nothing. He tried waving his arm violently at her, hoping something would happen...nothing. Placing his hoof down, he huffed in disappointment before realizing he had a horn. Now normally, he associated unicorns to be magical in their own way, via power from the horn. Perhaps this was true for his own scenario. With that, he closed his eyes and focused his magic through the head. Before long, he heard a spark before seeing a violet aura appear at the top of his peripheral vision. He smiled and focused on Melody, who was then engulfed in the same violet shade and taken carefully down from the branch.

“Ha! So the horn IS useful!” Al was pleased with his discovery.

“Yea, congrats.” Sally huffed, not exactly amused. “You alright honey? Nothing broken?” she then spoke to Melody, who sat on the ground, examining herself. She nodded and smiled, signaling she was okay.

“Oh good, you almost gave me a heartatta-” Sally started.

“HEY UH, LITTLE HELP!? GUYS!?” Another voice sounded from a different direction. This one a much younger fella.

“Oh shoot, I’M COMING JAMES!” Sally rushed off, leaving Allister and Melody together.

“How on earth did you get stuck up there?” Al laughed as he helped the small green filly on all fours. She stumbled a little, before positioning herself to remain stable. She looked at herself again, flapping and admiring her tiny wings. She looked up at Al and smiled.

“How’s your scar?” Al pulled back her scarf wrapped around her neck to reveal a huge red scar around her neck. “...Still red as normal. We’ll have to keep practicing on that healing magic a little more, won’t we?” Mel blushed. “Come along now, let’s catch up with the others.” Al turned back toward Sally’s direction. Mel took her time figuring out one step at a time. She stumbled one way, then to the other before she started to get the hang of it. As soon as she felt comfortable, she quickened to a trot, then to a gallop as she caught up to Al, enjoying every step.


“Is everyone alright?” Allister announced as the rest of the gang reunited.

“Physically or mentally?” Max asked, still disgruntled.

“I’ve had better days.” Sally retorted.

“Dudes, check out this sweet pattern on my back! And my hair looks so cool!” The small zebra announced.

“See? James has the right idea!” Benji exclaimed. Melody simply went over to admire James’ coat.

“Good, everyone’s alright. Now...does anyone know where we are?”

“More appropriately, does anyone know how to get back home?” Max asked.

“Aw, c’mon Max! It’s a whole new world! Let’s go explore! Meet new friends! Have a fun time!” Benji resounded.

“Honestly Benji, I think half of us are more interested in getting out of this place than staying.” Sally replied.

“Yea, half of us are depressed adults, so shut up.” Max added.

“Well I mean, when you put it that way-” Sally rolled her eyes.

“Hey! I’m an adult too!” Benji argued.

“Guys, please, not today of all days. It’s bad enough we had to end up in a foreign world that transformed us into equines.” Al groaned, annoyed with the bickering.

“You’re the one that got us here.” Max pointed out.

“And if we can be calm and civilized about this conundrum, I can get us home quicker. Is that clear?” Everyone nodded to his stern lead. “Right, now let me see….”

Al closed his eyes and focused more magic into his horn, only a teleportation spell took a lot more energy than normal. As he focused more, he felt his magic coursing through his body, bringing a slight breeze into the fray. However, something didn’t feel right about this particular spell. There was an unfamiliar feel of magic mixed in with his own. It started to overwhelm him, worrying him as he never felt this kind of magic before. It was warm...too warm. It was bright...too bright. It was powerful….TOO powerful! Breaking Al’s concentration, this magic turned to have a mind of its own taking hold of him. He blacked out.

Numb. That's all Allister felt as he laid on the soft, cool, green grass.

“You think he’s dead?” He heard James’ voice echo and ring in his head.

“He’s an angel, he can’t die from magic….can he?” Max’s voice came next. With that, Al started to open his eyes once more, his vision started to clear as he saw all around him were familiar faces.

“Is his face gonna stay like that?” Benji’s voice came next, much clearer than the others.

“Ugh….wha-...what happened...did it work?” Al lifted his head slightly, his eyes still half shut, like he had just woke up from a long nap.

“Nope.” Max replied, disappointed.

“Are you alright Al? You kinda went super saiyan for a minute there?” Sally helped him up.

“Super saiyan?..What are you-” Al started breathing normally again.

“Yea, there was like this huge light show and everything! Your eyes went all white, your wings kinda showed-” James started.

“And this huge purple light came from your horn and shoot up into the sky-” Benji continued.

“Yea, and your eyes went all white and there was this loud noise and a lot of wind, a lot of bright lights and everything-”

“And your eyes went white!” Benji repeated, slightly louder.

“My eyes wen-..wh-..what are you talking about?” Al fully regained his composure, standing up.

“Well something happened. I don’t know what, but it did.” Sally added.

“I know what DIDN’T happen.” Max rang in, “we’re not back home yet.”

“Oh shut it, at least he tried...right Al?” Sally retorted.

“Yes I-....well I...at least I think I did...the best I can describe it was...a feeling of some foreign magic fused with my own. Like perhaps this world has a magic of its own that somehow connected with my own power and created some sort of overdrive that broke my concentration and took over me completely. So much so that I fear this kind of magic is far too unstable for me to perform and could cause total protonic reversal upon my own abilities, causing me to lose complete control over my own power, or could even cause much more drastic side effects on myself and those I perform the spell on!”

“So...we’re stuck here?” Max finished. Everyone had gone silent through Allister’s panic- he had only realized the pairs of worried eyes that were on him.

“....y-...yes,..but no need to worry. A world with as much power as this, there’s bound to be a solution to our problem here.” Al replied, trying to calm down.

“YAAAY EXPLORING TIME!!!” Benji resounded as he bounced around the group. James joined in and followed him around the area. Max didn’t look so pleased.

Max began to storm towards the taller horse, “Allister, I swear to god, if this is a joke or you pulled another jinx on us, I’m gonna-” he was cut off by a quick tug to his ear, pulling him back.

“Max, shut it. Let’s just calm down, look around, and find someone that can help us. Al did all that he could do, just let it go, okay?” Sally reassured him. Max continued to briefly stare at Al with batting eyes before huffing away from the team.

Sally sighed, trotting up beside the white stallion, “you sure you’re alright Al?” Al blinked as he looked at Sally, then feeling Melody’s small hoof against his own. He looked down at the worried filly and smiled.

“I’ll be fine, really...thank you...besides, this place shouldn’t be too bad. What with all the bright hues and peaceful settings, you’d think this world has nice residents in it, right?” Al reassured.

“HEY LOOK! A VILLAGE!” Immediately the three of them rushed to the distant sound of Benji’s voice.

Sure enough, they stood over a small hill overlooking a small town, though slightly overshadowed by what appears to be a...crystal tree house?

“...Not a very good design choice in my opinion.” Sally looked in confusion.

“Whooooaaa….look how shiny it is!” James stared in awe.

“I suppose we should start there then, should we?” Al asked the crowd.

“Last one there is a rotten carrot!” Benji sprinted.

“HEY, NO FAIR, YOU HAVE BUNNY LEGS!” James chased after him. Melody almost started to follow, only to stop and decide to be by Allister instead.

“Eh...whatever.” Max followed slowly. Sally and Allister followed behind into the strange and peaceful village.