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Game 1, Round 1

Rainbow Dash

“That sucked!” I complained as we gathered around our table, I didn’t need to do much but to refill two of my mid caps which didn’t take long with a speed loader that J.E. had set up earlier when we got here.

“Don’t worry, the first game is either a lazy shootout or a nasty-but-quick warm up,” J.E. nodded as he placed the Triple ‘A’s inside what looked like a fat M4 Magazine with a large compartment door and nozzle on it’s top.

After he closed the cover to the batteries, he opened the door to load BBs into it. Once the compartment was full, he closed it then took one of his tiny mags to his rifle, connected the feed onto the nozzle and pressed down gently. The electric motor inside the speed loader wined to life as a steady stream of BBs were fed into the magazine. Once it was full the little loader stopped, he loaded the full magazine into his rig then proceeded to load the next empty mag he pulled out of his dump pouch.

I wished I had waited to load, oh well, later then now i guess...

Rarity took the chance to refill the high cap from one of the fifteen small bottles of BBs, She seemed to of not shot all the much. Probably because she was getting scared of being shot at, not so tough now without the magic are ya?

Pinkie Pie was gleefully topping her magazines off with a speed loader, “That was fun, what are we going to do next, What game are we going to play?”

“Not sure yet, there is a lot more players now so we are going to play something a little more in depth than simply clearing a base.” He finished filling the mags before putting the final full mag into his rifle.

When I placed my first full mag inside my dump pouch I looked up to see Flutter shy quietly walking up to us. J.E. looked over to her to, I can tell she was shaken by what she just watched.

“What did you think of that?” He asked as he slung his rifle.

“Uuuhhm,” She looked down, her eyes blinked with a glint of fear, “that, was, was very scary…” As she looked back up at J.E. I can see those puppy eyes of hers, “I-I’m glad I’m not playing.” J.E. chuckled with a smile.

“Poor thing, come here.” He took her into a comforting hug, “It’s all just a game, as long you keep that vest on, you’ll be fine.”

“B-but I could hear those bbs come really close.” she meeped, “I could’ve sworn they would of hit me, I-I mean if they hit me by accident.”

As he let her go, “Besides Shy, like J.E. said, it’s common sense to not shoot the Admins at all,” I joined in, “You’ll be safe, kind of, uhhh, kinda like a shield of sorts.”

“Oh sure, a shield that doesn’t work sometimes.” commented a player who was tinkering with his gear on a table next door to us. He looked like he has been here for at least a few minutes. Which probably was long enough to pay and sign in.

“It doesn’t what?” Flutter shy looked at him shocked.

“Ignore him.” I rolled my eyes.

“We all know to not to purposely shoot the admins.” J.E. gave the player a look to which the player simply replied with a shrug before returning to put his gear on.

Shizuka was busy as working through a growing line of new players, taking their money and signing their names down. She couldn’t talk but she was very vocal with gestures and finger snapping to get their attention. When a guy wasn’t getting what she was trying to convey or show, she would (as I seen once already) roll her eyes before quickly jotting down something on a mini whiteboard asking the question.

To which the player would awkwardly have an, “oooh.” moment before providing information or money or both.

“So, I really don’t have anything to worry about?”

“Unless you jump into the action head first then maybe you shouldn't sweat it.” Pinkie insisted cheerfully. Shy only looked more frightened.

“Uhm, I don’t think I'll be jumping into any action…” she murmured looking at J.E.

I looked over to the group that was already gathering around Big B. I think we’ll be starting the first game soon. I looked back at our little group before, hearing behind me.

“Okay, if you are loaded up, form up!” called out the admin to all the straggler players.

“Hey, let’s go,” I verbally nudged their attention back to the event, “I think the next game is starting.”

“Oh you’re right, you all ready?” He looked from Shy addressing each of us.

“Of course Darling.”

“I have been J.E, last game was bullshit and I want payback!” I declared before making my way to the group. Walking away, I looked back to see everypony else had finished loading up and following.

“Alright, listen up,” Big B began, everyone around us as we walked up went quiet to listen; well aside from the small group behind him talking to each other in a low tone while the admin spoke, “since we got our guns and legs warmed up we’ll turn up the heat with a capture and hold game.”

That stir a few excited murmurs from the now large group of players. I could visually count about maybe twenty or so players now.

“I need my team captain's up here to reorganize the teams, everyone else line up in front of us.”

J.E. and the other captain step forward to stand beside the admin while the rest of us line up in the middle of the parking lot to be picked. There was the murmur of idle conversation, I kept noticing a few glancing at me and the girls. I even caught one of these nerds staring at us as we walked up a little bit ago.

The longer they stare, the more I’ll remember them.

“Pick three at a time, go.”

The Neutral team Captain pointed to three players, a bunch of randoms, each looked like they were still in school. One wore a hoodie, a full mask and carried what J.E. calls a “store brand” brand gun, it looked like some M4 look-a-like by HK with orange markings decorating it; J.E. said that, sure, store brand guns work but only as something to hold you over till you can get your hooves on something better (like our more expensive guns).

Second and third kid looked a bit better off than their buddy, mesh goggles, mesh mask, some light green basic gear, helmets all while wearing full ACU camo clothing underneath it. One carried an obvious M16 and the other an AK model of sorts.

“J.E?” Big B glanced at him. There was really something about him that spun my head in confusion: what makes him so cool?

The metal arm and eye patch was one thing but there was really something about him that seemed familiar or maybe I was playing to many games and they copied a lot of characters off guys like him.

Yeah, probably that.

“You three.” Our wonderful guardian pointed at us. Naturally, it would be us, why would he let us be on the opposite team anyway? I mean, he really doesn’t want to snipe at us all day long...does he?

My mind was feeding off the warm up adrenalin rush as we walked (pinkie skipping) up beside our fearless “leader”. I looked up at him as he glanced at us with a smile and nod before looking at the rest of these noobs.

“You-” Neutral team leader picked a kid armed with a funky looking rifle, it was bulky, long, had a wooden butt stock and had wooden grips on the pistol grip. Wait, never mind, it was that fucking STG that J.E. CONSTANTLY kills me with on COD!

I cringed quietly as the player walked up to his side. I was even more confused when I saw the more familiar M3 grease gun slung across his back. WHY DO YOU NEED TWO PRIMARIES?!

“And you two,” the enemy team leader pointed to an obviously a father-son duo, they were packing M4s, one with a M203 under barrel launcher, great a BB shower barrel! The son had only a foregrip on his, it was kind of cute because the gun was almost as big as him.


“You,” J.E. points to a kid that looks like he skipped school to be here, wielding only a noisy, co2 powered, Walther PP with a loose metal slide. His paintball mask did not look the part either. Total noobage here.

“You,” a teen with what looked like another M4 with what looked like a small toy from one of those quarter machines dangling from it’s rail as well yarn weaved through the foregrip rail. This sport brings the creative out of all of us I guess.

“Aaand, you.” The only other kid that didn’t look like one of those high rollers (but was armed like one), stepped up. At least one HPA will be fighting with us.

It took another hooful of minutes to bunch the teams up. Mostly kids and intermediates players were picked last.

“Now,” Big B pulled the roll of green to pass it to J.E. who quietly went around to help put green markings on the new teammates.

“In this next game, we will be using the full field, I’ll put a team in Hareverd and a team in seven. The objective, is to capture base three and hold it for ten minutes.”

There wasn’t much of a reaction from the crowd but a few absent questions from the newer players, mostly from the kids I noticed.

“If you are the first inside, yell clear to indicate that you have taken the base and I’ll start the timer, however, if another team takes the base, it is your job to either push them back or clear them out, whoever can take it.”

“So, How long do we have to hold it if we do take it?” Asked a scrub from Neutral,

“Ten Minutes, this game might last longer if you both put up a good fight.” Big B, replied before continuing, “Now, in this game, both teams will have three Medic revives, which means-since some of you who just showed up-you have to touch and hold a fallen teammate for thirty seconds.”

“Do we pick who the medics are?” asked a kid from green team, he looked like he was still in sixth grade and is wearing full woodland camo armed with a hulk of a rifle. It looked like a full sized M16 with an ACOG and foregrip. Jesus, what were his parents thinking? They’re awesome!

“No, You all can medic each other.” Big B nodded, “Now, remember, when closing in on building or defending it, toggle your weapons to semi-automatic only. I don’t want to see anyone getting raked across the face by full auto fire at point blank range.

One of the High Rollers gave a playful, “awww” as we all heard the semi-auto rule.

“Now, what else-” He paused, “-nope. Since Green lost last game, you pick the first base.”
“Harivered.” J.E. was quick on the draw with that choice. The way everypony here has been pronouncing Hareverd as hair-vered

“Hareverd? Okay, Neutral, you got base seven Then.” He looked between the teams before jabbing a thumb over his shoulder.


We all loaded magazines as we started to migrate towards our starting bases.


As we walked back onto the field, I examined the base we just fought around earlier. Now, by order of the administrator, it’s our base. I do swear these human games are a little confusing to follow, thankfully we have J.E. to walk us through them; Well, in this case, to lead us into battle. As romantic it sounds, but the actual fighting hurts.

As I absently rubbed my rump, “This Hareverd base looks more, what would you say-?”

“A roofless house with crapily done walls and no floor?” Rainbow bluntly blurted out.

“A house with party potential?” Goddess bless you Pinkie.

“More like a base that was designed with tactical game play in mind.” J.E. answers looking from each of us as he did.

“A perfect kill house to exercise your CQB, Sadly we won’t be defending this base.”

As we walked up to the base, he turns to lean against the wall near the “Front” door of this house. When I stopped to turn, I watched with wondrous interest as the other players filed around us or marched on towards what must of been more of the field as they progressively vanished behind the wall of blackberry bushes.

Even here on Earth, the blackberry bushes look vicious as they do around the Everfree forest back home. Ah, speaking of home, I do believe I have a few brand new ideas on design suggestions for the Equestrian military. Not entirely for active duty but for formal wear.

Then again, I can only dare to picture Captain Shining Armor in any of this colorful cloth or camouflage uniforms J.E. labels them.

“Well, what's this J.E?” A player, a teenager I believe, “Who are these ladies?” He was blonde, clad in camo and wore what looked like a green, stylish cloth wrapped around his face with his eye protecting being the only visible marker.

“Friends of mine.” Our intelligent guardian was quick to reply, “They are from out of town,” He steps away from the wall and stood with us. As he introduced us, he pointed at each of us.
“This is pinkie.”
“Hello, ready to play?!” Pinkie waved with a Glock filled hand, smiling brightly.
“Charmed darling,” I bowed my head lightly to the young man stepping up to shake his hand.
“And this is Dash.”
“Sup scrub.” My eyes roll at her as she tilted her head up to him as she spoke.

“Well, ladies, names Travis and I wish each of you a good game today.” he turns away to step towards base one, shooting a few practice shots into the brush just as six or so did the same action.

“What a polite young man.” I noted aloud.

“Are one of you his girlfriend?” A child player not-so-nonchalantly asked looking at us. His mask obscured his obvious curiosity. How adorable, but even I was taken back by such a bold question.

Of course, There are six of us living with one human between ventures in Equestria but, none of us had really seen him any further than just a bodyguard that has been slowly showing us his world while keeping us safe. At times, I think Flutter shy tends to show the most attraction to J.E. but then again, so has Twilight.

I shook the brainstorm away.

“Well squirt, no,” Rainbow Dash’s bluntness saved us the awkward conversation topic.

“Oh, is she?” He points to Flutter shy as she follows the admin walk across the clearing and into the bush just as the Natural team did.

“Ehhh, not really kiddo,” Pinkie padded him on the helmet, “But I'm sure she wishes though.”

“Pinkie!” we both snapped at Her, who only stood and shrugged, she really appeared reckless the way she shrugged, her hands still filled with the pistols.


I looked at J.E. who the whole time had his masked face in a palm while he stood there listening to the whole awkward conversation. Poor dear, I’m sure he gets this question a lot. As much as I do find it flattering every time this comes up, I think it’s annoying for him to hear it every time.

“It’s true!” she points towards our Element of Kindness as she vanished up the trails around the brush.

“What's the plan boss?” A veteran looking player had wondered close by.

“We bum rush like crazy to three and hold onto it like all of humanity depends on it.” J.E. Shrugged.

“Someone say rush?” If Rainbow still had her ears, they would of perked in the heartbeat of anything referring to speed was mentioned.

“Yup, we are to hold base three, Which is over there by the way.” he pointed pass the crowd of players towards the trails around base one, they seemed to lead to nowhere from where we stand currently.

“I think we can get lost in there darling,” I nervously look at J.E. who didn’t seemed phased by the possible track or run we are about to undertake.

“Don’t worry ladies,” He turned to look back at us, “Just keep up with me and the rest of the team and you’ll be fine.”

I watched him look towards where the admin and flutter shy had gone to. I wonder what's taking him so long to blow that horn to start the game? Could he be checking on the other team if they are ready? I looked around at the rest of our “team”, it was odd to be among this many humans in one spot to be honest. Even for me it can get a little overwhelming, however, As long as I-WE are near J.E. there isn’t really a whole lot to worry about I would wager.

Speaking of which, As I looked from the bunch back to our host, who had his back turned to us; I can’t help but admire the uniform he fits so well in. The design work of an apparent forgotten generation of uniforms was apparently more simpler than what either myself or Dashie wore. The gear that was attached to the belt and harness help maintain a simplistic set up but I can only imagine how cumbersome that must of been to be wearing that for more than just an eight hour day. How J.E. does it, is beyond me. He still looks handsome in it though, aside from the goggles (and mesh mask he had seemed to procure while back at the car) he wore at all times on this field.

I wonder if he’ll need any help with getting that of-my stray thoughts were interrupted with the distant blast of the horn.

“Game on!” J.E. called out as he turned to look at us, “Lets go!” He signaled with a hand before taking off into a run along with the pack of players that were already making a dash towards the obscured base.

“Rarity,” Rainbow Dash nudged me back to focus, “Quit staring and run for it!” she took off in a sprint to catch up after our host while I looked around in a moment of confusion before remembering what was going on.

“Wait for me!” I called after them breaking into a run. By Celestia’s mane it was difficult to run on two legs!

Big B

“Lets go, lets go!” Called out the Neutral team captain as he led his team into a run towards the base. Only a handful of players lingered or walked towards the objective. I noticed the girl that came with J.E. to this field had jumped (again) to the sound of the manual air horn that I borrowed from the real admin’s gear.

Putting it into my dump pouch, I started to walk towards base three, which is no more than a short walk down highway then veer off right onto a foot trail. I would of just out ran the team that was walking around both me and the girl and meet both teams at the base to observe and keep time for the occupying team.

To be honest, I didn’t care much for running this field however, when the favor you owed to a friend turns out to be forced retirement, what else can a guy do around in this quiet part of the US?

“So, uhm…” The girl or Shy as her name is, spoke, thankfully, I still had my hearing intact so I was able to pick up her soft voice.
“Where are we supposed to go?” she was standing next to me during the briefing but I think she was nervous from probably all the young men gawking at her and her friends during the same briefing.

True, she was cute, but probably far too young for me, she is probably no more than a year older of one of the others give or take. She, sure, was edgy and jumpy for every time someone would either run or walk by she would gasp in surprise. Where as every one of these youngsters where too damn obvious for me to not notice, even on a lazy day like today.

“We head over to base three find a corner to stand and watch,” I looked at the pink haired girl as she averted her eyes from me, “So, I would recommend putting this on-” I pulled the mesh mask that Quiet gave me earlier but I refuse to wear it. I don’t see any point in it. I seriously doubt getting shot by one of these toys would hurt as bad as non-lethal.

However, the jumpy, skinny little girl here would have a much greater need than me right now. Here gentle blue eyes widened with curiosity or fear, not sure at this point. I can only wonder why they would bring her along if she was going to be like this.

“Uhm, Y-You, want me to put this on?” she asked hesitantly. I had stopped near base five to give her the chance to take it and put it on.

“Is it, going to get that bad, I-in there?”

“It’s either put this on or get shot in that pretty little face of yours.” Her small hands took the mask, she looked at it for a moment before slipping the head strap over her head. Once on, we moved onward towards.

“Contact!” A distant voice rang out, “Greens in Three!”

“Tch, Sounds like the party has started,” I grumbled as my ears picked up the rattle of AEG motors. I looked at my watch, pressing a button to start the stopwatch. The Team that occupies the base has to hold it for ten Minutes. I can imagine that both teams had runners sprinting for the base. Green was apparently faster than these High Roller boys.

“Uhm, How are we going to get close enough to watch,” Shy inched closer to me, “W-Without getting shot?”

As she asked that, We stepped off a short trail and towards another base. This building was an oddball; It was a single square, roofless, building with a window on each side. Unlike the other bases, made out of plywood and pallets. This one, well, had wall built of pallets with metal and wood sheeting for the exterior walls.

What stood out about this base was the small, empty kennel with an old combination padlock locked to it. I saw it during my walk through of the field earlier this morning, pondered about it, I think the old man called this base the jail some time ago.

Passed our right of the base, hunkered behind trees and a fallen log. Neutral players exchanged fire with Greens. I stopped with arms folded near the base to watch them, the girl stopped beside me before yelping in surprise as she swiftly moved behind me. I looked at her right as I felt some weak impacts, three on the body and one on my prosthesis.

Looking down at my arm, there was barely a scuff mark on the russet color metal; looking back up at a player who instantly threw a hand up.

“SHIT, sorry admin!”

“Watch your fire, you almost hit her.” I nodded towards Shy as she leans out to look on.

“Uhhhhh, Sorry!” he then recoiled to impacts close by the log he had shot at us from. We were still some short yards away from the action and I can only guess he wasn’t paying attention enough to spot the bright-as-hell Orange vests. It is weird to be wearing it over my camo, felt like some redneck hunter.

A player peered around one of the trees to shoot at a distant target before shaking a flat hand towards a trail towards his front right.

“Go, I’ll cover, GO!” he sprayed out a few bursts of suppressive fire while two out of the five present broke cover to clear the gap towards that direction. One was hit as he stopped running while the other ducked into the trail.

Hearing electric auto fire from that very direction, he must be laying down the heat to return the favor and allow his buddies to break from cover to dash across towards the same direction. Two more Neutrals got tagged leaving only two of this squad left.

Seeing the opening they made, I looked at Shy as she stood in silent awe as the three “dead” players walked back towards their spawn.

“Follow me, don’t worry, unlike that kid, they won’t be able to mistake the orange.”

“Uhhhm, okay.” she meeped as she walks behind me as we ventured towards the thick of the fighting.

J.E. Clockwork

“Two moving left, watch the back trail behind us!” I called out as I chased after them with semi-auto fire. In silent compliance, one of the six players, The HPA shooter that made the initial sprint to this base with us; moved out the back opening to hunker behind a small plywood barricade that faced the very trail I pointed out.

“J.E., Got three coming down this trail,” I glanced over to see Rainbow pointing towards the trail head that splits either back the way we came or towards highway. Rarity had darted by her to find another window (or cover) in the base.

“Check’em, keep them from sweeping through!”

“Got it!” she replied before turning back to join the semi-fire with the other player who had slipped out from one of the entrances and made a break towards the oak tree close by. Which makes sense since he buzzed the neutrals with burst fire from his weapon.

Two hits called, I didn’t see if they left or crouched down to call for medic.

“Two down, one running back-oh shit!” she reported before ducking down as incoming BBs hammered against the metal sheet walls of the base. I was in a neighboring window when I saw that fire hit hard.

I tracked the stream of incoming fire then started firing back. A player, coming down the trails from base five, stopped to flag a dead rag. I watch his buddy lean back behind another tree yards away.

“Contact, spawn trail!” The spotter, that moved to the barricade, opened fire as he called out the other squad of two. I had a feeling they would try to move in from that way. It was one of the few trails with the most cover. Yet if you get someone to cover it, a kill zone if anyone tried to advance.

“HIT!” one of my team players, that had ran out the front door to the tree, yelled out, “Medic!”

“I’ll go get him!” Rainbow volunteered, “Rare, cover me.”
“Do what?” she snapped a look to Rainbow before dropping down to the deck to hide from incoming fire.

“Fuck, I’ll cover!” I displaced from my window and around towards the front entrances. I planted myself outside one of the entrances while she braced herself near the other front entrance.
“I got ya, go!” I shot into the brush right over head of the two “dead” neutrals as I catch sight of Rainbow Dash run out of the base and up to the tree. As she stopped beside the tree she hunched behind the fallen Green player.
“Drag him in here!”
“Got it!” she grabbed him by his vest before stepping back with the sudden “shield” in front of her. He kept up with her while keeping a hand on his head with a dead rag clutched in it.

“HIT!” I hear the last neutral yell out. Seconds later, all three neutrals got up to walk back to their spawn. Rainbow Dash finishes her short walk back inside to start the count right as I turned my attention to the-A few shots struck my left arm and my vest.

“HIT!” I raised my hand before quickly reaching into a pocket to draw out my dead rag, “MEDIC!” I crouched down to look back to my left, Walking out in the open was Big B and Flutter shy. Close by, more Neutrals, stacking up behind trees coming from Base five.

Where the hell is the rest of our team? I look over at where the trails leading towards the first clearing. Sure enough, as if I had asked out loud, I saw the rest of my team jogging up the trail.

“J.E., I got you.” I felt hands on the back of my vest, I glanced back to see Rarity had risked getting hit to get me. She started to pull as I got up to move with her as we walked back the meager few feet back inside the base.

As we stopped, I could hear more BB fire being exchanged with the late comers and the Neutrals.
“So what do I do now darling?” Rarity had to ask,
“Count to thirty while keeping a hand on me.” I replied as I hear a green call hit close by.
“Right-” she then started to count, I quietly counted with her while resting my Garand up against the wall in front of me. I pulled my sidearm, I thumbed the hammer as the count reached twenty.

“Back in!” called out the green player behind me as both he and Rainbow got up, they dashed for a window to throw more rounds down range.

“Thirty!” Rarity, patted my shoulder.
“Back in!” I shoved my dead rag back into the pocket it came from before I stood up, leveling the Webley towards the Neutrals. Pulling the trigger, the Co2 powered revolver sounded off with an authoritative thud. A player flinched from the .40 gram bb as he raised a hand.
“Hiiit...” a dead rag filled the raised hand.

Holstering the revolver, I brought my rifle up to follow up with a few more shots at another Neutral that peeked out to keep them suppressed. Another Neutral raised his hand weakly calling hit.

“Keep’em busy!” I called out ducking down to reload, “Admin, time check!”
“Three Minutes.” Big B replies as he walks pass the base. Flutter shy eeped as bbs slam into the metal walls again.
“Got it.” I slapped a full mag in before popping up to lay some heat down range.

Neutrals hunkered down behind cover and stayed there while we held them back.

By now, more teammates had maneuvered around the base to either expand the perimeter or bolster the numbers inside. I hear a hit called out and the HPA player was down. Instead of risking another player’s life to be medic back in, he got up with dead rag held high to make the walk back to our spawn.

“Rarity, take my place, going to plug the back trail!” getting up, defying incoming fire slamming up against the walls, I turned to weave through the reinforcements to get out to the barricade with hope to catch the sneaky neutrals.

I didn’t look back to see if Rarity was doing anything but I could hear the distinctive motor of her FAMAS as she squeezed off semiautomatic shots. Could of sworn I heard a hit called too. Not sure, there is a lot of activity now that the rest of the team was here.

Crossing the small gap that was mainly the trail, I half way across when I caught the glimpse of death it self.

Four of The High Rollers some meters away.

“SPAWN TRAIL!” I called out as I spun on heel to hip fire the Garand in response to the incoming HPA fire, point man of the squad was hit. Ducking low to move left towards the protection of that barrier, I continue to hip fire at the Rollers as they crouched down behind the blackberry. Shots wildly trimming brambles, effectively stopping shots from reaching them.

The second man was chasing after me with burst fire from what sounded like a hollow tube burping plastic BBs at me. Now that I had a chunk of plywood in front of me, I brought the rifle to shoulder as I fired back. I didn’t hear anymore hits called, but I know I was at least keeping heads down. We only needed to hold them back long enough to win.

I dropped back to reload when I glanced off to my right towards the trails coming from five when a shot from those trees snapped across my neck. The hit was so sudden that I collapsed to the ground briefly before sitting up into a crouch.

“HIT!” I yelled pulling my dead rag back out, “aww fuck…” I held the rag to my head while my other hand felt the growing welt on my neck, “MEDIC!”


I was changing magazines when I heard Clockwork shout first hit then shouted for medic. No pony was going to move to help him, even Rainbow Dash had retaken that spot just outside the base to keep those bad guys away on one of those trails.

I couldn’t tell which way was which unless J.E. was pointing them out. Speaking of which. Winding the new magazine, I walked around teammates that were either, shooting at the other team from the window, reviving each other, only three players walked out “Dead”. I fear that we might lose this place if we keep losing this many players.

Unless there is something I’m forgetting here.

I watched two other players face the same direction I was headed, Oh my, there was two of the other team appearing from that same trail, aiming their weapons at me! With a gasp of surprise, I whipped up the rifle to my shoulder, pointed it at them and started squeezing the trigger as fast as I could.

“HIT!” two voices spoke, I stopped shooting as there was no more shooting.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that they both were walking away a hand raised high over their heads.

“Holy shit chick…” blurted out one of the players close by having apparently witnessed my fast reaction.

“Wh-what?” I looked at them both slightly confused, “Did I-”

“You got them, good shot.” He nodded before flinching at incoming fire hitting the wall of the base again as he turned to shoot out of a window. The impacts startled me as well, bringing me back to my previous task.

“Good shooting, now get over here!” J.E. Called out as he waved to me.

“Right, be right there darling.” I remembered what he taught me; keeping the rifle against my shoulder, I aimed at the trail, checking for more ruffians that would try to startle me while moving towards the hansom human.

Thankfully, I managed to walk over to him without any further encounter.

J.E. smiled as I knelt down beside him to, again, place a hand on him to start the revive. We counted to thrity without any interruption. I looked over towards the collection of trails and trees that faced the base. It has thinned out of those other players.

“Thirty,” J.E. finished counting as he pocketed the dead rag, “Back in! Say, that was pretty good being quick on the draw like that.”

“You think so?” I looked at him as he peeked over the plywood cover.

“Yeah, lets just, leave the eyes shut part out when we talk to Dash about it.”

“Oh, I wasn’t supposed to shut my eyes?”

“Nnnot really.” He stood up, I stood up with him as we walked back inside the base.

“It’s kinda natural to keep them open so you can see what you are shooting at.”

“Right…” I felt a little sheepish now thinking about how amateurish it must of looked. It couldn’t be helped to be honest, as I had no choice but to react.

“Sounds like we sent most of them back.” J.E. noted as he stop to peer over fellow players through the windows to see most of the area around us has been quieted down since the opening run.

“Yes, It seems that way, I doubt they would try to do that again if they could help it.”

“Actually, they will.”

“What?!” I snapped a shocked look at him, “You mean, they will try another advance?”

“They want this base as much as we do,” He shrugs casually with apparent confidence, “Thankfully we got guys coming back to back us up, so we got this.” He paused to think, “ADMIN, TIME!”

“Five minutes.” was the reply from somewhere.

“Oh yeah, we got this guys, just sit tight.” he spoke mostly to the surrounding players.

“Main trails are clear boss,” Rainbow Dash walked inside winding her magazine.

“Looks like we have kicked their asses for now.”

“Yeah, for now.”

“Say, has anyone seen Pinkie?” She seemed to scan around at the other players, trying to spot our pink haired friend. That has indeed brought something to mind, during the whole fighting, she was nowhere to be seen. She had joined us on the run here, but she seemed to disappear into the brush as we drew closer to this base.

A single shot from somewhere slammed into the base. Which caused all us to either flinch or duck down.

“The fuck that come from?!” A player asked aloud.

“I don’t know but-” As J.E. was about to speak, another shot found its way through one of the windows in front of us. Smacking me across the face. The pain was enough for me to drop to my knees.

“HIT!” I called out through my hands, my right cheek throbbed as if it was stung by a bee. First my rump, now my face, what is with these ruffians?! It felt like a bee sting for sure, however, It felt a lot worse in this form. Human skin was not a resilient as pony skin even to impacts like so.

“Sniper!” He called out. Before ducking down beside me.

“Are you okay?”

“I-” I blinked out tears that formed, the pain wasn’t enough to make me cry but it was enough to spark the odd human reaction to experiencing pain this close to the eyes,”-I think, but my word, this hurts.”

“You’ll be fine Rare, It’ll pass, that looks like a welt will stay there for sure.”

“Oh please, don’t you dare scare me like that, The last thing I need is my face marked up like this!”

“Rarity, BB welts are not permanent.” he then patted my shoulder, “Thirty, back in.”

“Right…” I had my dead rag halfway out when he revived me, tucking back in, I stayed crouched as another player took a hit from this sniper.

Pinkie Pie

This game field was a real place to explore, the trails weaved through walls and barriers of blackberries that, like here, led to an open portion of this field. Sure, I can hear the party going just far off to my left, but, I want to sneak around! You know, give them a classic Pinkie Pie surprise!!

Take that how you want to reader!

I wasn’t too worried about being shot at as I walked around a large fallen log that was being enveloped by the same bramble branches and vine that was growing everywhere. I stopped to check down a trail to my left as I made the bend towards another meadow. The trail looked like it was a hallway of brush that led towards where the party was going on.

Oh yeah, I can see Rainbow.

“Dashie, HI!” I called out waving to her, Who simply responded by throwing a hand towards me in a way in asking.

“What the hay Pinkie?”

I simply smiled and shrug in response before skipping along.

Nearing a madrone tree, I stopped in step. I scanned around bringing my pistols up. Narrowing my eyes, I could tell one thing:

My Pinkie senses were tingling…

I crouched down and advanced up to another large log. Once there, I held still to listen to the world around me. I couldn’t hear anything but there was something there, well, someone. Yet, could not tell you right away. However…

Taking a breath, I shifted my legs underneath me then I sprang up with pistols leveled, ready to unleash the BBs that were ready to spread the welts! Wait, is this-

Standing the same way as me, pointing the same pistols at me, wearing the same camo, Barret and even the same face cover and- The neutral player cocked his head in surprise while I gasped loudly in surprise.

“Ohmygosh,ohmygosh,ohmygosh Its YOU!” I jumped in excitement for a moment but I quickly recovered and snapped my aim back on him.

“What in the-Pinkie?” even with those mesh goggles on, his eyes were wide in surprise, he apparently didn’t expect to see me here. I Didn’t think he played this sport anymore.

“What are you doing here?”

“Oh you know, exploring a new dimension with your Friend who also so happens to be our Human guardian while staying here.”

“Oh?” He lowered his guns while listening with interest, “A royal guardian of sorts?”

“Eh, yeah” with a shrug I glance over to the noise, it sounded like Neutral was making another attempt at joining the party at base three. Shaking my head I look back at this “stranger”.

“Huh, I wouldn’t be sure how he would be able to-wait, you aren’t the only one here?”

“Yeah, all of us are here, well, today, it's just me, Rainbow, and Rarity playing here, Flutter shy is walking around with the admin Big Boss, she isn’t playing but I think she’ll be wanting to after she gets used to watching it for a time.”

“Flutter shy? Seriously doubt it but I can see things taking an ironic turn when she finally decides to join the game, I mean, didn’t J.E. secretly pay for her as well?”

“I wish I can tell you, but that would ruin it for them.” We both take a look at the reader.

“Good point…” Looking back at each other, “As for the rest of you girls?”

“Oh, Twilight was kept up all night because J.E. and Rainbow where playing some video game while Applejack just wanted to stay because there wasn’t enough room in the car and she felt more incline to work around the property instead of “playing some silly human game”.” I did my best country accent when I recited what AJ said to us this morning.

“So you are all here, I would like to meet you all since you are here in human form, even though I didn’t care much for...well you get the idea.”

“Eh, I think having the original six being humanized is a WAAAY better concept than making blank-slate-copies of us is just lazy writing I think.”

“Shhh, they may hear you.” The stranger playfully hushed me bringing one of the pistols to his mask covered lips sparking a giggle from me while waving him off.

“Anyways, we should probably get back to the game,” I look towards base three again, there was another rattle of “gun” fire blended with shouting. Looking back at the stranger,

“I’ll be seeing out over there?”

“Ehhh, maaaybe.” He shrugs, slowly crouching down, “I may or may not be there at all.” the sound of distant impacts on metal drew my attention again. I believe it was time for the life of the party to rejoin the fun!

“Okie-dokie, I’ll-” I looked back to see that he wasn’t there, I made a double take to still see nopony there; “B-Backlash?” I leaned over the log to look down. He wasn’t there anymore! As if he quickly ran away or something to hide elsewhere, “W-Where did’ya go?”

Or was he there at all? I look at the reader again puzzled by his sudden disappearance.

“Oh well,” I shrugged, “Time to bounce!”
I hopped up onto the log and leapt off it, landing into a run towards base five. Once there, I slowed down to a walk, hugging the wall as I walked towards a corner. Peering out to the left, I can see four of them huddled among some trees and a log fallen in between them. Sneaking around the corner, I closed in on these kiddos, if only they- I heard a noise behind me.

Looking back, I noticed two more of them had emerged from respawning and were in the middle of rejoining their party near our base. Fooey!

“Oh shit!” was the only thing one of them said before I popped them both. The sound of my pistols caused the other four to look behind them. As they turned completely around, I turned to level my pistols at them.

“Contact behind us!” snapped as B Bees started to fly at me. I can see the incoming trails of white plastic meaning to take me out.

“Awww, at least it isn’t too late to yell-” I dropped down to the ground into a low crouch with in a blink of an eye, their crappy shots hailed over head; Letting both sideways pistols staring down at two bad guys, “-SURPRISE!” as I had let out my party cry, I unleashed my horde of white plastic back at them.

J.E. Clockwork

“Was that pinkie?” Rarity, asked as some of the incoming fire had ceased. The Equines and I had all picked up the distinctive outcry of a particular party girl followed by Neutral being pulled away to obviously address the sneaky Green player.

“No pony else scares the crap out of a crowd than Pinkie…” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she winded up the second High cap she reloaded with. She had managed to go through a three hundred round-plus, high cap magazine before I can even drop my second mag.

I was only trying to hit what I can see while she would semi or auto fire at anything that resembled a player in Neutral’s general direction. Of course, Rainbow hasn’t really been shooting that long and running off pure game knowledge still made her a bit of a noob in this seasoned players eyes.

Still gotta give the girls credit though, so far they have been playing pretty well so far despite it only be nearly an hour into today’s games.

“I think that might of won it for us.” A fellow player mentioned as he stood laxed from shooting out of his window a bit ago.

“Would think so, unless the High Rollers get-” a solid thunk against the metal made us all duck and/or hide.

“-here, thought they all went for the new girl?”

“All but one it seems.” I slowly stood to peer out my window with Rarity standing up with me, “Anyone got an idea where that is coming from?” Of course, just as I asked, I saw a blink of a white dot fly towards the base.

I instantly leaned out of the window, hugging the wall near the window as the shot flew by. A solid impact on fabric of a vest brought my attention to another player that ducked as he was hit. The “victim” was one of the more novice players, he knew his stuff but still had a lot to learn. The vest he wore looked like it was new, his M4 replica still had it’s factory orange tip.

“Hit! I’m out.” He brought his dead rag out before standing to casually walk out of the base, “Dead man coming out!”

“Hurry back man.” I called after him before another shot hit the metal.

“I may not know much about shooting,” Rarity spoke as she ducked back down to move herself away from the windows, “But I think that sniper isn’t being careful with his shots.”

“I see him!” called out one of the regulars stood to point out the barricaded entry way.

Sure, the base had two entry points on it’s front and side but it was also completely open out the back of the half wall construct. The far entry point had been previously barricaded to prevent easy access from that approach. Leaving only the back trails and side entry to get in.

“Which why is he headed?” I asked hurrying over, the player pointed out the shooter.

We both watch a Neutral player break cover on the far left, moving towards the trails that led towards our back door. One guy against a base, I’m sure he has something planned. With a nod, I mentally concluded that I’m not going to let the guy get close.

“Alright, let’s go greet him.” I looked back to nod towards to my fellow teammates, “Rare, Dash, fallow me.” Rarity and Rainbow Dash walked over towards me, “The rest, sit tight, we may not have a lot of time left, but they may push hard soon.” Looking back at my charges.

“Ladies.” I nodded to them before turning to walk with weapon up towards the back trail behind our base. Thankfully, We all knew how to keep quiet when advancing as we made our way onto and further up the trail.

This part of the field was a quaint collection of nature made corridors, the trail we are advancing up on had a wall of different bushes with skinny trees acting as pillars holding up a canopy of leaves. On our left was the actual boundary fence of the field, a simple three string barbed wire fence that was also marked with ribbon to signify the bounds of the “map”.

Madrones grew here along the fence line. One of them in fact had a branch with marking ribbon on it that was used as the spawn point for base three during different games. For now, it was just a collection of colorful ribbons. A few feet in front of us, towards our right, the brush wall curved outward to give clearance for us to side step off the trail to cover the choke point ahead of us. As well give us a chance to group up since Rarity lagged behind, she has yet to learn how to move like us, which was fine, today is more about fun than learning anything.

Glancing back, I noticed both girls were behind me,
“Lets go.” I stood with weapon leveled before advancing again. The small clearing beyond the choke point was another part of where the brush curved, only the wall split with a foot path leading into the cluster of trees. This is where it gets a bit sketchy because if one sniper was trying to push against a base, who knows where he is hiding.

I brought a hand up to signal hold, I advanced in first to check the footpath, crouching down, I kept the entrance covered while giving Rainbow the signal to move. I glanced back to see her nod before saying something hushed to Rarity before they both advanced further up the trail. I looked back to keep watch of my sector. I couldn’t help but look through the brush towards base five. It was quiet now, I can only think that-
“Oh shi-” I watched two players pop around a tree coming from five, firing away at me.
“Contact, coming from five!” I called out to the girls who hurried pass the choke point.

However, as Rainbow crossed first, my ears picked up the disheartening popping of a gas pistol.

“HIT!” she called out before dropping down into a crouch, “Medic!”

“Rarity, drag her back and-shit!” I ducked my head as BBs smashed into the bushes around and in front of me. Leveling my rifle, I fired back; shots bounced off the tree and only one bounced off a vest.

Looking back I watched Rarity hit the deck as more pistol rounds came crashing through the thick bushes in front of her. Bad idea to move on a sniper at this point. I kept the tree the second shooter hid behind in my sights while waiting with anxious patience, as my mind kept track of the shooter just on the other side of the choke point, Rarity had fired off a few bursts into the bush as if she could actually hit the guy, sadly, as thin the branches of the bushes are, they have enough density to stop a speeding BB. Waiting payed off Sure enough, the kid leaned out to take more shots at me as a shot from me bounced off his arm.

Hearing the distant hit called, I stood up to help Rarity.

“Get Dash, I got you.” I assured Rarity as she looked back at me with wide eyes but nodded before moving towards rainbow. She had been shot down right in the pathway of the choke point that lead into the trail heads towards other parts of the field.

She couldn’t help but stay crouched with a dead rag on her helmet watching our struggle from the dead man’s perspective.

“Come on, get me out of here!” she whined as she glanced at what I would assume be the shooter that took her out.

Rarity noticed Rainbow looking and paused to wait. Normally, It would be to wait for movement before continuing but I think she was freezing from the fear of being shot again. I think getting hit in the face would do that to anyone or anypony for that matter.

Standing up, I walked up to Rarity, “cover, I’ll get her.” I told her quietly as she stepped aside.
“Be careful,” I hear behind me as I crouched to stalk closer to Rainbow. My rifle suddenly felt heavy having keeping it hugged against my shoulder while inching closer to at least drag Rainbow back. I’m about two arm lengths away now, Setting my rifle down, I drew my revolver, aiming towards where the shooter could be, I inched closer again to reach out.

Rainbow couldn’t help but reach out too as I grabbed her by the cuff of her shirt before proceeding to drag her towards me. Shots rang out but my Webley barked in response as I yanked her back. I didn’t expect her body to crash into me, knocking us both down.

For a moment, she laid on top of me while we both blinked in awkward surprise.

She was light, despite the gear, and It was blatantly obvious that she had borrowed my body spray before we left this morning, however, it was the fact she was laying on me that caused a very unprofessional-

“Uhhh...” As my brain blanked. our masks were touching which meant our faces were inches apart. This was so not a moment to experience out here! Even with goggles on, I can see her maroon eyes looking back at me.

“Nice catch camp.” she padded my arm as she rolled off me, Rarity grabbed her shoulder helping her up to get deeper into cover.
I looked down at where my hands ended up when she landed on me.

Lets see, chest level, open hands facing outward which means-”oh shhhi-I’m sorry!” that drew a laugh from the humanized mare as she waited to be revived as Rarity counted. A chuckle from the other side reminded me where I am, which is a fire fight with a stupid sniper.

Grabbing my dropped revolver I sat up thumbing the hammer. I inched back to the choke point to at least grab my rifle before all three of us bailed back to our base.

However, As I peered down the trail, a neutral player, with a rifle slung over his shoulder, stood out with his pistol aimed right at me.

Without another thought, I shot at him while he shot back. We both reacted as he stepped back while my foot slid out from underneath me, knocking me prone again. However, the neutral came back, rushed up to me, aiming his pistol one handed at me while I gripped my revolver aimed at him with both of us screaming-


Before we could process what had happened, we all paused to hear the distant blare of the air horn.

“GAAAAME OVER!!” rung out from the distance.