• Published 24th Oct 2017
  • 865 Views, 12 Comments

Applejack Falls for a Pear - Creativa-Artly01

Even though she now likes Pears, she never thought she herself would fall for one.

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Chapter 13

A few weeks later, it's the day before the wedding and AJ and Rara are out at lunch. As they eat, Rara shares the gender of the foal with Applejack. "The foal is going to be a filly," says Rara, "and I already have a name picked out too, Spectacle Dazzle."

"It's the perfect name," sighs AJ.

"Thanks," responds Rara blushing.

The next day, it's the day of the wedding. While Rara and the girls help get Applejack ready, Big Mack helps get Bartlett ready. "You better treat my little sister right," says Big Mack to Bartlett. "Love her, forever and always."

"I will, I promise," responds Bartlett. "I love her way to much to do something to hurt or betray her."

A few minutes later, the wedding begins. As Applejack walks down the aisle, being led by Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie as her flower girls, she can't help but wear a smile across her face. She can't believe her big day is finally here. A few minutes later, she takes her place in front of Bartlett and the mayor begins the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today," says the mayor, "to join Applejack Apple and Bartlett Pear in holy maretrimony. Several years ago, I also had the joy of doing the same for Applejack's parents and now I'm honored to do it for her as well. Applejack is such a good pony. She is a helper, a friend, somepony to go to whenever you need good advice or a good apple pie. Bartlett, you are lucky to have her. Anyways, Applejack do you take Bartlett to be your lawfully wedded stallion?"

"I do," says Applejack with a smile.

"And do you, Bartlett Pear, take Applejack to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Yes," responds Bartlett.

"You may now kiss the bride." The two go in for a kiss then AJ gives Rara the wink along with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow then shoots out of her dress and does a sonic rainboom while Rara begins her song.

"I've known AJ since we were fillies. Now look at her now. She's married. Soon maybe she'll start a family. Love, it's a funny thing. It draws ponies together that are just perfect for each other. These two, they're the perfect pear. Though everything, forever and for always, their love will stand strong. Love will go on and on and on through the ages. Love will never fade, never grow tired, that's a truth that's great to know. Hold that truth close to you in your hearts. You both have a brand new start together in a brand new life together and it's amazing. Look at those smiles on your faces, hopefully they'll never fade away. Love is the strongest magic of all and it's overflowing today. Love is an amazing thing! It's a powerful thing indeed! You two have it all, I'm so happy for you. I'll always be happy for you. Now it's time to celebrate your perfect day in the only way we know how. Let's celebrate it with a party, a song and a dance, and even a friendly bow. Applejack I hope your life will be filled with more and more good things everyday. You have everything you want and more good is coming your way. You have everything you want and more good is sure to come your way!"

Applejack then walks over and embraces Rara in a hug with Bartlett at her side. "Beautiful song, Rara," says AJ with a smile.

"Thanks," responds Rara.

All the friends then walk into the main area of the mayor's hall and enjoy the party thrown by Pinkie Pie to celebrate their sepcial day. As they enjoy their wedding cake, Rara sings a reprise of the song from the wedding. Rainbow stands in the back corner drinking punch with Soaren. Pinkie, meanwhile, is over in another corner cracking jokes with Cheese Sandwich, who proposed to her a few weeks previous to AJ and Bartlett's wedding. Big Mack and a pregnant Cheerilee happily snack on the lighter snacks that Pinkie provided especially for Cheerilee.

"Well, today is just perfect," says Applejack to Bartlett. "I'm so glad I married you."

"And I, you," responds Bartlett. The two then share a kiss.

A few minutes later, the two are approached by Big Mack and Cheerilee. "I'm so proud of you, little sis," says Big Mack with a smile as he embraces her in a hug.

"Thanks, Big Mack," responds AJ with a smile. "So, filly or colt on your end?"

"We're expecting a filly," says Cheerilee with a smile. "We plan on naming her Cherry Mack."

"That's a cute name," responds AJ with a smile.

"Thanks," responds Cheerilee with a smile. "We're excited, so are the other two. Lil Mack and Joy are thrilled to have a new sibling on the way. Lil Mack and Soara's child, Spirit also can't wait to have a cousin."

"Well, I'm happy for all of you," responds Applejack.

"And we for you," responds Cheerilee. She and Big Mack then share a hug with Applejack then walk away. Everything is truly perfect. Applejack can't help but hope one day they'll also have a filly or colt to call their own as well. For now, though, the two have a honeymoon to get off to.