• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 165 Views, 0 Comments

The Last Light - Shadowkat02

When the Crystal Empire is attacked, a young mare seeks out some help from some royalty. But the road is long and with the weight of the world on your shoulders, it seems longer.

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The Flight

I am an extremely quick healer. My head started feeling better within two hours. I would still feel the effects of the head injury but I could still fly. The pegasus pony that had saved my life and I now called Guard, went to go get firewood as I recovered.

The events of last night rushed through my hurting head. My parents, captured, the black stallion with bright green eyes and red magic, my new companion. I winced as my head ached more. I looked out the cave entrance and saw snow falling harshly to the earth. It illuminated up against the black sky. A shiver ran up my spine. From fear or from the cold, I couldn't tell. I moved closer to the fire that was slowly dying. I looked at the burning coals and my mind was back to the events of the previous night. The alarm was still ringing in my head. The memory of my father fighting back and the green aura of mind control flashed across my eyes. I decided to close them but the memories and fear only seamed to increase.

I heard the noise of flapping wings outside the cave. I got up steadily and went to meet Guard. I kept my defense up just in case it wasn't a friend.

I saw the his dark blue mane flapping in the wind and snow. He entered the cave. "Is your head feeling better?"

"I guess so. I can fly. For how long I don't know." I said, uncertain.

He nodded. "Then we need to go now."

We had been flying against the harsh wind for at least two hours. At times I could barely see Guard. My head started aching but I knew I had to continue on. The invasion was a big enough problem for the royalty themselves, I couldn't be selfish.

A few more hours in, my head started hurting more. But I pushed on. The wind seamed to be dying down as we got closer to Canterlot and it also started getting warmer.

Soon we passed Cloudsdale and a small village called Ponyville. The snow and wind had stopped completely. Instead of a black sky, there was blue. I could see the clouds now. But my head was in such excruciating pain, I had a hard time seeing even a few meters in front of me. All I had was Guard to guild me.

After flying the whole day, we could see Canterlot in the distance. Even though it was dark now, we didn't stop. We flew straight to the castle. It was only at the gates did we stop. As soon as my hooves hit land, I fainted. Everything seemed to fade out. My vision went black.

My eyes fluttered open. Unlike my previous surroundings, I was inside. Guard was sitting next to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted as we came to the gates. You did good. I don't know anyone in the Crystal Guard who could have done better. A couple of ponies ran out and helped me take you to the healing ward."

"Did you get an audience with the princesses?" I sat up in the bed.

"Soon. I met with a unicorn named Star Swirl and he said they were busy right now. But when they come back, they will talk to us."

"Did you tell him the problem?" I asked.

"Yes. He said this was far beyond him and that this was a far bigger situation than we realized."

"An entire kingdom was taken by force overnight. Does he think we're treating this like some political issue? Ponies lives are at steak. In fact ponies are already dead! He wasn't there when I saw everypony that I knew and loved get taken away! I think it's far bigger than he realizes!" I felt a little insulted and my head was not feeling any better.

I got up out of bed. But as soon as I was standing, all the blood rushed to my head and I almost fell over, but Guard was there to catch me.

"Hold on there. You're not going anywhere. You have to stay and rest. I know how you feel. I'm upset too, but this is the only way we're are going to get anything done."

"Sitting here isn't going to help either." I insisted. I tried to make my point by walking, but I stumbled again. And once again he caught me. A sigh of frustration escaped me. I wanted to walk right up to the princesses and scream, cry and vent all my anger on someone. Sadly Guard was the one that was taking the brunt of it.

Finally after at least a half hour of talking and waiting, we heard a knock on the door. Guard got up and opened the door. A grey unicorn with a dark blue hat and a dark blue cloak stepped through the door. He had a white beard that was whiter than the snow we flew through and was just as wild. I was assuming that this pony was Star Swirl.

"You are now wanted in the thrown room." He said with a confident air about him. It seemed my headache worsened at the sight of him.

Guard shot me a glace that said "Be respectful or else." I knew that look all to well. Both my parents had mastered that look before I had even got my cutie mark. He helped me up and I balanced myself with my wings. We followed Star Swirl to the throne room

This was it. I was going to see Princess Celestia and Luna. I had dreamed about doing this when I was little but I had never thought I would be going under these circumstances. Never had I dreamed of pleading before them to save the lives of the ponies of the entire Crystal Empire. Even as I thought about it, it seemed unreal.

Star Swirl opened the door to where the princesses were. A bright light flooded my vision. I blinked in the brightness. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a beautiful alicorn with blue, green, and pink mane. Celestia had golden crown on her head that matched her golden sun cutie mark. She sat at the end of the long room on a throne and next to her was her sister, Luna. She had a long, glittery, midnight-blue mane. Her crown also matched her cutie mark. It was black with a silver moon and her crown, black with a silver gem.

I was still shocked when I realized I should be bowing. I stooped with Guard in respect.

"Rise." Celestia commanded.

"Please your Majesties. Our home of the Crystal Empire has taken an attack from a pony named Sombra. He came two nights ago and took the kingdom in the night. Many ponies sacrificed their lives, but our attempt of defense was useless. We were the only ones to escape that we know of and we come to ask for your help."

Both the princesses gasped. "Sombra wouldn't do anything that rash." Luna said to her sister.

Celestia replied. "I don't know. He was pretty unstable when he escaped to the Crystal Mountains."

Luna looked at us. "Do you know what he was after?" We shook our heads. We had no idea what Sombra's motive was at all.

"We need to make haste sister. If indeed he has taken the Crystal Empire, you know where he will head next."

Author's Note:

Hello Everypony!
So this is my second chapter to my first story and constructive criticism is welcome! I really want to add a bit of Sombra's backstory in the next chapter. Hope you guys like it!:derpytongue2: