• Published 15th Oct 2017
  • 1,386 Views, 11 Comments

Fusion time - Silver Butcher

Trixie Spike and Gilda Fuse

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Trixda's Time to shine

It took a while but the trio finally made it to the Castle.

"ok..so who's fusing with you first Gilda" Spike asked

"oh...I thought all three of us where gonna fuse together"

"And we will, after we make sure your use to regular fusion" Trixie said

"Yeah, we've never done it with three, don't really know how we can do it with three.....but im sure there's away." Spike cheered, then turned to Trixie "And since their your rings, you can go first Trixie" before Gilda could React, Trixie gave Gilda the ear-rings then Tapped it twice, with a small light the two ear-rings morphed into regular rings.

"Since you....don't have visible ears, I though it would be easier to do it this way

"doe's this change the fusion?"

"well it usually just changes the look of the Fusion clothes, so really it's more of a fashion thing...and neither Spike nor my self really give a fuck about that..well, Spike might if Rarity is watching."

"SHUT UP AND FUSE!" Spike yelled at them and the two turned to him "it took us forever to get here and soon Twilight will be back....and she will definitely track me down with a spell....so lets move before our fun is spoiled" and with that Trixie instructed Gilda to take a few feet back and the two placed on the rings and withing a second, A new fusion was brought into the world, She looked like Trixie, but most of her fur was Brown, she had the legs and Tail of a Griffon, along with wings, Her main was swept back and still white, her fingers where pointed, She had a regular Unicorn horn. Her arm's and horn turned blue at the end, he tail ended little tuff of white mane. She was wearing Light Blue Sweat pants with Trixies Cutie Mark on it and a white Tank top with a brown Griffon on the chest, she planted her feet firmly, pointed up and yelled to the stars, I AM THE GREAT TRIXDA!!!! Then she turned to Spike and waved

"you gonna ditch me aren't you?" Spike asked bluntly, his answer was Trixda flying away at full speed "ok then.....I'll just be hear until im relevant I guess." and with that Spike walked to a broken column and sat down waiting for Trixda to come back.

Meanwhile, Trixda was flying threw the air at high speeds. Doing barrel rolls, then overcome with excitement and now having a huge ego, she tucked in her wings and plummeted face first towards the earth, at last second she did and swoop, it mostly worked, she almost hit the ground, but with a blue flash she teleported back up into the air.

"ok, now that I know I can do that, time to Dazzle a crowd and earn a few bits in the process!" And she turned towards Ponyville and landed in the middle of town. After a few second almost all of them groaned

"oh no, not another one!" one of the ponies said "first it was those morons Trixie and Spike, know its some Unicorn and a Bird?" Trixda walked calmly up the the pony who said that and looked him in the eyes

"First off, I am a Unicorn-Griffon, and secondly.." she leaned in close "My unicorn half is that Moron Trixie" before he could react, Trixda bitch slapped him across the face and sent him flying. She then turned and asked "Anypony else wanna talk shit about Trixike or Trixda?" the entire crows all took a few steps away, A few others whent to help extract their friend from the house he had been launched into "OK then, I did come to amaze you, but your all a bunch of jackasses....especially you" She added dramatically, turning to Cranky Doodle.

"Oh fuck you" Cranky said, as he turned and left

"You get a pass cause I made fun of you first" Trixda said as she looked around "now there must be something to do...hmm" as she looked around, the friends of the pony she had bitch slapped approached her. They stayed back, but they where closer that the others. As Trixda looked at them, she realized what they where doing

"Your waiting for me to unfuse so you can attack me!" She giggled "How pathetic" and with that she took flight, she turned and found that the unicorn of the groups horn was lit "and a Tracking spell hu? Better get back to Spike, I feel he and Gilda's fusion will have more fun fighting these buffoons then I will" and with that she turned and flew full speed back towards the castle of the Two Sisters.

Author's Note:

Spike, he was ditched. that sucks, but im sure he and Gilda will ditch Trixie later, then the two of them will ditch Gilda as Trixike to do cool shit.

also the Personality of Fusions can be a little unpredictable.