• Published 14th Oct 2017
  • 457 Views, 5 Comments

The dragon from a different realm - Delta111

An ancient gold dragon from another dimmension seeks an old freind to redeem a favor. That favor being to protect its egg until it returns. But the dragon never returned.

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Chapter 2

Starswirl paced back and forth in his part of the castle of the two sisters deep underground. His workshop was a mess as usual. Old tomes and parchment cluttered his desk in organized chaos, his gizmos and projects placed upon the center table at random. He even had a potion making bench in the corner complete with beakers of various substances churning and gurgling within their containers and labeled with a hurried hand.

The clock tower chimed in the distance signaling five in the morning. Starswirl stopped pacing and made his way over to one of the stone walls lining the room. He worried that Ghillen Might not have made it to the portal he had created. Setting his hoof on one of the bricks he then took a breath before speaking in draconic, “May Bahumut guide my judgment.” He stepped back from the wall as a sigil in the form of an ascending dragon appeared. Starswirl then walked through the sigil and into the hidden room.

The two sisters had granted him this space to build his sanctuary as a thank you for defeating the sirens. But what he didn’t tell them was that he had built his personal library and vault down here as well. Nobody knew he was from a different dimension so they understand any of the knowledge or magical items that he brought over from his home dimension.

The space was about thirty feet square with meticulously organized shelves. There were about 50 artifacts and magic items contained upon the shelves on the left and books ranging from magic tomes written in elvish to history books that looked absolutely ancient. Then in the back of the room stood a glass case containing a suit of armor that was intended for a bipedal creature. Resting upon the breastplate was the same sigil as before but cast in pure platinum and in the armors strange looking appendage; a sword with a single sapphire imbedded in the hilt and the guard in the shape of feathered wings.
He walked over to it and stared into the empty eyes of the helm, “It seems that now is the time for Julien of Mt. Starswirl to finish what he had started”

“Finish what exactly?”

Starswirl didn’t even have to turn around to know it was Celestia standing behind him, her wise and even tone was now hostile with distrust. He turned around and looked at Celestia in the eye. She had emotionless expression on her face, “what kind of creature does that Armor fit.”

The silence grew deafening until Starswirl finally answered, “My original form is that of a creature called human, my name being Julian.”

He noticed that Celestia was carrying something in her magic aura. She followed his gaze and lifted the golden egg in the air, “here is the item you’re expecting. You better explain everything once I am finished with today’s duties.” She put the golden egg on the ground at Starswirl’s feet and turned to walk out the door then paused, “two dragons came out of a portal earlier this morning and the one known as Ghillen gave Luna this to pass along to you. He also said something about a dragon war happening in another dimension. Seeing as I’m the only one of us concerned by the possibility of this leading Equestria into conflict, you are being placed under guard. This secret room only furthers my suspicion.” She then went back up the stairs and into the castle.

Starswirl picked up the egg and then went into the work shop to write one last letter.

About twenty minutes later he set his quill down gently, placed it in an envelope with a key, sealed it and wrote it out to princess Celestia. Leaving the letter on the desk he looked about his work shop one last time before taking the egg into his vault and sealing it behind him. Once inside he placed it upon the nearest shelf once more and took off his hat and robe. He muttered out a spell and his body began to change. Hooves turned to hands and feet, fur turned into robes, and his horn a wand. He stretched his back and appendages which ached from the transformation. Looking down at the wand in his hand he threw it aside, “don’t even remember what this thing does.”

He walked among the shelves picking items that he would need on his quest back to the order’s citadel. He grabbed the bag of holding and put various items in it; an iron flask, a horse figurine made of obsidian, a sword made with a green dragons tooth for a hilt, a decanter of what appeared to be water fresh from a spring, an a miniature stone tower topped by small gargoyles. He was about to move along but something caught his eye, ‘Ah, the Belt of Dwarven Kind. I love the beard it gave me but it is trivial for this endeavor.’

He then picked up a piece of chalk and cloak binging them to the glass cabinet. He opened the cabinet and started putting on the armor and sheathing his sword. He put the cloak around his armor and picked the chalk up and drew some words and symbols on the back of the cabinet door. First he activated the cloaks magic making him completely invisible. He then cast the spell on the cabinet making a portal appear. As he was about to cross over he suddenly stopped, “I forgot something”
He walked over to the books and selected one Labeled Volo’s guide to hatchlings and placed it next to the egg. “Celestia Probably isn’t familiar with the rearing of metallic dragons.”

And with that he walked into the portal which closed behind him leaving nothing but a human sized hole in the glass.


Celestia completed various tasks as noon neared. Upon reaching a lull in her tasks she decided to check on Luna. She checked her room first but found that she was not there. Getting worried she decided to check with the guards posted outside of Starswirl’s basement Stairs. The reported that no one had entered and that Starswirl hadn’t come out either. Relived she dismissed her irrational fear and headed to the throne room.

Entering the throne room a defining shout filled her ears, “Not another step!” Celestia looked over to Luna who stood in between the two thrones. Her eyes Gleamed with jealousy, an expression that Celestia had rarely seen on her sister’s face, but now it also showed a twisted hatred very unlike her.
Instantly she knew that this wasn’t her sister.


Celestia dropped to her knees as the reality of what she just did sank in, ‘I just banished my own sister to the moon’
She then Shot up and ran to the Basement stairs and franticly asked for the whereabouts of Starswirl. The guards reported the same thing as earlier and Celestia descended the two flights of stairs. Throwing the door open she called out for him, “Starswirl come quick, I need your help. You’re the only one I know that can help Luna”

She looked around and found the letter that he had left Behind. Reading it her eyes began to fill with tears.

“Not you too”

AN: don’t worry it won’t always be this dramatic. (At least I hope not.) Also a big thank you to the people who commented, liked, or faved this story and I hope you enjoyed this chapter