• Published 19th Jul 2012
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Be careful what you wish for - Little Storm Cloud

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Chapter 2

The orphanage sucked. It smelled, no reeked, of of vomit and unpleasntries. We, and by that I mean me and the other pegasi foals, were kept in rooms of eight, with four bunk beds in the room. That was all that was in the room.

Of all the places I could be, I had to be in the official Cloudsdale Orphanage. All pegasi foals found anywhere were sent here, doesn’t matter where they were found or what happened to them, if they were orphaned they were here.

The room was made of white clouds, but they had been stained a light brown from years of use. The bunk beds were basically really badly made cloud furniture. The funny thing was that clouds that were made here could be fashioned to have the properties of wood and look like overly bright polished marble, but they couldn’t fix the fact that they were rickety and not fit for use.

I was in a room with five other foals. Two fillies and three colts, all of which kept their distance. I didn’t pay attention to them either; I was focused on looking like the best to adopt. Once a week we were taken down to a town on the ground in little cages like the ones that you’d take your pet to the vet in. Rumours told that today we were going to Canterlot. If not, it would be a few months until a chance like this came along. Ponies in Canterlot were apparently more keen on adopting than making babies of their own.

I’d learnt everything that I knew by eavesdropping on my roommates. I was constantly practising puppy dog eyes in the shard of a mirror that I had found underneath one of the beds, as I needed every tool at my disposal to get adopted. Finding a family was my highest priority right now, because then I could live the dream. I could have a fun life with ponies and… really just that. I could live a life better than that of my human one.

Then my attention was stolen by a large pegasus colts hoof driving into my temple. I was thrown into the ground by the blow, and as I saw the larger colt come closer, fear welled inside my chest. My vision was beginning to swim and I had only been hit once. Then a red blur came and smashed me in the eye. I was tearing up but I refused to make a noise. I stood up shakily and looked through my good eye and saw a large red pegasi colt with a light blue mane charging towards me. I jumped to the side as quick as a flash and felt the adrenalin pump into my veins. I was still rickety, partially because I had been struck in the head twice, but mainly because I wasn’t used to walking on hooves yet. It was just weird, having spent so much time on feet, to try and adjust to a new primary form of locomotion.

Every thought in my mind was stolen by the pain that erupted behind my ears and I yelped in pain. I knew what was happening. This colt was basically leader of all the other orphans in the room, and it wasn’t a democracy. He was a tyrant, and he was exercising is complete control by smashing the new foal.

He stomped me in the back a few times before stopping and shouting something about not listening to him at the other foals. My vision was a blur, but I saw him go up to one of the two fillies and slap her in the face.

That had done it. Somepony can bash me as much as they like, but nobo- I mean pony, hurts fillies. That’s just abusive. I stood up, anger flowing through me, and yelled “Hey, you buckin’ prick! Don’t hit fillies like that!”

He turned at me and laughed, then charged towards me. He slammed me up against the wall and… well I’m just going to say punched, because I have no idea if it’s called a punch if it’s with a hoof. He punched me in gut a few times, then whispered in my ear “You think you rule the place even after I beat the living crap out of you?” it was funny he said that because that was the first time I had even spoke after entering the room a few days ago. He slammed be against the wall a few more times. That’s about the time he felt something sharp and pointy stab into his side. I yanked the red shard of mirror out of him and watched blood, slow but steady, flow out of the wound and stain the cloud floor red.

About an hour later, a group of pegasi came and shoved us in the pet cages. All except that one red colt. He was taken to hospital and was being treated for a stab wound, which I had inflicted upon him. After around an hour of waiting, we arrived at the adoption centre at Canterlot. I was let out of my cage and led in through the back door. To all my knowledge all I had attained from the fight was a black eyes and a minor concussion. I’d be fine, but my chances of being adopted may have taken a turn for better or worse. My black eyes could make ponies feel sorry for me and take me into their families, or the fancy Canterlot folk might think me a wild child and I shun me.

It didn’t really matter though, because I was cramped inside a really uncomfortable wooden ‘cage’. It had bars but no roof, so I could easily escape, but I was deterred from that as soon as I saw security and their scary looking tasers. I had a good idea what they were for, so I didn’t dare. Instead I pulled my best puppy dog eyes I cloud for every visitor coming into the adoption centre.

Yet nopony chose me. Nopony wanted the pegasus with the mane that swooped down one side of his face. Nopony wanted the colt with the black eye. Nopony wanted ME. Until a lone mare walked into the store and took a look around. Soon she saw me and went to the counter. She pointed a hoof at me and I was immediately let lifted out of the cage and set on the floor.