• Published 1st Oct 2017
  • 1,979 Views, 3 Comments

Destiny's Child - Bronyxy

Twilight finds an orphaned foal and adopts it as her own, but Celestia knows that this bright young life is not long for this world. She is faced with the dilemma of what to tell her student, but even she cannot know the implications of her decision.

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1 Discovery

The Everfree Forest held mixed memories for Twilight, but regular walks to see her friend Zecora were helping her overcome her inner reticence. Today she would be taking the same path once more, this time to pick up some herbs that she had run out of, and quite probably stay a little longer to catch up on what had been happening. Overall, it had the makings of a good day.

Having nominated Spike to be in charge whilst she was gone, she donned her saddle bags and opened the front door, taking in the brightness and the freshness that lifted her slightly jaded senses from having been inside for too long. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as her chest swelled with the intoxicating mix of scents that comprised the outdoors and set off with an optimistic gait.

The walk through Ponyville offered the serendipitous opportunity to say hello to a number of friends and acquaintances before reaching the edge of the village whereupon the welcome chance encounters with other ponies evaporated and the roads lost their crisp definition as they degenerated into narrowing tracks.

She was well on her way through the outer reaches of the Everfree when she became aware of a movement off to one side; something low down. Immediately she felt an unwelcome tingling sensation spread from her back down all four legs before discharging through her hooves. She told herself not to be scared, but planned escape routes either way down the track just in case.

Keeping a good look around her just in case she was going to be jumped, Twilight edged closer to get a better view of what had caught her eye. Whilst maintaining a healthy respect for her potential escape routes, she headed in closer until she was finally able to make out the form of a white pegasus, spread across the ground at an unnatural angle, yet this was not the focus of her gaze, moreover it was the foal laid down beside the larger white form.

Twilight suddenly lost sense of concern for herself and started talking quietly and soothingly to the foal whose ears twitched in response, but it made no effort to get up. She edged closer in and saw claw marks on the body of the larger pegasus, some of which had cut deep rents through the coat. A large patch of blood stained earth lay a few yards to one side, and a diminishing dark trail led to the body. She could only assume that one of the hellish monsters from within the Everfree had attacked the two pegasi and that the older one had defended the foal, but at a heavy cost.

Bending down to conduct a closer examination, she quickly noticed that the adult, a female, had lost her fight many hours ago, probably during the night and there was nothing that could be done to help her now. The young foal turned to face Twilight, who had stopped talking while she had been conducting her examination, and so, feeling chastened, she resumed her soft and reassuring monologue. At this, the foal laid its head down again, satisfied that its meagre request had been met.

“Well, little one” soothed Twilight “We can’t leave you here for another scary monster to come back, now can we?”
She gathered up some soft grasses and moss and lined one of her saddle bags, then tucked the foal inside, tying the strap so that it could stick its head out but not escape. She also wasn’t about to leave the body of the brave pegasus mare for the wild animals, but couldn’t carry her on her back lest this present too much of a grim image to the foal, so she picked up the lifeless body in a levitation spell and carried it back out onto the track and off towards Zecora.

It was hard work maintaining the levitation spell for more than a minute, but she wasn’t prepared to stop with the risk of a dangerous animal on the loose, so strained hard to keep the lifeless pegasus aloft. The twists and turns of the rough track seemed to wind on forever, so she was relieved to see Zecora’s hut finally appear from the expanse of forest, emerging utterly drained with her unexpected cargo.

“Twilight Sparkle bring that pony through;
Quick, let me see what I can do.”

“It’s too late for that Zecora I’m afraid” said Twilight solemnly.
“I couldn’t exactly carry her back into Ponyville like this, so I hope you don’t mind” she continued.

“The loss of this poor dear is tragic
But why carry her in your magic?

“Because of this Zecora”, said Twilight removing her saddle bags and helping the young foal to get out.
Zecora gasped at the sight of the helpless little foal and suddenly appreciated the full scope of the situation.

“I have some milk that I can warm through
Feeding this babe is the first thing to do.”

“You’re right Zecora, we don’t know how long she’s been out there” agreed Twilight picking up the foal and settling down to give it a comforting hug. Although she was both physically and mentally drained, the lilac unicorn’s maternal instinct was strong and as she hugged the precious little bundle, she allowed a tear to roll down her muzzle for its mother.

The little foal opened a big eye to look at Twilight. A bond had been struck that she couldn’t avoid.
“It’s OK, little one” she said softly “I’ll look after you. I promise.”
Although the foal had no idea what the lilac mare had just said, the tone was comforting and it closed its eye again, feeling the warmth of a loving embrace.

Zecora emerged shortly with some warmed milk and an improvised bottle. Twilight accepted the gift graciously and tilted the foal to accept the treat, gently aligning the teat end with its mouth. It opened its eyes and accepted the feed, gulping greedily at the first meal it had enjoyed in hours. Twilight angled the bottle to make the feeding as easy as possible and cradled the foal lovingly, acting every inch as the surrogate mother that she had just become. Zecora looked on at the scene of placid contentment and smiled; the foal was very lucky to have been discovered by Twilight.

Zecora left the bonding pair together and walked off to look at the injuries that had killed the foal’s mother. The spacing between the claw marks alerted her to the size of the monster that had caused the wounds and sent a shiver down her spine; the Everfree had suddenly become a whole lot more dangerous.

Once the foal had been fed, Twilight loaded her saddle bags on one side with some of the herbs she had come out for in the first place, and returned the sleepy foal to its travelling compartment on the other side. Zecora was not going to see Twilight make the return journey alone, so they tucked the body of the white mare in a secure room where nothing could get at it until they returned before setting off together; it was the least they could do to protect her dignity.

Some way along the track, Twilight pointed out the location where she had first encountered the pegasi; the deep coloured blood stains still a horrible monument to the last moments of the foal’s courageous mother. Zecora shook her head in concern and stopped, facing the scene. She chanted a few arcane words, bowed and then rejoined Twilight.

The friends walked on in silence, together and apart, each ruminating over their thoughts; Twilight thinking how she could best look after the foal and Zecora contemplating with apprehension what the immediate future would hold in store for her, living inside the boundary of the forest.

The streets of Ponyville were reassuringly busy and came as a welcome relief from the tension they had both felt on their trek through the outskirts of the Everfree. They walked back to the Golden Oak library where Spike greeted them at the door and ushered them in. He showed little interest in the saddle bags as Twilight removed them and carefully placed them on the floor, but his interest was piqued when he noticed the attentiveness that the two recent arrivals were showing in them.

“So, what’s in the bags Twi?” he asked.
Twilight ssshhed him and he looked at her askance; doing as he had been bidden, but frowning an inquisitive look at her. She untied the top of one of the bags just enough to confirm the sleeping form of the foal inside; Twilight and Zecora both smiling maternally. Spike looked in too.
“Oh wow, Twi” he whispered “she’s beautiful.”
“Actually we don’t know if it’s a ‘he’ or a ‘she’ yet Spike” replied Twilight “There have been far more pressing issues to contend with.”
Spike looked at her inquisitively once more.

“Zecora, would you look after our guest while I let Princess Celestia know what’s happened please?” Twilight quested.
The inquisitive baby dragon kept trying to look back at the foal as Twilight ushered him out of the room, the librarian catching a nod from Zecora to confirm everything would be alright while she dictated her letter.

“Dear Princess Celestia” she began “I have to inform you that I found a dead pegasus in the Everfree Forest on the way to Zecora’s hut. She was an adult, white coat, red and blue mane, and had been attacked by some creature with large claws.”
Spike looked startled at this news, but kept writing.
“Are you OK Twi?” he asked.
“Yes, yes” replied Twilight “Come on Spike, let’s finish this first. It’s important Princess Celestia gets to hear the news without delay.”
Feeling a little admonished, Spike continued catching up with the dictation.
“She was also defending a young foal; white coat, burgundy mane, and I’m happy to look after it until family can be traced. Please let me know what more I can do in this matter. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”
“Twi-light Spar-kle” finished Spike.
“OK” said the prized student “Now send it please Spike.”

Spike despatched the letter in typical dragon fashion and waited.
“Hey Twi, how long do you reckon before …” Spike belched and a scroll appeared to answer his unfinished question.
“Dear Twilight Sparkle” he read out loud “Thank you for letting me know. I will come and join you shortly. Princess Celestia.”

“Right, Spike” said Twilight, “Mr and Mrs Cake have two foals the same age. Please would you run over to Sugarcube Corner and ask if they can help us out here?”
“Sure thing, Twi” responded Spike throwing a casual salute before the librarian opened the door into the main room where Zecora stood over the still sleeping foal. He walked slowly as he stared at their young guest, dragging his heels to watch it for longer, until Twilight gave him a gentle nudge to set him on his way.

Only ten minutes later, Mrs Cake quietly opened the door and let herself in, placing a bundle of supplies on the floor, before tiptoeing over to greet the librarian and the zebra with kindly smiles.
“Oh the poor dear” she whispered “Lost its mother, Spike was saying. Still, it looks content enough at the moment. I’ve brought a bottle and some milk and some diapers too. Oh, and some of the more regular medicines, just in case.”
“Mrs Cake, thank you, you’re so kind” replied Twilight “I’m not really conversant with how to use all these things properly, but I’m sure there’s a book somewhere.”
Mrs Cake giggled “It’s instinctive. I’ll stay for a while and show you if you like.”

Word was starting to get round about the incident in the Everfree and new foal at the library, and it wasn’t long before visitors were rolling up to see for themselves. Zecora kindly accepted the gifts that kind ponies brought along, but limited access to Twilight’s immediate friends and the three young fillies that called themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

The foal stated to stir and Twilight looked nervously at Mrs Cake who deftly slipped in to fit a diaper in expectation of things to come. She turned to Twilight and smiled “I think we can safely say this is a ‘she’.”
For some reason, Twilight just felt she could burst with pride now knowing the gender. In fairness she would probably have acted just the same to receive the news that it was a colt …

Twilight picked her up and cradled her lovingly to a chorus of “Awww” from everypony present, just like she was her own. While Mrs Cake prepared a bottle, the friends all introduced themselves in turn and gave the foal a gentle tickle, every one of them being rewarded by a little giggle. Then came the three youngest fillies to be allowed in, a yellow earth pony with a red ribbon in her mane being first up.
“Apple Bloom” she said. The foal giggled, then surprised everypony present:
“Loom” she said. Apple Bloom’s mouth fell open and she gasped, clapping her forehooves together while a broad smile spread across her face. The foal clapped her forehooves together too and she giggled even more. If she had melted everyponys’ hearts earlier, she had now won them over completely.

A white unicorn came along next “Sweetie Belle” she announced.
“Loom” said the foal and clapped her hooves together, giggling. Those ponies that didn’t giggle all said “Awww”
Scootaloo tried her luck next, but was met with the same response.
“Well everypony” said Twilight “It looks like she’s going to be called Loom.”
“Loom” said the foal, clapping her forehooves once more.

Just then, Loom scrunched up her face and a familiar sound emanated from her diaper. Those who hadn’t changed diapers before all responded with an “Ewww”, while those with more experience of foalcare just smiled.

Mrs Cake brought the freshly prepared bottle over and Twilight held it for Loom, who took it in her mouth and gulped down the warm milk as fast as she could, taking little gasping breaths between gulps, all the time keeping Twilight fixed with her beautiful big eyes.

Nopony noticed when Princess Celestia arrived, so enamoured were they all with little Loom. Spike noticed first and shot out “Princess Celestia!” His sudden outburst caused Loom to falter and begin to whimper, rejecting her bottle.

A path cleared for Celestia to get through while Twilight gently rocked Loom in her cradled forelegs, getting her to calm down once more.
“Twilight” beamed Celestia “You really have a mother’s skills with that young foal.”
“Her name’s Loom” said Apple Bloom “After me.”
Celestia chuckled. “Loom it is then” she replied.

While Twilight was busy, Zecora took Celestia to one side and explained everything that had happened, the Royal Princess’s face furrowing more deeply with every detail she heard.
“Twilight” Celestia said “Zecora and I will take the Royal chariot so she can show me the evidence and we will then be able to recover the larger item you had to leave behind. I will be back as soon as I am able, but in the meantime I can see little Loom is in the best hooves.”
At this, Twilight blushed and resumed her foal sitting duties under the supervision of Mrs Cake.

Celestia returned some time later to find the same crowd still in the Golden Oak library as she had seen when she had left. Twilight was cuddling Loom and singing gentle songs to her.
“Twilight, I am so proud of you” said the Princess “You make an excellent mother.” Then her smile dropped as she closed in to continue, but not for anypony else’s ears.
“We have recovered the mother and will give her a burial as befits somepony of her heroism. Zecora has chosen to stay in the Everfree Forest, so I have cast a spell around her hut to keep her safe. I have also spoken with the Mayor and agreed to increase patrols to protect everypony in the area until we can catch whatever was responsible for this attack.
“Sounds like you’ve had a busy day Princess” said Twilight.

“May I see if I can find out a little more about your new friend please?”
Twilight nodded and Celestia lit her horn, a yellow aura forming round the tip. She closed her eyes in concentration and allowed her magic to weave around the young filly. She took her time, then retracted suddenly and without warning, for what her magic had shown shocked her; Loom was suffering from a congenital condition that meant she was not destined to grow much older. Twilight had not been watching her mentor’s face, because if she had, her next question would have been different.
“Did you get any clue as to who she may be Princess?” she asked innocently.
“No Twilight, I’m sorry” replied Celestia a little too hurriedly “Thank you for your time; I must return now; there are a lot of preparations to make if we are to protect Ponyville from the creatures that roam the Everfree Forest.”

Celestia departed the library and stepped into her chariot, being pulled into the air shortly afterwards. Only then did she allow the tears she had held back in the presence of her student to build in her eyes, and stifled quiet little sobs as she dwelt on the prospect of this bright young filly never fulfilling her potential.