• Published 18th Apr 2019
  • 445 Views, 5 Comments

Yamcha in Equestria - Applefai

Yamcha wakes up in a strange new world, but how did he get there and why is he there

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It all still seems like a dream to me. I mean, I heard Babidi use his spell on me, but it just feels unreal about where he sent me. It was a place that is filled with hope and friendship, and even though their world faces danger, it's not like ours. Although I loved the power I got there, I'm glad to be home because I learned a pretty valuable lesson there. I awoke hearing unfamiliar voices.

"Nurse Redheart, is he gonna be ok?" someone asked. Then many more voices came one after the other.

"We found him unconscious near the Everfree Forest," said another voice as soft as silk.

"It appears he took quite a beatin'," replied another.

"He looks familiar," another chimed in.

"I'm unsure at the moment. I've never seen anything like him before. I'm just surprised that the equipment we have works on him. We just need to wait and see, you're all welcome to stay in here if you wish," answered Nurse Redheart.

When I finally opened my eyes, all I could tell was that I was lying down. I was in a hospital by the looks of it. Usually, I'm not so lucky.

"Oh, thank Celestia you're ok, how are you feeling?" someone asked.

"Oh, I'm fine thanks for-" I was going to reply before I stopped midsentence as I stared there amazed. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

"Sir, are you alright?"

I still couldn't bring myself to say anything.

The purple pony stepped forward. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and you are?"

I managed to say my name. "I'm Yamcha."

"Well, Yamcha, welcome to Equestria or to be more specific Ponyville.

"Di-did you say Ponyville?" I asked

Twilight nodded. "Yes, I did."

"How'd I get here? The last thing I remember is training for the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament."

"World Martial Arts Tournament, is that like the Iron Pony Competition?" another pony asked.

"Not really, umm." I sat there not knowing her name.

"Oh, I'm sorry sugar cube, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Applejack. Nice to meet ya.

"I'm sorry I'm just not that quite used to talking ponies," I admitted.

"And what pray tell are you used to talking, darling?" asked another with a curly mane to which I answered.

"Well, sometimes dinosaurs, aliens, a pig, and a cat... Wait a minute." I realized Puar wasn't with me. "Where's Puar?"

The curly-maned pony asked, "Hmm, who's Puar, darling?"

"My friend. He's been with me ever since we met, well besides the time I was dead."

"Woah Woah Woah, if you were dead, then how come you're alive now?" the one with a rainbow mane asked, confused.

"Well," as I was just about to answer a pink hyperactive pony explained introduction me to the rest of them in the process.

"That's easy, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight, this is Yamcha he's from the Dragon Ball universe or dimension whatever you wanna call it. They're the same to me, anyway in Yamcha's world they have these things called dragon balls and if you collect all seven you are granted one or three wishes depending on which ones you use, if it's Kami's earth Dragon Balls you get one wish, and if it's Dende's earth Dragon Balls you get three, you can use them to bring people back to life or anything you want as long as the wish isn't beyond the power of the dragon's creator."

I sat there amazed until I responded with "Yeah, that's pretty much it and who are..."

Before I could finish, she said. "Oh, I'm Pinkie Pie."

As I talked with Pinkie Pie I realized I didn't answer Applejack's question, "Well to answer your question Applejack, the World Martial Arts Tournament is where fighters from all around the globe come to compete for the title of world champion."

Rainbow Dash said, "That sounds awesome."

"It is Rainbow Dash."

"Well, we don't know how to get you back, but once you're released from the hospital, you're more than welcome to stay at my castle until we find out how to send you back," Twilight offered.

"Thank you, Twilight."

When we got to the castle, Twilight said, "Welcome to the castle Yamcha you can stay in one of the guest rooms that we keep open I just hope you don't mind some other guest and resident, ah, here they are, allow me to introduce you to Spike my number one assistant and Starlight my star pupil, she will be assisting me to find a way to get you home."

I said, "nice, to meet you two."

"Huh, pardon me, mister?" Spike said.

"Oh, you can just call me Yamcha, Spike".

"Oh, ok Yamcha, what's it like in your world and what are you like in your world?" he asked.

"I'd like to know as well."

"Oh, ok. Sit down Twilight and Spike, and I'll tell you all about me and my world." The story I told them was this.

"In my world, I'm part of a group called the Z fighters we often help out in battling threats to the earth, I'm actually one of the strongest members and only died once. After I was revived with the Dragon Balls I jumped straight back into action to battle evil androids that were threatening the people of earth, I could have stopped there, but I wanted more of a challenge, so I volunteered to battle Cell after someone already failed. Cell was a bio-android that got his power by absorbing others. I defeated him and saved all my friends and the earth. So yeah pretty much I'm the strongest person in my world and a well-known hero. After I finished my story Spiked said.

"Wow, you're amazing mister Yamcha."

"Ah, I'm not that amazing Spike."

Twilight said, "Well that was a very interesting story, but we should get to work to sending you back, it sounds like they need you there, come on Starlight."

"Oh, coming Twilight."

I chimed in "hold up I'll join you two."

When we were in Twilight's research room Twilight started talking. "Starlight, we need to get Yamcha back to his home universe or dimension whatever you want to call it, do you know a spell that can help?" She asked Starlight

To which she replied "I don't, Twilight time travel is one thing, but dimension or universe travel is hard even for me.

"Maybe Rarity's husband might be able to help." Twilight suggested.

"You know he has a name right?" Starlight asked.

But before I could ask who he was or Starlight could answer, Pinkie Pie appeared and said.

"Oh, he's the author of this story, and he doesn't want to add his OC's name because he's afraid someone will steal it. That's why he didn't add it in his other story."

I was confused as to what Pinkie meant, but Twilight just asked.

"Pinkie, how did you get in here with the door locked?"

"Twilight, I think you and I both know you shouldn't question me."

And all Twilight could say was. "You're right, Pinkie, anyway I'll call Rarity over tomorrow and see if her husband can help."

The next morning Rarity came over, due to Twilight's request.

"Rarity, I'm glad you're here. Starlight and I can't find a way to send Yamcha back to his world." she said, "Do you think your husband can help?"

"I'm sure he can darling, but he's away on business at the moment, and I don't know when he'll be back."

Twilight replied. "Oh, ok thanks though Rarity."

I was unsure if they really didn't find a way to send me back. "Hey, guys you sure you didn't find a way to send me back?"

"Sadly yes, Yamcha," Twilight replied, "We don't even know how you got here." She added. "Do you recall anything else before you awoke here?" she asked me

"Let me think Twilight. I think I recall someone saying in my sleep I need to learn a lesson and the next thing I know I was here."

"A lesson, why didn't you say, so that's what we're all about," Twilight said and before she could say anything else I heard Spike scream.

"TWILIGHT!!!!, I just got a letter from Princess Celestia, Chrysalis is attacking the Crystal Empire," he said in an urgent tone.