• Published 18th Sep 2017
  • 346 Views, 2 Comments

Sides Of Two - CakeHatColt

CakeHat Colt and Shield Strong, two opposite individual who share the same body, move to Ponyville with intent to live a normal life. However trouble emerges, as a trio of mercenaries target Princess Twilight.

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Chapter 2: The Royal Meeting

It was the morning after the attack of the mercenaries. Shield Strong and CakeHat Colt were walking in the halls of the only Ponyville Hospital. Shield wanted to check on the princess for information. See if she has any ideas to who would want to kill her. Unlike Colt, Shield was a war strategist. He planned his actions before setting them in motion. But in order to have a full-scale plan he needs all the facts, or at least as much as he can get.

They entered Twilight’s room. She was asleep with a computer monitor keeping track of her heart beat. She had a couple bandages on her but nothing too serious.

Colt walked up to her, “So,” he asked Shield, “What now?”

“Wake her up,” Shield replied taking control and changings into his appearance, “obviously.”

“Shield, that is rude! We should wait for her to wake up on her own.”

“That’ll take too long.” Shield clapped his hooves together in front of Twilight’s face.

She slowly started to wake up, her sight was blurry and couldn’t hear clearly.

“Hey? You awake?”, Shield asked, then he heard multiple hoof-steps getting closer to the room. “Someone’s coming.”

“It must be the rest of the Elements of Harmony.” Colt clarified.

“Darn it,” Shield said hiding behind the current right next to Twilight’s monitor, where he found another hospital bed and went under it. “I should’ve came here sooner.”

“Why are you hiding?” Colt questioned Shield’s hiding, “It’s not like they’re going to imprison you or something. Matter of fact, I’m sure they’ll be thanking you, if anything.”

“I’ve already told you I don’t want them to know about me,” Shield whispered, “Now be quiet so I don’t have the need to reply to you.”

Then the Elements of Harmony finally walked in. All six of them were in the room: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. They noticed Twilight was waking up and were excited.

“Twilight!” Pinkie shouted and jumped on the bed for a hug, “You’re awake! We were so worried you would never wake up and if you never woke up that would mean we couldn’t have fun anymore! Actually we could but it would be really depressing.”

“Thanks Pinkie,” Twilight said to her, with a smile, and then to everyone else, “and thank you all for coming for my sake. I mean it.”

“Oh phff.” Rarity said, “of course, darling, what are friends for?”

“Yeah,” Applejack added, “We’ll always be there for ya. No matter what.”

“Speaking of being there…” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight, “Who were those three nut jobs trying to kill you? And why?!”

“I don’t know,” Twilight answered, “I don’t know anything about them or their motives. I do know that they’re too strong to fight against. If it wasn’t for that mysterious pony I’ve would be dead by now.”

“What ‘mysterious pony’?” Applejack asked.

“Oh yeah,” Rainbow forgot to mention, “There was this purple stallion, that jumped in just in time so I could grab her and get out. I got no idea who he was though.”

“Pinkie…” Twilight asked, “You know everypony in town. Do you know who this ‘purple stallion’ was?”

“Don’t know,” She replied, “I wasn’t able to get a good look before Rainbow grabbed me with you.”

The six stood in silence for a second before someone said outside the room, “I might be able to help.” Everyone knew that voice. The six were shocked, while all that Shield could think, under the bed, was “Gosh darn it.” It was, in fact, Princess Celestia walking in.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight said in shock, “What are you doing here?”

“Well”, Celestia explains, “Yesterday a friend of mine contacted me about what happened and so I decided to come by and check up on you.”

“I told you what happened,” Shield complained in silence, “so you can send over RazorShot to help me with the mercenaries. Not to do a freaking check up.”

“Oh,” Twilight said with a little blush, “Why thank you Celestia…” She went back to the topic at hand, “wait, you said you’re maybe able to help. Does that mean you know who saved me?”

“Let’s see,” She said, turning to Rainbow, “Rainbow Dash? Did this ‘purple stallion’ have a black and white mane? With brown eyes?”

“Yeah actually,” Rainbow answered, “How did you know all that?”

Celestia went closer to the bed, “Well, since he already revealed himself to you, he’s the friend I was talking about.”

“What do you mean by ‘revealed himself’?” Twilight asked in curiousity.

“I would explain it to you…” She replied, “However, I’m sure he’ll want to explain for himself.” She stares at the bed next to Twilight’s bed, where Shield was hiding, “Isn’t that right, Shield?”

“Gosh darn it, Celestia.” Shield said coming out of hiding, “Couldn’t you just send a letter or something to them?” He knew if he didn’t come out now she would have just lifted the bed anyways. So better make this quick.

“Well yes…” Celestia replied, “But I just felt that this would be the perfect time to finally introduce Twilight to you.”

“In other words,” Shield complained, “you just wanted to make my life more complicated than it already is.”

“So…”Applejack asked, “Who are ya, again?”

Shield sighed and introduced himself, “My name’s Shield Strong.”

The room went silent, the six elements of harmony thought he was going to add on so they waited.

“Is that it?” Rainbow asked, finally.

“What?” Shield replied, “Do you want an autobiography?”

“Shield here,” Celestia explained, “Is a long time friend that has helped me many times in the past.”

“’Friend’ is a stretch, don’t you think?,” Shield corrected, “I prefer the term ‘ally’.”

“You would think 16 years,” Celestia questioned, “would be enough time for you to start calling me a ‘friend’?”

“I really don’t have time for this.” Shield ignored Celestia and directed his attention to Twilight. “Listen, the three who attacked you were mercenaries, so do you know anyone who would want you dead?”

“What are ‘mercenaries’?” Pinkie asked.

“Seriously?…” Shield asked annoyed. “Can one of you explain it to her later?”

“Actually Ah never heard bout ‘mercenaries’ either,” Applejack said along with the rest of the Elements to nod and agree to her statement.

A vein popped up on Shield’s head and his eye twitched. “how about assassins?” They shook their heads, which meant ‘no’, he rolled his eyes, “bounty hunters?” They nod their heads saying ‘yes they know’ to each other. “….Alright it’s official. I hate all of you. You six for not knowing what a mercenary or assassin is,” he points at the Elements then to Celestia, “and you for not putting two simple words in the dictionary.”

“Well you don’t have to be an asshole about it.” Rainbow said to Shield.

“Nor do I have to be here listening to dimwits.” Shield rebuttal, “but I am,” he turns to Twilight, “Now can you answer my question.”

“I’m sorry Shield Strong,” Twilight answered his previous question. “I don’t know anypony who would want to kill me.”

“That’s all I needed to know.” Shield said heading out the door. “Thank you for your time.”

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Rainbow Dash flew to the door to prevent Shield from leaving, “We still got questions for you.”

“I really prefer to leave now.” Shield responded, “Like the rest of you, I got plans for today I have to follow through on.”

“Hey you asked us questions,” Rainbow declared, “Now we have to ask you questions.”

“Come on Shield,” Celestia convinced him, “Few questions never hurt anypony.”

“Yeah,” Colt agreed, “It’ll only be a few. You’ll be fine.”

Shield grunted, “Fine.” He proceeded to sit down staring at the Elements of Harmony. “but you can only ask one; you know since I only asked one question.”

“How did you-” Rainbow was about to ask him how he blocked the magic blast for Twilight but Twilight cut her off.

“Why did you save me?” She asked, the room went silent for a moment until Rainbow continued with…

“Yeah actually that’s a better question,” She examined him, “You don’t really seem like the hero type.”

Shield took a breathe to collect his thoughts, “There are many reason to why I saved you. It’s because you and your friends can wield the elements, it’s because you’re a symbol, it’s because you could be a better leader than Celestia one day. To put it simply I saved you because you’re still important to Equestria. Matter of fact, if you weren’t any of those I would have let you die.”

The room went into shock except for Twilight, Celestia, and Applejack.

“Hey,” Rainbow shouted at him, “There’s no need to say something like that.”

He stood up again and started to walk out, “I’m done here. Also when I’m done with those mercenaries, who are after me too by the way, learn how to deal with them on your own.”

They all stood in silence as they watched Shield walk out.

“Shield Strong,” Twilight said, which caused Shield to stop, “Thank you…” He didn’t say anything back; he just kept walking.

“Twilight!” Rarity said, “How could you say that to him after he threaten to leave you to die?”

Twilight turned to Celestia, “He was lying, wasn’t he?”

“Oh you saw through him too?” Celestia turned to her to respond, “he never was a good liar.”

“It doesn’t matter if he was lying or not.” Rainbow shouted in anger, “That’s not something to joke about, especially since it almost happened.”

“Ah think,” Applejack spoke, “that Shield feller’s hiding something he doesn’t want us to know about.”

“How can you tell?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s just a feelin’.” Applejack answered.

“That’s still no excuse to say such thing.” Rarity rebuttal.

“Girls, girls.” Celestia calmed them down, “I’m sorry for Shield’s behavior. He’s a nice guy once you get to know him. Promise.”

“More like just a bigger asshole.” Rainbow said over Celestia.

“Oh I almost forgot!” Celestia began to explain, “Because of yesterday’s event, I’ve decided to send one of my best Royal Guards down and help you in case you need it.”

“That’s much appreciated, Celestia.” Twilight thanked, “Thank you, we could use all the help we can get.”

With that Celestia said her goodbyes and headed back to Canterlot.

Meanwhile…in the Everfree Forest there was a small wooden shack where the trio of mercenaries were sheltered in. SpeedStab, the leader, was shouting in fury about the fight with Shield, while trying to relieve stress with a punching bag. Rookie was tinkering with one of his gadgets to relieve his stress and Dark Story was going through a pile of books. Speed and Rookie both had bandages for their injuries.

“Unbelievable!” Speed shouted punching her bag, “Outwitted by a mere earth pony! A EARTH PONY! THOSE BRAIN DEAD HILLBILLIES ARE SUPPOSE TO BE ONLY GOOD AT FARMING! WHY? HOW!”

“Jeez can you be any louder?” Rookie asked taking a break from his tinkering and look over his shoulder towards her.

“Fuck you, Rookie!” Speed shouted over him.

“I know that lost was painful,” Rookie reasoned with her, “but if you keep being so loud you’ll attract unwanted guest.” He referred to the Timberwolves in the area.

“I’m just so pissed.” Speed said stopping her punching, “That reward money was so close to being ours. Then comes along a earth pony, of all ponies, and kicks our ass without even breaking a sweat! How can you be so relaxed about this?” She asked Rookie.

“Maybe because I’m not a racist fuck like you.” Rookie responded. “Besides I bet Dark can fight him.”

“What makes you say that?” Dark asked him as he was looking through his books.

“Whenever that guy made a move you weren’t as shocked as we were.” Rookie explained, “So clearly you could actually see his movements using that special 2,000 year old martial arts of yours.”

“Well... you’re not wrong,” Dark replied, still reading.

“What are you looking at anyways?” Speed walked over to Dark and noticed the book he was looking at. “Hey that’s the fairy tale book Grandpa use to show us when we were kids. Why are you reading it now?”

“The earth pony said his name was ‘Shield Strong’…” Dark answered, “I know I remember something being said about him in one of Grandpa’s old books so I’m looking to see if I’m right.”

“Alright, I’ll help.” Speed sat down and grabbed a book, “If it means we can kick the shit out of that earth pony I’m all in.”

“’Shield Strong’ huh?” Rookie thought, “that name sounds so stupid. Matter of fact, why does everypony’s name sound stupid?”

“What are you getting at, Rookie?” Speed asked, still looking through the book.

“I mean think about it,” he explains and goes back to tinkering, “’Shield Strong’ that literally sounds like what he does for a living. Shields ponies from harmful magic and is very strong. Dark Story’s name makes him sound like an edgelord with a tragic past. Your name, again, sounds like exactly what you do for a living. Even my actual name, ‘Thunder Smash’, makes it seems it’s like that because I use thunder magic.” He looks at Speed, “you get what I’m saying?”

“All I understood was that you’re name is stupid, which we already established a long time ago, so we call you Rookie.” Speed responded still looking through the books, “So yeah I got what you said.”

“I am really not in the mood for your shit, SpeedStab.” Rookie responded with a vein of anger popping out.

“I think I found it.” Dark said gaining all the attention in the room. Speed looks at the book Dark had open. It was a history book titled “History Of The Dragon Style”. There is a page with a drawing of Shield on it.

“What does it say?” Speed asked, while Rookie decided to listen in.

“’Shield Strong,’” Dark read, “’became the youngest Master of The Dragon Style of Life, by the age of 15’!”

“Wait what?” Speed said in shock, “That has to be a mistake. It should take at least 10 to 15 years to master one of the dragon styles!”

“Yes,” Dark answered, “but I don’t find it impossible for somepony to master one of the styles at such a young age, and that isn’t the problem…” He paused in shock, the other two were now actually worried for Dark. They looked at each other then back at him.

“What’s the problem?” Rookie asked.

“This…” Dark answered, “Is a history book. And it says this happened over 1,000 years ago…”

The room went silent. Everyone was shocked at that piece of information. Rookie was looking down trying to wrap his head around it. Speed went to her punching bag in silence. “What the hell is this place?” she finally said, punching the bag “First we find out Alicorns are real!” Another punch, “Then there’s a earth pony smart enough to use enchanted items and technology, we only dream about.” a few more punches, “Now you’re telling me this same earth pony is immortal and has mastered an ancient martial art passed down in are family.” She shouts at Dark, “Am I hearing this right?!” Her eyes swore from anger.

“It appears to be that way,” Dark said trying to not cause her being any more upset, “…yes…”

She punches the punching bag, causing it to fly off it’s harness, while screaming to the top her lunges. “AAAAGGGGHHHH I’M SO PISSED RIGHT NOW!” She goes to the bag on the floor and continues to beat it up.

“Hey Dark,” Rookie asked him in a whisper, “After this, can we, like, take her to see a Psychiatrist?” Then immediately, the punching bag was thrown at Rookie, hitting him in the face with it. He fell down head first.

“DON’T THINK I DIDN’T HEAR YOU ROOKIE!” Speed said in blind rage then she ran outside and continued her rampage on a nearby tree.

“Jeez…” Rookie said rubbing his face in pain, “Can you just-” he stood back up and was about to shout back in anger until Dark stopped him by covering his mouth.

“Fighting her right now is a bad move,” Dark whispered back and removed his hoof from Rookie’s mouth, “Just let her relax on her own.”

“Fine….,” Rookie looked at Speed in her rage, then turned back to Dark. “What is this ‘Dragon Style’ anyways?” Rookie asked, “I know that it makes you stronger or something but that’s really it.”

Dark sat down next to Rookie, “The Dragon Style is what said to be the beginning of all martial arts. It is said if you have mastered one of the three styles you have mastered all the other arts as well. The Dragon Style, once mastered, can allow you increased strength but for a cost. The cost differs with each style: the Dragon Style of Life increases your strength by using your emotions as fuel. For example, the more you care for somepony the stronger you become. The Dragon Style of Death increases your strength by draining your own magic, which is dangerous because if you stay in that state for a long period of time you could die from it. Then there’s the Dragon Style of The Afterlife, which increases your strength, by draining magic from everything around you.”

“I see…” Rookie responded finding it clicking in his head. “So what Styles do you two have?” He referred to Dark and Speed.

“I’ve mastered the Dragon Style Of Death,” Dark answered, “However, Speed couldn’t master any of the styles. You need certain requirements to master one of the Dragon Styles, such as having control over your emotions and patients.”

“I can see that,” Rookie responded looking outside the Shack watching Speed finally calming down, “She really isn’t either of those things.” He turned his head to Dark again, “So…about this ‘Shield’ guy, you going to work on a plan or something?”

“Hmm…” Dark thought, getting up, “Well yes, but the question is, how can we kill somepony who can’t be killed?”

“Not really possible…” Rookie responded, “but it’s a good thing we’re not facing somepony unkillable.”

“You don’t think he’s immortal?” Dark asked

“Oh no! I do!,” Rookie corrected, “But if he couldn’t be killed, then why does he have enchanted items to defend himself with? My guess is that he can die but he made sure killing him will be the toughest thing to ever do.”

“I see…” Dark understood Rookie’s point of view, “You may be onto something, Rookie.”

“Obviously,” Rookie retorted, then shouted for Speed to get back inside so they could figure out a plan to fight their immortal enemy, Shield Strong.


Colt and Shield walk into their house. Colt jumps on the couch to relax a bit before they go to do their next objective. While Flame was up stairs still unpacking.

“Well that happened.” Colt said in exhaustion, “you know, Shield, I know you don’t like them but you didn’t have to be a dick to them.”

“I did all that was necessary.” Shield denied, “I only said all of that so they don’t go to me for help.” He continued, “After this, I’m done fighting.”

“Oh guys!” Flame shouted in excitement, “You’re back!” She flew down stairs with a newspaper with her. She tossed it to Colt, “You’ll never guess what’s in the newspaper!”

Colt picked it up and read the front page. It was titled “A New Hero of Ponyville”, with a picture of Shield fighting the two mercenaries.

“Oh shit!” Colt said, “Look Shield, you’re in the paper!” He processed to smile with Flame Cloud.

Shield was only left in shock. It felt like a nightmare; he got what he never wanted and strived to never have...

Author's Note:

So I originally meant to upload weekly but I noticed a couple people liked this enough to add to their favorites or other folders so I find that really cool and here. But I will upload the next chapter a week from now and after that don't expect the 4th chapter because I'm not done with that yet. Writer's block's a bitch.