• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 1,933 Views, 16 Comments

My Giant Fluttershy - Crystalbreeze

I never liked going to school. Not because the school was bad. Every single day five of my classmates tried to change my life into a nightmare. Thanks to them I didn't have friends. But after I watched My Little Pony, I got a new, not usual friend.

  • ...

Giant Fluttershy

So what happened yesterday? A the school five idiot students mocked me, at home I watched MLP all day, and at night a quiet female voice, who knew my name, knew that Fluttershy is my favorite pony, sang me a song from MLP. It wasn't usual. After the song I fell asleep. But it was time to wake up.

I woke up at 7:23 am. My room was so quiet, because the other three person in the apartment were still in their beds. It was Saturday, and we often started and finished the weekend with relaxing, if we had enough free time. I had enough time, so I closed my eyes, didn't move, and cleaned my mind. I started relaxing. The sunshine caressed my face from outside and the breeze, which came from the opened window, ticked my neck. I became calm. Soon my mind filled with piece and harmony. Everything was perfect.

But a few minutes later I heard a strange sound. It wasn't a quiet voice as yesterday. I sounded like a step. Not a step made by a simple person. It was a hoofstep. As I heard that, my mind started working and I began thinking again.

"Oh, great! What's next?" I thought.

Two minutes later I heard another hoofstep, and another. They became louder, and louder. That meaned that the owner of this sound is coming closer and closer to me. I wasn't scared, just excited. The situation was as weird as yesterday. But no problem. I tried to find out a plan. I acted like I am sleeping at that moment.

Suddenly the hoofsteps were over. It was time, because they were loud. At that second, something incredible happened. Somebody covered the sun's light outside. My room became a bit darker. It was impossible. We lived in the 4th floor. I was sure about someone watched me. Once I heard that voice again:

"Wake up sleepy head! It1s time to wake up."

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to see that figure out there. I opened my right eye first. I looked at the window and the glass door next to it, which was the enterance of my room's balcony. The thing what I saw was......Fluttershy's giant face. She looked at me with her two big green eyes. Finally I opened my other eye too. I wasn't halucinating or dreaming. There was a giant Fluttershy in front of my balcony.

"Good morning little one!" She said happily. "Don't be afraid of me."

I get out of my bed and walked to the balcony to see the whole picture of Fluttershy. As I came out, I could see the size of this pony. She was so huge. She was at least 20 meters high. One of her hooves was a size of my body. She looked like in the show. Yellow coat, pink mane-and tail, cutie mark, wings and green eyes. She was friendly and as I saw, she was really shy. She was sitting on some tiny cars, because where she was sitting, was the parking area for cars. Funny.

"So hello."

"Hello Fluttershy. Why are you so huge?"

"I'm not huge. You are so tiny and cute." She said quietly.

"You are cute too. And what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm here, because you need a friend. Am i right?"

"Yes, you're right. Are you my imaginary friend?"

"So so."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you are the only one, who can see me. But I'm not imaginary. Look!"

Her face came closer to me.

"Touch my nose!"

I touched her nose. It was so realistic. I felt that her yellow coat is very fluffy. I could feel her breath too. Just in case I tickled her chin.

"Oh stop!" She said while she laughed. After the touching she took her nose away. "As you can see, I'm so real."

"But why are you invisible for the other people?"

"Because Twilight used a magical trick to make me invisible for the others."

"Twilight Sparkle? Wow! And now.......you wanna help me?"

"Of course I want. This is what a friend does. Help and count on you. In Equestria my friends know all of the bronies. And they know you too. I know that I'm your favorite pony and my favorite brony is you. I wanna be your friend, because you want to be mine too. Do you?"

"Yes I do." I said happily.


When she said 'Yay!", her face became so cute.

"Awww. You are so adorable like a giant puppy. If I could do that, then I want to give you a tiny hug!"

"You can do it! Jump onto my hoof!"

She took one of her hooves close to me. I slowly got through the balcony's bar and stepped onto Fluttershy's big hoof. She lifted me to her face and said:

"So you wanna hug me?"


"Good answer."

She lifted me to her neck. I quickly jumped out of her hoof and hugged her neck tightly. For the tiny hug to her neck, Fluttershy gave me a giant hug with her two hooves.

After the different sized hugs, she took me back to the balcony.

"Well, I think it's time to visit your parents to see them, because I think they are wake now."

"My parents?" I asked when I heard a knocking. Somebody knocked on my door and said:

"Sweetie? Are you awake?"

It was my mom.

"Go ahead My Little Brony!" Said Fluttershy.

"But what will be with you?"

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Okay. Will I meet with you later?"

"Of course." She smiled.

I quickly go into my room and answered to mom:

"Yes mom! You can come in!"

My Saturday was very beautiful with my family. I didn't worry about anything. We went to the park to play games and to some shops to buy things. Under this day I was happy and friendly. Finally I wasn't shy.

At the end of the day I went to the park to enjoy the beautiful twilight. But not the park in front of our apartment. I went to a silent park to meet with Fluttershy. I wasn't sure about when and where will we meet again in the future, but I knew we will, because that incident in the morning wasn't just a dream. it was real. Just in case I brought a ball for the playing, if she will appear.

I came to the silent park. there was nobody at there. just some trees, a big glade and a little playground. I knew that she is too big for the forest part of the park, so I stayed at the glade.

Suddenly I heard the hoofsteps again. I became so happy. I waited for her until I heard her quiet, shy and lovely voice.

"I hope I wasn't late."

I turned around and saw her smiling. Her entire body was huge. At the first time she was sitting, but now she walked to me with her giant hooves.

"You wasn't late Fluttershy."

"Okay. And what will we do now?"

"Well, I brought a ball with me, if you want to play."

"I see. Okay let's play!"

"Here goes!" I said, while I threw the ball to her. She wasn't expected for this, so she tried her best to catch the tiny ball. The result was that the ball landed on the top of her nose. She quickly new what will she do. As the ball landed, the giant pony started standing on two hooves, like an elephant and like a seal, she balanced the tiny ball on the top of her nose. So funny again. While she was balancing on two hooves she said quietly:

"Oh oh! Ooooohhhhhhhhhh......."

I knew she won't take it so long, so I run a way. I didn't want to Fluttershy step on me. Finally she finished the balancing and went back from "Sealephant" to giant pony. She blowed the ball out to the air. When it landed on the ground, I picked it up, while I was smiling.

"You are so funny Fluttershy!"

"Really? Thank you."

"Do you want to resume the game?" I asked.

"Of course. But please throw a bit slower."


I threw the ball again, but slower. Now she caught it with her hooves and threw it back to me. Of course she was a bit slower too, because she was very massive and strong.

A half an hour later the game was over, because the sky became dark. I looked at my clock. It was 18:54 pm.

"Well, it's time to say goodbye again." I said. "It"s late."

"Oh, you're right. It's time to go asleep. Do you need another song, like yesterday?"

"No, thanks."

"Okay, goodbye." She said while she turned away and started walking away.



"Come closer please!"


She came closer to me.


She took her face as closer to me, as she could. Finally I did what I wanted to do. I gave a little peck to her face. After that, she tried her best to give me one too. I didn1t know how could she do that with her giant mouth, but it worked.

"Goodbye Fluttershy." I said.

"Goodbye Mark."

A few minutes later I came home. And what did I say to my parents when they asked about my ball?

"I played football with myself! And you know what, I lose!"


Author's Note:

At this chapter I tried to be funny and cute. Was I funny and cute?