• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 716 Views, 18 Comments

Legend of Celestia - Crafter

A dark lord from Equestria's past returns to finish what he started

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Chapter 4

“What's going on?” Valor asked Celestia very quietly.

Celestia slowly looked at Valor, pure fear in her eyes. “He’s here.”

A blood chilling laugh filled the air, filled with malice and insanity. The horrid laughter caused everyone present to shiver. Slowly, the wind started to pick back up, much colder than previously. The laughter returned, much louder this time. Following the maniacal outburst came a voice, a voice full of spite. “Hello my dearest Celestia…. It’s been quite a long time since I last saw you, my you’ve grown. I see you’ve repurposed my fortress, how symbolic.”

“Show yourself coward!” Iron Curtain shouted, challenging whatever was taunting the Princess.

The voice chuckled again, “My my, what have we here? A tiny little pony challenging me: their god. Pathetic.”

“YOU DARE INSULT MY STRENGTH!?!” Iron looked as though he was about to explode. “Pokazhi sebya!!”

The laughter returned, only this time in a mocking tone. “A northern pony? How cute, do I need to show you your place?” The sky darkened more and the temperature dropped significantly, the breath of those present becoming visible. Lightning filled the sky although no rain fell, and wind tore across the gardens; the air cold enough to chill the soul. Lightning struck the ground at the center of the circle the six nations created when they sat, the bolt arcing and crackling in place. The strand of raw plasma split in two, creating a portal of sorts. Out of the portal stepped the ghastly form of the demonic alicorn, his fierce yellow eyes burning bright with anger. “I may not have a physical body, but I do not need one to show this slave where he belongs.”


Meanwhile in the Canterlot Sculpture Garden, the statue of Discord sat undisturbed. The spirit contained within however, was quite restless. That aura… it’s familiar somehow… Revelation hit Discord like a train; he knew where he felt that aura before. Oh no! He’s broken free of the Shadow Realm, this can’t be happening!


Iron Curtain was sent flying across the room as a blast of telekinesis hit him hard and left him unconscious. The concussive force would have killed any other pony, but Iron Curtain was much stronger than the average pony. Guiding Light rushed over to him, frightened the blast had killed him.

Majora laughed cruelly as Guiding Light wept trying to wake him up. “Now you see my power, my dark magic has lost none of its potency!”

Twilight and her friends rushed to the case containing the Elements of Harmony, they had a chance of the Elements failing, but they had to do something. After donning the necklaces and tiara, the six friends stood in formation before Majora. “Time to see if this works!” Twilight shouted. She focused on the power of Harmony, channeling her magic to the tiara. Magical sparks danced around them as they focused on defeating their foe. The six ponies rose into the air, powerful magic humming as it increased in strength. Majora stood, unfazed by the display of insanely powerful magic. Pinkie Pie sank to the ground and pulled out her signature Party Cannon, she hit a button on the top and a blast of rainbow shot out towards its target. The dark spirit didn’t even make an attempt to dodge the power of harmony racing towards him, letting out a yawn of boredom. The blast of rainbow nailed its target, causing an explosion of pure magic in its wake.

The blast sent everyone flying into the air, landing various distances towards the stronghold. When the dust settled and everyone was picking themselves up, the spot where Majora had been ‘standing’ was empty, save for a large crater. “I-it worked?” Celestia asked, dumbstruck that the Elements of Harmony had been able to defeat something of such power. However the sky remained dark and the sounds of wildlife refused to return, something wasn’t right. “Keep your guard up, I still feel his presence.”

Iron Curtain began to stir into consciousness, “IRON!” Guiding Light cried, happy to see her cousin hadn’t been killed. “Don’t you dare scare me like that again!”

“Ug, moya golova. What happened?”

Celestia walked over to Iron Curtain as he tried to get up. “Majora hit you with a blast of telekinesis that should have killed you; you are a very lucky pony.”

Iron chuckled “He couldn’t kill me if he tried. Where is that bastard anyway?”

“The Elements of Harmony were used against him, thankfully they worked.”

The laughter returned, any sanity it had previously held, was lost in the crazed cackles of the spirit. “It will take more than that sweet daughter! Let’s see how well you fare without your precious Elements!”

Dark red mist started to quickly surround the six mares of harmony, all of them starting to panic. “What's going on?!” Twilight asked, just before the black-red cloud encased her completely.


Wait, is the seal weakening? It can’t be; that would mean…. But before Discord could finish his train of thought, his stone prison shattered; causing the draconequus to fall to the grass below. “H-he killed them!” Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared with a pop and a flash of light.


The Elements of Harmony had vanished from the gardens without a trace. “What have you done to them Majora??!!” Celestia screamed.

“Now why would I tell my traitorous daughter that?” Majora slowly reappeared above the crater, the calm waving of his short, ethereal mane contrasting the madness in his eyes. “There is nothing you can do to stop me!” He burst out into his insane laughter once more.

Nonulhunnedrog reared up on his hind legs, towering forty hooves above the ground, and inhaled deeply. “YOL TOOR SHUL!!” A fire whiter than Celestia’s porcelain coat and hotter than any pony-made furnace could ever hope to achieve shot out of his gaping maw towards the spectral foe.

Majora continued his mad laugh, making no attempt to dodge the raging inferno barreling towards him. As the fire melted the stone and ignited the air around him, Majora had no intention to stop laughing. Finally out of breath, Nonulhunnedrog ceased the hellfire from leaving his jaws. “You think your puny shouts are any better?!” The crazed alicorn taunted.

Before the mighty orange dragon could release another powerful shout, there was a flash and a pop, causing all to turn towards the source. Beneath overhang that separated outdoors from indoors stood Discord, the spirit of chaos, looking none too pleased. He snapped his talon and all those present disappeared with a pop and a flash. With one last snap, the draconequus was gone.

The crazed alicorn resumed his insane laughing; he did not plan on Discord entering the equation, but it made things interesting. Even with the Spirit of Chaos aiding his enemies, it mattered little. For two thousand years he plotted his revenge, taking every variable into account. To him, conquering the six nations was a giant game of chess: if you wanted to win, you needed to plan as far ahead as possible and expect the unexpected.


With a pop and a flash, all those attending the meeting (save for the Elements of Harmony) landed on a heap in the Canterlot Sculpture Garden, thankfully the dragons were at the bottom of the pile. As they started to pick themselves up, Discord popped next to them. “Well it’s good to see that the dragons landed on the bottom, boy did I get lucky on that one. Did I get everypony?”

Celestia looked at the pile she landed next to, confirming that everyone had safely been transported. The raw power of chaos magic left the Sun Princess slightly envious of the draconequus, but the unpredictable nature of chaos magic made Celestia glad she couldn’t use it. “Yes I believe so, why did you help us?”

“I may be the spirit of chaos, but I'm not evil. All I want is a good laugh, and death isn't funny. I’ve known Majora for eons; he will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way.”

“Did he kill the Elements of Harmony?” Guiding asked as she shakily climbed down from the top of the pile.

“At first, I thought he did. When I arrived to help you escape, I felt the residue of a dark magic teleportation spell.” Discord replied painfully. “Where he has them now, I do not know.”

Nonulhunnedrog snorted “So much for the fellowship, the Elements of Harmony made up pretty much half of it.”

“I will go.”

Everyone turned to the source of the voice. Valor was standing tall, showing no signs of being intimidated by the task at hand. “Are you sure about this Valor?” Celestia asked skeptically.

Valor simply nodded. “It is my duty as a knight to defend Equestria from any danger, no matter what.” The green pegasus was uncharacteristically serious, which indicated he was going on this mission and nopony was going to tell him otherwise.

“I will go too.” Guiding Light said hesitantly.

“I'm sorry Guiding, but I can’t let you come. Celestia needs you here.” Valor said painfully.

She turned to Celestia. “With your permission, I request that I accompany the Fellowship. They will need somepony with brains with them.”

“Hey!” Ci’oa protested.

“No offence.” Guiding hastily added.

The changeling mage just sighed.

Celestia sighed as well; she didn’t want to risk losing her most trusted advisor. “Although I hate to admit it, you’re right. Without Twilight Sparkle, nopony else is qualified to be the ‘brains’ on this mission.”


“No offence Ci’oa.”

Guiding Light turned to Valor and stuck out her tongue, Valor just rolled his eyes.

“Net!” Iron Curtain stepped forward. “If she goes, I go.”

“Really Iron?” Guiding asked exasperatedly. “You don’t need to follow me everywhere.”

“It’s not because of Valor… this time. I'm going because besides Hang Ten and that blue dragon, you have no warriors.”

“He has a point.” Celestia stated. “Iron, due to your position, your highest ranking officer will be filling in during your absence.”

“I understand Your Highness; that is something I considered before I spoke up, and I am quite confident in General Stratagem’s abilities.”

Celestia nodded. “Very well, I wish you all luck on your journey. Majora’s army will be awoken soon, so time is of the essence.”

Everyone who was part of the Fellowship stood together and nodded. Before any other words could be said, Discord snapped his talon and the group was gone. Celestia glared at him. “Relax my dear, I only sent them to Ponyville. You said time was of the essence, so I put them as close as I could.” Discord replied casually.

Celestia sighed, it was nice that Discord was helping her, but that didn’t make him any more pleasant to be around.