• Published 30th Aug 2017
  • 1,838 Views, 29 Comments

Adventures of the Moon Son: Chapter 1 - The Raising - TheAuthorsApprentice

With the help of the Switch, An inter dimensional superhero - Princess Luna has the chance to become a mother

  • ...

Chapter 4 - A Switch in Equestria

There was a tense silence filling the room.

Tense enough that Switch, who could count himself as one of the most upbeat and overly talkative superheros, was rendered silent as a result of it. All he could do was sit on his cushion and twiddle his thumbs as he tried not to sweat under the unflinching gazes of Celestia and Luna, their earlier friendliness when introducing themselves and apologising for Switch's misfortune had seemingly disappeared and was replaced by a look of wariness, maybe even slight hostility as they glared at him.
He couldn't blame them really, After all they had no clue of his abilities other than the one that allowed him to show up in their world, they had no clue what his kind was capable of and they certainly had no clue of how dangerous his weapons where. He knew they had his main weapon somewhere in this castle and where most likely examining it to determine how many lives were at risk by its presence.

It had been rather foolish to uncuff himself in front of them all like that and it had subsequently caused the none royal ponies to be sent away, Switch had then been led a short distance through the castle by the now seemingly angered princesses and a squad of armed guards, to a small sitting room. They sat on cushions across a small coffee table from him and Switch could make out the silhouettes of guards through the frosted glass pane set into the door.
On queue, Jeeves performed a bio scan of the area and all of the guards that thought they where hidden by the walls of the room where highlighted with a red outline. Four outside the door and eight hovering outside, just underneath the windows.

However, Switch also reasoned that they wouldn't act unless they where given reason to. He resolved not to do so if he could help it, Besides, he realised with a sinking heart that they where just scared of him, of what he meant....

Everyone was...


Luna took this pause to examine Switch, using her trained eyes to take in his appearance for the first time since she saw him.
Her intuition told her that he was a young member of his species, with the taunt skin and energetic stature that came with such an age, His skin was covered up for the most part by his ensemble but his neck and lower face where shown to be peachy, if not slightly tan in colour. His hair was a dirty blonde, looking to be shaved short on the sides and longer on top, the front that would make up his fringe had been stuck up at an angle with what Luna could only guess was a hair product. Then there was the mask, covering the entirety of Switch's upper face, curling around the cheek bones and hiking across the bridge of the nose. It was a slightly lighter shade than the armour and glinted slightly in the light, at four corners of the Mask was a yellow metal tab, each with a matching line running out of it towards the eyes.
The eyes where also surreal and Luna could guess that that was even by normal human standards, instead of the natural, blinking variants. Switch's eyes where covered with glass lenses, ones constantly lit up with a bright yellow shine, occasionally the lights would go dark when Switch apparently blinked behind the lenses. Amazingly, the sections of the mask separated by those yellow lines seemed to move and flex with the Switch's expression, enabling him to use body language even with his face obscured.

Now his suit really commanded her attention, she could see the bottom most layer of the outfit was a bright yellow colour, skintight with barely visible hexagons decorating its surface. Covering, or more accurately fastened around the bottom layer at many points was the familiar pieces of matte grey armour and whilst the design was alien, Luna could make out a chest plate, shoulder pads, bracers and greaves, armour covering ever necessary part of the outfit without being cumbersome or compromising movement. Then there was the trench coat, the same light grey as the armour, but interestingly sleeveless and ending just before the knee, it boasted a high backed collar and the lapels seemed to be pinned to the chest plate with shining yellow studs.
Finally, to complete Switch's outfit, a chunky utility belt was wrapped around his waist and over his heart was a proud insignia, a yellow 'S' that looked like it had been spray painted onto the triangle that displayed it.

All in all it gave Luna mixed reactions, it looked like he was ready for combat. But was that because he was expecting to be attacked? or because he was expected to do the attacking?
Either way, Luna would hear what she had to say. He did save one of her subjects, so she at least owed him that much.


It was not often that Celestia found herself apprehensive, Thousands of long years of life had tempered her resolve to a diamond harness, she had assumed she had seen everything, done everything that could surprise a pony.

She had swam in the fire falls of the ruby islands, she had preened the emerald feathers of the rare Precious Gemwing, drank liquid magic that took five hundred years to distil, fought Discord, Sombra, dragons and demons in battles that should have claimed her life, seen marvellous and brilliant minds live their lives and pass away as she lived on.

But this 'Switch'? This stranger sat across from her and trying his best not to wither nervously under her gaze?

He scared her.

Not just him, but his appearance, his weapons, his abilities. What did they all mean? Where there others like him that could appear in other worlds? Where there more coming and Switch was just the first? A scout in what could be an invasion? Could she and Luna afford to lead her subjects in an all out war with these strange beings?

But Celestia caught herself, remembering the words she had shouted at her captain earlier that day, so far Switch had given her no reason to doubt his intentions weren't good. He had saved a pony's life and was injured as a result, which had to count in his favour at least.
'What if he only did that to gain your trust?' A nagging voice inside her whispered.

Pushing the voice to the back of her mind and deciding that nothing would get resolved without communication, Celestia cleared her throat to get Switch's attention and once she had it she started to talk with him, her voice sounding out with authority and sternness.

"Me and my sister have some questions for you, Switch" She said to him, backed by a resolute nod from her sister.

"I imagined as much, your majesty, ask away!" Switch said with a small smile and a chuckle that quickly died away as the looks from the Princesses didn't change

"What are you?"

The first question filled the space inside the room, it was soaked in curiosity and desperation. And judging from the wide eyes of Luna, both her and Celestia wanted the answer a great deal.

"I'm a Human" Switch replied simply

"Human" Celestia tested the word for the first time in her life, but her scowl deepened slightly "How do we know you aren't lying?"

Switch's expression shifted lightly, almost un-noticeably but Celestia caught it. It was hurt. Switch looked upset by her response and it gave Celestia pause, but he continued before she could dwell on it further

"You don't... but I'm not"

Something within his serious expression, his careful tone of voice as he replied told Celestia that he was telling the truth.

"Very well..." she replied "... how did you arrive here, in equestria?"

"I have the ability to travel between universes, yours is one on them"

"And are there others with this ability? Can we expect other humans to arrive here?"

"No, your Majesty, I'm the only one who can cross inter-universal boundaries"

"And just what are these 'abilities' exactly?"

That was when Switch began to grin, he leaned forward in his chair. slowly as to not alarm the princesses, and raised his hand. when he had it upturned and pointed towards the ceiling he flexed his fingers. Suddenly, bright yellow energy erupted from the palm of his hand, crackling and sparking like lightening except it forked in more angular and rectangular shapes rather than the zigzagging of natural lightening

"I have the ability to absorb and harness Displacement energy"

Celestia looked into this glowing palm of energy. Mystified by the crackling light.

"And what is displacement energy?" she murmured

"It a residual energy byproduct of kinetic energy that's radiated into the air whenever something moves"

Celestia heart quickened with a mix of confusion and disbelief, caused in part by being in a position of complete ignorance to the apparent science this human operated on.

"What are you?!" she almost cried in wonder as she looked up into Switch's eyes "Are you an explorer? A scientist? A soldier?"

"I suppose I'm a mixture of all three... Although the more accurate term I would use is Superhero"

"Your a... superhero?" Luna asked incredulously, tilting an eyebrow as she did "Like the power ponies?"

Switch blinked a few times with a blank expression.

"I don't know who they are"

"They are superhero's... popular in children's fiction"

"Then yes, like the power ponies, except I'm not fictional"

"Alright... before, you mentioned, what was the word, 'Universes'? What are universes?"

"Ah, I thought that you may not know... Well, in basic terms the universe is like a bubble, or a container that contains everything within your reality. In more advanced terms a Universe is all of space, time and the matter within it, which includes planets, moons, minor planets, stars, galaxies. Everything that exists as you know it is held within a vast, expansive space, the boundaries of which can never be measured. That space is a Universe"

There was a pause as the two sisters tried to process the information coming from the human. They of course knew as much about astrology as anypony alive, with Luna arguably the most researched and versed in the subject, having plotted the stars above Equestria herself. But this information, if true, could challenge and even advance everything that pony kind knew about the stars.

"So our world, the sun, the moon, the stars and other planets... all of these are located within one of these universes?" It was Luna that asked and Celestia keenly listened, actually finding herself excited at the prospect of learning more about this Human and where he came from.

"Yes, Princess..." Switch replied warily "... I understand that what I'm telling you may be jarring or confusing, But what I tell you won't change your world in any way. Only your understanding of how certain things work within it"

Another pause, this one in order for the two sisters to take a breath, the words of the Switch doing well to soothe the unease at these new concepts.

"And there are others? More of these 'universes'?" Celestia asked again.

"An infinite amount, each universe located with all the others inside an infinity space known as the Multiverse, universes representing every possibility all located within one larger reality. Many similar, but all of them different in their own way."

"And these universes are... connected in some way?"

"Well... yes and no. Think of the multiverse like a bowl of marbles, with each universe representing a marble within it. they're separate, with their own boundaries and space, but touching slightly on the edges, which enables someone like myself to travel between them."

"Then what made you choose ours?"

Switch sucked air through his teeth, thinking very carefully about his response.

"Well I chose it randomly. However, the truth is whilst I can sense the universes as I travel between them. I can't see the reality inside them and so I have no way of telling what the world I land on will be like"

Luna and Celestia's eyes widened at the answer.

"So you didn't know Equestria or its people where here....?" Luna asked

"... Until I appeared and I crashed your dinner party"

Stunned silence reigned again and Celestia found herself wondering if the rest of the day would be filled with these stunned pauses. However, the thought was quickly replaced with another... one that caused her mouth to slightly curve upwards, then widen into a smile, then let loose a single chuckle which was soon joined by others. Soon enough, Princess Celestia, Diarch of Equestria and ruler of the day, was howling in laughter.

"Sister? What has gotten into you?" Luna said, trying to be stern but slowly being infected by the laughing.

"I apologise, its just the absurdity of it.... Switch appeared in our world and with everything that happened between then and now, he had literally no clue what he was going to find when he arrived. I imagine this was one of the most eventful introductions to a world ever!"

The reply caused Luna to burst into laughter alongside her sister, with Switch quickly joining in. Slowly but surely the aura of unease and mistrust was seeping out of the room. The laughter was cut off abruptly when Celestia noticed something in Switch's smile.

"Wait..." she said quietly, but loud enough to attract the attention of the others.

"What is it?" Switch replied, suddenly looking apprehensive

"Your teeth..." Celestia murmured as she exchanged a troubled glance with her sister.

"Oh?" Switch said as he bared them in a smile, tilting his head slightly as if listening to someone, he ran his tongue above the upper row. His glowing eyes flickered with realisation when it ran over a canine, his eyes seeming to widen in understanding.
"Oh!" he cried, looking very sheepish all of a sudden "Of course, ponies are vegetarians!"

"Yes, we are..." Luna replied "... And I am right in assuming you aren't?"

"Well... Human's are omnivorous, we can survive off of both vegetation and... y'know..."

Noticing the increasingly alarmed looks of both the Princesses, Switch quickly put his hands up passively and began to explain himself.
"Although, I would like to say that the animals from the other universes I've visited aren't sentient. They are only capable of processing their instincts and don't have the higher brain function that we do, if they did I would never..."

"I... believe I understand..." was Celestia's response with a slight nod, she shook her head to clear her thoughts of the maniacal and gory images she had conjured "...Biology is not the fault of the species, you can not help what your diet allows..."

"Thank you for your understanding, your Majesty"

"Now, I believe I only have one more question. Luna?"

"I have one more myself, for now, Sister"

"Please, ask me anything, Princesses"

It was Luna that asked first.

"Your armour is most peculiar, what is it made from?"

"Well the under layer is made from a Teflon coated anti-slash spandex and the body armour is a titanium tri-weave mesh coated in an acrylic ballistic polymer... the coat is cotton."

Luna opened her mouth to respond, but couldn't when words failed her. A feeling that was very alien to her, but couldn't be helped when she tried to absorb these foreign and unfamiliar words. She settled for an uneasy nod. Finally, it was Celestia's turn to ask, and as she did she lit up her horn and teleported something that was locked within the castle armoury onto the table in front of them. It was the scabbard they had pulled off of Switch's back. Glinting grey metal with decorative yellow sections running down one side, a red oriental style sash tied around the handle.

"This is a weapon, correct?" she said as she motioned to it

"Yes, your majesty" Switch replied

"I have tried to unsheathe it, but I cannot. Is it damaged?"

"No, Princess, its DNA activated"


"Its complicated, but basically it means it will only work for me, or people I allow it to work for"

"And why do you carry these weapons? You must realise that this may portray you in an unfavourable light"

"Maybe it does, although as I said I have no clue what I will find in a universe until I appear inside it, unfortunately, not everyone is as reasonable as you two. I promise that these weapons are purely for the defence of myself or others, nothing else"

With the reply of the Switch dying down to silence, Celestia and Luna shared a look in which an unspoken agreement was reached between them.
"Alright, please wait here while my sister and I decide what to do" she said, Switch nodded and settled back on the cushion as Celestia and Luna charged their horns. Disappearing in flashes of different coloured light.


The two sisters appeared in Celestia's office, on a set of cushions a small ways away from the ornate desk and the stacks of paperwork on top of it.

"Well... This is a conundrum..." Luna said, chuckling slightly to break the tension. It didn't work as Celestia's face remained pensive.

"Indeed, Sister, It is difficult... have you any thoughts?" she replied, looking out of the window

Luna pursed her lips in thought, secretly grateful and proud that her elder sister was replying on her opinion this much, a stark change to the dark times a thousand years prior.

"Well. I saw no hint of deception in his words, and his actions where very brave and honourable for someone new to our world. He could have let Bearer Rarity fall and still answered our questions in exactly the same way afterwards... he did not need to save her and injure himself as a result. Yet he did"

"What do you mean, Lulu?"

"I mean that it is as if his actions where... instinctual. He did not know how we would react to his presence, in fact, he did judging by the way our subjects at the lunch party acted. One of them tried to injure him with a firework and the rest ran away screaming, yet he still saved one of our little ponies... To me that speaks of somepony that will put others before himself"

Celestia nodded slowly as she took in her sister's words.

"Your words ring true, although we must consider this as rulers... As the protectors of the land and the ponies within it, we must consider any ramifications or consequences of welcoming this human to Equestria. What if this was all an elaborate act to gain our trust? What if we allow him to travel here at his leisure and he somehow brings others back with him? What if those humans aren't as noble as Switch apparently is? Make no mistake that, whilst at its best this could mean a blooming alliance with another species, at worst... It could mean war..."

"It is a possibility, this is true..." Luna replied, keeping her face thoughtful "... Although I do not think it befits us as benevolent and just rulers to assume the worst in somepony without any evidence to the contrary. And we agree that there is none?"

"Yes, we agree"

"Then I suggest that until he proves us otherwise, we give him the benefit of the doubt. It is not like you or I to judge someone that is different, Tia"

Celestia opened her mouth to argue but was quickly silenced by a firm challenging look from her sister, she sighed.

"You are right, Luna..." she said with her eyes lowered, a proud smile graced her face as she looked into Luna's eyes "...When did my baby sister become so wise?"

"I learned from the best" Luna replied with a warm smile, she got up and trotted over to Celestia, nuzzling her affectionately. Celestia returned it, but her face became determined once more.

"We are agreed, Lulu, but there will need to be strict conditions!" she said

"Of course, Sister, what did you have in mind?"


Of all the situations the two sisters expected to find Switch in when they returned to the sitting room he was confined to, the scene they actually witnessed was certainly not one of them.

He was sat exactly where he was before and that was about the only thing that had stayed the same. What had changed was there where now six standard sized ponies sat in the room with him, each their own separate yet familiar colour.

More surprising was that they where all laughing and enjoying tea. Surprising enough that the two Princesses watched the scene with stunned interest

"...And then what happened, Darling?" Rarity said as she nibbled on a small cake

"Well, I screamed and ran out of the room before they could put any more seasoning on me!"

Again, the six mares but into laughter at the conclusion of what was obviously a funny story.

"You are such a riot, Switch!" Rarity cried through her laughing, wiping a tear from her eyes.

"Well, I try!"

"Yes, that was very funny..." Twilight murmured, however, she was much more preoccupied with examining Switch's hand, seemingly she had convinced him to remove one of his gloved gauntlets, which revealed a five fingered hand the same peachy colour as his face.
Switch didn't even seem to be acknowledging Twilight as she held his hand in both her hooves, examining it intently as she manipulated it. All the while writing notes on a piece of parchment suspended in her magic.

"Opposable thumbs! Very similar to primates and monkeys in terms of biology, And there are three bones in each of these 'fingers'?"

"Yeah, and twenty seven in the palm itself"


"I bet it is... But we should really greet the Princesses" Switch said as he turned his head to look at Celestia and Luna. All of them turned sharply to stare at the Princesses.

"I see all of you have made yourselves... familiar with our new guest" Celestia said with a measured tone, again becoming the figure of a reprimanding mother.

As the element bearer's eyes slowly got wider and the sweat started to increase in volume, Twilight spoke up in shakily.

"S-sorry, Princess, we saw that Switch was on his own and-"

She was cut off by the raised hoof of Celestia, who stopped regarding the six ponies and turned to the human, who stood up to acknowledge her.

"Switch, I will be blunt. Me and my sister have discussed whether or not you will by allowed to remain in Equestria, we have taken into account your actions upon arriving in our land and your answers to our questions..." she started in her most commanding and most regal voice

"Of course, your majesty" Switch replied "If you have decided that I should go, I will. Without any fuss or arguments I will leave and I won't come back"

Celestia nodded and a tense pause followed. Everyone in the room looked at the Sun princess and wondered what she would do. Smiles started to appear when Celestia suddenly grinned and raised a hoof.

"Allow me, Princess Celestia, to be the first to welcome you to Equestria!"

Switch seemed to sigh in relief as he reached his hand forward to take Celestia's hoof. He shook it lightly, then did the same for Luna as he in turn offered her hoof.

"However..." Luna suddenly became serious, wiping the smile from Switch's face "...There are conditions to this decision, Switch"

"Of course, Princess"

"Firstly, when you spend time in this... universe... you will not leave the castle until we have spread word of your arrival to our subjects. The last thing we want is a panic"

"Agreed, your majesty"

"Secondly, you will Never, either directly or through inaction, harm or allow harm to come to anypony under our protection"

"Of course"

"Finally, you will disclose everything about your abilities and weaponry to us, in order to better understand them should we need to defend ourselves"

Switch frowned at that.

"I promise, Princess Luna, that isn't-"

"These conditions are not negotiable!" Luna replied with a firm glare, Switch held her glare for a few moments before he nodded.

"Of course, you're right, Princess"

"Good! And with that, I have one more question"

"What is that?"

Luna's face split into a friendly grin

"Do you like salad?"


Three days later

"Hey, Rarity!" Switch shouted as he entered the large dining room of Canterlot castle, finding Rarity was making the most of the Princesses' extended hospitality by enjoying a quiet moment with a nice cup of tea and a few cakes, bite size of course as a lady must watch her figure.

"Ah! Switch, darling!" She cried as she lowered the cup and turned to him "I didn't expect to see you, last I heard you returned to your own universe?"

"Only to grab a few essentials, the Princesses are allowing me to stay for a while to carry out some research"

"Very interesting, Darling, I'd imagine that Twilight has already offered up a trove of information"

"You have no idea..."

Switch took a seat across from Rarity and she kindly poured him a cup of tea.

"I understand that Pinkie pie is looking for you as well, Darling" Rarity

"Oh yeah? What for?"

Rarity didn't get to reply as a sudden pink blur shot out of an unseen recess, when it slowed down enough to show details, it was revealed to be a very excited Pinkie pie. She landed on the table whilst miraculously avoiding breaking anything

"To plan your 'Welcome to Equestria' party, Silly!! There's so many details and this is the first Human themed party in Equestria! Do you like cake!? Because if you do that would be so amazing because I love cake and that would be something ourspecieshasincommonandthatwouldbeamazingbecausethenwecouldhavecaketastingsand-"

"Pinkie!" Rarity cried, silencing her eager friend "Please try not to overwhelm the poor dear, he can only answer if you let him"

"Sorry, I'm just super excited!" Pinkie cried whilst devouring one of the little cakes that Switch was reaching for "I still need to plan so many things, like the music. What kind of music do you like, Switchie?"

Switch didn't miss a beat as he took a sip of the tea, replying over the rim of the cup whilst staring into it

"Old school rock and heavy metal"

Looking up after a moments silence, Switch grinned sheepishly at the stunned stares of the two mares

"Whatever's good for you" Was the second response

"Okie dokie smokie, Gotta go, the balloons won't arrange themselves!"

Suddenly balloons appeared from within Pinkie's mane, floating into the air and stopping when the cords holding them straightened. The cords where also tied around Pinkie's barrel and she was suddenly lifted into the air, quickly floating towards and out of the door suspended in the air.

Rarity turned to apologise for Pinkie's absence but found Switch staring at the door with a deep pensive look on his face.

"Is something wrong, Switch?" she said, Switch didn't take his eyes off of the door, however, and his face remained thoughtful.

"Does she always do that?" he asked her.

"Who, darling, Pinkie? You get used to her"

"Yeah, but has she always been able to defy gravity like that?"

Realising that these statements where more like direct questions than rhetorical statements. She answered

"Yes she has"

"And she conjures items and objects at random?"

"All the time!"

"Defies the laws of physics at will?"

"Well, yes but its always harmless... most of the time..."

"What's her family like?"

"Her family?" Rarity was starting to wonder why Switch was so interested in her friend, almost no one had seemed to wonder this much about Pinkie pie. Instead just being content with realising that Pinkie is just being Pinkie when the pink pony performed an otherworldly feat.

"May I ask why you want to know, Darling?" she said warily

"I'm just curious, that's all" Switch replied, it was enough to convince Rarity, who nodded

"Well, her family are rather interesting..."

"Are they all like her?"

"Oh, not at all! And that is what's so interesting, they're rock farmers. All of them. They lead very... simple lives. Almost completely without modern luxuries. Pinkie has told us that whilst she and her sisters where being raised on the rock farm, there was no talking or smiling. And herself describes them as being a tiny bit boring"

"No kidding?! Is she adopted?"

"Well... I'm not sure, Switch, It certainly has occurred to me in the past but it has never come up in conversation"

Switch nodded whilst pursing his lips in thought, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

"Thank you, Rarity, this has been very interesting... I hate to dash but there's something I have to do"

"Oh, not at all..." Was all Rarity could reply before Switch had gotten up from his seat and practically dashed out of the room, she frowned in confusion at the sight "...Until next time?"


Pinkie was humming a lovely tune to herself as she floated down the gilded corridors of the castle, after all, she had composed it herself and everypony had to have pride in their work! She was just deciding what to call said masterpiece when she spotted something peculiar... something delicious!

There, in the middle of the hallway, was a teeny tiny cupcake! White frosting with a small cherry on top, it practically called out to be devoured by a passing pink pony. And relying on a personal pinkie promise she had made to herself to never let cake go to waste. Pinkie dis-attached the balloons and trotted over to the treat.

Seconds later, after the small cake had met its untimely demise, Pinkie noticed another one further down the corridor.

Well... she couldn't break a Pinkie promise...

It was this way, slowly but surely, cupcake by cupcake. Pinkie was led down the corridor, passing guards at their stations who didn't shift in the slightest at the sight. One stretch of corridor and a corner later, Pinkie, too engrossed in finding and consuming all the free tiny treats, didn't notice when she was mysteriously led into a side room.

Sat in the centre of the room was a pile of six cupcakes, the treasure at the end of the trail, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
With the added factor of now being extremely pleased with herself, Pinkie didn't notice the door slowly closing behind her.

The next moment, However, gained her complete and unwavering attention..

"Sha'gruk Es Kein Kongal!"

"Eh'Shul Kail!"

The first comment came from a mysterious presence somewhere in the room, one that Pinkie couldn't see. The second statement...came from Pinkie herself...

She was now sat on her hindquarters, straight backed and to attention, one hoof over her heart and her face deadly serious. Her eyes widened in panic and she gasped, covering her mouth with both hooves.
A figure dropped from the ceiling, landing on two feet with a loud thud, the figure stood up straight to reveal the Switch with a smug grin on his face, he only said one word to her.


Pinkie started to ramble, her tone much different in that it was panicked and frantic.

"W-who me? I-I'm just thought we where... S-saying random things to each other. In a made up silly language. B-because that's what friends D-do! Yeah, that's what we do!"

Switch's had deadpanned whilst pinkie rambled out her explanation.

"Veriki Cas'ka va'truga"

He didn't shout out this one, instead keeping his tone even and calm. The sentence had the desired effect as Pinkie's nervousness increased tenfold, her eyes becoming like dinner plates and sweat starting to visably drip off of her. However, she remained silent.

"Oh dear, Pinkie, you have to venerate your ancestors when called to...."

The words where obvious bait, both of them knew it but it didn't stop Switch repeating them.

"Veriki Cas'ka va'truga"

Pinkie started to whimper in desperation, shifting on the spot.

"C'mon, Pinkie, you know what happens if you don't reply.... You'll bring shame to your forefathers, be shunned by them when you reach the glowing planes... And you don't want that. So I'll say it one more time"

"Veriki...Cas'ka... va'truga"

"Ish'pi Veriki Gro'daken Fra'kai! Ul shu'dan va'truga!"

Pinkie practically screamed out the words, putting every ounce of passion and energy into it that she could. The same passion couldn't be seen afterwards as she sat on the floor with her head down, eyes staring at the floor and dripping with tears as she realised she had been caught.

"They have no idea, do they?" Switch said to her, causing her to look up at him "All of the random acts, conjuring objects out of thin air, defying gravity and the rules of reality at will, doing things that no other pony can do... And they reason 'its just Pinkie pie being Pinkie pie'. They have no clue..."

Pinkie didn't respond, continuing to stare at the Switch with teary eyes and continuing to look petrified. Anypony that saw her would have trouble recognising her, there was no happiness in Pinkie at that moment, her mane was straightened and hung around her face and ears. She was sat with a sagging body as if the energy had been pulled from it.

"You're a Drifter"

That comment caused Pinkie to physically flinch, as if she'd been slapped... But Switch wasn't done

"They have no idea that I'm not the only being that didn't come from this universe, that in fact their best friend and one of the lands greatest protectors is actually a being that left a universe behind in her infancy to settle in this one. That the purpose of her species is to drift out into the multiverse to find a world to live in. Beings composed of pure displacement energy until they settle into physical forms... That their connection to other universes allows them to perform amazing feats that set them apart from the others in their world..."

The words died down into silence, only punctuated by the sniffles of Pinkie. Switch continued to stare at Pinkie, However, his tone was very neutral and his body language very calm. There was a long, drawn out pause until Pinkie finally spoke, her voice broken and strained from crying.

"You caught me..." she whimpered "... I'll get my things and leave, no one will see me again"

That's when Switch frowned, seemingly genuinely confused.

"Why?" he said, that was when she turned on him, her eyes angry as she took the chance to let her anger and grief out.

"I know the laws! When a Drifter is found out they have to leave and live by themselves, away from everypo- everyone they know... Everyone they care about!"

"I believe that's only if the person who discovers them demands them to"

If it was at all possible for Pinkie's eyes to get any wider, in that moment they certainly did as she looked at Switch in astonishment.

"You mean... you aren't going to make me leave?" she murmured, which caused Switch to look utterly baffled

"Why would I do that?!" he cried. His expression became sympathetic and he knelt down, beckoning with his hand, which caused Pinkie to cautiously walk towards him

"I don't have the same attitude when it comes to Drifters that many others have. Plus, I couldn't deprive Equestria of one of its protectors, could I? Everyone would be mad at me!"

"You mean it?!" Pinkie cried as her eyes started to brim with tears of a different kind. Her frown slowly being replaced with a wide smile as her mane regained some of its poofyness.

"In my experience, Drifters only want one thing... To be happy and unique in the world they settle in. And that's not a crime to me"

Switch suddenly felt something rocket into his chest and wrap around his neck as Pinkie hugged him. He brought his hands up to hug her back and they stayed like that for a few seconds.

"Thank you..." she whispered into his ear, causing Switch to chuckle.

"No need for that" he said, putting her back down and standing up "Now c'mon, let's stop all this seriousness and get back to enjoying the day"

With a sudden pop, Pinkie's mane and tail sprang back to its unique, puffy form and her characteristic smile returned to her face.

"Okie dokie, Switchie!" she cried out as joyously as ever "I'd better get going, I still have your party to plan after all!"

Pinkie turned for the door, but before she could reach it she was stopped.

"Hey, Pinkie"

She turned around to look at Switch, who was still smiling.

"Don't suppose you could conjure me a Twinkie?" he said with a smirk

Pinkie gave a knowing smile at that and reached into her mane, withdrawing her hoof holding a small yellow cake treat, complete with plastic packaging. She threw it to Switch, who nodded in thanks.

Switch bit into the cake bar when Pinkie left the room.

"I do believe you've gained yourself another friend, Sir" Jeeves said into his ear. Switch smirked at that.

"Yeah, I believe I have..."


"Alright, Switch, as we discussed this is a demonstration in which me and my associates here will gain an insight to your abilities" Princess Celestia said, motioning to one familiar lavender mare practically buzzing with excitement and three other well dressed academic ponies holding clipboards.

The princess, the ponies and the superhero where in the Guard academy's sparring hall, located within the grounds of the castle. Its walls and vaulted ceilings where composed of the same marble of the rest of the castle, even boasting a large ornate window on its far wall. The major difference of this room being the lack of anything breakable.

"No problems, Princess! Always happy to show off!" Switch cried as he stretched his arms.

"Then I will turn you over to my little ponies, these four are some of Equestria's foremost scientific minds and they have designed a series of tests, I will be here to monitor and observe during the examination" Celestia looked over to Twilight, who nodded and looked to the others. After an unspoken agreement between them, she stepped forward.

"Alright, Switch-"

"Hey, Twilight"

"Um... Hi.... anyway, this first test is to determine your strength. Firstly, I want you to pick up this barbell"

With a flash of Lavender light, a standard barbell appeared in front of Switch, he looked at it before shrugging and picking it up, hoisting it over his shoulders.

"We want to get a picture of basic human attributes and then how your powers sets you above others in your species. So we will ask you to perform each test with and without your powers"

"Alright, that seems fair"

"We're going to use density spells to make the weights heavier, as soon as it becomes too heavy I want you to drop down to one knee"

"Got it"

Two of the scientist ponies lit up their horns and the weights at either side of the bar started glowing in turn, it was only a few seconds before Switch dropped to one knee.

"Two hundred and fifty pounds" one of the scientists said "Below average for a pony"

Twilight jotted the results onto her sheet, turning back to Switch

"Alright, now with your powers please"

Again, the test was repeated, however, before the spells where placed on the weights, Switch's arms and legs started to glow, a bright yellow light shining through the edges of his armour. As the weights started to get heavier and heavier, everypony present suddenly began to stare in utter bafflement as the human didn't budge, it was at least half a minute before Switch suddenly grunted with the exertion and dropped to one knee.

Twilight looked to one of the other ponies in the room staring wide eyed in shock. She raised an eyebrow in expectation of his answer.

"Thirteen tons..." the stunned stallion murmured.

And so it continued like this, each test to determine human capabilities done both with and without Switch using his abilities. The speed test, which simply consisted of Switch running a lap around the outer edge of the room, showed again that standard human speed was slower than an average pony. However, at the start of the power lap, small wedge shaped constructs appeared under each of Switch's boots, bursting outwards in time with his steps. Such a technique caused Switch to be propelled around the room at astounding speeds, furthered by his abilities to change direction instantly with a kick of the foot. A process that Switch called the 'Skim-sprint'.
The agility test was interesting, it revealed that even without powers Humans where surprisingly agile, able to use their articulated limbs and flexible spine to dodge, duck and with surprising efficiency. The test involved harmless bolts of magic being shot at Switch, who in turn had to dodge them. He excelled but eventually a lucky shot by one of the scientists caught him in the thigh.
Then came the test with powers, during which Switch again astounded his small audience... by simply disappearing...

With a flash of yellow crackling energy, Switch vanished from view, causing the ponies watching to gasp and stare until less than a second later he reappeared with another crackling flash at the opposite end of the room, when questioned he simply revealed that the ability was a less powerful version of the universe jumping, which allowed him to cross vast spaces almost instantly. This power was dubbed 'shifting'

Finally, Twilight swept her hoof to highlight Switch's weapons on the table, she kindly and warily asked what they did and what they where capable of.
The small handheld device was explained to be a 'Pistol', a form of long ranged weapon similar to a cannon, but much smaller and able to fire many times without reloading. Switch explained that practically all the ammo was non-lethal... although a more deadly variety was kept on his person as a last resort.
Then came the main article, the one which peaked the curiosity of Celestia a great deal. The scabbard, the same grey as his suit but with a metallic sheen to it, decorated with alien yellow symbols running down the outer edge. Switch called this weapon the S.W.A.P, a shortened version of a Suitable Weapon from Any Perspective. With his wrist, Switch turned the handle whilst it was sheathed, each time a click rang out, sounding slightly different from the others. He then withdrew it, revealing a different weapon for each click.

First was a small baton shaped object with an end that could electrify on contact, a 'Tazer'
Second was a long staff that could be charged with Displacement energy at either end
Third was a larger version of the Pistol, one that could apparently change its internal clip size to fire practically any ammo, dubbed the 'Any-gun'
Finally, the weapon which caused a nervous tension to fill the room, a sword, a short sabre with a razor sharp edge running down one side that glinted in the light. Switch tried to explain that it was only to be used in extreme life and death scenarios but settled for sheathing it out of sight.

With all examinations completed, there was only a singular task to be completed.

The doors to the hall where opened and a royal guardpony was led through it, as soon as he saw Switch his mouth twisted into a deep frown. It was no secret that many of the royal guard viewed Switch with hostility, making the most of a pony's natural wariness of unfamiliar things.

"Our lest test is designed to test your efficiency in combat, Switch, and it is very simple. We wish you to spar with this guard"

Upon hearing this Switch appeared to grow apprehensive whilst the guard started to grin at the opportunity to hurt the human with no repercussions

"Is this necessary?" Switch said "I mean... I like sparring as much as the next guy, but I prefer to fight under more casual conditions"

It was Celestia that spoke up before Twilight could, trotting forward to step by her student.

"Whilst I appreciate your hesitation for violence, you did agree to show us your abilities... I believe this falls under our agreement"

Switch sighed at that before nodding.

"Yes, your Majesty"

The guard didn't say a word as he trotted forward to stand opposite Switch, starting to stretch his forelegs in preparation.

"Alright, this is just a minor sparring match and therefore no lethal techniques are to be used at any times. The match will end once we determine that one combatant has the upper hand. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Princess Celestia!" the guard cried whilst standing to attention. Switch only nodded, his casual demeanour replaced with an almost calm one as he didn't take his eyes off the guard.
Celestia used her magic to conjure a small bell and after a few seconds... she rang it...

The ponies spectating barely saw Switch move...

Once second he was stood stock still... the next a metallic thud rang through the room and Switch had switched positions so he was now stood side on to the guard, only Celestia with her advanced eyesight honed over thousands of years had seen his hand clench into a fist and whip around to smash the guard across the jaw.

The bravado and maliciousness that the guard had shown had all but disappeared as now his jaw was hanging slack and his eyes where wide with shock... until they rolled back into his head and he slumped to the floor without a sound.

The audience gasped as Switch looked over to them, surprisingly looking rather ashamed of his actions.

"I..." Twilight trailed off as she swallowed nervously "... I think that's enough for today..."

"Hold on"

Celestia walked across the fresh hold that marked the boundary of the training area, her eyes set with determination and her mouth set into a grim line. Twilight and the academic ponies looked at her nervously.

"It seems that we underestimated your skills, Switch" she said "It seems you have powers far beyond that of my little Ponies, certainly beyond the training my personal guard receive"

"Um... Thank you, Your highness?" Switch replied rather timidly

"Therefore, It seems the only course of action is to give you an opponent that is in your league..."

Switch chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head as he did

"You mean like... a bunch of guards?" he said, it was then Celestia's turn to chuckle, a rather predatory grin stretching across her face

"No... Your next opponent..."

"...Will be me..."

Author's Note:

Greetings Readers!!

First of all I would like to apologise for my absence! long story short I have moved back to University for the term and therefore my time is taken up by studying and hanging out with my housemates!
However, I shall endear to write the chapters as fast as I can! I hope you can be patient with me and I hope the story will be worth it.

But I know what your asking...
"But Mr. Author's apprentice! when is the moon son coming into the story?!"

I apologise, I'm trying to get to that part but I want the chapters to be lovely and bite sized rather than an indigestion inducing buffet! all I can promise is he'll be here soon!

Below is an image of what the Switch looks like! I hope the writing did it justice!

P.s - I know none of you really asked that question... but it doesn't hurt to hope! ;)

The Author's Apprentice