• Published 24th Aug 2017
  • 452 Views, 4 Comments

The Tale of Rose Eclipse: Royal Sorcerer - NewWillinium

There once was a village hidden deep within the mountains of Equestria and within this village lived two alicorn sisters.To me however I saw them as my friends. And I, Rose Eclipse, would have done anything for them.

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The Story Begins

There once was a village hidden deep within the mountains of Equestria and within this village lived two alicorn sisters. They were beloved in the village and many of the ponies had their hopes pinned on the two sisters. For you see this village and indeed all of Equestria itself was under the dominion of the Mad Draconequus, Discord, and the ponies of the village hoped that one day the sisters would grow powerful enough to o'erthrow him. To me however I saw them as my friends. And I, Rose Eclipse, would have done anything for them.


"Lunaaaa! Roooose! Come out come out wherever you are!", a melodious voice rang out in the clearing where the foals were hiding.

Hiding from the white alicorn were another colt and filly who had managed to hide in the branches above the searching alicorn. Giggling the young unicorn turned shared a grin with the indigo alicorn to his right." Hehehehe, this was a brilliant idea Luna! She'll never think to look above her!" his snickering increased as she began to laugh softly as well.

"I know right? “Luna asked smugly, “Certainly better than your idea of hiding in that rose bush over yonder. “Luna half-jokingly said to her only friend.

A meaningful cough rings out above them and they turn shamefaced to see Celestia hovering above them an amused smirk resting on her face, "Oh I don't know about that dear sister of mine. At least with Rosey's idea I would not have heard you speak when you should have been silent above me."

Groaning the colt, known to his friends as Rose, asked her "How do you always find us Cel? I swear that it ain't fair at times," Rose grinned despite his grousing.

Celestia's horn glowed pink as she enwrapped Luna and Rose in her magickal field bringing them down off of the branch to the ground down below safely. Softly landing behind them she replied, " Mayhaps not Rose but twas fun nonetheless no?" Celestia asked him as she ruffled his messy mane, “Now then we should be getting back home to the village, Tis almost time for supper."

"Leaving so soon?" A voice they all knew and dreaded spoke out, "But I wasn't able to play a game of Hide and Seek as well!" A figure snapped into reality in front of the trio, and there looming before them was the Mad Draconequus Discord himself, Ruler of all Equestria. "After all it's not every day I find two immortal toys and their pet unicorn! Oh what FUN this will be . . .well for me at least!"

Smirking at them Discord watched as the trio, scared of the being in front of them, the three scuttled backwards until they bumped into something. Looking up the three reel away in shock seeing another Discord standing behind them his jaundiced eyes narrowed and his strange hooves waving at them. "Now now there is nowhere to run, why don't you sit down with your dear old Uncle Discord for a spell hm?" The Discords snapped and a table covered in sweets and teas snapped into existence before them. The Discords snapped once more and Luna and Celestia found themselves seated next to Discord at the head of the table, Rose Eclipse heading to join them before finding himself at the other end of the table the second Discord plopping him down onto his lap.

“Sooooo . . .. .Alicorns huh? What you couldn’t pick between horns or wings like your insignificant friend over here?” The Discord holding Rose in his lap hefted him up for a second before dropping him back down.

“Do not call him that!” Luna yelled hopping off of her seat and getting into Discord’s face.” Heheheha I shall call him whatsoever I wish and what I wish right now is for you to sit down.” Discord snapped once more forcing Luna back into her seat now entrapped inside of a straitjacket and gagged. Rose seeing his best friend struggling with her entrapment rose to his hooves and demanded, “Release her Discord!” Discord bemused at the little unicorn threatening began to laugh,” And just what are you going to do if I don’t hmm?”

Angered at the disrespect being shown to him and his friends Rose hopped on top of the table before him, causing a few tea cups to crack and spill, his horn and eyes appearing to be ablaze in a fuchsia glow, “Then I will make YOU!” Rose growled out before shooting out a large beam towards the mad Draconequus.

The fuchsia beam encompasses Discord’s form enshrouding him from view the beam continuing into the forest destroying a couple yards of trees behind it, Luna and Celestia watching in amazement at the power they had not known their friend had within him. As the smoke cleared however what they saw before them terrified them to the core.

“HOW!? How are you still here!?” Rose fearfully demanded of the smirking and nigh undamaged Discord who’s only response was to begin laughing maniacally, “Ohohhoho you dear sweat pet, you never could have hurt me. Unlike your insignificance,” he drawled out that last word emphasizing it slowly,” I am Chaos Incarnate!” He cackled out.

The forgotten second Discord picked up the panting teary eyed colt by his grey coat and placed him in the crook of his arm with his taloned claw clasping onto the tip of the young unicorn’s horn.

“And you,” he continued, “are nothing but the insignificant pet of my new favorite immortal toys.” The hand grasping the tip of Rose’s horn began to tighten incredibly causing a jagged crack to appear on one side of it.

“Stop!” Celestia’s voice, usually so warm and comforting, now heated and furious as she spoke, nay demanded the Mad Tyrant, “Put Rose down. Release my sister. And tell us what you want Discord.” Her glare levelled furiously at the madpony in front of her.

Not letting go of the colt in his arms the second Discord began to speak in unison with the original Discord, “Ah dear sweet Celestia it really should be obvious to you all what I want by now.” He spoke in a low menacing tone made more unnerving at the harmony of the voices, “What I want is what I have always wanted. What I want is to spread some chaos, have some fun, and of course play with my two new immortal toys until they break!” Discord growled out as another jagged crack appeared on Rose’s horn.

Despite the immense pain coming from his horn and his terror of the madpony holding him Rose saw red, “Don’t you dare lay a hoof on them! I don’t care if y’all’re immortal! I swear that if you hurt them I swear by magic itself that I will find some way to end you!”

Silence hung in the clearing as Rose panted and for a moment not a sound was heard before Discord shattered the silence with his cackling laughter.

“Hehehehuhahaha!” The Mad Tyrant cackled in surprised glee, “I told you already kid you can’t do a thing to me, you are just a tiny insignificant mortal.”

“Then I will become immortal then!” The young colt childishly snarled back.

As Discord stared down at the snarling colt in his arms a small smirk began to grow on his face as a plan for some later fun began to form.

“Is that so? Well how about this then pet, dear old Uncle Discord will help you, I’ll even help you get started!”

The original Discord snapped and a portal ripped into existence where Rose’s seat used to be sucking in shattered teacups and many sweets, snow and cold bitter winds springing forth from the portal.

Luna, still bound and gagged foresaw what Discord was about to do struggled feverishly against her bindings desperate to stop this, her eyes pleading with Celestia to stop the Draconequus.

“Let him go Disc-“

“Now listen pet just look for the gaudy red crystal spire and Uncle Discord swears,” Discord leans down into Rose’s face staring into his confused eyes,” you shall find your immortality.”

Discord paused for a moment before a nasty smirk showed up upon his face,” But before you go there is just one more thing . . . .”

Saying this Discord snaps off Rose’s horn along the jagged cracks from before causing the poor colt to pass out from the pain. Having done this Discord carelessly drops the unicorn through the portal before stranding the colt.

“Mmgggghh!” Luna screamed in rage as Celestia tackled the Draconequus, “Bring Rosey back! NOW!” Celestia demanded her glowing horn now pressed against Discord’s throat.

Grinning toothily at her Discord childishly stated, “ No.”

Celestia’s mane now seemed to turn ablaze with fire, though Discord swore that he was seeing things again, the air around them beginning to heat up, Celestia and Discord faintly noticing that Luna had finally managed to free herself from her bindings and began to approach the fallen tyrant eyes and horn aglow with power.

“Where is he!” the two sisters demanded at once power echoing through their voices.

Seeing the anger and power of the two alicorns Discord’s face lit up in delight, “Far far away from Equestria my dear sweet toys, and you two shall never find where I hid your little pet. . .unless, Discord suddenly proclaimed pointing straight up into the sky, “you can beat me in a game!”

Disappearing from the ground and reappearing between the two furious sisters Discord hugs their heads close to his chest before explaining,” The goal of the game is simple my dears you must find a way to defeat me!” He managed to gesticulate around despite his held burdens, “The key to winning is so simple even your insignificant pet could figure it out. . . .maybe. You two delightful little toys must find the opposite of yours truly.”

Discord drops them quickly as he taps a watch on his wrist, “Tick tock tick tock my dears the game has now begun, but don’t take too long you two . . .eh unless you don’t actually want to see your pet again.” He quickly disappeared as two massive magickal beams struck out at him obliterating several acres of tree line behind him.

Celestia and Luna fell to the ground distraught with sadness and fury at the loss of their friend and the challenge Discord has sent them, Luna looking at Celestia with tears in her eyes,” Cel . . .what do we do now? He won’t let us find Rose ourselves nor are we able to take him.”

Celestia gently wraps a wing around her younger sister tightly hugging her close, “We will force Discord to give us Rosey back to us Luna. I swear to you that Discord will pay for this.”

They sat there for a few moments before Luna got to her hooves and headed back to the village, Celestia right behind her.

“. . . .Surely one of the village elders knows what Discord meant by his opposite.”


Groaning Rose Eclipse awoke to find himself in the bitter cold surrounded by the remains of Discord’s table and its scraps of sweets. Shaking his mane clear from his eyes Rose saw naught but snow swirling around him, struggling to his feat Rose slowly begins to set one foot in front of the other.

Rose begins to mutter an oath to himself heard only by the winds of the starless tundra around him,” I will become immortal, and I will return to my friends Discord,” he growls out the next few words,” and I swear that once I do you will never hurt them again.” His words lost to the winds as he trudged forward into the starless tundra.

Author's Note:

*Special thanks again to Symphonic Sync for their help with a few passages here*

*Please feel free to critisize as harshly as possible here*

*Discord's dialogue had me rewriting and rewriting this piece so please let me know how well y'all think I got him down, his cadence kept throwing me*