• Published 24th Aug 2017
  • 300 Views, 2 Comments

My little Pony:Beyond Destiny - OddityOblivious

A future look of what Equstria would be in 1000 years

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Chapter Two: Wayward Paths part one

Author's Note:

Writer: OddityOblivious

Chapter Editor: SudokuBrony https://www.fimfiction.net/user/181856/SudokuBrony

Other Current regular editing/writing team

Pixel Berry: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/136704/Pixel+Berry

Mr.Aquino: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/226783/deadpool-in-equestria

Sizzling smoke wafted into the ceiling of leaves. The furious fire that had been summoned forth died quickly as it came. It was quiet now, after the sound of scattered wooden paws faded in the darkness they hailed from. For a moment there was peace, enough for Moonlight Dazzle to ask herself what just happened and looked towards the sadden unicorn.

She didn’t make eye contact, her right eye was covered by mane with the other darting into any other direction but the only two souls in front of her. The unicorn was timid but it didn’t seem like she wanted to leave even though being in the presence of actual ponies was all but uncomfortable.

“Oh...Thank you, sorry for the trouble.” Moonlight said realizing that they’ve been looking at her while recovering from shock.

“Yes thank you! I couldn’t imagine being food for those unsanitary beasts!” Salsa stuck out her hoof for a greeting but the unicorn shifted to the side a bit, treating her hoof as something dangerously foreign, and it wasn’t due to the dirt covered cloth that surrounded her hooves. She took a slight glance at Salsa, her eye’s hesitant to be seen however her pupils showed a glimmer of want. The depressing mare had stood near them without saying much of a word, neither Moonlight nor Salsa were eager to take a chance that would likely chase off the only chance they had off getting out of the bog, so they stood patiently.

“Yo-you’re welcome.” She finally said.

“Oh thank goodness you can understand us.” Moonlight gave a sigh of relief.

“I’m sorry…. I wanted to say your welcome but I thought it’d sound too rude, but I didn’t know how to say it any other way.” She said.

“It’s alright really, I’m Moonlight Dazzle and this my friend Salsa and we’re lost so is there a way you could show us to Ponyville?” Moonlight asked, with a tone of slight desperation and impatience.

The gloomy unicorns face dripped with fresh tears. “I-I’m sorry pl-please don’t leave.” The unicorn bawled out.

Moonlight was at a loss. How did this lead to tears? She wasn’t rude, though it was more apparent that this unicorn obviously needed them for something, but wording that question could lead to another break down. Salsa approached the weeping pony.

“Hey, calm down, what’s your name?” She asked with a soft voice.

“We-Weepy Willow.” She sniffled, using one of her hooves to rub one of her eyes.

“Well Weepy, why are you crying?” Salsa asked, thinking of putting a reassuring hoof on the unicorn, but remembered how she reacted for a simple hoof shake.

“I d-don’t want to be alone.” Willow whispered, ears folding down as her eyes drifted to the ground.

Salsa gently patted her on the back. A wide goofy grin sprung from the pegasus face, as if she was donned with the revelation of the funniest joke that would ever be told to her. The infectious smile broke Weepy Willow out of her sobbing session and she couldn’t help but laugh at the silly face Sala put on.

“If all you want is a friend all you had to do was a-” She saw her hoof, covered with the filthy cloth. She began to shudder and panic. She scrapped the cloth of her front limbs, and kicked the cloth tied around her back hooves.

“Get the dirt off me!” She tried to fly but her sprained wing refused. Madly she hopped while Moonlight began fruitlessly searching for something clean to stand on. Weepy looked at the bucking pegasus injured winged. Directing her horn, a soothing energy flowed through it and wrapped around the pegasus wing. As soon as the pain left Salsa jetted up to the sky.

Moonlight came out from the bushes with a large lily pad to find her flighty friend enjoying her stay off the ground. She spat the lily pad out and huffed out her sudden distress. The sight of her friend overjoyed to have control over her wings, kicked out her notions of failure. This hiccup was just a set back.

“Thanks for helping my friend.” She turned her eyes to the only other unicorn who could’ve helped Dusty get her wing fixed.

The pony’s bashful expression gleamed through her mane she hid behind. “You-you’re welcome. I’ll show you to Ponyville now!” She awkwardly delivered.

Weepy Willow walked past the moss covered rock, and the other two followed. A scenic, pleasant route was open to them, the path finder being a lonely unicorn. The road out of the everfree forest was a mild walk. In the back of her mind, Moonlight could help but feel that their new companion was more off then how she is presented. A thick aura of eerie isolation surrounded them, they could feel eyes watching them in the thickets of the bush. Entities unknown not too eager to approach the unicorn but just brave enough to to catch a glimpse of her.

“Weepy, is there a reason why it’s so quiet?” Moonlight asked.

“Nothing in these woods seem to like me.” She responded, ears folded down when she gave an answer.

“Why?” Salsa asked.

“I don’t know.” She said with as much conviction as a young filly just learning how to lie. It wasn’t the time to press such a question however, Moonlight was just glad to be on her way out of the nightmarish forest. Whistling a merry tune, Salsa kept the unicorns in high spirits as Ponyville was in their sights, with the only obstacle left being the river. As soon as they passed the last tree in the forest, their manes were pummeled with rain.

A flash storm fell upon them, thunder raged as the sky threw a lightning bolt at Salsa. She flinched, the lighting barely passing her muzzle as yellow flash burst upon a tree into flames. “Quickly! Get to the river before it floods!” Moonlight yells as they scatter towards the river. Beating their hooves to the ground the two unicorns run to the river.

Salsa flies over Moonlight wraps her legs around her abdomen swiftly flies her over to the other side of the river. Swiftly, she flies back for Weepy Willow, who buckles her hooves together. Flight most certainly didn’t suit her. She felt stiff in Salsa hooves as she let her down onto the river’s edge. Another lightning bolt well position aimed for Salsa this time zapping her in the back, making her scream in pain as she kept on flying through the immense pain.

“Salsa!” Moonlight yelled.

The pegasus was mentally stunned, fluttering in the air struggling to gain control of her body. “I’m... fine!” She strained, shaking off the shock.

They hustled into town. Roads were muddy, and every pony had already holed up inside a building. “Can someone let us in!?” Moonlight yelled. There were no takers to the calls of help. The rain either beaten too hard to hear or the citizen of Ponyville or they were to afraid.

“Look! ”Salsa yelled. They saw a red maned mare off into the distance coming into sight as they passed the library. The mare was beckoning them to come toward her as she held open the door wide open leading into a house for them to rush in. As the companions made it in, she quickly shut the door with her hind legs, tilting a wooden plank to fall onto hooked hinges beside the frames.

Hot tea was set, on a round wood coffee table. Across the table, a hearth was lit. Heat filled the wet company, as they huddle against the fire. “I wonder what that lazy pegasus is doing.” The earth pony commented. She sat on a comfy pillow placed near her tea. Pouring a cup for herself she also had five more cups laid out, in preparation of guests.

“It’s ginseng if you want some.” The earth pony said. She took a sip, the steam painted her small circular glasses. Moonlight took of her spectacles, they drenched in water. The kind earth pony tossed her a handkerchief, knowing as if she going to ask.

“You're a lifesaver.” Moonlight said rubbing her glasses with the offered cloth. She walked over to the coffee table her spectacles towed by magic and sat across from the earth pony who had already cracked open a book.

“Thank you for your kindness.” Moonlight said.

“Kindness? It’s bad manners to leave visitors out in the rain.” She said.

“Do you always expect visitors?” Moonlight asked as she stared at the other empty cups while her cup was being filled by the red maned mare.

“Always expect anything that can happen, it started to rain heavily, it isn’t too odd to think that some will get caught outside, especially when every pony gets frightened by an ominous storm so easily.” She said.

“It is strange that the storm clouds would move on their own. Could they’ve rolled over from the Everfree Forest?” Moonlight said.

“I wouldn’t know, I leave that worry to the pegasi.” She said.

Salsa floating next to Moonlight, the red maned mare poured her a cup of steaming tea. “My name is Red Clover, and you’re welcomed to stay for the night, there are spare blankets and pillows upstairs.” She said as she clenched her finished book. Trodding to a small night stand she placed it next to a skull of what was once an ancient dragon. It didn’t belong to one of a full grown stature but it still seemed intimidating for it’s size.

“Well I’m Moonlight Dazzle and this is my friend Salsa, and our companion over there is Weepy Willow.”

Moonlight yawned. “I think I’ll take off now.” She trotted up the stairs followed by Salsa, and not to far from them, Weepy joined not wanting to be left alone with Red Clover.

“It’s strange that a random pony would let two ponies she never before sleep in their house.” Moonlight said.

“Ponyville just has a lot more friendlier ponies then any town.” Salsa said. She dropped onto a large white pillow and immediately fell asleep.

“Um, maybe she’s just nice.” Weepy said. Moonlight eye’d Weepy, who sulked to a corner. Trust hadn’t fall into Moonlight’s mind ever since they let Weepy Willow follow them. She did help them out of Everfree Forest, but she was also suspicious. A feeling of gloom had overshadow them ever since they were with the sulking unicorn. It was probably just the atmosphere she brought, and she did help her more than she could ever repay.

“I’ll mull it over in the morning.” She said. All the energy from when she left the overlook had faded. Usually night was Moonlight’s domain, the small detour though had taken it’s toll. Her thoughts as she fell into her dreams were that of the many fairy tales she enjoyed reading, a time where Luna would read to her right before the darkness had sunken in.


Pink flooded Moonlight eye’s she shifted out of bed. She gazed around a room full of stuffed animals. Struggling out of bed she dropped down near the metal frames. She was much smaller now, her sight was closer to the ground, everything seem so far away. A glass door was open leading out to a view of the night sky, a transcendent dark tail sifted out into the balcony.

Moonlights stubby legs carried her outside. Luna’s eyes looked out to the stars, her small apprentice trotted beside her and sat next to her. The dark mares eye’s connected with her apprentices large dewey eyes. “Your vision of the stars is so beautiful.” Luna said.

“Princess Luna… I’m aware that I’m getting side tracked now but I promise I can do this I’ll be on the road to Reinfort tomorrow.” She said in a squeaky filly’s voice.

“Calm down Moonlight, I understand, but don’t rush, perhaps the universe has pulled you towards Ponyville for a reason.” Luna said.

“What should I do? Do you know where I should go.” Moonlight asked.

“I don’t know Moonlight, Celestia and I have already exhausted all our resources, but I have a feeling that you will have much better luck than us.” Luna said.


“You remind me of Twilight. You may not know it yet, but you may find help very unexpectedly. I see the stars and they tell me that there are many destinies ready to connect with yours.” Luna said. “If you give them a chance.” Moonlight nodded.

Luna patted her apprentice’s mane before leaping into the dreamscape sky. Her silhouetted glided towards the moon fading away. The room behind her had gone away and all that was left was the moon shining down on the small filly.


Light flooded the horizon, covering Ponyville in the pleasant morning shine it brought. The pegasi came from Cloudsdale clearing out the rest of the rogue storm clouds. The ponies of Ponyville re-opened their doors. They flooded back onto the cobblestone roads.

Moonlight Dazzle lazily opened her eyes, grogginess weighed downed her eyes. She noticed that Salsa and Weepy Willow had already left the room and made her way downstairs. Noise of unsettled ponies came from the front door, Red Clover was standing in the doorway, behind her and Salsa was looking over her head toward a mob of disgruntled Ponyville towns folk. In the farthest corner away from the windows Weepy Willow hid, tears rolled down her eyes staining the oak floorboards.

A grey earth pony colt came forward, past the onlookers, he wore a black brimmed hat with a long robe. He looked into the eyes of Red clover with malicious intent. “I know your harbinging the curse bringer! Give her up before she destroys all of what this town has been founded on!” He shouted. The crowd jeered in agreement.

Red Clovers eye looked back, she knew they meant Weepy. “Sir I have no idea who you mean. I have to go plan my next adventure, so I’m going to have to ask impolitely to leave because I don’t care enough to actually ask politely.” She tried to slam the door but the mob leader wouldn’t allow it.

“My dear little filly, Ponyville is peace and I will not let that peace be ruined by that trouble you're protecting.” Red agitatedly smiled. He started to push pass her, rudely wedging himself between him and the door way. Backing away, only slightly, for a momentous push, Red Clover rammed her head against the rude grey pony shoving him out of her house and closing the door behind her.

Moonlight and Salsa peaked out the windows. Red Clover pushed him far back into the crowd until he finally dug in his hooves stopping her forward momentum. “Look my fellow followers, she must be hiding something if she goes to lengths to pro-” Before he finished she pulled her head back and the colt nearly tripped. The red maned mare smacked her hard head against his using herself as a hammer putting the unwelcomed grey colt onto his flank.

Rage burned into dirt cover face of the colt. He wearily stepped forward toward the unyielding audacious mare. “EVERYONE IT’S POSH PIE!” A pony in in the mob yelled. The Ponies turned their heads towards a limo already there was quite a long line of people alongside of the roads eager to catch a glimpse of a shining star. The mob hoofed it, aligning itself to a bigger more rapid mob leaving their leader by himself.

“Well, umm… good day lass.” He said before running off to the distance. Salsa and Moonlight came dashing out of the house.

“Are you okay?” They asked, noticing the much redder marks on her forehead from the impact of the headbutt.

“I’m fine, my head has survived tougher scuffles.” Weepy Willow slid out the door approaching the three.

“I’m so-sorry for the trouble.” She said walking away. Salsa flew in front of her. She cradle her head expecting the pegasus to strike her.

“Wait where are you going?!” Salsa asked.

“It’s my fault they were at her door… I shouldn’t have come here I’m only bad luck.” Weepy sniffled.

“That’s ridiculous they don’t even know. How could they just treat you like that?” Salsa asked.

“Well, do you know me?” Weepy asked. Salsa patted Weepy’s head.

“I’d like to.” She showed a warm smile before Moonlight approached the shy unicorn.

“I would like to know more about you as well, and it seems like you need some friends.” Moonlight said trying awkwardly not to sound rude.

“Th-thanks for the offer but I don’t deserve it, I only bring you misfortune. I mean it when I say I’m bad luck. Only bad things happen to people I’m near.” Weepy said.

Red Clover laughed. Bad luck? It was nothing to her. She stepped forward in a bold trot. “Bad luck? That’s it? I’m the luckiest pony you’ll ever meet, you girls can stick with me, you all seem like you’ll need it, I’ve been looking for companions to go on adventures with.” She said adjusting her handkerchief.

“Oh that’s good and all but...” Luna’s voice edged into her memory, and leaked out into her ears. “A connecting destiny.” Moonlight whispered to herself. Red Clover was puzzled by the thought filled expression the spectacled unicorn had, so suddenly in mid conversation.

“Red Clover, Weepy Willow, I have a task given to me, a very important one, and that's to find the princess of friendship.” She began.

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