• Published 26th Aug 2017
  • 1,335 Views, 47 Comments

Displaced: Crossing Roads - Slendy

We all know the stories of people's misadventures in the magical land of Equestria, but in this adventure, see how two random nobodies, with powers beyond their own, fight, not only for the inhabitants of Equestria, but to find a way home.

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Chapter 5 Live And Learn

Displaced: Crossing Roads
Chapter 5
Live And Learn

One week, One. Whole. Week. Yep, pretty sure I wasn't drugged, murdered, and left for the rats now. Yes, that's how much I doubt this whole, living-in-Equestria, but now, I really do need to get a grasp on my abilities, as I had a thought, "If I can somehow control my abilities, i'd be a god to these ponies!". So, today, I will do just that! Even if i'm a lazy shit, from NI. Which is why I couldn't give one flying fuck about training!

Oh! Before I forget, here's a little list of my abilities, and the reasons I need to practice, not that I care:

-Clockwork Sword (Can keep it out for about 5 minutes, maybe 10 if I haven't casted anything else)

-Time Freeze (Right now, only from 0-100%, no in-between, and I can hold it for just about 1 minute)

-Increased Perception (So the more focused I am, the better my reactions are)


Now, with my mental notes stacked neatly in a the corner of my mind, I stood inside Selene's room, and no, not in a creepy way, unless you count my evil-grin, which I held, to keep my laughter to a barely audible whisper, I watched her, as she soundly slept, without a care in the world, and if I were to see better in the dimly lit room, I could probably see a smile.

"Aww, she's sound asleep, and would you look at the time! 6:30!" I thought to myself, as my arms rose to my sides, both holding massive, brass cymbals, then I chuckled lightly, as she turned towards me, still in dreamland

"You want to wake me from my laziness, then I'll return the favor." I spoke with a twitch in my eye, as I shut them to prepare for the sound, then I threw my hands together, the clap of metal ringing


I burst into a fit of pure joy, as I watched Selene, throw herself from her bed, as she did a barrel-roll in the air, before falling to the floor in a daze, as she had managed to tie herself in her sheets, once she regained her sense on reality, her shocked, and frightened face, twisted into a scowl, as she stared at my now dying body, as I helplessly spoke through my laughing fit.

"P-Payback, i-is a-a bitch-hahaha!" I laughed, as she spent an entire 5 minutes, unwrapping herself, as I finally calmed down enough to help, but that didn't stop her from hitting me, a lot.


It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and one days like these, ponies like me...

"Fuck! My head feels like a drum!" I yelled in a mental fit, as I rubbed my head with a hoof, as some looked at me with a mixture of concern, and confusion. Then again, they don't realize that i'm swearing, ha! Stupid pones

I honestly didn't expect Selene to find a bat, let alone lob it at me, I swear, women are without a doubt, the scariest things that the universe made. But, I honestly couldn't see anything going wrong after that-Wait....oh shit!

To answer my own question, my face was drilled into the dirt beneath me, as some kind of object managed to impaled me to the floor without me realizing it. So, as I tasted the mixture of gravel and soil, I yelled to the weight on my back.

"Do you mind!? I much rather dig my own grave thank-you!" I snapped, as I felt the weight move, as I was ripped from the earth, only for my legs to grip my muzzle in agony, fuck that hurt! Then my attention was brought to the reason for my bad luck. "Fucking Lyra."

At the sound of her voice, she spun her head to face me, as she looked sheepishly at me, as I glared at her, wiping the rest of the dirt off my face, then I pointed at her. "You got 5 seconds to explain, before I use your face as I belt-sander!"

"I...sorry, but I was looking for you, but I didn't mean to hit you, I kind-of...slipped?" She shrugged nervously, as I narrowed my eyes, she was lying, Liar Lyra, now I get it!

"What was your real reason, and make it quick!?" I snapped, as she shrunk down, then she grabbed my face, and pulled me as close as she could, to which my mind went haywire, as felt my face begin to boil from the close contact. "But not close!"

However she ignored me, sure, ok, why not? "Are you that human from a week ago?" Fuck! Shit! Donkey Dick!

"Umm . . . I don't want to be locked away, but I also reeealy want to take credit for that." I answered honestly, as I saw her face light up, as she jumped on all fours like Pinkie, then I shoved a hoof in her face before she could yell. "I'll explain, just don't go around yelling it to the world."

She nodded, and quickly dragged me along. But it was a rather short trip, as I was flung forwards by the bat-shit-crazy-mare, and straight into a white unicorn, and I swore I saw electric-blue hair. But other than that...

"God dammit! Warn me next time!" I groaned, as I picked myself off the ground, then I looked to my left, as I felt nothing but awkwardness rush over me, as the unicorn picked herself off the ground, only to frown at Lyra, as she smiled nervously

"H-Hey Vinyl! D-Didn't see you there?" Lyra tried to salvage, but Vinyl sighed, before pointing a verminous hoof at me, but I quickly waved me hooves in defence

"Hey! It was her fault for slinging me around like a puppet on strings! So blame her!" I blamed, as Lyra looked at me, only to shrink again as Vinyl frowned at her, even with her shades on, I could feel the annoyance from here, so I quickly intervened. "Ok, how's about we apologize, and move on? 'Cause I don't wanna be dragging myself down with Lyra."

Vinyl nodded, as she point to what she was carrying, as we looked to see a bunch of sound equipment, now lying on the road, to which I glared at Lyra, Like for fuck sake woman! Can't you see anything!?

"...Ok...ok, we'll help you out, but Lyra!" I called out, as she perked up, but then mostly likely saw my annoyed face. "You fucking owe me big, got that?"

"Su-Sure! But can I tell Vinyl?" She asked, as I looked to Vinyl, as she tilted her head at me, and I sighed. "You know that Lumos guy from a week ago?" She nodded, and I prepared for the coup de grĂ¢ce. "I'm him."

At first Vinyl didn't look convinced, but then she realized that Lyra was with me, and then she face-hoofed. So I sighed, before poking my hoof, where the bracelet sat.

"I'll explain later, for now though, lets get this mess cleared, despite my reluctance to do much." I shrugged, deciding it was best to atleast help Vinyl a little, besides, she is the best!


"-Are you sure you don't have a base cannon, 'cause that would be awesome!" I asked Vinyl, as she levitated a note to my face, as it read

"No, but now that you mention it, that could be bloody awesome! Although I don't think Tavi would allow me to have one" After reading the note, I saw Vinyl give a worried look, as I could already guess that Octavia wouldn't want the equivalent of a fucking sonic boom in her home

"...Hey Vinyl?" She looked at me, as I realigned the items on my back, as Lyra was struggling a few feet behind us. "Are you...mute? No offence, by the way."

She nodded, as I saw another note levitate in-front of me.

"Yes and no, I can speak, but it can be extremely painful, if not agonizing, so yeah...I am..." At that, I frowned at her sudden sadness, with fucking hurt me! Dammit, stupid human emotions!

"...Hey, for what its worth, you're still pretty cool to me, heck, your music is the only type I really like!" I spoke humbly, and to be honest, I hate dub-step, its not music, but hers I can accept. At that however, she seemed to smile again, as we both turned to the sound of something collapsing, as Lyra was crushed by a bunch of boxes, panting for breath

"Are...we there...yet!?" She panted, as I looked at Vinyl, and she literally pointed to the house behind us, as I nodded, making Lyra throw a hoof in the air. "Thank Celestia!"

"She does realize she could have used her magic, right?" I whispered to Vinyl, as held a note out for me

"She can be . . . dense at times"

After we did drag Lyra into the house, I could now see that the show wasn't kidding, the home was split down the middle, with what looked like a mini-orchestra, with notes and equipment lying on desks and tripods, over to the right, Vinyl levitated her stuff to the corner of the room, as I could see that her organization was . . . chaotic, which I can agree with.

"Vinyl? What took you so long?" Came a very posh voice, to which I looked to see Octavia enter the room, as I saw her carrying a large cello case, but I could see it beginning to wobble in her grasp, towards me? "Oh! Hello Lyra, i'm guessing you're the reason she's late?"

"Hey! Not just me! Him too!" Thanks Lyra. At that, Octavia looked at me, questionably I might add, as I bow lightly

"Hello, Nox Clockwork." I introduced in the most polite way I could muster, as she smiled

"Well, nice to meet you Nox, as you were probably told, i'm Octavia Melody, a pleasure to meet you." Not gunna lie, loving her accent, good old England still had something good about it

"Yes, and...wait." I paused as I noticed the cello she sat down begin to tilt, before I fell completely, setting off a chain reaction, which then hit one of those string-things you use on cellos, thereby spinning and smacking me upside-the-head. "Ah fuck! Dammit why!?"

"Oh my, are you ok?" Octavia asked, as Vinyl and Lyra tried not to laugh, but a quick glare from Octavia shut them up

"Ok, first it was Selene, next Lyra, followed by Vinyl, and now this! Why does the universe hate me!?" I cried as I rubbed my forehead, feeling something snap back in place as I nodded to her. "I'm fine...bad luck just loves me oh so much."

"Well...Besides from that...can you show me who you are now!?" Lyra perked up, as I questioned her choice of words, as Vinyl toppled over in a silent laughing fit, as Octavia cleared her throat awkwardly

"Worst. Possible. Wording!" Vinyl wrote in a messy writing style, as I agreed

"Could you rephrase that, Lyra?" I asked calmly as she went to speak, but we paused at the sound of the ceiling chipping, which prompted us to look up, then I felt dust float towards my face, as Lyra laughed lightly as she went to speak, but I raised my hoof. "You know what? Fuck this world, and everything it stands for."


I give up, I have been beaten to dead, buried in dirt, used as a bat, used as target practice, and now I've been crushed by the ceiling and a certain derpy-eyed mare. That's when I whimpered in pain, as the others looked to see the pony-sized hole that the new arrival had made, as Vinyl dragged me out from under the mare.

"Sorry about that Octavia! I was just trying to deliver a message to you and Vinyl, but a gust of wind knocked me off coarse!" Ditzy apologised as she dusted my face of all the dust and wood. "I'm really, really sorry mister!"

"Its...fine..." I coughed as I shook the dust from my mane, as I sighed in irritation. "Ok, Lyra, how about I get this deal of ours over with, before another-"


"AH!!!" I screamed, as I hid behind Vinyl, peaking over to look at the door. "I swear, if i'm injured one more time, I will fucking end this world!"

Lyra walked over to open the door, only to gulp nervously as the new occupant entered. Bon Bon, the mare who not only keeps Lyra contained, but turns out to be a secret agent, who knew? But she wore a baffled expression, as she eyes traveled from Lyra (Totally not her girlfriend), to the hole, to Ditzy, and finally to me.

"Lyra..." She groaned in irritation. "What did you do?"

"Well...you promise not to be mad at me?" Lyra asked sweetly

"What. Did you. Do?" She sternly asked, as she stood on a loose floor board, as it snapped upwards, sending a roof-tile directly at my face, and now, let the purge commence, or atleast until I wake up

"Goodnight...!" I happily replied, as I fell backwards, letting the void consume my vision


So lets see, ive been transported to Equestria, met the locals, murdered the local wildlife, made acquaintances with a bat-pony, and now, ive been knocked out by a tile...surprisingly not my worst month, but then again, its these sort of events and shocking turns that make everyday just a little more...fun. Unless its a headache.

"He's waking up!" I heard the voice of Lyra bark in my face

"Well don't deafen the poor stallion." Yes Bon Bon, poor

"I say, he does seem to have been through a lot in only the space of 4 hours?" Came a new voice, obviously male, but it had a rather British tone to it...oh, its the doctor!

Then I opened my eyes, only to be greeted with the faces of the 'other' main 6. their facial expressions showed sympathy, guilt, and curiosity. So being the degenerate human I am, I instantly flipped my body into the air, and behind the sofa, as I glared daggers at the new pony.

"Injure me! I bloody dare you!?" I barked at him, as the brown stallion only looked at me in bafflement, as I pointed to all of them. "Did you tell him!?"

"Yeah...he made sure not to hurt your already broken body." Vinyl wrote, as I nodded, slowly crawling out from around my wall, then I cleared my throat

"So, you are...?" I asked, even if I knew him, it was best to play along, that....and it can't honestly be his name...right?

"Right, I'm Doctor Whooves-" Oh fuck-a-doodal-doo that actually is his name!? "-And you're?"

"Lumos Vitae, pleased to meet ya doc!" I said calmly, as I saw Lyra's jaw drop, yeah...I know is said my name, that's the point

"I thought your name was Nox?" Lyra asked me in surprise

"In this form, yes," that got head spinning, then I reach for my bracelet. "But in my other form, I'm Lumos."

Begin dramatic reveal! So I did, and at first they didn't say anything...well...Lyra started messing with my hand, as the others came back to reality, Bon Bon was first.

"You mean, I injured an Alien...whoops..." She gaped, as Vinyl nodded in agreement, but Ditzy seemed to be taking it well as she flew in front of me

"You really are that creature from before!?" She happily asked as I nodded

"Well this certainly does explain your odd vocabulary." Octavia breathed, as I decided not to explain

"Wait you mean to say, that you really can control time?" Doc asked, as I decided to take that train, and derail it

"Correction, I can 'Manipulate' time, I can't travel between past, present, or future." Not that I would change the past, that would be asking for a whole pile of fuck-ups, then I sighed, sitting down on the couch as I looked at them evenly, rest my hands on my lap

"Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you-no, I 'want' you to promise me that you'll keep this a secret, unless I tell you to, so far, only Selene knows who I am...and now all of you....fuck I really suck at keeping secrets." I groaned, as my head sunk to the floor

But that lasted short, as I felt a pressure around my head, as I was lifted to face Vinyl, a small smile on her face, as she handed me another note.

"Hey, you're the coolest ponyperson ive met! And you don't seem to be too annoying, so you got my word!" I looked at her, as she nodded, then I looked to the others, and nothing could really comprehend what they said to me

"I do owe you for knocking you out, sorry by the way." Bon Bon apologised, as the Doc was next

"Yes, despite only meeting you for a moment, I can understand why you would want to keep such a secret, even my scholars I worked with said my ideas of 'time travel' were ludicrous, unrealistic, but seeing you just screams 'Opportunity'!" Doc responded with glee before adding. "So you have my word too."

"You don't seem to be anything but good, so I will not say a word." Octavia answered with a smile

"You're funny when you're angry, you get a word out of me!" Ditzy cheered, then my direction fell to Lyra, as she finally let go of hand for a moment

"Can I touch your hands more?" She asked, which I quickly retracted my hands

"I'll take that as a yes?" Octavia asked, as Lyra nodded

Ponies, too nice for their own good, now I can understand how the people in those fanfics feel. Despite what humanity has done, people of such kindness are rare, if not, impossible to find. And yet, here I was, with people who care about me, despite my looks, and my personality . . . and even so...

"Guys . . . I . . . thank you." I was really speechless, and for once in my life, I had no sarcastic remark, no witty joke...it felt right, even as they smile at me, I can't help but smile back, albeit, behind my mask

After that emotional trip, I decided to change back, as I helped to clear the rubble from the missing roof, and through-out that time, I got to know them all more, about their lives, the people they met, everything. People I know, would never to this, they would only work in silence, but these aren't people, and I'm glad they're not.

In the end, they called me their new 'Friend' a word that seems to be thrown around often in this world, but one I can honestly take pride in, knowing that they meant every word of it, no matter the differences between us. I guess there's a lesson in all of this.

People and ponies alike, all have similarities, we're the same, but our personalities, our experiences, they define who we'll become in life, and how we choose to acknowledge people in the future. And sometimes, we'll meet people who can change us for the better, even if we don't realize it then, soon enough, we all will.

That's what I believe.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Yeah...so trying to figure out how to make this chapter was irritating, but its finally here. And just so you know, chapter updates will be random, you've been warned.

Besides from that, hope you enjoyed!

Next Chapter: It's My Turn