• Published 14th Aug 2017
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The Elements of Chaos: The Insanity - WovenTwigs

Jackal is the bearer of the element of insanity who is on a journey of the weird and bizarre. He must make sure his power must not be used for evil purpose, and he helps the main six on their journeys in life.

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The Return of the Mare in the moon part 2

Ponyville Hospital

Jackal woke up feeling intense pain on his back region. He placed in a hospital bed and there was no pony else around him. He tried to get up but his body refused to move at all, he was paralyzed. He finally recalled what happened earlier with Nightmare Moon.

He started to freak out that he will have to live the rest of his life paralyzed and would never be able to do anything for himself. He would never be able to accomplish to be able to have his own puppet store and have puppet shows for everyone to enjoy. He is starting to think about Twilight and where could she be until he heard somepony knock on the door.

The door opened up and he noticed a strange figure walk in but he couldn't see who it was since the room was dark. "Who is there, show yourself" he was interrupted by the lights being turned off and was blinded for a few seconds until he saw who it was.

Was it a sheep? He was surprised he expected to be a nurse but a sheep.

"Hello there you must be Jackal," she said "my name is Lil Betty I may be small but I am reliable"

"What, what is going on here where is everyone"

"Well, most of the ponies in town had either moved out of Ponyville in fear or hiding in the safety of their homes. I'm here to help" She said proudly

"You keep saying that but how are you helping this situation at all"

"That's rude to say and here I thought that I would help you out"

"Help me out? I can't move at all I'm paralyzed how can you even help out my situation"

She then got close up and lifted one of her hooves and produced a strange surge of static electricity; she stabbed him in his chest and he felt an electrical surge go through his body. All he could do was scream in pain as he felt his back was shifting around.

She finally pulled out and let him catch his breath "What was that what did yoo do to me?"

She smiled coyly "Well all I did was manage to produce static electricity with my vitae"

He got off the bed inspecting his body. It was amazing she was able to return mobility to his body, however, there was still some of the pain left in his body but he was not complaining. "Vitae? Whats that"

"Oh, I guess Celestia hasn't told you about this?"

"Wait you know the princess," he asked, "what happened to her, where is she, and why isn't she trying to stop her sister?"

"Look I don't have time to answer your questions. We still have to stop Nightmare Moon before she attacks the Elements of Harmony and brings eternal night."

"Sure, but how am I suppose to help out?"

"Well you have no experience with vitae but you have a lot of that due to your eyes. Being the wielder of the element of insanity has its perks."

"So what now?"

"We get some supplies"

The Everfree Forrest

"All you have to do is imagine the vitae inside of you and let it course through your veins, and with that, you'd be able to get less damage when you get hit with a magic attack. That is all the things you would need for now to help in the defeat of Nightmare Moon."

"Wait you're not going with me?"

"Nope I am needed elsewhere goodbye" she comically ran off leaving a cloud of smoke

He just stared at her with a confused look on his face"I will probably never understand that sheep in my life" he stared towards the direction the Lil Betty went. He turned towards the Castle of the Two Sisters and he ran towards it hoping that he would be able to get there in time.

Castle of the Two Sisters

He was already at the entrance of the castle when he noticed a flash of magic on one side of the castle to another part of the castle. It seemed like some sort of teleportation spell. He heard the girls scream about Twilight and he took it as a sign as to head out where that burst of magic happened.

Once he managed to get there he saw Twilight gasp in fear as she saw the Elements being shattered "But... where's the sixth Element?!"

"You little fool! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! the night will last forever!" she started to laugh maniacally until a rock was thrown towards her. "What, who dares to throw another rock at me?!"

"Wow, and here I thought you were some sort of powerful alicorn, but you seem to be really a really cocky pony who is just big talk." responded Jackal as he stepped out of the shadows

"What I thought I got rid of you, no matter I will make sure I don't leave one ash of your body." she charged up another one of her attacks.

Jackal was quick enough to dodge it and did a counter attack with his front hooves and punched her in the face. The other girls started to appear alongside Twilight.

"Wait how is this possible I thought his spine was shattered" questioned a surprised Rainbow Dash.

"Maybe he was suddenly healed by some mysterious sheep with some sort of magical powers that helped him heal up" randomly said Pinkie Pie suddenly breaking the fourth wall.

"What?" said a confused Applejack


"Hey Twilight, can you hurry up and summon the Elements of Harmony and take her down I don't think that I can stall her much longer" yelled Jackal

"Oh right, I realized that the Elements may have been shattered but their spirits are still alive right here with us."

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of ... honesty. Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of.. kindness. Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter. Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity. And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her heart's desires represents the spirit of... loyalty.

"The spirits of these five pines go us through every challenge you threw at us." said Twilight

Just then Nightmare Moon managed to blast Jackal right in the head blowing up a chunk of his skull. He went flying towards a pillar that crumbled right on top of him. She was laughing maniacally as all the girls gasped. "You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!"

"But I did! A different kind of spark. I realized it when I realized how happy I was to meet you girls and how much I cared about you and when I realized that you all were my friends. The real spark that was ignited inside me that resides in the hearts of us all, it creates the sixth element, the element of magic!"

Then there they were all six of them finally awakened the elements of Harmony "Ok girls let's do this for Jackal" said a very angry Twilight.

"You killed him you ruffian!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Yeah you killed him," Jackal said as he surprised the girls from behind.

"But how is this possible we saw you get blasted and the pillar crushing your whole body!" said Applejack

"Well, I used this," he took out a wooden cross that is used to control puppets. He then pulled at it with his mouth and a large life sized puppet was dragged out that looked exactly like him but was missing a chunk of its head. "Took a while to build it before and now it's been broken; it took me nearly 3 weeks to just get the proportions accurate," he said disappointedly.

"Who do you even think you are?" asked Nightmare Moon.

He took off the sunglasses he had on and revealed his swirling eyes "Well I am Jackal, the Element of Insanity of the Elements of Chaos" he said as he laughed like crazy.

She started to back up as she noticed the puppet come to life and wrap all around her.

"Quick use the elements on her before its too late"

The girls blasted her with the elements and with blinding lights that managed to knock them all down.

He woke up hearing the girls talk to themselves when he noticed Celestia appear in front of them. "Princess Celestia" Twilight said as she went and greeted the princess.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it."

"But... you told me it was all an old pony tale.

"I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of NIghmare Moon's return, so I made sure to send Jackal to aid you when awakening the magic of friendship when you let true friendship in your heart. Now if only another will let friendship in their heart. Princess Luna?" she walked towards her.

"It's has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister."

"Sister?" both Twilight and Rainbow were surprised.

"Will you accept my friendship?"

Luna suddenly hugged her sister "I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!"

It seemed to be a happy ending until Rainbow Dash was the one who questioned "What are the Elements of Chaos?" everyone fell silent.

Jackal walked towards his sunglasses that were on the ground and placed them back on "I'm not so sure my self, I would love to give you answers but all I know is that I represent the spirit of insanity."

"Everyone please doesn't fear Jackal because of his element," said Celestia "Everything will be alright"

They weren't afraid at all of him and called him their friend and after one of Pinkie Pies party, Celesta decreed that Twilight Sparkle would stay in Ponyville in order to research about friendship. She even asked Jackal to stay and she gave him enough bits to go buy a place of his own. Would this seem to be a happy ending for them?

A village in a mountain

"Please let the children live... aahhhhhh"

A unicorn stood there as he sucked the life out of the pony who was pleading him to spare the children "Like I would take life from children they don't even quench my thirst"

He left the children crying over the bodies of their parents as he left the village. His eyes glowed green with swirls "I need more Power!"