• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 454 Views, 3 Comments

Creatures in the Dark - PhoenixDragon44

All is quite in the town of Ponyville. Not for long. For the day must become night, and what happens in the darkness, will be brought to the light.

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WE'rE hEre

It was a quite night in Ponyville, the town glowing in the pale moonlight. Most of the houses revealed that their residents lay asleep. In one house though, on a place known as Sweet Apple Acres, a little filly known as Applebloom tossed and turned; unable to fall into the bliss rest she desperately wanted. She turned onto her back and sighed in defeat. Waiting a few moments before opening her eyes to her barely lit room. She looked at the wall opposite to her, she looked at the clock that was there and attempted to discern the time. Squinting her eyes, she was able to make it out.
It was 2:23 am.

She saw a quick flash of movement in the corner of her eyes and quickly snapped her head to the source of the disturbance. She stared at the corner of the room, her senses were on high alert and her heartbeat was thumping quickly in her chest. Her breathing was slow and her eyes were wide as she stared unblinking into the nigh pitch black corner of the room. Adrenaline poured through her veins and her body became rigid. The longer she stared into the corner of the room, the darker her peripherals became. Seeing nothing, she shook her head and her heartbeat returned to normal. As the adrenaline faded from her system, she began to tire, more so than she had been before her scare.

Her eyes grew heavy and she finally drifted into the sweet embrace of sleep. The clock ticked on for a few minutes... then a few more, and, unknowing to Applebloom, she had seen something. IT took a single step; covering the eight foot gap between the corner where IT had hid from her sight, and the foot of her bed. IT'S tall and slender body forced IT to bend over at the waist to fit in the room. IT stood on to legs with IT'S feet ending in curved talons and IT'S hands ending in razor sharp claws the size of broad swords. IT'S skin was a black that matched the darkest of nights and IT'S eyes having a black iris and sclera with glowing white pupils. IT raised an arm and reached it out to touch Applebloom's face. IT stopped IT'S claws just before they touched her face. They hovered there unmoving. IT waited...

After a few seconds, images, feelings, sounds, smells, and knowledge flooded ITS mind. One image was more prominent in the images... It was an image of the young filly APpLeblOoM getting what appeared to be verbal beration from two of her peers DiAMonD TIarA aNd sIlvEr SPoOn. IT twitched a claw at this image and it enveloped IT'S vision. IT then watched as an extremely blurry Applebloom faced off the two school bullies.

They both had smirks on their faces as they began to circle Applebloom like sharks circle their prey.

"it's a no wonder you didn't get a passing score on the math test. You inbred hicks aren't bright enough to be trying to learn this kind of stuff." a slightly distorted Diamond Tiara said with mock sympathy. Applebloom attempted to open her mouth to yell at Diamond, but was cut off by Silver spoon.

"Ya! And what are you even good for? Picking up fruit like a slave?" Silver Spoon asked smugly. Tears began to form at the corners of Applebloom's eyes. "You're worthless to everypony. That's probably why you only have your blank flank friends." TEARS were now openly streaming down her face.

"Oh, is da widdle fiwy gonna cwy, are you gonna go tell your mommy. Oh that's right, you don't have one!" Diamond Tiara taunted. Applebloom turned away and ran as she began bawling her eyes out.

The memory ended...

IT growled, only loud enough to make Applebloom flinch in her sleep, yet not wake her. IT retracted IT'S arm and stepped over to the only window in the room. Opening it, IT squeezed ITSELF through, and onto the little overhang outside that was placed right below the window. IT closed the window behind ITSELF and crouched in preparation for the next movement that was to come. For after seeing Applebloom's memories of the previous day, IT had two more stops to make for the night. IT looked within the room for a glance more, and looked at the clock, which read 2:35 am. Grunting in acknowledgment of this observation...

IT Jumped...