• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 452 Views, 0 Comments

Broken Kingdoms, Rising Princes - count of hollow shades

the old home lands were shattered by the great blizzards, 1000 years ago Celestia and Luna created the modern state of equestria and spread across the world. in this, the frontier of empire, they hold little sway and war is everywhere.

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Hill Hounds

Albovia, the largest island that lies off the coast of the old world. A land once ruled by hundreds of oxen chieftain before the princesses came from the new world to reestablish the old pony kingdoms. Now a land ruled by the imperial prince Henry the XI and other pony aristocrats, with a bovine peasantry. The island has many forests and fields, it is a relatively peaceful place. Relatively.

The new world has the diamond dogs, they are few and relatively harmless. In the old world, there are hundreds of variations of these mutts. From the mighty Mongrel Horde on the edges of Saddle Arabia and Maretonia, to the nomad Germarey Shepards. The highland hill hounds have been attacking albovian border towns for as long as ponies have remembered, a particularly savage pack has surfaced.

Rex is a happy hound, it is always entertaining to see ponies die. The captives were taken from the last raid, other alphas would enslave them. However, Rex wanted to set an example, give him what he wants or join the other heads on his mantle. "Billy, line them up" what a simple mind, thought Rex. He is useful though, the captives are dressed simply, their hands bound behind them. Only stallions though, mares are extremely valuable to some, and Rex would be lying if he said he didn't indulge a little.

"You are all going to die."

Who said that, thought Rex then he noticed one of the captives standing a little taller than the others, strange eyes, wings lashed to his back, a mark of crossed spears behind a heater shield, a scar across his right cheek. "What is your name.

"Call me Alwin."

"Well Alwin, I have 6 men with me. We have weapons. You are tied like a hearth's warming turkey. How will you do that" the captive thestral shrugged.

"I don't know yet, I do not have it all thought out yet. First step is complete though. You missed the knife in my boot"

Okay, the bonds are cut. Now what. Well let’s start with killing the motherbucker that is in my face. The knife penetrates the furs, plaid, and leather that Rex was wearing like paper. Hmm, that claymore on his back seems promising. "REX. You die fool." the spear is easy to deflect. I took the sword blade in my hands and broke his skull in with the cross hilt.

"Now what genius, there is still 4 of us, and one of you." he is right. I can outfight anyone of them, not all of them. Not here. Wait, yes that should do it.

"How about these." I cut an earth pony's bonds "free the others, I will hold them off". He nods in conformation. Good now I just have to hold them off for a moment or two.

"Kill him" an ax hound tries to rush past me to get my compatriot before he can finish anymore of his task. I thrust my sword point at his legs, not fatal yet. But he is out of it. I back-step away from a knife thrust. I make a clumsy swing toward him, my inexperience with the weapon starting to show. They sense my weakness, emboldened they rush me. Then ii hear a wordless cry of rage. The captives are free. Chasing the now fleeing hounds with stolen weapons.

Let’s see what they have on their bodies, hmmm precious few bits. The kilts are flea bitten, the blades may be worth a little. "Alwin" who? Ohh it is one of the villagers, "thank you, we and our families would be goners if it were not for you".

"Don't mention it. I was here for the bounty on this one" I point to Rex "he has pissed off a lot of people, and the reward is substantial."

"Regardless, we insist that you feast at the long-house. What is your full name so we may put you in sagas"

"Alwin Von Ross"

the lands of the old world, the ones controlled by ponies anyway, are ruled by a series of imperial princes. they control their own realms under their mutual overlords, the alicorn princesses. however, they rarely visit. meaning they really have the power to do whatever they want (within reason). Saddle Arabia, Prance, Germaney, Denmarek, Ponland, and Maretonia, all with their own cultures, traditions, governmental structure, etc., etc. this leads to a lot of tensions.

their rivals, the griffin kingdoms of griffinshore and griffinbank, dump massive amounts of treasure to keep it that way. the Mongrels constantly invade the frontiers. simply put thing are bad.

the meal is nice, filling potato, nice pork. well, time to leave. "excuse me, I am the village bard, I would like to know your story,"

"me? why? I am really not that interesting."

then the bard replied, "most people are, it is my job to make them interesting." well... why not,

"my life started in the lands of my father, in germaney. he was a lunar knight, it is considered a great honor among the thestrals to be a part of that sacred order. the lands of the house of Ross were rich in game, forest, and orchard. the cider was especially sweet, I wish I had some right now. My father died fighting in maretonia, my older sister inherited the estate. And I needed to find a new job. Mercenary work sounded fun, I knew a little about using a spear, sword and shield, I had armor. It didn’t seem that hard, I was wrong” so very wrong, there is somethings better left forgotten.

“Excuse me, i have to leave. Where did i leave my gear.”

Then i hear a feminian voice, a young earth pony teenager. Pretty in a girl next door kind of way, “don’t leave. At least not yet. Me and some of the girls have a… surprise for you”.

“What, did you bake a cake? I like cake, or cookies, or brownies maybe”

She looked Perplexed, “No! I am offering, well… you know”.

What is she talking about… oh.ohh *gulp* “i am flattered, i really am. But i have to leave.” there is my pack, lets fly.

Miss briar rose is a bit gobsmacked, “is he gay, am i just not attractive to him.”

Good luscious luna, that was difficult. My entire body tried to revolt against my brain, i mean those flanks, those thighs, those… no, no… i am in control. Not as if i have much chance with those girls anyway. I used a note to ask for my first date, and when she said yes i had no idea what to do. Stop thinking about your lack of a love life, we have some heads to sell.

Author's Note:

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