• Published 7th Aug 2017
  • 892 Views, 5 Comments

The Phenomenal One - TheAnimerican

She is phenomenal and a successful wrestler, but will her next opponent be her downfall?

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Chapter 3

Early the next morning, with the sun not up yet, Applejack woke from her slumber. As she tried to get out of bed, she felt sore throughout her body.

"Ow ow ow," she thought to herself, "That Ambrose fella sure packs a wallop. Doin chores today will be such a pain in the flank."

With what energy she had, she forced herself out of bed to get ready for the day. She started by setting up her hair in her everyday fashion; having a hair band wrapped at the end of her mane. She then proceeded to grab her hat as she walked her way to the door. She took a deep breath, "Alright. Here we go."

Once she opened the door, she didn't expect what was on the other side.

"You're finally awake!" A mare and filly said in unison as they surprised Applejack. Applejack was trampled by Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. As she laid on the floor, she groaned from the pain she was still experiencing.

"Applejack! You were awesome last night!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"The way you kicked Mean Ambrose to the head! Amazing!" shouted Scootaloo.

"How long have you been a wrestler!?!"

With that last question, Applejack endured her pain and shoved a hoof in each mouth and whispered loudly, "I will tell y'all everything, but y'all better promise not to tell anypony else." Unable to answer, the two fillies gave an exciting nod in agreement. "Also, would y'all please get off me?"


Before leaving the house, Applejack had breakfast prepared for her family and set them on the table. Outside the house, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo eagerly awaited for their wrestling friend.

Once the two fillies heard the door open, they turned around in excitement. However, Applejack was prepared and shushed them before they could make a sound. She then pointed in the direction of the apple trees. She began to walk over and her friends followed close behind. They walked deep inside the forest of apple trees until she was comfortable to speak to them.

"Okay go ahead."

"That was so awesome! You were like POW! And then you were like BUCK!"


Realizing what she said, she quickly covered her mouth, "Hehehe. Oops."

"Oh for Celestia's sake, it is not that big a deal."

"'Big a deal?'" Scootaloo mimicked, "You are a EWE Superstar! How is that not a big deal?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" said Rainbow Dash.

"This is somethin that I wanted to keep secret from my family."

"Why?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well... ya see uh..."

"Come on Applejack. Spit it out already."

Applejack took a deep breath, "The farm isn't doin so well these days. We've tried to get by with the money we make by sellin apple cider, but I hate to say it wasn't enough."

"What are you talking about?" questioned Rainbow Dash, "You make A LOT of bits selling apple cider. We all see that chest full of it on the stand."

"Yes, but most of that money goes toward resupplyin our inventory; such as fertilizer, our food for ourselves and the other critters, tools and equipment to fixin things around here. Whatever is left is too small to get by afterwards."

"So that's what made you become a wrestler?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well it ain't like I chose to do it. It was actually quite strange how it happened really. I was just doin my daily chores like normal, but one day I found a tree that collapsed near the chicken coop. I tried to find some rope to pull it out, but Big Mac was already usin' it to hoist up Applebloom to help paint the barn. So I just bucked the tree out of the coop. Then an old stallion approached me and saw what I had done. He was lost in the woods on his way to Ponyvile. He was heading into town to look for some new talent, but he felt like he found it. At first, I of course refused, but then he told me that I would get paid pretty well. I didn't care about the money, but I cared about my family. With that kind of money, I was able to help a lot around the farm. So that's when I started with the wrestling brand called NXT."

"NXT?" asked a confused Scootaloo.

"I recognize that name," said Rainbow Dash, "It's sort of a training ground for future EWE wrestlers. They prove their worth there and then move up to the main roster when they were good enough."

"And we got to see Applejack's debut last night!?!" Scootaloo shouted with a squeal.

"Durin my time with NXT, I learned a lot from the other wrestlers. At some point, I would either modify or make up my own moves to entertain the crowd. I was shocked when they told me that I would enter the main roster."

"So Applejack, how could you keep something like that a secret?" questioned Rainbow.

"Well it ain't easy. I would tell my folks that I had to run an errand or go outta town for a potential customer. Most of the time, Granny or Big Mac would wonder where all the bits came from. At some point, I ran out of stories to tell them. So I have a stash in case of emergencies. Gosh. I've made more bits than I ever thought I could make that are just sittin there. I would donate some money to charity when I can."

"That's amazing Applejack! Not only are you a popular wrestler, but now you are practically rich!" shouted Scootaloo.

"Now hold on there, I wouldn't say I was rich. I'm certainly better off than most ponies, but I'm not rich," Applejack corrected.

"Who cares if you are rich or not!?! You have one of the best jobs ever!" yelled Rainbow Dash. "You are an E... W... E... wrestler and you are really good at it."

Applejack then looked down and kicked a nearby rock, "Actually, to be honest, I don't care much for this wrestling business anymore."

"WHAT!?!" asked a shock Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"Look, I really appreciate both y'all's support, but I only took this job to help the farm. Now that we've made enough money to get by, I just want to get out. Ya get hurt in that ring and I get too tired to do the chores around the farm."

"Well if that's how you feel then why don't you just leave then?" asked Scootaloo.

"It's not that simple. I have a contract with them and I JUST joined the main roster. Lot a folks would be hurt from me leavin so soon."

"Well, maybe you can talk to them and try to get out of it," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"I guess I can give it a try, but Rich McColt isn't the most understandin pony," Applejack said in a worried tone.

"Oh come on Applejack. There are dozens and dozens of other wrestlers that work for him. How mad could he get if he lost one wrestler?" asked a confident Rainbow.

"Famous last words," Applejack thought to herself.