• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 7,621 Views, 50 Comments

The Prank Once Threw In Depression - Khushi1428

Rainbow Dash feels heartbroken and betrayed from her friends for making such prank on her.

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The Prank Once Threw In Depression

Story by Khushi1428

Rainbow Dash was surrounded by her friends and family, who were now infected by the cookies Rainbow Dash pranked for.

Rainbow Dash was really disappointed, and very heartbroken for what she did. She can only hear her friends saying a few lines, signing for need:


"N-No! Guys, please! I'm sorry! It's my fault for making this.. chaos! It was just a harmless prank! Please!" Rainbow begged her friends, not to hurt her, but they refused.

Suddenly, a inner voice muttered in her mind:

"Rainbow Dash, see the current nature going on, see your friends! See your family! And see yourself.. It is because, of one of your pranks you did. But, there's only one way.. become like them, and live your life with them in heaven, and most importantly.. never forget their friendship.."

After the voice, she sees a white atmosphere, showing her friends and her sister, Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash sees them and gets surprised.

"G-guys-" Rainbow Dash said before they fade away.

They slowly fade away, making Rainbow Dash step her knees on the ground. And, she trickles a tear, which lands on her cheek.

She gets back, where the zombies are still tracking her. Rainbow Dash tries to remember that her friends sang a song together, meaning that they will never break their friendship for life. When the zombies come closer, she picks the cookies and says:

"I-I'm sorry..."

She tears and eats the whole box, this makes the ponies stop walking and get surprised. After that, she sings the song they sang together:

Suddenly that isn't true
There's another avenue
Beckoning, the great divide
I would choose
The same joy the same sadness each step of the way
That fought me and taught me that friends never say
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye

She teared and cried. Her friends remember that day they sung, and Rainbow Dash waited for her final breath.

"Come on, let me die! I want to die in peace, and live my life with my family! PLEASE KILL ME!" Rainbow Dash cried with tears.

This made her friends cry, it made them feel that the prank they did was so hurtful that she wanted to kill herself for them. They finally, removed the rainbow frosting from their mouths with their hooves, and the princess went towards Rainbow Dash to calm her down.

"R-Rainbow Dash.." Twilight said those first words.

Rainbow Dash looked up, she sees Twilight along with her friends and family.

"T-Twilight? I-I'm dead?" Rainbow Dash said.

"No, you are not, Rainbow.."

"N-NO! I can see you all! Yes! Finally I'm in heaven! Woohoo! It's pretty good to be with you again.." She said with tears.

Her friends were shedding tears. She can't believe she was even ready for everything to see her friends. That's why she was called by Element of Loyalty.

"No, Rainbow darling.. you are not in heaven!" Rarity said with tears.

"W-what? What do you mean?" Rainbow said confusingly.

"I-It was just a prank, sugarcube.." Applejack said with tears, and takes off her hat.

"A.. A prank?"

"Yes, Rainbow! It was a prank to teach you a lesson!" Pinkie Pie said tearfully.

Rainbow went blank. She didn't answer anything. To barge the situation somewhere else, she decided to move.

"Uh, g-guys? I-I'm going home.." Rainbow Dash walks away from the crowd, leaving the girls.

When Rainbow walks away from the barn, she sheds tears and feels betrayed from her friends, and flies away.

5-minutes later, the ponies were sitting in the barn, having worried faces on them, and her friends were seen, crying. Applejack breaks the silence first by throwing her hat hardly.

"This is all because of your so-called prank!" Applejack said.

"But, Applejack! It was just to teach Rainbow-" Fluttershy said before Applejack could break her lines.

"WE DIDN'T TEACH HER A LESSON, UNLESS MAKING HER IN DEPRESSION!" Applejack screamed her throat off, causing complete silence in the barn.

Applejack sighs.

"Look, gals. You just made a prank to teach Rainbow a lesson, right?" Applejack said in passive.

Everyone nods.

"And suddenly, this prank kinda.. broke her heart, right?"

Everyone nods again.

"So! That means, your prank didn't show any value or lesson, at all!"

"W-what? Applejack, this prank was about to show a value to Rainbow Dash that-" Twilight said before Applejack could break her lines.

"-if she hurts somebody, you will do the exact same thing she did, this time make the prank more horrific to teach her a single value, right?"

Twilight gets a dead beat. She didn't answer anything, neither she had so, she sat sown on the ground carefully.

"What you guys want from her actually, huh? That she pranked you so you will do the same, as well?"

"Yeah! She embarrassed us in front of all!" A pony answers.

Everyone started to make a mumbling group, stating that everyone has problems with her. After that, Applejack calms down the ponies.

"Okay, okay, calm down everypony! But, listen.. Rainbow Dash just wanted to have a good time, and if her pranks were hurtful, why wouldn't you push her off to stop it? Or else, she would be left crying out of nowhere!" Applejack said.

"Your right, Applejack." Twilight walks away from the crowd and starts speeching. "This tells that, our prank was not just to teach her a lesson, but to show such sadness among her feelings. The pranks she did earlier, will be forgiven. And we all will try to make Rainbow apologize us all." Twilight said.

"B-but how are we ever gonna find her? We don't even know where she is going..." Rarity said.

"Rarity! You don't know? She was going home!"

"O-oh.. Didn't minded for that, either.."

"We are so stupid.. this prank made our friend to cry.." Pinkie said by banging her head by her hooves.

"Your not, we had only a bad idea, not a bad mind to do it.."

"Twilight's right. We should go to the cloud mansion to find her!" Fluttershy said.

"B-but what if she goes somewhere else? Like, suiciding?!" Pinkie said in fear.


"O-oh.. But, I'm really afraid.."

"Don't worry, Pinkie. Rainbow Dash won't be too desperate until she reaches home." Twilight commanded.

"Yeah! We should do something to make Rainbow apologize us!" Fluttershy said.

"B-but, one question... would Rainbow Dash, apologize us?" Rarity said my dropping her ears.

There was a few second silence. Then, Twilight broke it and went towards Rarity and calms her down.

"Don't worry, Rarity.. we will apologize for the crime we did to her, and she's our friend so, we will fight with friendship!" Twilight said.

"Yeah!" Everypony screamed.

"Let's go!"

Everypony ran out from the barn, finding Rainbow. When they reached her mansion, Twilight looked back at her friends, then knocked the door and said:

"R-Rainbow Dash?"

Would Rainbow open the door, or she's not at home at all?


Author's Note:

First chapter done! :pinkiehappy:

The poem was from here: http://www.theholidayspot.com/friendship/songs.htm