• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 2,606 Views, 29 Comments

Adventure with the Main Six. - DizzyPaws356

Cody helps out the main six that somehow jump over to real life and don't know how to get back.

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Chapter5: A Night With Pinkamena.

Made by: Dizzy Paws

Chapter5: A Night With Pinkamena.

Hello again. So now I got Rarity some fabrics to use so she will stop cutting my cloths up. We headed back to the house before Pinkie Pie got tangled up in more things. Over all, Pinkie Pie is not bad. When she starts to do what she does, then it gets hard to not just smack her, but I don't because that's not good to smack a guest or girls. But also I never knew she had another personality to her. After what heppen, I wanted to throw them out, but I couldn't do that.


As Applejack and I bring in the last roll of fabrics upstairs into my room for Rarity, "That should be it." Applejack said placing the fabric with the others, "Thank you Applejack." I tell her as we make our way to the living room. Seeing Fluttershy with my pets, Rainbowdash looking out the window, Twilight reading a book, Rarity sitting next to her also reading, and Pinkie Pie sitting on the couch upside down with her pink puffy hair touching the ground. "Pinkie Pie why are you sitting like that?" I ask her, "Because i'm board." she reply. I rub my chin as Rainbowdash turns around, "Pinkie Pie is right. It's boring." she said as she sits on the ground with her legs crossed.

"I guess we can have a small party..." I get intrepid by Pinkie Pie yelling, "Yes! Lets have a party!!!" she said as she jumps to her feet, "I love parties." she adds as she smiles big. I smile back, "Okay, let me get the party stuff form downstairs." I told her as I start to walk to the storage room I hear Pinkie Pie say, "Don't need to worry Cody, I have my Party Cannon!" as she pull a medium size cannon from thin air, "Wait Pinkie!.." I yell as I watch her pull the string on the back of the cannon. I drop to the floor before she pull it all the way back.

'Boom!' I hear before almost getting hit by the cannon, "Pinkie Pie! Don't shoot cannons in my house!" I yell, 'Wow. I NEVER though I had to say that sentence in my life.' I told myself as I look at Pinkie Pie and her party cannon, "Are you trying to kill me!?" I ask her as she giggles, "No silly. I look behind you." she said. I turn around and I see my kitchen set up for a party. "How is that possible?" I ask as I look back at Pinkie. She just smiles and skips into the kitchen. Rainbowdash gets up and runs to the kitchen with Pinkie Pie.

"Sweet! Pinkie Pie you throw the best parties ever!" Rainbowdash said. After a few hours of messing around in a party, it starts to get late. "Phew, i'm starting to get tired. I think i'm going to hit the hay." Applejack said as she sits down. Rarity. Fluttershy, and Rainbowdash agree. Then they head upstairs. "Hey Cody do you mind if I sleep in the book room?" Twilight ask, "Sure, but make sure you put the books back when you finish them" I tell her as she stands up and walks to the book room.

After the girls go up to bed, I see Pinkie Pie sitting in one of the chairs looking tired. "Hey Pinkie Pie, you look tired. Wanna go to bed?" I ask her as I walk over to her, "I'll carry you if you want." I added as I look into her sleepy eyes. She stands up and stretches, "I'm not tired enough to go to sleep. Can we watch something or just sit on the couch?" she ask walking to me. 'Is she trying to hit on me?' I ask myself, "Humm, ya. We can watch a movie on the T.v." I tell her as I help her to the couch.

I sit down next to Pinkie Pie on the couch and reach for the remote. I flip though the channels for something nice to watch. I ended up stopping at a music video that was smooth and calming. Pinkie Pie slowly leans onto my shoulder, 'Shit what do I do.' I ask myself as I slowly slide my hand so i'm holding her with one arm. She leans into me more as she starts to fall asleep. I smile and look down at her. I notice that her hair starts to lose it's puff and becomes more straight. 'That's a little strange... But this is Pinkie Pie i'm talking about...' I tell myself as I slowly start to fade asleep.

"Cody, wake up." I hear as I start to wake up. When I open my eyes I see Pinkie Pie sitting in a chair in front of me, but her hair was completely straight and a little darker. She also had a strange smile. "Good morning Cody." she said in a scary giggle. I try to say something, but I feel that my mouth is taped shut. I look down and see that i'm tied to the chair. Looking back up to Pinkie Pie, "Whats wrong Cody?" she ask as she stands up and walks to me. When she just stands one step in front of me, she reaches to my cheek and gently pulls on the tape off of my mouth, "Ouch, Pinkie Pie what are you doing." I ask her as she giggles.

"I'm not Pinkie Pie silly. My name is Pinkamena and i'm going to make cupcakes." she replies as she giggles, "But the kitchen is the other room..." I tell her as I can tell that she has gone insane. "No silly. I don't need a kitchen to make these kind of cupcakes." she replies still giggling scarily. "So what do you say Cody? Let's get started shall we?" she said in a sweet tone and stopped her giggle for a minuet, then started to giggle again. As she giggles, she reaches down to the floor. As she starts to pull her arm up, I see a knife slowly show. "What are you doing with that knife..." I ask as my heart starts to beat hard.

"I'm going to make you into a cupcake silly." she giggles, "And don't try to yell. It makes the cupcakes taste funny." she added as she gently places the tip of the blade on my left shoulder. She pulls the blade across my chest. It didn't have enough pressure to cut all the way, but almost a layer of skin. As the blade slowly slides across my chest, I felt the tip of the blade glide on my skin. When she get to my other shoulder, she started to slide it down the side of my chest. The feel of the blade just sliding down my body made my heart beat fast.

She cut out a square in my shirt and giggles, "Oppsise, I may should just take your shirt off scene it cut." she slowly cut the shirt more so It is just strips, "Now it is your turn." she places the tip of the cold blade on my chest. She gently cuts the shapes of the organs one by one, but the cuts now where deep enough to start to bleed. I think Quickly, "Wait Pinkamana, remember that your my girlfriend?" I ask hopping it would snap Pinkie Pie out of her moment. She stops holding the blade just kissing the base of my neck. The feel of the cold steel makes my heart beat on my rib cage.

"I am?" she ask as she stops giggling and tilts her head to the side. "Remember when my mom and dad came to see how we are doing?" I ask her as she pulls the blade away, "I remember that." she replies as she puts the blade away. I think fast, "Yea Pinkamena. We have been going out for a few weeks." I add as I see this is keeping me alive. She looks into my eyes as she thinks, "I'm sorry that I almost made you into a cupcake." she said as she sits on my lap, "I hope you don't hate me now." she said as she cuddles up to me. Some of my blood gets on her shirt, hands and some in her hair, but she doesn't mind it. After a few minuets of her cuddling with me that I notice that she is slowly falling asleep and drops her knife.

When I can tell she is fast asleep, I try to reach into my pocket where I keep my pocket knife. After five minuets of trying to get the knife, I take it out and open it up. As I cut the rope around my hands, I see that Pinkamena's hair start to become puffy again and a lighter pink color. I finish cutting myself out of the chair, I make sure that I don't wake her up. When I finish I slowly pick her up and carry her up to the couch upstairs. When I place her down on my couch, I take her shirt and pants that have blood on them to the laundry room. I throw them in the hamper and get her night cloths.

When I get back to her, I see that her hair is back to her some what normal puffy pink hair. I slowly slide the new shirt and shorts onto her without waking her up. When I finish, I go to the kitchen and wet a paper towel. I walk over to her and gently wipe the blood from her hands and hair. When I finished cleaning her up, I go to the restroom on the other side of the room and clean my chest up. When I open the Aid kit under the sink and wrap up my bleeding chest. As I finish cleaning myself up, I head out into the living room. 'I will never know what to expect from her now...' I tell myself as I place a blanket on her.