• Published 27th Jul 2017
  • 4,580 Views, 47 Comments

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Zubric

After helping to win an adventure inside a foalish adventure book, Starlight has to endure her week as a foal

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A friendly Visit

Starlight awoke from her afternoon nap with a yawn rubbing her eyes. The always unwelcome feeling of a used diaper greeted her causing her to shiver and whine. Twilight, as usual, was quick to trot in and comfort her. She clung to the coat as she moved to the mat set up. Needless to say, she didn't exactly hold still during the cleaning process despite the several changes she had gone through in only these two days. Once done she grabbed her plush beat and sighed

Twilight patted the fresh pink diaper which almost blended in with Starlight own fur. “There you go, all nice and dry,” she mothered, before setting the foal upon her back and took her along to the main study before setting her down on the soft playmat.

While Twilight went to sit down at a nearby table to look over her latest book, Starlight observed the toys before her. The inner foal was just wanting to play with anything that looked colourful while her adult side was just keeping her from putting anything in her mouth. After a moment she chose to take the crayons near by and draw some images. She started with a stick figure of her and Twilight passing a ball between each other. The foal idly kicked her legs while she drew humming to herself. The fun activity reminded her of when she and Sunburst would do crafts together, although looking back she could definitely tell she wasn’t much an artist but her dad had always given the supportive ‘that very nice’ and the usual parental praise. Starlight chuckled a bit realizing this week long foalhood was giving her some perspective.

“Everything okay, Starlight?” Twilight asked, leaning down to look at her.

Starlight blinked and twitched a little. “Huh, oh yeah just got lost in thought is all,” Starlight lisped, moving her crayon to make Twilight’s mane.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and kept smiling. “Oh, what about Starlight?”

“Just about Sunburst and how we used to play,” the filly stated, drawing a small tree next to herself adding a tire swing to it.

“Aww, do you want me to set up a playdate?” The princess teased playfully, reaching out with her wing and tickling the foal’s side.

Starlight immediately eeped, laughing at the feathery assault. Her eyes then went wide. “No, I don’t want him to see me like this,” her cheeks redden again imagine him seeing her small chubby form and cooing at her like everyone else had been for the past few days. Something about a close friend seeing her like this just seemed so embarrassing even if Twilight’s friends had seen her already.

Her caretaker just laughed some. “Oh don’t be a silly little star, you been seen by a bunch of ponies by now.” Twilight happily reached down and scooped up her charge nuzzling motherly. Just as Twilight was about to speak again, Spike was heard skittering down the hall.

“I’ll get it,” Spike shouted, clearly having heard someone at the front door while Twilight had been distracted.

Twilight carried Starlight on her back as they move down the hall to check out who had come to visit. They didn’t have to wait long as Starlight heard the crisp projected voice of the guest. “Hello Spike, Trixie is here to chat with Starlight while she’s in town.”

Starlight eeped in sudden panic. She wasn’t sure why but the thought of Trixie seeing her like this made her worry she laugh at her. As illogical as it was she still reacted her horn having an urge of magic which caused her to teleport away. It had been impulse really she hadn’t meant to but in her current tiny form, her magic was unstable when emotions came to be a factor. Turns out that she had reappeared in her bedroom of all places. The startled filly quickly waddled under her bed to hide. The sounds of hooves were heard running by as Twilight was no doubt in a panic to find her but the foal did not budge despite not wanting to upset her ‘mommy’ more. The two sides of her mind kept silently conflicting as she kept an ear out shaking lightly. Several moments passed before her door was opened.

“Starlight!” Twilight called out, glancing around the room. “This is no time for hide and seek.”

Starlight could see Trixie behind the princess looking confused. “If she isn’t home Trixie can come back later.” Trixie paused realizing what Twilight had just uttered. ‘Wait, hide and seek? Isn’t that for foals?”

Twilight spun on her hooves facing back at the unicorn. “That because she is a foal.” The princess entered the room peeking under the desk.

“Foal? Wait, you actually pulled off the age spell?”

“What, no I didn’t do it, was some book it’s a long story,” Twilight remarked getting closer to the bed. Starlight attempted to move away from sight only to stick her tail out from the edge of the bed.

Trixie keen eyes spotted the stubby tail encompassing her magic around. Starlight yelps in a start as she dragged out slowly. “Gotcha.” The magician declared only for her horn to be booped by Twilight’s outstretched hoof dispelling the light telekinesis.

“Trixie no, that is no way to grab a foal,” Twilight mothered soon picking up the stunned filly. She pressed Starlight to her chest “Shhhh, there there, don’t be scared it’s just Trixie.”

Trixie was quite surprised to see this side of Twilight considering she never seen such maternal ponies since she been hired to do an act at one of Manehatton’s daycares. After recovering from the horn flick she stared at Starlight who was clinging to Twilight chest for comfort. “So some enchanted book turned her into a foal? Didn’t think she was that careless.”

Starlight whined, “It wasn’t my fault.” She looked away embarrassed. Don’t call me cute, don’t call me cute-

“She looks so adorable with such chubby cheeks,” Trixie complemented.

Drat, here it comes. Starlight clung to her caretaker more already hearing the tone change in her friend's voice.

“Can I hold her, please? I didn’t mean to scare the filly.” Trixie held out her hooves. The protective mother only hesitated for a few seconds before passing the foal over to the unicorn. The mare dawwed a little and give a little tickle to Starlight’s tummy.

The embarrassment quickly faded as Starlight giggles pushing helplessly on the massive hoof. ‘Heheh, no me ticklish.” Her speech slipped for a moment as Trixie made faces at her which only caused a few more burst of laughter out of the easily amused mindset.

Spike watched with an amused smirk. “Wow Trixie, you’re a natural.”

Trixie scoffed, “Oh playing with foals is easy, Trixie had to take few foal sitting jobs to make ends meet once. Thankful the little ones I was foalsitting were out of diapers.” She booped Starlight’s nose. “Boop got your nose.” She pulled her hoof back watching the foal reach out for her supposed stolen nose.

Starlight wiggle and reach out for the hoof thinking her nose was taken “Nu gimmie back.” She didn’t stop herself from slipping into such playful behaviour finding it to be quite fun.

Trixie giggles as well moving her hoof away. “Uh, uh what the magic word?” she asked, grinning ear to ear.

“Please!” Starlight hit her friends with the power of her foalish big puppy dog eyes. She giggled when Trixie smiled back at her and rubbed her hoof on the foal’s nose. ‘Yay!” the filly cheered.

Spike and Twilight couldn’t stop smiling at the innocent moment letting Trixie tickle the filly again. After a minute, the group headed to one of the study Starlight set down on the soft playmat once more. Trixie sat down nearby and passing a ball to the filly. “So, how being a foal feel?”

Starlight held the ball in her tiny hooves taking a moment to look at Twilight. “Uh, small and constantly called adorable. I guess it is nice to just play and relax without a care. Could go without making stinks so much.”

Trixie snickered covering her mouth in a vain attempt to hide her smile. ‘Oh I bet that is so gross, but you must tell Trixie how you got turned into such an adorable little star,” she teased, ruffling the short mane again.

Gah, what is up with this spell and lack of personal space! Starlight shook her head for a moment. “Like Twilight said, it was a magic book.” She told Trixie the tale of her adventure especially the part where Trixie had been up on stage dancing around in padding too.

Trixie blushed. “What? I never dressed up like that,” she paused leaning down. ‘Did I at least put on a good show?”

“Yeah, and adorably too,” Twilight interjected, amused when she saw Trixie blushing. The reaction caused Starlight to laugh in delight and kick her legs in the air and rolling into her back.

“Laugh at Trixie, will you? Well here comes the Great and Powerful Tickle monster.” Swooping down like an eagle, Trixie began to raspberry her friend's tummy. “Pffff!” The filly squealed worming around happily as she tickled. “Haha, take this.” She did another before pulling back giving the filly’s nose a light boop.

Twilight awed and soon picked up her foal. “Uh oh, you need a diapee change,” she cooed, seeing Starlight blushed having just not noticed the sogginess. She nuzzled once more and laid her foal on the changing mat once more going about the change. “I”m going to take you to Canterlot tomorrow and show you off to my parents. I’m sure Celestia will find you adorable.”

Starlight resumed blushing at the news of even more embarrassing moments to come. On the other hoof, she got to have more fun too. The filly finds herself relaxing as her fresh pink diaper was taped snugly into place. Her temporary mother pulled her into a cuddle the warmth washing over her. The other two watched as she hugged back with her tiny hooves pressing into the chest and listening to the heart beat.

While Twilight held her foal close she could pick up the unmistakable sound of a low rumble and smiled. “Aww, I think somepony is hungry.“ Without another word, the group moved along to the kitchen and the foal sat into her highchair. The princess once more smiled at Trixie float the baby food out of the cupboard. “Do you want to feed her Trixie, she well behaved.”

Trixie could already see Starlight make a face at the particular flavor Twilight had chosen shuffling it away from her with a light nudge of her hoof. Her action was only counter by Twilight nudging it back without any reaction. “Can’t hurt to help the princess, although I don’t think she likes the flavor.” Trixie pointed to Starlight sticking her tongue out.

“Oh, she just being fussy,” Twilight dismissed, tying a large pink bib to Starlight neck.

“Bleh no want cabbage,” Starlight whined, as Trixie came over to the highchair and picks up the spoon.

“Well, if that what Twilight wants you to eat then you will eat it,” Trixie replied, spooning up the green mush. It did smell a bit odd but harmless regardless. “Come on now, eat up.” The spoon boops on the foal’s lips. Starlight kept being fussy shaking her head as the spoon smeared the bland veggie mash on her lips. “Oh, do you want the tickle monster to get you?” Trixie teased.

“Eep no not again,” Starlight whined, covering her tummy with her hooves only for the spoon to go swapping into her mouth. She whined swallowing on reflex sticking her tongue out. “Uck.” she kept being fussing as Trixie spooned the meal into her mouth the magician having to use funny faces at one point to have the foal open up. After a few more spoons, Starlight gave in and just ate her meal despite the not preferred flavor. Thankfully, at the end of all strain on her taste buds, came a nice bottle of chocolate milk. The filly squealed and latch on guzzling it down with glee as the icky taste was washed away.


After dinner, Trixie had set up a puppet show using plushies and a few props. The teddy bear glowed in Trixie magic as the puppeteer moved her props around. Spike was helping too as he moved the pony figure around. “You’ll never have our honey,” Spike said in a silly voice, dancing the toy around.

“I will little pony, for I am the bear spirit oooh.” Trixie sprinkled glitter on the pony figure using her magic to make it extra sparkly. Starlight cooed and seemed easily amused by it looking simply adorable.

“No, not that bear curse!” Spike shook the pony doll around pushing it down and swapping it for a blue teddy. “Change me back meany.” Spike barely kept a straight face at the silliness.

“Yeah meany,” Starlight injected, clapping childishly. This is pretty goofy.

Trixie giggles and moves the bear again. “I will only change you back once you get my honey,” she set a jar next to Spike.

“But don’t bears eat fish?” Spike asked moving his doll to pick up a flat cardboard fish.

Trixie gasped. ‘Oh, fish!” The teddy noms on it flopping along the ground causing more laughs from Starlight. The play kept going for another ten minutes being full of random events and silly voices. Soon the evil magical bear was defeated as a yawn escaped Starlight mouth despite trying to hide it.

“Well looks like it’s little Starlight’s bedtime,” Twilight sang, picking up her filly and patting her back as Trixie helped to clean up the toys.

Starlight rubbed her eyes as they droop slightly. “B-but I wanna play more,” she yawned.

Trixie smiled turning to face her beaming ear to ear. “This evening was quite fun I felt like I was a child again. Maybe Twilight can change you into a foal again sometimes so we can entertain you,” she teased.

The foal found herself leaning into Twilight’s chest as she taken along back to the bedroom. “Tomorrow going to be fun I just know it,” Twilight said, while getting the foal changed and into a pair of soft blue pajamas. She lowered Starlight onto the bed watching Starlight hug her new teddy bear.

Starlight looked up at Twilight for a moment with a smile. “Thanks for watching out for me,” she said, before laying her head back down and closing her eyes. Within a minute the foal had dozed on into a peaceful slumber. The caretaker one last check that the filly was comfortable before heading to the door. She was going to miss being a mother after this week was over, but what a learning experience it been so far.