• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 328 Views, 8 Comments

Addict With A Pen - ChildrenOfTheSun

Snowy is just a pony, broken down by a vile and mean world. Waking up every single morning with a grimace and pulling herself up to get doing what she must. And while she covers it all in deep philosophy and ideology, it doesn't make her pain subside

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Chapter Zero, Capitulation

Snowy sat upon her chair, staring blankly at the page before her. A pencil pressed gently against the table, a orange-ish light falling upon it. Her sensitive eyes straining somewhat to themselves open. Even as she was so tired and weak, she wanted to do something more. To push herself to stroke out beauty onto the page without hesitation. But it did not come to her. To be able to write thought provoking poems or spill out her guts to nothing. To grind out her emotional state onto someone else, for them to look at it and think for once.

After so long, she just gave up. A pale white hoof reaching out to press her lamp’s on-off button. And with a satisfying click, the light went out. And after waiting for but a moment for her eyes to adapt, to relax into their normal black-ish orbs, she reached to push her chair back, and she fell off of it onto the carpeted floor. Glancing around her messy and unkempt room. She felt a sudden stab into her stomach, it was the same emotional feeling. One which she wished she could just ignore…

Snowy reached a hoof to rub her face softly, even though it was more so to cover her eyes and hide them from the horrible living space before them. Until she relaxed, a soft sigh leaving her. And she just took off, out of her room. At a steady pace. And into her apartment’s hallway, all of the doorways down her hall were closed. Including the other bedroom and the bathroom. And she walked into the living room, which only contained a coffee table in front of a soft couch and a love seat. Things she rarely used.

The Bat Pony mare knew what she planned to do, and it wasn’t going to be pleasant. Taking only a few steps into the barely separated “dining room”, which was empty, she moved into the kitchen. Knowing all the shame in it, she didn’t care. And she walked over to the fridge, reaching out with her mouth to pull it open, Her fanged teeth gripping around it as she took one or two steps back, and flicked her head to the side slightly. And stuck her head into the fridge. Producing a pack of alcoholic beverages. Six bottles to be exact. And she lifted if off of the rack which it set, one of her hooves reaching to throw it closed.

Snowy, the delicate little thing, just turned around again and moved back out of the kitchen, through the dining room, through the living room, down the empty hall, and back into her room, kicking the door shut behind her, somewhat softly, and moving to her bed, no, the mattress on the floor she called a bed. Setting the box onto the plastic, hollow crate beside her bed. She laid back onto her bed. Her head laying onto a uncovered, fluff ball of a pillow. Not yet reaching for her blanket, which was something she’d had for years. Since her uncle kicked her out for failing to meet his expectations.

She reached to one of the several bottles, and then took it’s top to her mouth and uncapped it. Spitting the cap into a pile of nothing, or toys, or books. Or whatever covered the floor, and she just flipped it over and shoved it into her mouth. Some of the liquid falling onto her face, down her neck and cheeks, and onto her bed. Wetting it and soaking into the dark blue sheets. Even though it tasted like shit, it gave her a shudder and made her feel just that much better. The feeling that she should be productive right now melting away. Gulping it down and breathing through her nose. She felt peaceful like that. As if she had escaped her shit life. And she continued drinking her problems away, until sleep took her. And she dropped off into nothingness. A dreamless unwell rested sleep. One which she wouldn't wake up from happy and smiling, instead wishing she never even slept.

Author's Note:

I wanted to name this one " Surrender for tonight" but I thought that'd too long, so I just went with this. Also, I plan to actively keep up with this. Posting a chapter every week at least. I'll hold myself to this standard, and you'll get more beautiful depression.