• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 686 Views, 10 Comments

Stormy Skies for Ponyville - DarkestAutumn

A story about a pegasus named Stormy Skies who lives in Ponyville. She's perfectly normal... right

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1_____________________________________________________________________
Stormy Skies, the young female pegasus burst through Darkest Autumn’s Door with a smile on her face that could brighten up a day like a flashlight could in a dark cave. “Mom! I’m home!” she cried out. Darkest Autumn, another peagasus with a coat like ash and a heart of gold rushed to hug her daughter. “How was your last day at school?” she asked. “Oh, it was awesome!” The grayish-blue pony replied. “We threw a big party and Dusty’s dad brought in cookies and we played pin the tail on the pony and we all wrote a story about what we’re gonna do on Summer Vacation! Do you wanna hear mine?” The jet-black mare smiled. “Of course I do.”

Hearing her daughter tell her story of warm beaches and plentiful games throughout the season made Darkest Autumn happy. In fact, her daughter being happy at all made her happy too. The truth was that Stormy Skies was not actually her daughter. Stormy Skies wasn’t even from Ponyville, Canterlot, or anywhere in Equestria. But none of these facts really mattered to Autumn, because they didn’t change the fact that she loved Stormy.

About an hour after telling her Summer Story to her mother and eating lunch, Stormy Skies went outside to play, as almost every little filly and colt does after school. Today, she thought, I am going to go to Dusty’s house and thank his father for the cookies, ‘cuz mommy says it’s polite. And then I will go to Little Apple’s house and play with her. Little Apple was Stormy Skies’ best friend. She was one of the ‘Apple Family’, as she called it, and she was very nice. Unfortunately, everypony called her “Midget Apple” because it just worked as an insulting name. But Stormy didn’t care about what her name was, because she cared more about making friends.

After visiting Dusty and praising him for his baked pastries, she headed towards the Apple Family barn to go visit Little Apple. She knocked on the door and was greeted by Applejack. Stormy Skies recognized her all too well. In her past visits to the farm, Applejack had shared stories with both Stormy and Little Apple about how she, as one of the Elements of Harmony, had defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord the Drak-Coney-Kwes (At least, that was how Stormy Skies thought it was spelled). Stormy looked up to all the Elements of Harmony. They were so brave, and even at the worst of times, so loyal to one another. She respected them with all her heart. “Well, Howdy!” said Applejack. “What can I do ya for, Stormy?” “Can I play with Little Apple today?” asked the young foal politely. “Why sure!” replied Applejack. “Hey, L.A.! Yer School-Friend’s here to see you!” “Oh boy!” cheered a high-pitched voice from inside the barn. In 10 seconds flat, the young earth pony filly had jumped right out to meet her friend. “I was just inside listening to one of Applejack’s stories. Do you wanna listen with me?” Applejack blushed. “Well, it’s nothin’ special really... you may have heard it before...” “Well, Stormy hasn’t!” said Little Apple. Stormy looked up eagerly into the face of the orange cowpony. “I’d really like to hear it, Applejack.” Applejack’s face turned even redder, but she finally agreed. “Oh, alright. Come on inside.”

The best part about hearing a story from Applejack was that she was the Element of Honesty, so you could get the story and trust that what she said actually happened. “Alright, so as I was sayin’, this here story’s about the Canterlot invasion.” Stormy was confused. “Canterlot was invaded by aliens?” she asked. “Close,” laughed Applejack. “Well, one day my friends and I were havin’ a picnic, when all of a sudden Spike comes runnin’ up with a weddin’ invitation....” And so went on the story, from when Twilight Sparkle was madder than a beat-up rattlesnake. and how everypony thought Cadance had was sweeter than apple pie, and when Twilight was sent to the caves beneath Canterlot, when finally she told of the climax.
“And then, Twi and some other pony came burstin’ right through the doors, and guess who that other pony was? Cadance! There was two of ‘em! And while everypony sat there wonderin’ how in the name of Celestia did there come to be two princesses, the Cadance next to Twilight said, “She’s a Changelin’!” Stormy Skies raised her hoof into the air. “Ummm... Applejack? What’s a changeling?” “I’m mighty glad you asked that, Stormy. Why, a changeling is one of the most foulest things on earth. They’re small, fanged little creatures that look like a half-pony, half-insect. They all have black coats and holes in their legs, like they were made o’ cheese! They have tiny little wings and a tiny little horn on their head. And guess what they like to eat?” “L-little fillies like us?” stammered the 2 young ponies. Applejack laughed again. “No, but you were close again. They eat LOVE. They transform into other ponies, and feed off the love an’ good feelings other ponies feel for it.” Stormy Skies shifted in her seat nervously. “Scary, huh?” whispered Little Apple. “Yeah!” laughed Stormy. “I think if I met one, I might faint!”

And so Applejack continued about how the Cadance that was getting married suddenly grew long, blue-green hair, and holes popped into her legs as though somepony was shooting them with a machine gun, and how her pretty, purple-pink wings transformed into ugly, ripped up insect wings, and how the real Cadance and Shining Armor defeated the Queen of the Changelings with their love, and finished with how they all got banished from Equestria. “Now, it’s been about three years since that happened, and we haven’t seen head nor tail of them Changelings since.” The two fillies clapped and cheered for Applejack’s magnificent story, and she blushed again. “Aww, shucks, I didn’t do nothin’, it was more Twilight and Cadance who saved the day...” “Nonsense, big sis’, you did your best!” complimented Little Apple. “Well, that’s enough of story time today, why don’t y’all go outside and play?” “Yeah!” said Stormy Skies, heading for the door. “Let’s go play ball, I’ve been training and my aim is better now!” “Alright!” cheered Little Apple. And the 2 fillies scampered outside.

Stormy Skies picked up the ball and tossed it to Little Apple. “All right,” she said. “Ready... Set...” “Midget Apple, WHAT are YOU doing?” a voice made Stormy drop the ball. “Oh no...” moaned Little Apple. “Why does Gabriella Greenback always have to ruin our fun?” Gabriella Greenback was an an acid-green unicorn, and one of the snobbiest fillies in Ponyville. “Playing with Stormy Skies AGAIN? I’ve warned you so many times, Stormy, a pegasus like you shouldn’t be hanging out with filthy Earth Ponies like THAT piece of garbage.” Stormy Skies scowled at her. “Just because I’m a pegasus doesn't make me a better pony than Little Apple,” she spoke in a dangerous tone. “And it’s better than being friends with a dirty bully like YOU.” Gabriella Greenback smiled almost evilly. “Oh Stormy Skies, you’ll never learn. What if you want to go flying? She won’t be by your side. What if you want to have a sleep-over in the clouds? She won't be there. She’s a worthless pile of trash, and she always will be.”
“How DARE you insult Little Apple!” screamed Stormy, suddenly leaping into the air to tackle Gabriella. “Stormy, please don’t! We’ll get in trouble!” cried Little Apple. Gabriella, shocked at the sudden act of violence, dived out of the way. She used her magic to levitate herself up to a height where Stormy could not reach her, but this was totally pointless, for after falling to the ground Stormy, being a pegasus, flew to her level and prepared for attack. Gabriella Greenback, still in a state of shock, kicked Stormy in the stomach with her hind legs. Stormy stared, mouth agape and eyes wide. For a second, her image seemed to flicker like a dying lightbulb. Then again and again, until finally, Stormy Skies was no more.

Time seemed to freeze. Gabriella Greenback looked ready to faint, her eyes nearly popping out of her head with an expression of sheer horror. Little Apple standing on the ground hopelessly, her jaw nearly touching the ground. “What?” came a voice not at all like the blue-gray pegasus' had been. Her voice was reedy and had a hint of a reverb, like a bee’s buzz. “What’s the matter? Why are you all staring at me?” “You-- you...” stammered Gabriella, but Little Apple finished her sentence.